BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for South Uist ? (69)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section S62300, COLLNOZN1054, Fettes,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Basic Gneiss'
Abhainn Roag
thin section S62970 Fettes,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Basic Meta-Igneous Rock, Fine-Grained'
Head of Sloc Dubh
thin section S62971 Fettes,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Garnetiferous Aplitic Microgranitic Rock'
Head of Sloc Dubh
thin section S62972 Fettes,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: ?Pyroxene Gneiss'
Loch Eynort
thin section S62973 Fettes,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Igneous-Textured Basic Rock'
Loch Eynort
thin section S62974, COLLNOZN1102, Fettes,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Basic Granulite'
Loch Eynort
thin section S62979, COLLNOZN1108, Fettes,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Coarse ?Pyroxene Gneiss'
Rubha na h-Ordaig
thin section S62980, COLLNOZN1109, Fettes,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Coarse ?Pyroxene Gneiss'
Loch Moreef
thin section S62981, COLLNOZN1110, Fettes,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: ?Dolerite, Coarse-Grained'
Loch Moreef
thin section S63011, COLLNOGX142, Mendum,J.R. * Not entered 'Original entry: Pseudotachylite'
870 m ESE of Roneval
thin section S63012, COLLNOGX143, Mendum,J.R. * Not entered 'Original entry: Amphibolite'
750 m NW of Ru Melvick
thin section S63013, COLLNOGX144, Mendum,J.R. * Not entered 'Original entry: Garnetiferous Basic Granulite'
450 m NW of Ru Melvick
thin section S63014, COLLNOGX145, Mendum,J.R. * Not entered 'Original entry: Platy Acid Gneiss With Pseudotachylite'
100 m NW of Ru Melvick
thin section S63015, COLLNOGX146, Mendum,J.R. * Not entered 'Original entry: Amphibolite'
410 m WSW of Ru Melvick
thin section S63016, COLLNOGX147, Mendum,J.R. * Not entered 'Original entry: Basic Granulite'
850 m E of Rudha Dubh
thin section S63017, COLLNOGX148, Mendum,J.R. * Not entered 'Original entry: Basalt'
Rudha Dubh
thin section S63018, COLLNOGX149, Mendum,J.R. * Not entered 'Original entry: Garnet-Hornblende Rock Below Thrust'
Rudha Dubh
thin section S63025, COLLNOGX156, Mendum,J.R. * Not entered 'Original entry: Pseudotachylite In Pyroxene Gneiss'
S flank of Triuirebheinn
thin section S63126, COLLNOYR2345, Smith,D.I. * Not entered 'Original entry: Gneiss'
NE of Camas an Lochain
thin section S67675, COLLNOZN1413, Fettes,D. * Not entered 'Original entry: Corodale Gneiss'
W side of Triurebheinn

Showing 1 - 20 of 148