BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Hawes (50)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section E67347, COLLNOTCP2, Pharaoh,T. * Siltstone (Undifferentiated).
Silverdale Borehole 195.7m, datum (KBE) +427.0m; TCP2
thin section E67346, COLLNOTCP1, Pharaoh,T. * Siltstone (Undifferentiated).
Silverdale BH 191.4m, datum (KBE) +427.0m; TCP1
thin section E67348, COLLNOTCP3, Pharaoh,T. * Siltstone (Undifferentiated).
Silverdale BH 200.0m, datum (KBE) +427.0m; TCP3
MR9951 Not entered 1933 Psammite, Calcareous . 'Original entry: Grit, Exceptionally Calcareous'
Ingleton Granite Quarry,on the Ingleton - Hawes road, 1 mile N.E. of Ingleton, Yorkshire,See JFN Green, PGA, 1917, Note on the correlation of the Ingletonian
MR9950 Not entered 1933 Metasandstone. 'Original entry: Grit, Fine Greyish-Green'
Ingleton Granite Quarry,on the Ingleton - Hawes road, 1 mile N.E. of Ingleton, Yorkshire,See JFN Green, PGA, 1917, Note on the correlation of the Ingletonian
MR9949 Not entered 1933 Metasandstone. 'Original entry: Slate, With Grit Bands'
Ingleton Granite Quarry,on the Ingleton - Hawes road, 1 mile N.E. of Ingleton, Yorkshire,See JFN Green, PGA, 1917, Note on the correlation of the Ingletonian
MR9948 Not entered 1933 Metasandstone. 'Original entry: Slate, Green, Rather Coarse'
Ingleton Granite Quarry,on the Ingleton - Hawes road, 1 mile N.E. of Ingleton, Yorkshire,See JFN Green, PGA, 1917, Note on the correlation of the Ingletonian
MR9963 Not entered 1933 Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Grit'
old quarry at Quarry Wood, Greeta Valley, a little E of Twistleton Manor House - location not,in gazetteer,See JFN Green, PGA, 1917, Note on the correlation of the Ingletonian
MR9962 Not entered 1933 Metamudstone. 'Original entry: Slate'
old quarry at Quarry Wood, Greeta Valley, a little E of Twistleton Manor House - location not in gazetteer,See JFN Green, PGA, 1917, Note on the correlation of the Ingletonian
MR9961 Not entered 1933 Quartz (Vein). 'Original entry: Vein Quartz With Chlorite'
Ingleton Granite Quarry,on the Ingleton - Hawes road, 1 mile N.E. of Ingleton, Yorkshire,See JFN Green, PGA, 1917, Note on the correlation of the Ingletonian
MR9960 Not entered 1933 Rock, Siliciclastic, Arenaceous. 'Original entry: Decomposed Arkose'
Ingleton Granite Quarry,on the Ingleton - Hawes road, 1 mile N.E. of Ingleton, Yorkshire,See JFN Green, PGA, 1917, Note on the correlation of the Ingletonian
MR9959 Not entered 1933 Pelite. 'Original entry: Decomposed Slate'
Ingleton Granite Quarry,on the Ingleton - Hawes road, 1 mile N.E. of Ingleton, Yorkshire,See JFN Green, PGA, 1917, Note on the correlation of the Ingletonian
MR9958 Not entered 1933 Calcite-Sand. 'Original entry: Calcite With With Chloritic Material'
Ingleton Granite Quarry,on the Ingleton - Hawes road, 1 mile N.E. of Ingleton, Yorkshire,See JFN Green, PGA, 1917, Note on the correlation of the Ingletonian
MR9957 Not entered 1933 Metamudstone. 'Original entry: Slickensided Slate'
Ingleton Granite Quarry,on the Ingleton - Hawes road, 1 mile N.E. of Ingleton, Yorkshire,See JFN Green, PGA, 1917, Note on the correlation of the Ingletonian
MR9956 Not entered 1933 Fault-Breccia. 'Original entry: Fault Breccia, Fragments Of Decomposing Fine Grit With Calcite Cement And Abunda'
Ingleton Granite Quarry,on the Ingleton - Hawes road, 1 mile N.E. of Ingleton, Yorkshire,See JFN Green, PGA, 1917, Note on the correlation of the Ingletonian
MR9955 Not entered 1933 Fault-Breccia. 'Original entry: Fault Breccia, Fragments Of Decomposing Fine Grit With Calcite Cement And Abunda'
Ingleton Granite Quarry,on the Ingleton - Hawes road, 1 mile N.E. of Ingleton, Yorkshire,See JFN Green, PGA, 1917, Note on the correlation of the Ingletonian
MR9954 Not entered 1933 Conglomerate. 'Original entry: Conglomerate, Arkose Containing Slate Chips'
Ingleton Granite Quarry,on the Ingleton - Hawes road, 1 mile N.E. of Ingleton, Yorkshire,See JFN Green, PGA, 1917, Note on the correlation of the Ingletonian
MR9953 Not entered 1933 Psammite, Pebbly. 'Original entry: Arkose, Conglomeratic'
Ingleton Granite Quarry,on the Ingleton - Hawes road, 1 mile N.E. of Ingleton, Yorkshire,See JFN Green, PGA, 1917, Note on the correlation of the Ingletonian
MR9952 Not entered 1933 Metasandstone. 'Original entry: Arkose, Comparatively Fine'
Ingleton Granite Quarry,on the Ingleton - Hawes road, 1 mile N.E. of Ingleton, Yorkshire,See JFN Green, PGA, 1917, Note on the correlation of the Ingletonian
thin section E28971, MR22087, COLLNO104, Road Research Laboratory * 1959 'Original entry: Siltstone'
Skirwith Qry. Ingleton Yorkshire

Showing 1 - 20 of 238