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Full listing of The British Geological Survey Rock Collections

Sample ids Locality Sample number Donor Year Rock name
E3614; COLLNO82; Butterton Qry E3614; COLLNO82; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite'
E3620; COLLNO92; NEG1440M; Road cutting near Butterton Lodge E3620; COLLNO92; NEG1440M; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite'
E60536; COLLNORO533; British Coal Dale Wood BH. 940 m SW of Fillongley Hall E60536; COLLNORO533; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Highly Altered Alkali Olivine Dolerite'
E316 Moel y Gest E316 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E322 Garth, Portmadoc E322 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E330 Garth, Portmadoc E330 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E1849 By River Erme, Skerril Copse E1849 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Ophitic Diabase'
E1850 Quarry NE of Fallapit E1850 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase (Leucophyric Type)'
E1852 Fowlescombe House Qry. Kingsbridge Road Station E1852 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Sheared Platy Diabase'
E1853 Fowlescombe House Qry. Kingsbridge Road Station E1853 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Sheared Platy Diabase'
E1855 Whetcombe Qry. Kingsbridge Road Station E1855 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Sheared Diabase'
E1858 SE of Ugborough Church E1858 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Ophitic Diabase'
E24327; COLLNOKY275; Old Reddle Workings, 300 yds S.W. of Ich Dien Inn, Barrow Gurney E24327; COLLNOKY275; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
E1859 N of Rectory. E of Langford Barton E1859 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E1860 Danhill Qry. Diptford. S of Brent Station E1860 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Porphyritic Diabase'
E1861 S of Bovisend Bay. Plymouth Sound E1861 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E1867; NEG595M; S of Woodleigh. N of Kingsbridge E1867; NEG595M; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E1878 SE of Woodleigh. N of Kingsbridge E1878 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Ophitic Diabase'
E1899 Stowford Bridge Cutting E1899 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Hornfels;. 'Original entry: Diabase Hornfels'
E1900 E of Stowford Bridge, E of Ivybridge E1900 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Hornfels;. 'Original entry: Diabase Hornfels'
E4211; COLLNOHDC76; NEG1582M; NEG172M; Central Wales Granite Qry. Llandrindod E4211; COLLNOHDC76; NEG1582M; NEG172M; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E557 SW of Bwlch Llyn Fawr, W of Llandegley E557 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E24312; COLLNOKY260; Denny Island. Mouth of River Severn E24312; COLLNOKY260; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
E4770; E4770/A; COLLNO260; ELABNO232; NEG366M; 200 yds N of Viaduct. Menheniot E4770; E4770/A; COLLNO260; ELABNO232; NEG366M; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E4771; COLLNO261; NEG365M; NW of Carluther Mill. Roseland, Menheniot E4771; COLLNO261; NEG365M; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E60835; E60835/A; E60835/B; COLLNOLC688; Scawgill Bridge; slopes to N of Rd E60835; E60835/A; E60835/B; COLLNOLC688; * 1988 Diorite. 'Original entry: Augite-Diorite'
E60836; COLLNOLC689; Scawgill Bridge; slopes to N of Rd E60836; COLLNOLC689; * 1988 Diorite. 'Original entry: Augite-Diorite'
E60837; COLLNOLC690; Swinside, S of Scawgill Bridge E60837; COLLNOLC690; * 1988 Diorite. 'Original entry: Hornblende-Diorite'
E60838; COLLNOLC691; Swinside, S of Scawgill Bridge E60838; COLLNOLC691; * 1988 Diorite. 'Original entry: Augite-Diorite'
E60839; COLLNOLC692; Swinside, S of Scawgill Bridge E60839; COLLNOLC692; * 1988 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E24308; COLLNOKY256; Denny Island. Mouth of River Severn E24308; COLLNOKY256; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
E24309; COLLNOKY257; Denny Island. Mouth of River Severn E24309; COLLNOKY257; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
E24310; COLLNOKY258; Denny Island. Mouth of River Severn E24310; COLLNOKY258; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
E4673; COLLNO211; NEG487M; Cliff opposite The Long Stone. E of St. Germans Hut E4673; COLLNO211; NEG487M; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E4675; COLLNO219; Quarry in field. 1/4 ml SW of Pillaton Mill E4675; COLLNO219; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E9359 Carkeel. 1.5 ml NW of Saltash E9359 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Sericitised Oligoclase Dolerite'
E9368 Cumble Tor. 3 ml W of Saltash E9368 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Sericitised Oligoclase Dolerite'
E21166; COLLNO192; Tor Qry. Saltash E21166; COLLNO192; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E60840; COLLNOLC693; Swinside, S of Scawgill Bridge E60840; COLLNOLC693; * 1988 Diorite. 'Original entry: Microdiorite'
E60841; COLLNOLC694; Swinside, S of Scawgill Bridge E60841; COLLNOLC694; * 1988 Diorite. 'Original entry: Augite-Diorite'
E22908; COLLNOKY208; Temporary exposure on N side of main road; 160 yds SW of Iron Bridge. Shirehampton Park. E22908; COLLNOKY208; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
E22898; COLLNOKY185; Clifton Down Tunnel. Manhole no.13 E22898; COLLNOKY185; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
E4750; NEG492M; Defiance Lawn Qry. Nr. Wearde Quay. E4750; NEG492M; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Mica Diabase'
E4751 1/2 ml SE of Markwell. E4751 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E4754 On the Lyner. 1/2 ml due E of Markwell E4754 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E4755 E of waterfall. NW of Shillingham E4755 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E4757 E side of Saltash. Ernesettle Wood. E4757 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E4758 1/2 ml NE of E end of Victoria and Albert Bridge E4758 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E4761; COLLNO200; Quarry at Burraton Combe. St. Stephens E4761; COLLNO200; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E4762; COLLNO201; NEG368M; Quarry E side of Forder Creek. St. Stephens E4762; COLLNO201; NEG368M; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E4763; E4763/A; COLLNO202; ELABNO191; NEG367M; Quarry W side of River Liner. Opposite Grove E4763; E4763/A; COLLNO202; ELABNO191; NEG367M; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E4766; COLLNO229; Quarry at Trehurst. S of Penpoll E4766; COLLNO229; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E36823 Treluggan Qry. 1.25 ml NE of St. Germans E36823 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Autometamorphosed Albite/Oligoclase Dolerite'
E12341; COLLNO17; Knowles Hill, Newton Abbot. E12341; COLLNO17; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E12342; COLLNO21; Edge of field, Knowles Hill, Newton Abbot. E12342; COLLNO21; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite'
E12344; COLLNO25; Lower Quarry, Knowles Hill, Newton Abbot. E12344; COLLNO25; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E12400; COLLNO979; Tinkley Hill, Trusham. E12400; COLLNO979; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E339 N of Mynydd Moel E339 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E21768 Above Morley. W. 2nd Spinney. E21768 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E21806 N. of Morley, Newton Abbot. E21806 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E346 Llyn Gioril E346 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E1558 Near 1st Greenstone, W of Dolgelly E1558 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E1560 1st Greenstone on hill road to X foxes, Dolgelly E1560 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E1562 Cross Foxes, Dolgelly E1562 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Porphyritic Diabase'
E26585 Building site on Stepside Farm E26585 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Ophitic Diabase'
E27701; COLLNO3; N side of Teifi Estuary. 1.5 ml S of Gwbert Hotel E27701; COLLNO3; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Hornblende Diabase'
E27703; COLLNO5; N side of Teifi Estuary. 1.5 ml S of Gwbert Hotel E27703; COLLNO5; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E60830; COLLNOLC683; Scawgill Bridge; slopes to North of Rd E60830; COLLNOLC683; * 1988 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E60831; COLLNOLC684; Scawgill Bridge; slopes to North of Rd E60831; COLLNOLC684; * 1988 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E60832; COLLNOLC685; Scawgill Bridge; slopes to North of Rd E60832; COLLNOLC685; * 1988 Diorite. 'Original entry: Augite-Diorite'
E60833; COLLNOLC686; Scawgill Bridge; slopes to N of Rd E60833; COLLNOLC686; * 1988 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E60834; COLLNOLC687; Scawgill Bridge; slopes to N of Rd E60834; COLLNOLC687; * 1988 Diorite. 'Original entry: Hornblende-Diorite'
E3192 Quarry E side of Forder Creek E3192 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Segment Of Vein In Hornblende Dolerite'
E3975; NEG22M; "Rebbstone" Cattedown Qry. Plymouth E3975; NEG22M; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
E4320; COLLNO15; Quarry Nr. Bodgara Mills E4320; COLLNO15; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Sheared Diabase'
E4321; COLLNO16; Quarry Nr. Bodgara Mills E4321; COLLNO16; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Sheared Diabase'
E4323; COLLNO18; NEG490M; Grove by River Lyner (E-Bank) E4323; COLLNO18; NEG490M; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Ophitic Hornblende Diabase'
