BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Loch Glencoul (107E)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section N5076, COLLNOZY244, Krabbendam, Dr Maarten * Not entered 'Original entry: Gneiss'
1.5 km east of Ben Strome, Kylestrome, Assynt area
thin section N5077, COLLNOZY245, Krabbendam, Dr Maarten * Not entered 'Original entry: Gneiss'
1.5 km east of Ben Strome, Kylestrome, Assynt area
thin section N5078, COLLNOZY246, Krabbendam, Dr Maarten * Not entered 'Original entry: Gneiss'
1.5 km east of Ben Strome, Kylestrome, Assynt area
thin section N5079, COLLNOZY247, Krabbendam, Dr Maarten * Not entered 'Original entry: Gneiss'
1.5 km east of Ben Strome, Kylestrome, Assynt area
thin section N5417, COLLNOZY250, Krabbendam, Dr Maarten * Not entered 'Original entry: Mylonite, Dark Grey'
4 km S of Achary
thin section N5418, COLLNOZY251, Krabbendam, Dr Maarten * Not entered 'Original entry: Mylonite, Feldspathic'
4 km S of Achary
thin section N5420, COLLNOZY253, Krabbendam, Dr Maarten * Not entered 'Original entry: Mylonitic Gniess'
south of Lochmore
thin section N5390, COLLNOZY264, Krabbendam, Dr Maarten * Not entered 'Original entry: Massive Grey Qtz-Fsp-Bt Gneiss - Granitic Or Psammitic??'
c. 500 m WNW of Foindle; Loch Laxford
thin section N5391, COLLNOZY265, Krabbendam, Dr Maarten * Not entered 'Original entry: Qtz-Rich Qtz-Fsp-Bt Gneiss, Pale Grey'
c. 500 m WNW of Foindle; Loch Laxford
thin section N5392, COLLNOZY266, Krabbendam, Dr Maarten * Not entered 'Original entry: Layered Qtz-Fsp-Bt Gneiss And Semipelitic Bt Rich Schist'
c. 500 m WNW of Foindle; Loch Laxford
thin section N5393, COLLNOZY267, Krabbendam, Dr Maarten * Not entered 'Original entry: Felsic And Mafic Gneiss'
S of Cnoc na Cro, Laxford
thin section N5394, COLLNOZY268, Krabbendam, Dr Maarten * Not entered 'Original entry: Garnet Amphibolite / Metagabbro'
S of Cnoc na Cro, Laxford
thin section N5395, COLLNOZY269, Krabbendam, Dr Maarten * Not entered 'Original entry: Felsic And Mafic Gneiss'
S of Badnaby, Laxford
thin section N5396, COLLNOZY270, Krabbendam, Dr Maarten * Not entered 'Original entry: Tonalite'
S of Badnaby, Laxford
thin section N5397, COLLNOZY271, Krabbendam, Dr Maarten * Not entered 'Original entry: Amphibolite (Mafic)'
NE of Laxford Bridge
thin section N5398, COLLNOZY272, Krabbendam, Dr Maarten * Not entered 'Original entry: Hornblendiste (Ultramafic)'
NNE of Laxford Bridge
thin section N5416, COLLNOZY249, Krabbendam, Dr Maarten * Not entered 'Original entry: Pink Granite, Unfoliated'
3 km S of Achary
thin section N4014, COLLNORY604, Keys,R. * Not entered 'Original entry: Ultramafic Schist'
SCOTLAND. Loch Glencoul (107E)
COLLNORY605, MC7304, Keys,R. * Not entered 'Original entry: Granitic Gneiss'
SCOTLAND. Loch Glencoul (107E)
thin section N4015, COLLNORY606, Keys,R. * Not entered 'Original entry: Felsic Gneiss'
SCOTLAND. Loch Glencoul (107E)

Showing 1 - 20 of 25