BGS mineralogy and petrology collection record

Sample number MR36529
Sample Donor Fortey,N.J.; Milodowski, A.E.; Young,B.R.;
Rock name Manganiferous/ Ferruginous Deposits; Mineral-Type-Claystone (Unspecified Mineral);. 'Original entry: Manganese-Oxide'
Stratigraphy Not entered
Comments Sooty friable manganese-oxide rock, porous, with variable amounts of limonite, ?clay(white), calcite. Pieces less than 7cm each.
Locality details Sedling Mine, Cowshill, Weardale, Durham. From old spoil heap.
50k map sheet Not entered

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Map reference NY 86400 40900
Year collected 1998 
Bore name Not applicable
Confidentiality No restrictions