E7632; COLLNOA18; Afon Aran. 1/4 ml E of Parc Dolgelly E7632; COLLNOA18; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E7633 Mynydd Gadder, Dolgelly E7633 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E7634 E of Rhydwen, Dolgelly E7634 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E7636; COLLNOA49; E of Aber Gwynant, Dolgelly E7636; COLLNOA49; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E16632; COLLNOA212; Middle of Mynydd Gadder E16632; COLLNOA212; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E16636; COLLNOA217; Middle of S borders of Mynydd Gadder E16636; COLLNOA217; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E16641; COLLNOA232; SE of Llyn Iarth E16641; COLLNOA232; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E16643; COLLNOA236; E of Parc E16643; COLLNOA236; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E7637; COLLNOA52; S of Craig y Castle, Dolgelly E7637; COLLNOA52; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E7639; COLLNOA72; S of Penrhyn Gwyn, Dolgelly E7639; COLLNOA72; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E7655; COLLNOA268; S of Llwyniarth, Dolgelly E7655; COLLNOA268; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E12543; COLLNO1023; Arthog Qry, Arthog E12543; COLLNO1023; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E16542; COLLNOA12; Abergwynant, Dolgelly E16542; COLLNOA12; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E16543; COLLNOA15; Abergwynant, Dolgelly E16543; COLLNOA15; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E4324; COLLNO19; Opposite Grovely By River Lyner. E of St. Germans E4324; COLLNO19; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E4325 N E of Padderbury E4325 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Hornblende Diabase'
E4326 Burraton Combe Qry E4326 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E4327 Poldrissick By River Lyner ( E4327 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E4328 Trehunsey Bridge E4328 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Hornblende Diabase'
E4330 Near Lady Park. W Liskheard E4330 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E4331 SW of Cartuther Mill E4331 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E4332 SW of Cartuther Mill E4332 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Hornblende Diabase'
E4333 SW of Cartuther Mill E4333 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Hornblende Diabase'
S80351; COLLNOLX804; 600m N of N end of Ardwell Bay S80351; COLLNOLX804; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E4334 S of Glenlea E4334 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Hornblende Diabase'
E4335 SE of Withnoe; Trewinnow Cliff on coast E4335 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Hornblende Diabase'
E4336 Looe Island; E of High Core E4336 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Sheared Diabase'
E16645; COLLNOA244; N of Tan y Jedew E16645; COLLNOA244; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E16657; COLLNOA268; S of Llyn Iarth E16657; COLLNOA268; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E16667; COLLNOA292; Penrhyn Gwyn E16667; COLLNOA292; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E16668; COLLNOA293; Penrhyn Gwyn, SE of E16668; COLLNOA293; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E16545; COLLNOA18; Below Pandy Afon Aran E16545; COLLNOA18; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E16547; COLLNOA18B; Afon Aran E16547; COLLNOA18B; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E16548; COLLNOA19B; Afon Aran E16548; COLLNOA19B; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E16552; COLLNOA29; Quarry 1 ml SW of Dolgelly E16552; COLLNOA29; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E16553; COLLNOA40; E of Rhyd Wen E16553; COLLNOA40; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E16557; COLLNOA47; Dolgledr E16557; COLLNOA47; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E16558; COLLNOA50; Dolgledr E16558; COLLNOA50; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E59736; COLLNOHA9; ARC Qry. Whitwick E59736; COLLNOHA9; * Dacite; Rhyodacite;. 'Original entry: Dacite'
E59738; COLLNOHA11; ARC Qry. Whitwick E59738; COLLNOHA11; * Dacite; Rhyodacite;. 'Original entry: Dacite'
E59739; COLLNOHA12; ARC Qry. Whitwick E59739; COLLNOHA12; * Dacite; Rhyodacite;. 'Original entry: Dacite'
E59741; COLLNOHA14; ARC Qry. Whitwick E59741; COLLNOHA14; * Dacite. 'Original entry: Dacite'
E16564; COLLNOA71; Source of Bryn Rhug Wen E16564; COLLNOA71; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E16567; COLLNOA82; Source of Bryn Rhug Stream E16567; COLLNOA82; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E16568; COLLNOA83; Source of Bryn Rhug Stream E16568; COLLNOA83; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E16570; COLLNOA85; NW of Llyn Iarth E16570; COLLNOA85; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E319 N of Myneydd Moel E319 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E320 E of Dolgelly E320 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E323 NW of Mynydd Pencoed E323 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E331 Lowest on road E of Dlgelly E331 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E1084 Yarner Beacon, Dartington E1084 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E4572 Greystone Wood; SE of Clicker Tor E4572 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E4573 Small Qry. N of Greystone Wood E4573 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E28822; COLLNOHM52; N side of Teifi Estuary. 1.5 ml S of Gwbert Hotel E28822; COLLNOHM52; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E1104 Cremyll Passage. Mount Edgecombe E1104 Woodward, H.B. Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E1985 Leek Bed Bay, Staddon E1985 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E2140 Quarry Nr. Wearde Quay E2140 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Proterobase'
E2141 Road cutting, Anthony Passage E2141 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E2142 Nr. Passage Point E2142 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E2143 Nr. Passage Point E2143 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E2144 Forder Creek E2144 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E2145 Broomhill Grove. Anthony Park E2145 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Coarse Dolerite'
E2146 Tomboy Hill. Anthony Park E2146 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E2147 Looking Glass, N of Torpoint E2147 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E3183 Quarry E side of Forder Creek E3183 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E3186 W of Quarry. Forder Creek E3186 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: ? Hornblende Dolerite'
E1105 Pit W of Sharpham Barton. Linhay Plantation E1105 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E1106 Old Qry. Near Totnes Workhouse E1106 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E1107 S of The Worlds End E1107 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase (Decomposed)'
E16585; COLLNOA122; Mass SE of Llyn Gwernan E16585; COLLNOA122; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E1108 Quar. Bramborough (?Broomborough) Head. W of Totnes E1108 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Porphyritic Diabase'
E1158 Quarry Ham Barn. Hackney Creek E1158 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Porphyritic Diabase'
E1159 NW of Sharpham House E1159 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Altered Diabase'
E1490 Carry Arms, Babbacombe E1490 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Microgranite;. 'Original entry: Granular Diabase'
E1491 S of Dittisham Corn Mill E1491 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Ophitic Dolerite'
E555 Garth. N end of Carneddau E555 *; *; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E2005 Railway Cutting at Gwern y Fydd. Nr. Builth E2005 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Ophitic Diabase'
E4176; COLLNO803; Gorge of Wye. Left Bank. Nr. Builth E4176; COLLNO803; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Ophitic Diabase'
E16610; COLLNOA170; S of Hafod Uchaf E16610; COLLNOA170; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E4177; COLLNO804; Llanelwedd Rock. Builth Wells E4177; COLLNO804; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Ophitic Diabase'
E19340 Torr Qry. E Allington E19340 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite; Feldspar Altered'
E1079 Park House, Dartington E1079 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Ophitic Dolerite'
E1087 Totnes E1087 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E5437 Bottle Hill Qry. E5437 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Hornfels;. 'Original entry: Diabase Hornfels'
E5438 W of Drakeland Corner E5438 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Hornfels;. 'Original entry: Diabase Hornfels'
E5439 W of Drakeland Corner E5439 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Hornfels;. 'Original entry: Diabase Hornfels'
E5440 W of Drakeland Corner E5440 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Hornfels;. 'Original entry: Diabase Hornfels'
E5441 S of Yondertown E5441 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E6744 Half Mile SE of Compton Qry. E6744 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Calcareous Diabase'
E12347; COLLNO963; Tout Saints, Kingsbridge E12347; COLLNO963; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E12449; COLLNO1000; Plymbridge Qry. Bickleigh E12449; COLLNO1000; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite'
E17534; COLLNO1545; Woodford Qry. Plympton. St. Mary E17534; COLLNO1545; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Chloritised Diabase'
E17534A; COLLNO1545; Woodford Qry. Plympton. St. Mary E17534A; COLLNO1545; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Chloritised Diabase'
E5372 Crags E of Ughborough E5372 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E5376 E of Dinnaton E5376 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Hornfels;. 'Original entry: Diabase Hornfels'
E5378 Stowford Bridge Railway Cutting; E side of Bridge E5378 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Hornfels;. 'Original entry: Diabase Hornfels ?'
