BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Peebles (24)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
MR21318 Road Research Laboratory * 1957 'Original entry: Gravel'
Shiphorns Farm Pit, Eddleston Peebleshire
MR24782 Road Research Laboratory * 1961 'Original entry: Gravel'
Quarry name: Castleaw Quarry: at West Linton Peebleshire
thin section S73090, COLLNOAX843, Floyd,J.D. * Not entered Not entered
Green Cleuch, Kirkhope Burn, Manor Water
Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Limestone Fine Grained Luteous Clas'
SCOTLAND. Peebles (24)
thin section S7202 Horne, J.; Peach, B.N.; *; *; Not entered 'Original entry: Calcareous Tuff'
Wrae Hill, lower limestone quarry
thin section S24845 Eckford,R. * Not entered Not entered
1030 yards ESE of summit of Canada Hill
thin section S7203 Horne, J.; Peach, B.N.; *; *; Not entered 'Original entry: Soda Felsite (Keratophyre)'
Glencotho Quarry, 50 yards E of eastmost quarry
thin section S62316 Dawson,J. * Not entered Not entered
470m S by W of Pyatknowe
thin section S62317 Dawson,J. * Not entered Not entered
890m SE of Pyatknowe
thin section S24851 Eckford,R. * Not entered Not entered
Wrae Hill, 50 yards N of old limekiln
thin section S29405 Eckford,R.; Presentation to BGS; *; *; Not entered Not entered
400 yards SW of summit of Hamilton Hill
thin section S29406 Eckford,R.; Presentation to BGS; *; *; Not entered Not entered
Wrae Hill below old limekilns
thin section S29407 Eckford,R.; Presentation to BGS; *; *; Not entered Not entered
Wrae Hill near old limekilns
MR1272 Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Limestone [Andesitic Tuff]'
Wrae Hill, Peeblesshire
MR1274 Not entered Not entered 'Original entry: Igneous Rock [Perlitic Felsite]'
Winkston Hill, 2 mi N of Peebles.
thin section S612 Macconachie,A.F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Andesitic Tuff'
Wrae Hill (Museum specimen)
thin section S7141, S7141/a, Peach, B.N. * Not entered 'Original entry: Andesite Or Andesitic Basalt'
Wrae Quarry
thin section S3699 Macconachie,A.F.; Peach, B.N.; *; *; Not entered 'Original entry: Ophitic Diabase'
0.25 miles SW of Blindewing, 3 miles SW of Broughton
thin section S7205 Horne, J.; Peach, B.N.; *; *; Not entered 'Original entry: Altered Soda Felsite'
Glencotho Quarry, eastmost quarry
thin section S7206 Horne, J.; Peach, B.N.; *; *; Not entered 'Original entry: Calcareous Tuff'
Glencotho Quarry, westmost quarry

Showing 1 - 20 of 602