BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Louth (103)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
MR21302 Road Research Laboratory * 1957 'Original entry: Gravel'
Biscathorpe Pit: at Louth
thin section E12663, COLLNOM.I. 12611, NEGM.2263, Hallimond,Doctor * Not entered 'Original entry: Limonite Ooliths In Clay W.Siderite'
Min.of Munitions Bore at Donington on Bain
thin section E12664, COLLNOM.I. 12611, Hallimond,Doctor * Not entered 'Original entry: ? Limonite Ooliths In Clay W.Siderite'
Min.of Munitions Bore at Donington on Bain
thin section E3044 Strahan, A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Phosphatic Nodules & Pebbles Of Wood'
Kiln near Gaumer Hill
thin section E3215, LABNONo.24, Brown, A.J.J. * Not entered 'Original entry: Red Chalk Pepples'
Langton Sand Pit. "2ft.above junct.with Limestone"
thin section E3216, E3216/A, E3216/B, E3216/C, LABNONo.25, Brown, A.J.J. * Not entered 'Original entry: Red Chalk Pepples'
Langton Sand Pit. "Dark red shaley bed bet.1& 2."
thin section E3217, LABNONo.26, Brown, A.J.J. * Not entered 'Original entry: Red Chalk Pepples'
Langton Chalk Pit. "2ft.below junct.with White Chalk."
thin section E11924 Thomas, Dr. * Not entered Not entered
From a boulder 1.25 tons, 6" below the soil Louth.
MR3748 Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Brown Iron Ore ''Tealby Beds'''
Welton, Lincolnshire
MR3755, COLLNO564,658,66, Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Pebbles From Carstone ( Including Some Of Wood )'
Kiln nr.Gaumer Hill,Lincolnshire.(Donnington)
MR3859 Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Pink Chalk. Lower Chalk.'
Louth Lincolnshire.
MR4313 Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Clay Oxfordian.'
Brickyard. Brora, Sutherlandshire.
MR4339 Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: '' Roof Bed '' Callovian.'
Brota coast, Sutherland.
MR4358 Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Sandstone.Clyne Stone.Corallian.'
Brora, Sutherlandshire.
MR6472 Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Sandstone, Corallian. Colonised By Iron Peroxide.'
W of Uppat, nr. Golspie, Sutherland

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