E5379 Near Leighmoor Gate, Wrangaton Bottom E5379 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Hornfels;. 'Original entry: Diabase Hornfels'
E5375 N of Wisdome Bridge. NE of Cornwood E5375 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Hornfels;. 'Original entry: Diabase Hornfels'
E5380 At Head of Wrangaton Bottom E5380 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Hornfels;. 'Original entry: Diabase Hornfels'
E5381 At Head of Wrangaton Bottom E5381 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Hornfels;. 'Original entry: Diabase Hornfels'
E5382 Crag Blocks. SE of Owley E5382 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Hornfels;. 'Original entry: Diabase Hornfels'
E5383 Crag Blocks. SE of Owley E5383 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Hornfels;. 'Original entry: Diabase Hornfels'
E5384 Crag Blocks. SE of Owley E5384 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Hornfels;. 'Original entry: Diabase Hornfels'
E5386 Beard Common Qry. E5386 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Hornfels;. 'Original entry: Diabase Hornfels'
E5387 Brent Hill. Upper Crags E5387 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Hornfels;. 'Original entry: Porphyritic Diabase Hornfels'
E5390 NNW of Aish. Nr. Penstare Cottage E5390 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Hornfels;. 'Original entry: Diabase Hornfels (Brown Mica)'
E5391 E of Didworthy; between Downstow and Overbrent Wood. E5391 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Hornfels;. 'Original entry: Diabase Hornfels (Brown Mica)'
E5392 W of Downstow Nr. Granite E5392 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Hornfels;. 'Original entry: Diabase Hornfels (Brown Mica)'
E6746 N side of Andures Point E6746 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Porphyritic Diabase'
E6747 Season Point E6747 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Feldspathic Diabase'
E6824 Wassen Point, Wembury E6824 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E6825 Wassen Point, Wembury E6825 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E6827 Quarry 1/2 ml SE of Compton Egg Buckland E6827 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Calcareous Diabase'
E1909; NEG597M; Rake Rock. S of Loddieswell E1909; NEG597M; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Ophitic Diabase'
E2151 Near Strashleigh Hams. W of Ivybridge E2151 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Altered Dolerite Or Diabase'
E2152 Capton, Nr. Morleigh E2152 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite Or Diabase'
E2766 Near Strashleigh Hams. S of Lee E2766 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E3647 Section in side hill. S of Efford. Near Plymouth E3647 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Sheared Diabase ?'
E5368 Quarry, SW of Ludrook E5368 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E21967 Morley E21967 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Quartz Dolerite'
E1844 Near Muscham Point, Erme Mouth E1844 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E22870; COLLNOKY155; Avon Gorge, right bank, 430yd. SE Tunnel mouth sea walls E22870; COLLNOKY155; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
E21787 Inner Forward Point, Kingswear E21787 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
S81874; COLLNOLY364; Fleurs - N Burn S81874; COLLNOLY364; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E17424; COLLNORB1513; Leaderwood Qry. Slapton E17424; COLLNORB1513; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
S98417; COLLNOSMS190; Meltwater channel N of Meall Dubh Glair S98417; COLLNOSMS190; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E15119 Dorsley Qry. 1/4 ml W of Totnes Church E15119 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite'
S98348; COLLNOLY1004; Allt Coire Pitridh S98348; COLLNOLY1004; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S98349; COLLNOLY1005; Allt Coire Pitridh S98349; COLLNOLY1005; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S98353; COLLNOLY1009; SCOTLAND. Dalwhinnie (63E) S98353; COLLNOLY1009; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E21973 Yarner Beacon E21973 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Quartz Dolerite'
E18302 Red Rocks, Babbacombe E18302 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Decomposed Dolerite'
E18303 Red Rocks, Babbacombe E18303 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Decomposed Dolerite'
S98381; COLLNOLY1037; 150m S of Loch Coire Cheap S98381; COLLNOLY1037; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E18306 Smuggler's Cove, Torquay E18306 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Decomposed Dolerite'
S98457; COLLNOFY1411; 1110m N of Carn Liath S98457; COLLNOFY1411; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S98458; COLLNOFY1412; 1000m NNE of Carn Liath S98458; COLLNOFY1412; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S98459; COLLNOFY1413; 900m N of Carn Liath S98459; COLLNOFY1413; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E41191; COLLNOOH21; New Road Cutting. 750 yd due W of Naird Farm. Nr. Shifnal E41191; COLLNOOH21; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S98632; COLLNOZD925; Burn 1200m 95deg from Coalgill S98632; COLLNOZD925; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S98788; COLLNOZK739; Auchinoon Quarry S98788; COLLNOZK739; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S98789; COLLNOZK740; M8 extension, 200m NW of Hermiston House S98789; COLLNOZK740; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S98656; COLLNOZD952; Parkhall Burn, 850m 163deg from Coalgill S98656; COLLNOZD952; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S97403; COLLNOETS228; Outcrop, Knockbreck 1240m W 27deg S of Greymare Stone S97403; COLLNOETS228; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
COLLNOTM2; ED7353; Mosetse area COLLNOTM2; ED7353; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E16379 Lowe's Hill Qry. Bartestree. 4.5 ml N of Hereford E16379 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E16380 Lowe's Hill Qry. Bartestree. 4.5 ml N of Hereford E16380 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S96968; COLLNOSR182; S side of Fionchra, Rum S96968; COLLNOSR182; *; *; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S97082; COLLNOHE7414; SE of Laig Farm, Eigg S97082; COLLNOHE7414; *; *; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite'
S97442; COLLNOSCX189; 750m 335deg from Garvock Church S97442; COLLNOSCX189; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S98120; COLLNOSMS133; Caochan Mor, confluence of streams S98120; COLLNOSMS133; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S97032; COLLNOSR591; Rubh Leam na Laraich, Muck S97032; COLLNOSR591; *; *; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite'
S97033; COLLNOSR592; Rubh Leam na Laraich, Muck S97033; COLLNOSR592; *; *; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite'
S97034; COLLNOSR598; S of Sloc na Dubhaich, Muck S97034; COLLNOSR598; *; *; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite'
S97027; COLLNOSR578; Camas Mor, Muck S97027; COLLNOSR578; *; *; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite'
S97019; COLLNOSR547; Losaid an t-Sagairt, Canna S97019; COLLNOSR547; *; *; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite'
S97020; COLLNOSR548; Suileabhaig, S coast of Sunday S97020; COLLNOSR548; *; *; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S97021; COLLNOSR553; Massacre Cave, S coast of Eigg S97021; COLLNOSR553; *; *; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S97022; COLLNOSR559; Gualainn na Sgurra, Eigg S97022; COLLNOSR559; *; *; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite'
S97025; COLLNOSR571; S edge of Am Maol, Muck S97025; COLLNOSR571; *; *; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite'
S97026; COLLNOSR576; N of Fionn-airdh, Muck S97026; COLLNOSR576; *; *; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S97068; COLLNODU23772; Stony Corrie, Dibidil, Rum S97068; COLLNODU23772; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S97070; COLLNODU23786; Coast at Dibidil, Rum S97070; COLLNODU23786; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S96578; COLLNOETS168; Burn 260m N 76deg E of junction of Coal Syke and Polhannan Burn S96578; COLLNOETS168; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S82417; COLLNORY459; SCOTLAND. Glen Roy (63W) S82417; COLLNORY459; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S82434; COLLNORY476; SCOTLAND. Glen Roy (63W) S82434; COLLNORY476; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S82439; COLLNORY481; SCOTLAND. Glen Roy (63W) S82439; COLLNORY481; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S81996; COLLNOCX2226; 230m W of Senechal Cottage S81996; COLLNOCX2226; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S81997; COLLNOCX2227; 230m W of Senechal Cottage S81997; COLLNOCX2227; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S82508; COLLNOZM9; SCOTLAND. Ballater (65E) S82508; COLLNOZM9; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S82509; COLLNOZM10; SCOTLAND. Ballater (65E) S82509; COLLNOZM10; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E67573; COLLNOEVA1; 4.5 Km NW of Llangynog E67573; COLLNOEVA1; *; *; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite'
E67574; COLLNOEVA12; 4.5 Km NW of Llangynog E67574; COLLNOEVA12; *; *; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite'
E23534 Arm o Grain, 600 yds N of Outfall E23534 *; *; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E16182; COLLNOSEH465; ELABNO942; 720 yds N 57 deg E of Trig Pt. 2174, Carrock Fell E16182; COLLNOSEH465; ELABNO942; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
