BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Norwich (161)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
MR18063 Not entered 1946 'Original entry: Pyrolusite (Mno2) Forming A Black Band In The Pit Face'
Browick Road Gravel Pit,Wymondham,
MR21947 Not entered 1959 Gravel. 'Original entry: Flint Gravel'
Poringland Pit,5.5 ml SE of Norwich,PET XLIII p315
MR29721, COLLNOGT137, Thurrell,R.G. * 1967 'Original entry: Gravel'
Quarry name: Reymerston gravel pit: at Reymerston (temporary) gravel pit
thin section E50380, COLLNOBDC 6933, Harding,R.R. * Not entered Not entered
Ellingham B.H., 250m.N.of S.W.end of S.W.runway, Ellingham Airfield. Depth 1214ft.
thin section E50381, COLLNOBDC 6952, Harding,R.R. * Not entered Not entered
Ellingham B.H., 250m.N.of S.W.end of S.W.runway, Ellingham Airfield. Depth 1305ft.
MR3363 Woodward, H.B. Not entered 'Original entry: Sandstone. Middle Glacial'
Norwich, Norfolk
MR3364 Woodward, H.B. Not entered 'Original entry: Concretionary Sandstone. Middle Glacial.'
Mackie's Nursery, Norwich, Norfolk
MR3732 Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Flint.Building Stone.Chalk.'
MR5122 Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Flint (From Gravel Above Chalk)'
Pit, 0.4 mi SE of Marlingford, Norfolk
MR15202, COLLNOD74, Dewar,W. * Not entered Not entered
Sprowston Brickworks, 1 3/8ml. N by E of Norwich Castle
MR15203, COLLNOD76, Dewar,W. * Not entered 'Original entry: Yellow & Red Sand'
Sprowston Brickworks, 1 3/8ml. N by E of Norwich Castle
MR15204, COLLNOD77, Dewar,W. * Not entered 'Original entry: Common Shot Gravel'
Sprowston Brickworks, 1 3/8ml. N by E of Norwich Castle
MR26100 Collins,G.H.; Dangerfield,J.; *; *; Not entered 'Original entry: Orange Brown Brickearth'
Lodge Lane Brickpit, 800yds NNE of St.Margaret's Church, Old Catton, Norwich
MR26101 Collins,G.H.; Dangerfield,J.; *; *; Not entered 'Original entry: Buff Sandy Brickearth'
Lodge Lane Brickpit, 800yds NNE of St.Margaret's Church, Old Catton, Norwich
MR26102 Collins,G.H.; Dangerfield,J.; *; *; Not entered 'Original entry: Medium Orange Sand'
Fir Hill Pit, 1/2ml. WNW of Keswick Hall
MR26103 Collins,G.H.; Dangerfield,J.; *; *; Not entered 'Original entry: Flint Gravel'
Fir Hill Pit, 1/2ml. WNW of Keswick Hall
MR26104 Collins,G.H.; Dangerfield,J.; *; *; Not entered 'Original entry: Flint Gravel'
Mousehold Pit, 1/2ml. NNE of Norwich Prison
MR26105 Collins,G.H.; Dangerfield,J.; *; *; Not entered 'Original entry: Flint Gravel'
Reymerston Pit, 1/2ml. due S of St.Peter's Church, Reymerston
MR26106 Collins,G.H.; Dangerfield,J.; *; *; Not entered 'Original entry: White Chalk'
Costessy Lane Pit, 1000yds SW of St.Margaret's Church, Drayton
MR26107 Collins,G.H.; Dangerfield,J.; *; *; Not entered 'Original entry: Brown Clayey And Pebbly Sand'
Sandhill's Easton Pit, Derham Road, 1ml. ENE of St.Peter's Church, Easton

Showing 1 - 20 of 32