BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Loch Lochy (62E)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section S82496, COLLNORY538, Keys,R. * Not entered Schist. 'Original entry: Schist'
SCOTLAND. Loch Lochy (62E)
thin section S82455, COLLNORY497, Keys,R. * Not entered Schist. 'Original entry: Schist'
SCOTLAND. Loch Lochy (62E)
thin section S69824, S69824/A, S69824/B, May,F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Hornblende Psammite'
1200 yds S 10 deg W from Druimfearna
thin section S69825 May,F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Sparkly Siliceous Moine Rock Of Unusual Aspect'
630 yds N 10 deg E of Inverskilavulin, at waterfall in Allt Coire Mhuilinn
thin section S69826 May,F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Sparkly Siliceous Rock Of Unusual Aspect'
630 yds N 10 deg E of Inverskilavulin, at waterfall in Allt Coire Mhuilinn

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