S82418; COLLNORY460; SCOTLAND. Glen Roy (63W) S82418; COLLNORY460; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S82421; COLLNORY463; SCOTLAND. Glen Roy (63W) S82421; COLLNORY463; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S82422; COLLNORY464; SCOTLAND. Glen Roy (63W) S82422; COLLNORY464; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S82402; COLLNORY444; SCOTLAND. Glen Roy (63W) S82402; COLLNORY444; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S82403; COLLNORY445; SCOTLAND. Glen Roy (63W) S82403; COLLNORY445; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S82410; COLLNORY452; SCOTLAND. Glen Roy (63W) S82410; COLLNORY452; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S82311; COLLNOCX2524; 170m NNE of ford through Crathie Burn S82311; COLLNOCX2524; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S82175; COLLNOCX2414; NW slopes of Tom a' Chuic S82175; COLLNOCX2414; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S82357; COLLNOCX2572; Knoll 60m SE of cairn S82357; COLLNOCX2572; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S82350; COLLNOCX2565; 10m W of fence S82350; COLLNOCX2565; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S82351; COLLNOCX2566; Summit 680m NE of Ardoch S82351; COLLNOCX2566; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S82352; COLLNOCX2567; Summit 680m NE of Ardoch S82352; COLLNOCX2567; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S82526; COLLNOZM41; SCOTLAND. Braemar (65W) S82526; COLLNOZM41; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S82527; COLLNOZM46; SCOTLAND. Braemar (65W) S82527; COLLNOZM46; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S82318; COLLNOCX2532; 550m N of Knock of Lawsie summit S82318; COLLNOCX2532; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E12496; COLLNOSEH15; Middle of Crags. E of Crag Fell at 1200 ft. E12496; COLLNOSEH15; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Quartz Dolerite'
E14628; COLLNOSEH174; 400 yds WSW of Roughton Gill Lead Mine E14628; COLLNOSEH174; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S96532; COLLNOIY738; SCOTLAND. Ben Macdui (64E) S96532; COLLNOIY738; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S96515; COLLNOIY721; SCOTLAND. Ben Macdui (64E) S96515; COLLNOIY721; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S96516; COLLNOIY722; SCOTLAND. Ben Macdui (64E) S96516; COLLNOIY722; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S96518; COLLNOIY724; SCOTLAND. Ben Macdui (64E) S96518; COLLNOIY724; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S96524; COLLNOIY730; SCOTLAND. Ben Macdui (64E) S96524; COLLNOIY730; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S83524; COLLNOLY618; Ruthven S83524; COLLNOLY618; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Hornblende Diorite'
S82696; COLLNOMY1175; Brocky Burn, 600m NW of Charr S82696; COLLNOMY1175; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S82685; COLLNOMY1164; Hazly Grain, 600m W of confluence with Kethock Burn S82685; COLLNOMY1164; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E45574; COLLNOBM1333; Haverigg Haws Borehole. 2 ml WSW of Milom E45574; COLLNOBM1333; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Pseudobreccia'
S96553; COLLNOIY758; SCOTLAND. Ben Macdui (64E) S96553; COLLNOIY758; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S82629; COLLNOLX879; Sheuchan Craig S82629; COLLNOLX879; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S82631; COLLNOLX893; Ballochalee Glen S82631; COLLNOLX893; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S83526; COLLNOLY620; Ruthven S83526; COLLNOLY620; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E14603; COLLNOSEH149; 360 yds Upstream joining Dale Beck from South East E14603; COLLNOSEH149; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Quartz Dolerite'
E40030; COLLNOCCR508; Devonshire Qry. Stainton E40030; COLLNOCCR508; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Pseudobreccia'
S96508; COLLNOIY714; SCOTLAND. Ben Macdui (64E) S96508; COLLNOIY714; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S96509; COLLNOIY715; SCOTLAND. Ben Macdui (64E) S96509; COLLNOIY715; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S96511; COLLNOIY717; SCOTLAND. Ben Macdui (64E) S96511; COLLNOIY717; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S96514; COLLNOIY720; SCOTLAND. Ben Macdui (64E) S96514; COLLNOIY720; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E14562; COLLNOFMT88; At Trig Pt 1580. Longlandle Fell E14562; COLLNOFMT88; * Dacite. 'Original entry: Dacite'
E16985; COLLNOWCR118; 750 yds S 24 deg W of Trig Pt. 951. Blea Tarn Hill E16985; COLLNOWCR118; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E15805; COLLNOSEH460; 1270 yds W 9 deg N of Spot Level 1124 OD. Berrier School E15805; COLLNOSEH460; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Quartz Dolerite'
E15250; COLLNOSEH294; 1300 yds S 47 deg E of Caldew Grainsgill Junction E15250; COLLNOSEH294; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E40029; COLLNOCCR507; Crown Qry. Stainton E40029; COLLNOCCR507; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Pseudobreccia'
E15251; COLLNOSEH295; 920 yds W 7 deg N of Trig Pt. 2174, Carrock Fell E15251; COLLNOSEH295; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E15252; COLLNOSEH296; Minton Hill, 1300 yds W 19 deg N of Trig Pt. 2174, Carrock Fell E15252; COLLNOSEH296; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E15253; COLLNOSEH297; Grainsgill Beck, 535 yds S 10 deg S of Trig Pt. 2058, Coomb Height E15253; COLLNOSEH297; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
S82715; COLLNOMY1194; N Esk, E bank, 250m W of Woodburn S82715; COLLNOMY1194; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S82717; COLLNOMY1196; N Esk, E bank, 400m W of Woodburn S82717; COLLNOMY1196; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite Rock'
S96185; COLLNOMY1489; Rumbleyend Burn, 200m NW of Cowhill S96185; COLLNOMY1489; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E14534; COLLNOFMT60; In stream. 300 yds S of Norman E14534; COLLNOFMT60; * Dacite. 'Original entry: Dacite'
S82849; COLLNOCX2587; 370m SW of Craig Megen summit S82849; COLLNOCX2587; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S82855; COLLNOCX2593; 350m SE of Tom Bad a`Mhonaidh summit S82855; COLLNOCX2593; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S82856; COLLNOCX2594; Disused quarry 120m NNE of Crathie Church S82856; COLLNOCX2594; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Leucodiorite'
S82858; COLLNOCX2596; W side of track 350m NNW of the Maim S82858; COLLNOCX2596; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Leucodiorite'
S96038; COLLNOETS104; March Burn, E fork 530m S 4deg W of Stony Hill cairn S96038; COLLNOETS104; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S96001; COLLNOSCX47; Foreshore, Cadden, 300m 101deg from Kinneff Old Church S96001; COLLNOSCX47; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S96006; COLLNOSCX52; SE slope of Murrystone Hill, 140m 132deg from standing stone on Murrystone Hill S96006; COLLNOSCX52; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite'
E232 Ill Gill Head E232 * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E233 South of Great Castle How E233 * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E235 Toad How. Styhead Pass E235 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E236 West of Ore Cap. 4th Pile of stone E236 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
S82897; COLLNOGX1301; White Water, Glen Doll S82897; COLLNOGX1301; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S82841; COLLNOCX2579; Tom bad a`Mhonaidh S82841; COLLNOCX2579; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S96105; COLLNOMY1440; Piclethen Burn, where tributary joins from S S96105; COLLNOMY1440; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
COLLNOZQ890; MC5468; SCOTLAND. Dalwhinnie (63E) COLLNOZQ890; MC5468; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
COLLNOZQ895; MC5472; SCOTLAND. Dalwhinnie (63E) COLLNOZQ895; MC5472; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S96057; COLLNOETS123; Outcrop 520m W 15deg S of Stony Hill cairn S96057; COLLNOETS123; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S96061; COLLNOETS127; March Burn 430m E 16deg S of Connor Hill top S96061; COLLNOETS127; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S82973; COLLNOFY578; Maryfield S82973; COLLNOFY578; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S96375; COLLNOSMS57; Glen Mazeran S96375; COLLNOSMS57; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S95926; COLLNOSCX84; Temple Hill Quarry, 900m 352deg from Benholm Castle S95926; COLLNOSCX84; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S79184; COLLNOGU254; 110m SE of Dunbennan S79184; COLLNOGU254; * Dunite. 'Original entry: Dunite'
E90 Back slope of Harter Fell E90 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
S95656; COLLNOPY187; Monluth Hill S95656; COLLNOPY187; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Quartz Dolerite'
E84 Back of Screes E84 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S95933; COLLNOSCX93; Foreshore, 620m 081deg from Sillyflatt Farmhouse S95933; COLLNOSCX93; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S95919; COLLNOSCX77; Leys Hill, trench, 540m 245deg from Leys of Barras road end S95919; COLLNOSCX77; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S95707; COLLNOPY269; West Burn of Bulig S95707; COLLNOPY269; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S83483; COLLNOLY571; 130m SE of Red Craig S83483; COLLNOLY571; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S83484; COLLNOLY572; 650m N of Red Craig S83484; COLLNOLY572; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S82940; COLLNOGX1344; W margin of E Corrie, Uppermost Glen Clova S82940; COLLNOGX1344; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S95702; COLLNOPY262; Burn of Glassna S95702; COLLNOPY262; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E51856; COLLNOLC25; Longcleugh BH No. 1. Above White Walls Burn, 5100 ft. 247 deg from Ninebanks Church, West Allendale E51856; COLLNOLC25; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E51857; COLLNOLC26; Longcleugh BH No. 1. Above White Walls Burn, 5100 ft. 247 deg from Ninebanks Church, West Allendale E51857; COLLNOLC26; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E51858; COLLNOLC27; Longcleugh BH No. 1. Above White Walls Burn, 5100 ft. 247 deg from Ninebanks Church, West Allendale E51858; COLLNOLC27; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E51859; COLLNOLC28; Longcleugh BH No. 1. Above White Walls Burn, 5100 ft. 247 deg from Ninebanks Church, West Allendale E51859; COLLNOLC28; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E51860; COLLNOLC29; Longcleugh BH No. 1. Above White Walls Burn, 5100 ft. 247 deg from Ninebanks Church, West Allendale E51860; COLLNOLC29; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E216 East end of screes E216 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E224 Behind Kettle Crag E224 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
