BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Coventry (169)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
MR488 Not entered 1877 Metasandstone. 'Original entry: Quartzite (Containing Apparent Organisms)'
Abells Qy, Nuneaton,
thin section E1176, MR554, Rhodes,J.(Senior) * 1877 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
Midland Company's quarry,100 yards north of Midland Station, Nuneaton,
MR550 Not entered 1877 'Original entry: Shale'
Ond qy. 0.5 miles nothwest of Hartshill near Nuneaton,
thin section E1186, MR547, Not entered 1877 Metasandstone. 'Original entry: Quartzite'
Hartshill,2.5 miles northwest of Nuneaton,
MR14306 Not entered 1933 Diorite. 'Original entry: Barie Hornblende-Rich Diorite (Raumell)'
Wanton Hall Quarries,Wanton Hall Quarries, Uluealou,
thin section E30975, MR10260, Not entered 1933 Lamprophyres. 'Original entry: Camptonite'
Griffith's Quarry,Griffs, near Nuneaton,
MR10244 Not entered 1933 Diorite. 'Original entry: Laumontite In Radial Aggregate'
Croft Granite Quarry,Croft, 5.5 ml ENE of Hinckley,
MR10243 Not entered 1933 Diorite. 'Original entry: Laumontite "Eye" In Nodule'
Croft Granite Quarry,Croft, 5.5 ml ENE of Hinckley,
MR10242 Not entered 1933 Diorite. 'Original entry: Analcite And Calcite In Vein'
Croft Granite Quarry,Croft, 5.5 ml ENE of Hinckley,
MR10241 Not entered 1933 Diorite. 'Original entry: Contaminated Rock With ?Analcite In Vesicles'
Croft Granite Quarry,Croft, 5.5 ml ENE of Hinckley,
MR12977 Not entered 1934 Quartzite. 'Original entry: Tuttle Hill Quartzite'
Midland Quarry,west side of road, foot of Tuttle Hill, Nuneaton,
MR12972 Not entered 1934 Mudstone, Manganiferous. 'Original entry: Manganese From Joints Of Quartzite'
Midland Quarry,west side of road, foot of Tuttle Hill, Nuneaton,
MR12968 Not entered 1934 Quartzite. 'Original entry: Basal Bed Of Park Hill Quartzite'
Judkins Higher Quarry,Tuttle Hill, Nuneaton,
MR12967 Not entered 1934 Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Micaceous Slaty Sandstone Of First Parting In Park Hill Quartzite'
Judkins Lower Quarry,S.E. end of Tuttle Hill, Nuneaton,
MR12966 Not entered 1934 Felsite. 'Original entry: Felspar Rock Or Quartz Felsite - Caldecote Series'
Abells Quarry,Hartshill, near Nuneaton,
MR12965 Not entered 1934 Limestone. 'Original entry: Hyolithes Limestone Of Camp Hill Quartzite'
Woodlands Quarry,Hartshill (N.W. side of village),
MR12964 Not entered 1934 Basalt. 'Original entry: Basalt. Intrusive Into And Overlying The Felspar Rock Or Quartz Felsite Of The C'
Blue Hole Cold Quarry,N.E. side of Tuttle Hill, Nuneaton,
MR12963 Not entered 1934 Basalt. 'Original entry: Basalt. Intrusive Into And Overlying The Felspar Rock Or Quartz Felsite Of The C'
Blue Hole Cold Quarry,N.E. side of Tuttle Hill, Nuneaton,
thin section ENQ389 Enquiry * 1941 Not entered
thin section ENQ390 Enquiry * 1941 Not entered

Showing 1 - 20 of 1461