BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Kirkmaiden (1)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
MR29110, COLLNOXF291, Collins,G.H.; Halley,D.N.; *; *; 1967 'Original entry: Porphyrite'
Overgrown quarry, 0.25 mile South of Creechan Park Farm, Wigtown
MR29112, COLLNOXF298, Collins,G.H.; Halley,D.N.; *; *; 1967 'Original entry: Greywacke'
Small disused quarry at crossroads 1.25 mile SW of Kirkmaiden, Wigtown
thin section S78050, COLLNOGY482, Barnes,R. * Not entered 'Original entry: Greywacke'
Larg Hill
thin section S78053, COLLNOGY485, Barnes,R. * Not entered 'Original entry: Greywacke'
NW of Wallace Hole
MR29111, COLLNOXF296, Collins,G.H.; Halley,D.N.; *; *; Not entered 'Original entry: Lamprophyre'
Shore at West Tarbert bay, Mull of Galloway, c. 1ml. WNW from tip
MR29113, COLLNOXF301, Collins,G.H.; Halley,D.N.; *; *; Not entered 'Original entry: Granite'
North shore of Portencorkie Bay
MR29114, COLLNOXF307, Collins,G.H.; Halley,D.N.; *; *; Not entered 'Original entry: Granite'
Shore , 440yds SW of Slockmill Farm
thin section S78893, COLLNOLX761, Stone,P. * Not entered Not entered
Quarry Bay, S side of Port Logan Bay
thin section S78894, COLLNOLX762, Stone,P. * Not entered Not entered
Quarry Bay, S side of Port Logan Bay
thin section S78895, COLLNOLX763, Stone,P. * Not entered Not entered
Cairnywellan Head
thin section S78896, COLLNOLX764, Stone,P. * Not entered Not entered
Slouchnamorrow Bay
thin section S78897, COLLNOLX765, Stone,P. * Not entered Not entered
900m NW from Clanyard Bay at Sonsy Neb
thin section S78898, COLLNOLX766, Stone,P. * Not entered Not entered
800m NW from Clanyard Bay at Strones Bay
thin section S78889, COLLNOLX757, Stone,P. * Not entered Not entered
S side of the Mull of Logan
thin section S78890, S78890/A, COLLNOLX758, Stone,P. * Not entered Not entered
S side of Port Logan Bay
thin section S78891, COLLNOLX759, Stone,P. * Not entered Not entered
S side of Port Logan Bay
thin section S78892, COLLNOLX760, Stone,P. * Not entered Not entered
Marxmais Rock, S side of Port Logan Bay
thin section S78100, COLLNOLX680, Stone,P. * Not entered Not entered
450m SE from Maryport
thin section S78101, COLLNOLX681, Stone,P. * Not entered Not entered
450m SE from Maryport
thin section S78102, COLLNOLX682, Stone,P. * Not entered Not entered
S end of Ardwell Bay

Showing 1 - 20 of 221