S95958; COLLNOSCX44; Burn of Graham, 400m upstream from bridge of Graham S95958; COLLNOSCX44; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E51832; COLLNOLC1M; Longcleugh BH No. 1. Above White Walls Burn, 5100 ft. 247 deg from Ninebanks Church, West Allendale E51832; COLLNOLC1M; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E51851; COLLNOLC20; Longcleugh BH No. 1. Above White Walls Burn, 5100 ft. 247 deg from Ninebanks Church, West Allendale E51851; COLLNOLC20; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E51852; COLLNOLC21; Longcleugh BH No. 1. Above White Walls Burn, 5100 ft. 247 deg from Ninebanks Church, West Allendale E51852; COLLNOLC21; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E51853; COLLNOLC22; Longcleugh BH No. 1. Above White Walls Burn, 5100 ft. 247 deg from Ninebanks Church, West Allendale E51853; COLLNOLC22; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E51854; COLLNOLC23; Longcleugh BH No. 1. Above White Walls Burn, 5100 ft. 247 deg from Ninebanks Church, West Allendale E51854; COLLNOLC23; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E51855; COLLNOLC24; Longcleugh BH No. 1. Above White Walls Burn, 5100 ft. 247 deg from Ninebanks Church, West Allendale E51855; COLLNOLC24; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E51834; COLLNOLC3M; Longcleugh BH No. 1. Above White Walls Burn, 5100 ft. 247 deg from Ninebanks Church, West Allendale E51834; COLLNOLC3M; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E51835; COLLNOLC4M; Longcleugh BH No. 1. Above White Walls Burn, 5100 ft. 247 deg from Ninebanks Church, West Allendale E51835; COLLNOLC4M; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E51836; COLLNOLC5M; Longcleugh BH No. 1. Above White Walls Burn, 5100 ft. 247 deg from Ninebanks Church, West Allendale E51836; COLLNOLC5M; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E51837; COLLNOLC6M; Longcleugh BH No. 1. Above White Walls Burn, 5100 ft. 247 deg from Ninebanks Church, West Allendale E51837; COLLNOLC6M; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S95735; COLLNOLY794; R.Isla, 620m SE/E of Dalvanie S95735; COLLNOLY794; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S95736; COLLNOLY795; R.Isla, 620m SE/E of Dalvanie S95736; COLLNOLY795; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S95663; COLLNOPY199; East Burn of Bulig S95663; COLLNOPY199; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S95666; COLLNOPY202; East Burn of Bulig S95666; COLLNOPY202; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Quartz Dolerite'
E87 Near top of Ill Gill E87 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
S95631; COLLNOPY149; Cowie Water S95631; COLLNOPY149; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S92867; COLLNOCX2682; 750m N of Moulzie S92867; COLLNOCX2682; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E59465; COLLNODB498; 600 m. at 233 deg. from Betton Farm. E59465; COLLNODB498; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E59466; COLLNODB499; 600 m. at 233 deg. from Betton Farm. E59466; COLLNODB499; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E66098; COLLNOMB54; 150 m. West of Great Leigh. E66098; COLLNOMB54; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E66099; COLLNOMB55; 120 m. West of Great Leigh. E66099; COLLNOMB55; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E59523; COLLNO543; 1140 m. at 300 deg. from Hyssington Chapel. E59523; COLLNO543; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E59524; COLLNO544; 1140 m. at 300 deg. from Hyssington Chapel. E59524; COLLNO544; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E59525; COLLNO545; 1140 m. at 300 deg. from Hyssington Chapel. E59525; COLLNO545; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E59526; COLLNO546; 1140 m. at 300 deg. from Hyssington Chapel. E59526; COLLNO546; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E59527; COLLNO547; 1140 m. at 300 deg. from Hyssington Chapel. E59527; COLLNO547; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E59528; COLLNO548; 1140 m. at 300 deg. from Hyssington Chapel. E59528; COLLNO548; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E59529; COLLNO549; 1140 m. at 300 deg. from Hyssington Chapel. E59529; COLLNO549; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E59530; COLLNO550; 1140 m. at 300 deg. from Hyssington Chapel. E59530; COLLNO550; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S83388; COLLNOLY471; Mains of Daltulich S83388; COLLNOLY471; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S83389; COLLNOLY472; Mains of Daltulich S83389; COLLNOLY472; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S95913; COLLNOSCX71; Trench 260m 103deg from radio mast at Corbieknowe S95913; COLLNOSCX71; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite'
S78784; COLLNOTY65; Cairnhill Farm, E pit in wood, 100m NE of farmhouse S78784; COLLNOTY65; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E59495; COLLNODB520; 680 m. at 128 deg. from Leigh Hall. E59495; COLLNODB520; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E59502; COLLNOBD527; 300 m. at 062 deg. from Etsell Cottage. E59502; COLLNOBD527; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E54441; COLLNOFU13; 200 m. at 300 deg. from summit of Cilgwyn. E54441; COLLNOFU13; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S83482; COLLNOLY570; 220m W of Red Craig S83482; COLLNOLY570; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S83460; COLLNOLY548; 300m NW of Red Craig S83460; COLLNOLY548; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S95763; COLLNOLY832; 30m N of Bridge of Forter S95763; COLLNOLY832; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S83444; COLLNOLY531; 450m SSW of Red Craig S83444; COLLNOLY531; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S83445; COLLNOLY532; 450m SSW of Red Craig S83445; COLLNOLY532; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S83446; COLLNOLY533; 450m SSW of Red Craig S83446; COLLNOLY533; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E60143; COLLNOPRR106; Faugh Cleugh - Knarsdale Forest. E60143; COLLNOPRR106; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E60144; COLLNOPRR107; Faugh Cleugh - Knarsdale Forest. E60144; COLLNOPRR107; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E60145; COLLNOPRR108; Faugh Cleugh - Knarsdale Forest. E60145; COLLNOPRR108; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E60146; COLLNOPRR109; Faugh Cleugh - Knarsdale Forest. E60146; COLLNOPRR109; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E60147; COLLNOPRR119; Faugh Cleugh - Knarsdale Forest. E60147; COLLNOPRR119; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E60148; COLLNOPRR120; Faugh Cleugh - Knarsdale Forest. E60148; COLLNOPRR120; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E60149; COLLNOPRR121; Faugh Cleugh - Knarsdale Forest. E60149; COLLNOPRR121; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E60150; COLLNOPRR122; Faugh Cleugh - Knarsdale Forest. E60150; COLLNOPRR122; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E60151; COLLNOPRR123; Faugh Cleugh - Knarsdale Forest. E60151; COLLNOPRR123; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E60152; COLLNOPRR124; Faugh Cleugh - Knarsdale Forest. E60152; COLLNOPRR124; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E60153; COLLNOPRR125; Faugh Cleugh - Knarsdale Forest. E60153; COLLNOPRR125; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E60154; COLLNOPRR126; Faugh Cleugh - Knarsdale Forest. E60154; COLLNOPRR126; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S83429; COLLNOLY516; Glen Doll, Dun Mor S83429; COLLNOLY516; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S83430; COLLNOLY517; Glen Doll, Dun Mor S83430; COLLNOLY517; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S83431; COLLNOLY518; Glen Doll, Dun Mor S83431; COLLNOLY518; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S83434; COLLNOLY521; Glen Doll, Dun Mor S83434; COLLNOLY521; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S83437; COLLNOLY524; 150m E of Dun Mor S83437; COLLNOLY524; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S83438; COLLNOLY525; 150m E of Dun Mor S83438; COLLNOLY525; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
