BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Dartford (271)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section E12384 Hallimond,Doctor * Silicate-Sand.
Road cutting Nr. Cobham
thin section E9273 Dewey,H. * 'Original entry: Chert'
Shooters Hill
thin section E9272 Dewey,H. * 'Original entry: Chert'
Shooters Hill
thin section E9271 Dewey,H. * Chert.
Shooters Hill
thin section E31855 Dixon,E.E.L. * Marble.
Camden Park Pit. Chislehurst
thin section E18614 Phemister,J. * Silicate-Sand.
thin section E18601, E18601/A, Road Research Laboratory * Marble.
Associated Portland Cement Manufaturing Co. North Fleet
thin section E18505 Hallimond,Doctor * Marble.
BBC's Chalk Qry. Nr. Stone. Dartford
thin section E17346, E17346/A, Dewey,H. * Not entered
Knotsmill Wood, Kingsdown, Sevenoaks (should be sheet E287)
thin section E12710 Hallimond,Doctor * Not entered
Road cutting, W of Hill. Cobham
thin section E12709 Hallimond,Doctor * Not entered
Road cutting Nr. Cobham
thin section E12386 Hallimond,Doctor * Not entered
Road cutting Nr. Cobham
thin section E12385 Hallimond,Doctor * Not entered
Road cutting, W of Hill. Cobham
MR21289 Not entered 1957 Gravel. 'Original entry: Flint Gravel'
Quarry,Nine Acre Shaw Pit, W Thurrock,
MR22088 Not entered 1959 Flint. 'Original entry: Flint Gravel With Quartzite Pebbles'
Darenth Pit
MR21949 Not entered 1959 Gravel. 'Original entry: Flint And Sandstone Gravel'
Quarry,Darenth Lane Pit, Dartford,PET XLIII p315
MR32753, COLLNOCM8, Berry,F.G. * 1975 Not entered
Bh1. 100m SE of Chislehurst Railway Station (Depth 9.5-10m)
MR32752, COLLNOCM7, Berry,F.G. * 1975 Not entered
Bh1. 100m SE of Chislehurst Railway Station (Depth 7.5-8m)
MR32751, COLLNOCM6, Berry,F.G. * 1975 Not entered
Bh1. 100m SE of Chislehurst Railway Station (Depth 6-6.5m)
MR32750, COLLNOCM5, Berry,F.G. * 1975 Not entered
Bh1. 100m SE of Chislehurst Railway Station (Depth 4.5-5m)

Showing 1 - 20 of 106