BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for North Berwick (41)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section S9967 Geikie,A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Ophitic Olivine-Dolerite'
Denork Hill, E end; SW of St Andrews
thin section S9968 Geikie,A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Teschenite'
Spalefield, N of Anstruther
thin section S9970 Geikie,A. * Not entered 'Original entry: Ophitic Olivine-Dolerite'
Drumcarrow Hill, St. Andrews
thin section S10099 Museum Specimens * Not entered 'Original entry: Olivine-Dolerite'
Isle of May
thin section S51916, COLLNOYX440, Elliot,R.W. * Not entered 'Original entry: Metsedimentary Rock'
Fidra, base of cliffs NE of lighthouse and N of natural arch
thin section S51917 Elliot,R.W. * Not entered 'Original entry: Basanite'
Fidra, crags S of lighthouse, 240 yds W 8 deg N of E end of pier
thin section S51918, COLLNOYX444, Elliot,R.W. * Not entered 'Original entry: Metsedimentary Rock'
Fidra, 60 yds W 23.5 deg N of E end of pier
thin section S51919, COLLNOYX443, Elliot,R.W. * Not entered Not entered
Fidra, 60 yds W 23.5 deg N of E end of pier
thin section S52690 Chisholm,J.I. * Not entered 'Original entry: Ironstone'
250 yds at 192 deg from Pathhead, near St Monans
thin section S52691, COLLNOZA1166, Chisholm,J.I. * Not entered 'Original entry: Ironstone'
251 yds at 192 deg from Pathhead, near St Monans
thin section S53179, COLLNOZF499, Halley,D.N. * Not entered 'Original entry: Dolerite'
Near low water mark at E end of Viewforth vent
thin section S53180, COLLNOZF500, Halley,D.N. * Not entered 'Original entry: Dolerite'
Near low water mark at E end of Viewforth vent
thin section S45986, COLLNOXM1509, Francis,E.H. * Not entered 'Original entry: Sandstone'
Foreshore 1180 yds at 87 deg from Lundin Links station
thin section S45987, COLLNOXM1510, Francis,E.H. * Not entered 'Original entry: Grey Tuff, Calcareous'
Keil Burn, bend, N bank, 440 yds NW of railway viaduct
thin section S45988, COLLNOXM1511, Francis,E.H. * Not entered Not entered
1330 yds at 291 deg from Kincraig Farm
thin section S45989, COLLNOXM1512, Francis,E.H. * Not entered Not entered
1330 yds at 291 deg from Kincraig Farm
thin section S45991, COLLNOXM1514, Francis,E.H. * Not entered 'Original entry: Siliceous Dolomitic Carbonate Vein Rock With Igneous Fragments'
1000 yds at 289 deg from Kincraig Farm
thin section S45992, COLLNOXM1515, Francis,E.H. * Not entered 'Original entry: Glassy (Limburgitic) Olivine-Basalt'
970 yds at 294 deg from Kincraig Farm
thin section S45993, COLLNOXM1516, Francis,E.H. * Not entered Not entered
1440 yds at 283 deg from Kincraig Farm
thin section S45995, COLLNOXM1518, Francis,E.H. * Not entered Not entered
1070 yds at 286 deg from Kincraig Farm

Showing 1 - 20 of 1326