BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for Selby (71)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
MR36291 Not entered 1995 Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Sandstone'
Buck Park Quarry,
MR36246 Not entered 1995 Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Sandstone'
Ten Yards Quarry,
MR36299 Not entered 1995 Sandstone (Undifferentiated). 'Original entry: Sandstone'
Hallas Rough Quarry,
thin section E59517 Giles, J.R.A. * Not entered Not entered
NCB Firtree Farm B.H. 500 m at 122 deg from Stockbridge Farm Nr. Cawood
thin section E37706, COLLNONEQ787, Chatten, I.G. * Not entered Not entered
NCB Kelfield Ridge B.H.
thin section E37707, COLLNONEQ788, Chatten, I.G. * Not entered Not entered
NCB Kelfield Ridge B.H.
thin section E35515, COLLNONEQ785, Chatten, I.G. * Not entered Not entered
NCB Kelfield Ridge B.H.
thin section E59484 Giles, J.R.A. * Not entered Not entered
NCB Bishopwood No. 3 B.H.
thin section E59485 Giles, J.R.A. * Not entered Not entered
NCB Bishopwood No. 3 B.H.
thin section E59486 Giles, J.R.A. * Not entered Not entered
NCB Bishopwood No. 3 B.H.
thin section E59487 Giles, J.R.A. * Not entered Not entered
NCB Bishopwood No. 3 B.H.
thin section E59488 Giles, J.R.A. * Not entered Not entered
NCB Bishopwood No. 3 B.H.
thin section E59489 Giles, J.R.A. * Not entered Not entered
NCB Bishopwood No. 3 B.H.
thin section E59490 Giles, J.R.A. * Not entered Not entered
NCB Bishopwood No. 3 B.H.
thin section E59516 Giles, J.R.A. * Not entered Not entered
NCB Firtree Farm B.H. 500 m at 122 deg from Stockbridge Farm Nr. Cawood
MR41960 Cooper,A.H. * Not entered 'Original entry: Halite'
Wiston NCB bh 800m SW of All Saints Church, Winstow (Depth unknown)
MR41961 Cooper,A.H. * Not entered 'Original entry: Halite'
Wiston NCB bh 800m SW of All Saints Church, Winstow (Depth unknown)
MR41962 Cooper,A.H. * Not entered 'Original entry: Halite'
Wiston NCB bh 800m SW of All Saints Church, Winstow (Depth C182m)
thin section E22076, COLLNOWE459, Edwards,W.N. * Not entered 'Original entry: Anhydrite Little Dolomite'
thin section E22077, COLLNOWE460, Edwards,W.N. * Not entered 'Original entry: Anhydrite Dolomite'

Showing 1 - 20 of 76