E66113A; COLLNOMZ1; 70 m. N. of the Long Stone, coastal exposure. E66113A; COLLNOMZ1; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E66114; COLLNOMZ8; 70 m. N. of the Long Stone, coastal exposure. E66114; COLLNOMZ8; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E54949; COLLNONGB344; The Southern margin of the Calton Hill dolerite intrusion, 4 miles ESE. of Buxton (Nr. A6-A5270 junction). E54949; COLLNONGB344; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E54950; E54950/A; E54950/B; COLLNONGB345; The Southern margin of the Calton Hill dolerite intrusion, 4 miles ESE. of Buxton (Nr. A6-A5270 junction). E54950; E54950/A; E54950/B; COLLNONGB345; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E54951; COLLNONGB346; The Southern margin of the Calton Hill dolerite intrusion, 4 miles ESE. of Buxton (Nr. A6-A5270 junction). E54951; COLLNONGB346; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E54952; E54952/A; E54952/B; COLLNONGB347; The Southern margin of the Calton Hill dolerite intrusion, 4 miles ESE. of Buxton (Nr. A6-A5270 junction). E54952; E54952/A; E54952/B; COLLNONGB347; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E54953; COLLNONGB348; The Southern margin of the Calton Hill dolerite intrusion, 4 miles ESE. of Buxton (Nr. A6-A5270 junction). E54953; COLLNONGB348; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S92556; COLLNOZQ608; SCOTLAND. Glen Roy (63) S92556; COLLNOZQ608; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S92567; COLLNOZQ623; SCOTLAND. Glen Roy (63) S92567; COLLNOZQ623; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S92872; COLLNOCX2688; 20m NW of Tom a Chuir, NE face S92872; COLLNOCX2688; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S92873; S92873/A; COLLNOCX2690; Crags on W side of track S92873; S92873/A; COLLNOCX2690; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S92657; COLLNOCX2628; 400m WNW of Tom a' Chuir S92657; COLLNOCX2628; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S92659; COLLNOCX2630; Distillery Burn 500m W of Tom a' Chuir S92659; COLLNOCX2630; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E54988; COLLNONGB354; Old quarry, half a kilometre SE. of Ible, near Matlock. E54988; COLLNONGB354; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E54989; COLLNONGB356; Old quarry, half a kilometre SE. of Ible, near Matlock. E54989; COLLNONGB356; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E54990; COLLNONGB357; Old quarry, half a kilometre SE. of Ible, near Matlock. E54990; COLLNONGB357; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E60142; COLLNOPRR105; Faugh Cleugh - Knarsdale Forest. E60142; COLLNOPRR105; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S92662; COLLNOCX2633; 360m N of Tom a' Chuir S92662; COLLNOCX2633; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Leucodiorite'
S92665; COLLNOCX2636; 100m N of Tom a' Chuir S92665; COLLNOCX2636; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S92666; COLLNOCX2637; 100m N of Tom a' Chuir S92666; COLLNOCX2637; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Leucodiorite'
E54996; COLLNONGB364; Old quarry, Tideswell Dale picnic site. Lowest face outcrop. (nr. S. end of face). E54996; COLLNONGB364; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E54997; COLLNONGB365; Old quarry, Tideswell Dale picnic site. Lowest face outcrop, Half way up the face. (N. of centre of face). E54997; COLLNONGB365; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E54998; COLLNONGB366; Old quarry, Tideswell Dale picnic site. Lowest face outcrop, Highest point at which fresh material is readily obtainable. E54998; COLLNONGB366; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S92596; COLLNOZQ686; SCOTLAND. Glen Roy (63) S92596; COLLNOZQ686; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
E927 Black Head. E927 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E1082 Black Head. E1082 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
S92670; COLLNOCX2641; 300m N of Crathie Kirk S92670; COLLNOCX2641; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S92675; COLLNOCX2646; Knoll 540m ENE of Creag a' Chlamhain S92675; COLLNOCX2646; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Meladiorite'
S92676; COLLNOCX2647; Knoll 540m ENE of Creag a' Chlamhain S92676; COLLNOCX2647; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Leucodiorite'
S92678; COLLNOCX2649; 500m ENE of Creag a' Chlamhain S92678; COLLNOCX2649; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Meladiorite'
S92679; COLLNOCX2650; Top of slope 550m NE of Creag a' Chlamhain S92679; COLLNOCX2650; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Meladiorite'
S92680; COLLNOCX2651; Top of slope 550m NE of Creag a' Chlamhain S92680; COLLNOCX2651; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S92682; COLLNOCX2653; Torgalter Burn 100m NE of Torgalter S92682; COLLNOCX2653; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S92685; COLLNOCX2656; Torgalter Burn 350m N of Torgalter S92685; COLLNOCX2656; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Quartz Dolerite'
S92577; COLLNOZQ642; SW of Eilrig S92577; COLLNOZQ642; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S92578; COLLNOZQ643; SW of Eilrig S92578; COLLNOZQ643; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
E56428; COLLNONGB367; Old quarry, Tideswell Dale picnic site: just above quarry face at its Southern end. E56428; COLLNONGB367; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S92622; COLLNOZQ733; SCOTLAND. Glen Roy (63) S92622; COLLNOZQ733; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
E59480; COLLNODB513; 500 m. at 207 deg. from Leigh Hall. E59480; COLLNODB513; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S92635; COLLNOZQ765; SCOTLAND. Glen Roy (63) S92635; COLLNOZQ765; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E59737; COLLNOHA10 WHIT2; ARC Quarry, Whitwick. E59737; COLLNOHA10 WHIT2; * Dacite. 'Original entry: Dacite'
E52088; COLLNO144; Meldon BH. No. 1. 0.8 Km. at 118 deg. from Meldon Church, 3.6 Km. at 061 deg. from Sourton Church. E52088; COLLNO144; *; *; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S92617; COLLNOZQ725; Kilfinnan Waterfall S92617; COLLNOZQ725; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S92618; COLLNOZQ727; SCOTLAND. Glen Roy (63) S92618; COLLNOZQ727; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S92620; COLLNOZQ730; SCOTLAND. Glen Roy (63) S92620; COLLNOZQ730; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
E7986; COLLNO66; Quarry opposite Devon Friendship mine, Mary Tavy. E7986; COLLNO66; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E7988; COLLNO68; SSW. of Prescombe, W. Lydford. E7988; COLLNO68; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E7989; COLLNO69; Crag above Tavy, Whitestone Farm, Mary Tavy. E7989; COLLNO69; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E7990; COLLNO70; N. of Tanyons Shaft, Devon Friendship Mine, Mary Tavy. E7990; COLLNO70; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E7991; COLLNO71; Adit, Coads wood Tavy banks, Petertavy. E7991; COLLNO71; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E920 Michaelstow Beacon. E920 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E925 Top of Lundy Hole, near St. Minver. E925 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
S83938; COLLNOGX1414; 350m at 135deg from summit of Cairn Braodlands (The Rives) S83938; COLLNOGX1414; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Hornblende Diorite'
S83940; COLLNOGX1416; SW edge of Rives Landslip S83940; COLLNOGX1416; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Hornblende Diorite'
S83943; COLLNOGX1419; NW shoulder of Shank of Drumfollow S83943; COLLNOGX1419; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Hornblende Diorite'
S83945; COLLNOGX1421; N flank of Shank of Drumfollow S83945; COLLNOGX1421; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Hornblende Diorite'
E5652; COLLNO297; Shore, W. of Tregonee, St. Issey. E5652; COLLNO297; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E7476; COLLNO211; Tregallon Quarry. E7476; COLLNO211; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E25565; COLLNOJEM137; Redford Quarry, St. Kew. E25565; COLLNOJEM137; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S83804; COLLNOFX346; 280yards N of Stirling Castle S83804; COLLNOFX346; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Quartz Dolerite'
S92722; COLLNOMY1364; Burn of Duskintry, 550m SW of confluence with Muckle Saughan Burn S92722; COLLNOMY1364; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E65536; COLLNOMB41; Field exposure, 520 m. NNW. of Bridford Church. E65536; COLLNOMB41; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E4359; COLLNO96; Great Penhaven, Gorran Haven. E4359; COLLNO96; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E4360; COLLNO98; Great Penhaven, Gorran Haven. E4360; COLLNO98; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E4361; COLLNO99; Great Penhaven, Gorran Haven. E4361; COLLNO99; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E4362; COLLNO100; Great Penhaven, Gorran Haven. E4362; COLLNO100; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E4363; COLLNO102; Great Penhaven, Gorran Haven. E4363; COLLNO102; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E65516; COLLNOMB31; 300 m. E. of Scatter Rock Quarry. E65516; COLLNOMB31; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E65517; COLLNOMB32; 550 m. E. of Scatter Rock Quarry. E65517; COLLNOMB32; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E65518; COLLNOMB33; 300 m. NW. of Court Barton. E65518; COLLNOMB33; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E65519; COLLNOMB34; Farm Chapel, Christow. E65519; COLLNOMB34; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E65535; COLLNOMB40; Field exposure, 520 m. NNW. of Bridford Church. E65535; COLLNOMB40; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S92464; COLLNOYW1917; R. Gloy S92464; COLLNOYW1917; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S92469; COLLNOYW1923; R. Gloy S92469; COLLNOYW1923; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
E5614; COLLNO41; PHOTOM606; Kit-Hill St. Minver, Roadstone quarry, (normal rock). E5614; COLLNO41; PHOTOM606; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E5615; COLLNO42; Kit-Hill St. Minver, Roadstone quarry, (fine grained basal). E5615; COLLNO42; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
S83958; COLLNORY555; SCOTLAND. Glen Roy (63) S83958; COLLNORY555; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S83963; COLLNORY560; SCOTLAND. Glen Roy (63) S83963; COLLNORY560; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
E6406; COLLNO348; Newland Island. E6406; COLLNO348; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E6448; COLLNO80; Pentire Cliff, S. of encampment. E6448; COLLNO80; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E6449; COLLNO81; Cliff Castle, near top of hill. E6449; COLLNO81; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E7923; COLLNO9; NEG743M; West and of Bottor Rock. E7923; COLLNO9; NEG743M; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E7924; COLLNO10; West and of Bottor Rock. E7924; COLLNO10; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E7925; COLLNO11; East and of Bottor Rock. Diabase at Smithy, 0.25 mile S. of Kennock. E7925; COLLNO11; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E7931; COLLNO17; Half a mile S. of Lustfield. E7931; COLLNO17; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E7932; COLLNO18; Half a mile S. of Lustfield. E7932; COLLNO18; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E6459; COLLNO91; Beach beneath Cam Head. E6459; COLLNO91; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E6460; COLLNO92; Beach beneath Cam Head. E6460; COLLNO92; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E6462; COLLNO94; Between Lundy Beach and Epphaven Cove. E6462; COLLNO94; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E6464; COLLNO96; Daymer Bay. E6464; COLLNO96; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite Concretion'
