BGS mineralogy and petrology collection record

Sample number E78410; COLLNOHAY5;
Sample Donor Phillips, Emrys R.
Rock name 'Original entry: Laminated Sand And Silt. Unconsolidated Sediment.'
Stratigraphy Not entered
Comments Complex folding, faulting and water-escape features in finely laminated silt and sand fom glacilacustrine sequence exposed at Hayberries Quarry, orientation 041 degrees
Locality details Hayberries sand and gravel quarry, between the villages of Romaldkirk and Mickleton, 5.5 km east of Middleton-in-Teesdale, Co Durham
50k map sheet Not entered

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Map reference NZ 009 002
Year collected Not entered 
Bore name Not applicable
Confidentiality No restrictions