BGS mineralogy and petrology collection record

Sample number COLLNOCL(BP)3; G4110;
Sample Donor Milodowski, A.E.
Rock name 'Original entry: Sandstone With Patchy Dolomite Cement And Scattered Coarse To Very Coarse Grains Give Locallised Variations In Porosity.'
Stratigraphy Not entered
Comments REFERENCES: Milodowski, A.E., Strong, G.E., Wilson, K.S., Holloway, S. & Bath, A.H. 1987. Diagenetic influences on the aquifer properties of the Permo-Triassic sandstones in the East Yorkshire and Lincolnshire Basin. Investigation of the Geothermal Potential of the UK. British Geological Survey; Milodowski, A.E. & Rushton, J.E..2024. Mineralogical and porosity characterisation of potential aquifer and seal units for carbon capture and storage methodologies for the CASSEM Project. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/08/153. 86pp.
Locality details Cleethorpes No1 Geothermal Well
50k map sheet Not entered

View the geology near 'Not entered'

Map reference TA 30237 07090
Year collected 1986 
Bore name Cleethorpes 1
Confidentiality No restrictions