E6467; COLLNO99; Carnweather Point. E6467; COLLNO99; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E6468; COLLNO100; Lundy Hole. E6468; COLLNO100; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E6471; COLLNO103; Epphaven Cove. E6471; COLLNO103; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E6554; COLLNO358; Stepper Point Quarry. E6554; COLLNO358; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E6555; COLLNO361; The Mouls, Portquin Bay. E6555; COLLNO361; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E6556; COLLNO362; The Mouls, Portquin Bay. E6556; COLLNO362; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E7715; COLLNO13; Cross Cottages at NW. end of Bovey Tracey. E7715; COLLNO13; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E7870; COLLNO360; Scatter Rock Quarry, 700 Ft. contour, Christow. E7870; COLLNO360; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E6557; COLLNO363; The Mouls, Portquin Bay. E6557; COLLNO363; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E6560; COLLNO374; Quarry, 0.25 mile W. of Port Isaac Rd Station. E6560; COLLNO374; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
S83788; COLLNOZM64; 300m SE of 'E103' - loose boulder on hillside S83788; COLLNOZM64; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Meladiorite'
S83789; COLLNOZM65; Tar Knowe S83789; COLLNOZM65; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S83790; COLLNOZM66; Tar Knowe S83790; COLLNOZM66; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Meladiorite'
S83791; COLLNOZM67; Tar Knowe S83791; COLLNOZM67; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Meladiorite'
S92919; COLLNOCX2717; Summit 650m N of Crathie Burn S92919; COLLNOCX2717; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Hornblende Diorite'
E6493; COLLNO125; Weatherham Quarry. E6493; COLLNO125; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E6494; COLLNO126; Trevisquite. E6494; COLLNO126; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E6495; COLLNO127; Trevisquite. E6495; COLLNO127; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E6805; COLLNO14; Railway near Lower Yew Cottage. E6805; COLLNO14; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E6815; COLLNO534; Bottar Rock, Heannock. E6815; COLLNO534; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E6816; COLLNO535; Quarry, 0.25 mile SE. of Whitestone, Bovey Tracey. E6816; COLLNO535; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E5588; COLLNO14; Ball Quarry. E5588; COLLNO14; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
S83908; COLLNOGX1384; Burn on Mouline Craig, 180m from confluence with R. S Esk S83908; COLLNOGX1384; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E5606; COLLNO33; 800 Yds. SW. of Roserrow. E5606; COLLNO33; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E7544 Glubhole Quarry. E7544 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E6764; COLLNO23; Crownley Barn, S. of Crownley. E6764; COLLNO23; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
S95584; COLLNOFY1333; Allt a' Mhuillin S95584; COLLNOFY1333; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E7265; COLLNO5; Outcrop in River Tamar. E7265; COLLNO5; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
S95364; S95364/A; COLLNOIY668; SCOTLAND. Ben Macdui (64E) S95364; S95364/A; COLLNOIY668; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S95032; COLLNONY243; Glen Water S95032; COLLNONY243; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S95041; COLLNONY252; Glen Water S95041; COLLNONY252; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E6783; COLLNO60; New quarry, SE. of Whitestone, N. of Bovey Tracey. E6783; COLLNO60; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E986 Rd. from Greystone Bridge to Dunterton. E986 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E6318; COLLNO38; Callington. E6318; COLLNO38; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E6415; COLLNOF; Newbridge Quarry. E6415; COLLNOF; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
S83336; COLLNOYW1854; Meallan Odhar S83336; COLLNOYW1854; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E7163; COLLNO28; Monkstone, 400 Yds. NNW. of Brent Tor. E7163; COLLNO28; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
S95400; COLLNOIY704; SCOTLAND. Ben Macdui (64E) S95400; COLLNOIY704; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S95373; COLLNOIY677; SCOTLAND. Ben Macdui (64E) S95373; COLLNOIY677; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S95374; S95374/A; COLLNOIY678; SCOTLAND. Ben Macdui (64E) S95374; S95374/A; COLLNOIY678; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S95375; COLLNOIY679; SCOTLAND. Ben Macdui (64E) S95375; COLLNOIY679; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S95380; S95380/A; COLLNOIY684; SCOTLAND. Ben Macdui (64E) S95380; S95380/A; COLLNOIY684; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S95382; COLLNOIY686; SCOTLAND. Ben Macdui (64E) S95382; COLLNOIY686; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S95386; S95386/A; COLLNOIY690; SCOTLAND. Ben Macdui (64E) S95386; S95386/A; COLLNOIY690; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E8176 400 Yds. SW. of Highweek Church. E8176 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E8177 Half a mile W. of Daracombe, 1 mile WNW. of Highweek Church. E8177 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
S92921; S92921/A; COLLNOCX2719; 300m ESE of grouse butts S92921; S92921/A; COLLNOCX2719; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Hornblende Diorite'
S92922; COLLNOCX2720; Knoll 350m ESE of grouse butts S92922; COLLNOCX2720; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E1080 Borough Quarry, 1 mile WNW. of Denbury. E1080 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E1081 Quarry at W. end of Beacon Hill, SW. of Denbury, Broadhempston. E1081 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S83881; S83881/A; COLLNOFY1166; Ruthuen S83881; S83881/A; COLLNOFY1166; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S83328; COLLNOYW1844; Tributary of Allt Eachach S83328; COLLNOYW1844; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S83331; COLLNOYW1849; Meallan Odhar S83331; COLLNOYW1849; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S83335; COLLNOYW1853; Meallan Odhar S83335; COLLNOYW1853; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S92897; COLLNOCX2694; By carn 15m NE of track S92897; COLLNOCX2694; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Leucodiorite'
E6748; COLLNO1; West end of Barton Down, (50 to 60 Yds. granite). E6748; COLLNO1; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E6749; COLLNO2; Inn Down, (about 0.25 miles from granite boundary). E6749; COLLNO2; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E6750; COLLNO3; Kiln Down, (200 Yds. from granite boundary). E6750; COLLNO3; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E6753; COLLNO7; Bowden Beer, (0.25 mile from granite boundary). E6753; COLLNO7; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E6757; COLLNO15; S. of Hatherleigh, (SE. of Lustleigh). E6757; COLLNO15; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E6759; COLLNO17; SSE. of Warmhill. E6759; COLLNO17; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E21141; COLLNO8/53; Greystone Bridge Quarry, Lawhitton. E21141; COLLNO8/53; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
S92959; COLLNOCX2736; N face of Tom a' Chear S92959; COLLNOCX2736; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S95337; COLLNOIY599; SCOTLAND. Ben Macdui (64E) S95337; COLLNOIY599; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E7623; COLLNOA2; Denio, Pwllheli E7623; COLLNOA2; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E7627; COLLNOA28; Ty Mawr, Rhiw E7627; COLLNOA28; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E9108; COLLNO25; Near Plas Llangwnadl. E9108; COLLNO25; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Hornblende Diorite'
S95112; COLLNOWX1292; R.Tilt, below Dun Beag S95112; COLLNOWX1292; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E9561; COLLNO13; 1200 Yds. NW. of Ty-isar-y-Plioyf. 1 mile E. of Glyn Dyfrdwy. E9561; COLLNO13; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite'
S82635; COLLNOYW1800; Allt na Glas Bheinne S82635; COLLNOYW1800; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S82634; COLLNOYW1798; Allt na Glas Bheinne S82634; COLLNOYW1798; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
E13373; COLLNO7; Trefgraig. E13373; COLLNO7; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E13269 Meillionydd. E13269 * Diorite. 'Original entry: Dioritic'
E8369; MR8023; Clogwyn Back Farm Qry. Pwllheli E8369; MR8023; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E8373; MR8026; Careg yr Imbill, Pwllheli E8373; MR8026; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S95391; COLLNOIY695; SCOTLAND. Ben Macdui (64E) S95391; COLLNOIY695; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S95393; COLLNOIY697; SCOTLAND. Ben Macdui (64E) S95393; COLLNOIY697; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E7865; COLLNO2; Upper Hafotty Quarry, 9 miles from Bala and 1.5 miles from Arenig Station. E7865; COLLNO2; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
S95132; COLLNOMY1417; Cairn Burn 700m upstream of confluence with Spital Burn S95132; COLLNOMY1417; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S95403; COLLNOIY707; SCOTLAND. Ben Macdui (64E) S95403; COLLNOIY707; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E4892; COLLNO167; 1 mile WSW. of Arenig Station. E4892; COLLNO167; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E4893; COLLNO168; 1 mile WSW. of Arenig Station. E4893; COLLNO168; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E305 Craig-y-Dinas, 1.25 miles SW of Pen-y-groes. E305 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
