BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Market Rasen (102)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
MR5116 Rhodes,J.(Junior) * 1883 'Original entry: Oolitic Limestone'
Nettlesham Qy. near Lincoln
MR4298 Rhodes,J.(Junior) * 1883 'Original entry: Limestone'
Quarry name: Nettlesham: at near Lincoln
thin section E47133, MR32737, COLLNOA5, Deans, Tom * 1934 Ironstone. 'Original entry: Nodule With Lenticular Veinlets Of Siderite (Growing From Upper Carboniferous: W'
Thunder Bridge Bore Hole,Thunder Bridge Borehole, 239 feet,
thin section E71837, COLLNOTCP28, Pharaoh,T. * 1997 Schist. 'Original entry: Phyllite'
Welton BH 2560.0m, datum +22.32m (RTE); TCP28
thin section E60206, COLLNOHA95, Pharaoh,T. * Not entered 'Original entry: Phyllite'
Welton No.1 BH
thin section E60207, COLLNOHA96, Pharaoh,T. * Not entered 'Original entry: Phyllite'
Welton No. 1 BH
thin section E37716, COLLNOBU 4476, Smith,E.G. * Not entered Not entered
Corringham No.1 B.H.@ 4908'
thin section E37717, COLLNORN 6774, Smith,E.G. * Not entered Not entered
Corringham No.5 B.H.
MR4111 Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Limestons. Cornbrash.'
Sudbrook Holme Park, 4.25m NE of Lincoln.
MR5828, COLLNOR 35, Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Gypsiferous Marl. Trias.'
Dunham, 11 mi NW of Lincoln
MR5834, COLLNOR 36, Rhodes,J.(Senior) * Not entered 'Original entry: Pseudomorphs Of Salt. Trias.'
The Cliff, Dunham, 11 mi NW of Lincoln
MR5835, COLLNOR 46, Rhodes,J.(Senior) * Not entered 'Original entry: Coarse Sandstone Found In And Thickly Strewn Over Keuper Marl Band'
Between Dunham Cliff & Newton, 9 to 11 mi NW of Lincoln
MR5819 Not entered Not entered Not entered
Dunham, 11 mi NW of Lincoln
MR6529 Rhodes,J.(Senior) * Not entered 'Original entry: Cornbrash Limestone'
Sudbrook Park, Lincoln

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