BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Isle of Man (57)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
MR9327 Not entered 1932 Limestone. 'Original entry: Black Limestone, Posidonomya Beds, "Poolvash Black Marble"'
390 yards S of Poyllvaaish,
MR9331 Not entered 1932 Limestone. 'Original entry: Black Limestone, Posidonomya Beds, "Poolvash Black Marble"'
390 yards S of Poyllvaaish,
thin section E1814 Not entered Not entered Not entered
Qy in field near well at Martha Gullet, Langness: Dyke in Skiddaw slate
thin section E1818 Not entered Not entered Not entered
S end of Oatland's boss: pale granitic rock veined with darker variety
thin section E1941 Not entered Not entered Not entered
20yds S of Claberry, Langness: Dyke in Skiddaw
thin section E1942 Not entered Not entered Not entered
Hango Boroogh, near St Michael's island, Langness: Dyke in Skiddaw
thin section E1943 Not entered Not entered Not entered
Hang's Brough, Langness:
thin section E1948 Not entered Not entered Not entered
E corner of Purt Beg, St Ann's Head: 9' dyke
thin section E1949 Not entered Not entered Not entered
Purt beg, St Ann's head: Dyke in Skiddaw Grit
thin section E1950 Not entered Not entered Not entered
foot of cliff, west side of Purt Beg, St Ann's Head: coarse grit
thin section E2121 Not entered Not entered Not entered
in arch of stack 450 yds. NE of Port Soldrick: 8' dyke, coarse part
thin section E2125 Not entered Not entered Not entered
cliff W of Banner Rock, Santon: 2' dyke (sheared porphyritic diabase)
thin section E2088 Not entered Not entered Not entered
low water, 200yds E Port Soldrick:
thin section E1977 Not entered Not entered Not entered
from crosscut of Langness Point: 9' dyke in crosscut of copper mine, Langness Point
thin section E1953 Not entered Not entered Not entered
Creg Kermod, Castletown: Dyke or boss in Carb. Lstn.
thin section E1954 Not entered Not entered Not entered
Creg Kermod, Deal rock, Castletown: pseudomorphs after hypersthene
thin section E1955 Not entered Not entered Not entered
Lheeah Rio, Castletown: Dyke in Skiddaw slates (?Tertiary)
thin section E1959 Not entered Not entered Not entered
N side of Cass-ny-Hau: sheared greenstone dyke
thin section E12053 Not entered Not entered Not entered
Close-ny-Chollagh Point,: pillow lava crust in Carb volcanic series
thin section E12054 Not entered Not entered Not entered
Close-ny-Chollagh Point: ash and chert in interspace between pillows

Showing 1 - 20 of 65