BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Isle of Man (56)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section E19055 Not entered Not entered Not entered
Cragneish qy, port St Mary:
thin section E1944 Not entered Not entered Not entered
N of Towlfoggy, Port St Mary: Dyke in Skiddaw grit
thin section E1945 Not entered Not entered Not entered
Bealavyer Rock, Inner harbour, Port St Mary: supposed dyke in Skiddaw
thin section E1946 Not entered Not entered Not entered
Chapel Bay, Port St Mary, 50yds S of first rocks: supposed dyke in Skiddaw
thin section E1947 Not entered Not entered Not entered
85yds S of sandy beach Chapel Bay, Port St Mary: branching dyke in Skiddaw
thin section E1979 Not entered Not entered Not entered
100yds north of Oreg ny Jaghee: sheared greenstone dyke in Skiddaw (or sheared porphyritic diabase)
thin section E1980 Not entered Not entered Not entered
Horse Rock , Kioney Ghoggan, 150 yds S Anvil:
thin section E1981 Not entered Not entered Not entered
Halfway rock, S of Port Erin:
thin section E1984 Not entered Not entered Not entered
Outer Rock, Bay ny Carrecky:
thin section E2000 Not entered Not entered Not entered
E side of Kione Meanagh, W of Fleshwick:
thin section E2002 Not entered Not entered Not entered
300 yds S of Ballarock, Carn?:
thin section E2003 Not entered Not entered Not entered
on Carnanes, 300 yds S of Ballarock, near Fleshwick:
thin section E2089 Not entered Not entered Not entered
Chicken's Rock off the Calf: 12" dyke, central part
thin section E1978 Not entered Not entered Not entered
Slea-ny-Bery, Spanish Head: dyke (felsite) fine grained type in Skiddaw slate (sheared Camptonite)
thin section E1951 Not entered Not entered Not entered
Cliff 122yds S of Clet Aldrick, S of Port Erin: 1' dyke
thin section E1952 Not entered Not entered Not entered
Spoil heap of Ballaconish lead mine: dyke or boss in Carb. Lstn.
thin section E1957 Not entered Not entered Not entered
Kione-y-Ghoggarn: dyke
thin section E1958 Not entered Not entered Not entered
15yds. S of Kione Hulby, Calf island: Sheared diabase in Skiddaw slates
thin section E1961 Not entered Not entered Not entered
Cleb Aldrick, Port E: dyke apparently intrusive into greenstone
thin section E1801 Not entered Not entered Not entered
E side of the Chasms: Dyke in Skiddaw slate

Showing 1 - 20 of 32