S92987; COLLNOCX2729; Creag a' Ghobhainn, 50m E of track S92987; COLLNOCX2729; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S92988; COLLNOCX2730; 20m NW of track junction S92988; COLLNOCX2730; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E12125; COLLNOMG2; Carog. E12125; COLLNOMG2; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Dioritic'
S82658; COLLNOYW1826; S of Beinn Bhan S82658; COLLNOYW1826; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S92981; COLLNOCX2723; Crag 200m SSW of The Gouroch S92981; COLLNOCX2723; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S92983; COLLNOCX2725; 300m N of The Gouroch Lochan S92983; COLLNOCX2725; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S92986; COLLNOCX2728; By Princess Alice's Cairn S92986; COLLNOCX2728; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S92966; COLLNOCX2743; 460m ESE of Cnoc Chalmac S92966; COLLNOCX2743; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S92974; COLLNOCX2753; Creag a Chlamhain, 150m E of track fence junction S92974; COLLNOCX2753; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S95351; S95351/A; COLLNOIY655; SCOTLAND. Ben Macdui (64E) S95351; S95351/A; COLLNOIY655; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E6566 Mynyr Penmaen, Nr. Pwllheli E6566 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite'
S95331; COLLNOIY593; SCOTLAND. Ben Macdui (64E) S95331; COLLNOIY593; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S95335; S95335/A; COLLNOIY597; SCOTLAND. Ben Macdui (64E) S95335; S95335/A; COLLNOIY597; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E9294; COLLNO9; Ogof-Hir, Bardsey Island. E9294; COLLNO9; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite'
E1920 1 ml NW of Linley Hall E1920 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S93496; COLLNOZH4118; 680m SW of Knowetop S93496; COLLNOZH4118; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E15941; COLLNOTG175; Crags to W. of Porth Maen Welyn, Pen Caer. E15941; COLLNOTG175; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E15944; COLLNOTG194; E. of stream outlet, Aber Felin. E15944; COLLNOTG194; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E15945; COLLNOTG198; Porth Gain Quarries. E15945; COLLNOTG198; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E15946; COLLNOTG209; Middle Crag, Foel Fregaru Presellys. E15946; COLLNOTG209; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E15234 Dauffaich, Bishop Clerks Group. E15234 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E1912 Penberry, 3 miles E. of St. Davids. E1912 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E1913 S. side of Porth Melgan, St. Davids. E1913 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E1914 Carn Llidi, 2 miles W. of N. of St. Davids. E1914 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E7198; COLLNO20; Allteven Quarry, Dinas. E7198; COLLNO20; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
S95012; COLLNONY221; Glen Water S95012; COLLNONY221; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S95014; COLLNONY223; Disused quarry NW of Intax Farm S95014; COLLNONY223; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S95019; COLLNONY229; Cadgerloup Burn S95019; COLLNONY229; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S82581; COLLNOYW1767; Allt Poll-gormack S82581; COLLNOYW1767; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S82598; COLLNOYW1787; Allt Dubh S82598; COLLNOYW1787; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E7186; COLLNO6; Dyfhryn, Farrant Quarry, Fishguard. E7186; COLLNO6; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E7235; COLLNO262; 2. Cwm Mawr, Newgale. E7235; COLLNO262; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E7540; COLLNO353; Daron Granite Quarries, Aberdaron. E7540; COLLNO353; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
S95044; COLLNONY255; Glen Water S95044; COLLNONY255; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S82574; COLLNOYW1758; Allt Poll-gormack S82574; COLLNOYW1758; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S82248; COLLNOYW1749; Meall Ptarmigan S82248; COLLNOYW1749; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S82233; COLLNOYW1732; R.Roy S82233; COLLNOYW1732; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E51931; COLLNOLA617; 150 Yds. at 130 deg. from Pont y Cerbyd. E51931; COLLNOLA617; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S92806; COLLNOYW2022; Allt Chonnal S92806; COLLNOYW2022; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S92810; COLLNOYW2026; Allt na Glas Bheinne S92810; COLLNOYW2026; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S92811; COLLNOYW2027; Allt Dubh S92811; COLLNOYW2027; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
E361 Near bridge, Whitechurch, St. Davids. E361 * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S81658; COLLNOYW1676; Carn Dearg Beag S81658; COLLNOYW1676; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S82238; COLLNOYW1737; Carn Dearg Beag S82238; COLLNOYW1737; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S82237; COLLNOYW1736; Carn Dearg Beag S82237; COLLNOYW1736; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S94595; COLLNOCY5; NE of road at Auchenhay Bridge on NW bank of stream S94595; COLLNOCY5; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S95008; COLLNONY215; Law Quarry beside Glen Water S95008; COLLNONY215; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S92813; COLLNOYW2029; Allt Dubh S92813; COLLNOYW2029; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S93075; COLLNOCX2764; Disued quarry 150m NW of Carnaquheen S93075; COLLNOCX2764; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S94527; COLLNOPY100; Cowie Water 160m upstream from confluence with Black Burn S94527; COLLNOPY100; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Quartz Dolerite'
S94664; COLLNOZH4137; 290m N 30deg W of Nether Whitehaugh S94664; COLLNOZH4137; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E12199; COLLNOL14; Top of Mynydd, Penarfynydd. E12199; COLLNOL14; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Hornblende Dolerite'
COLLNOR014P; MC5447; Reay Quarry COLLNOR014P; MC5447; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S81642; COLLNOYW1657; Carn Dearg Beag S81642; COLLNOYW1657; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S93123; COLLNOGX1439; N part of W wall of Reay Quarry S93123; COLLNOGX1439; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S93115; COLLNOGX1431; 740m 190deg from Reay Quarry S93115; COLLNOGX1431; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
COLLNOAV001P; MC5429; Achvarasdal COLLNOAV001P; MC5429; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
COLLNOAV003P; MC5431; Achvarasdal COLLNOAV003P; MC5431; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
COLLNOAV004P; MC5432; Achvarasdal COLLNOAV004P; MC5432; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S93078; COLLNOCX2767; Gully 400m NNW of Craig Nordie summit S93078; COLLNOCX2767; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S82201; COLLNOYW1698; Allt Dubh S82201; COLLNOYW1698; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S82204; COLLNOYW1701; Allt Dubh S82204; COLLNOYW1701; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S81674; COLLNOYW1693; Allt Dubh S81674; COLLNOYW1693; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S81675; COLLNOYW1694; Allt Dubh S81675; COLLNOYW1694; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S81677; COLLNOYW1696; Allt Dubh S81677; COLLNOYW1696; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S81678; COLLNOYW1697; Allt Dubh S81678; COLLNOYW1697; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S94308; COLLNOCX2799; 400m NNE of Knock of Lawsie summite S94308; COLLNOCX2799; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S94302; COLLNOCX2793; 150m SW of Sron Dubh summit S94302; COLLNOCX2793; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S93640; COLLNOTY415; Head of inlet immediately W of Old Harbour S93640; COLLNOTY415; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E4518; COLLNOCREID175; Tubbs Mill Quarry, St. Goran. E4518; COLLNOCREID175; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E4513; COLLNOCREID170; Trevennan, E. side of road. E4513; COLLNOCREID170; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E4514; COLLNOCREID171; Trevennan, West side of small quarry. E4514; COLLNOCREID171; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
S93109; COLLNORY571; SCOTLAND. Reay (115) S93109; COLLNORY571; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S93189; COLLNOAX2314; M74 road cut, NE slope of Knock Leaven, 4km NW of Abington S93189; COLLNOAX2314; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S93095; COLLNOMY1371; 300m due S of Lochan nan Eun S93095; COLLNOMY1371; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S94548; COLLNOLY767; Red Craig S94548; COLLNOLY767; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S94165; COLLNOFY1215; 400m SW of Dalnabeist S94165; COLLNOFY1215; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S93979; COLLNOPX264; Cats Craig, Shillingland Moor S93979; COLLNOPX264; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S92648; COLLNOZQ788; SCOTLAND. Glen Roy (63) S92648; COLLNOZQ788; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S94286; COLLNOWX1259; R. Tilt, Ruigh na Cuile S94286; COLLNOWX1259; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S77453; COLLNOMY593; Gallow Hill Eastern ridge 800m N of Old Leslie S77453; COLLNOMY593; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S77456; COLLNOMY596; Hill of Glandeston W slope 350m E of Sunside S77456; COLLNOMY596; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S94347; COLLNOLY732; 400m NW of Auchintaple Loch S94347; COLLNOLY732; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S94346; COLLNOLY731; 400m NW of Auchintaple Loch S94346; COLLNOLY731; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S93553; COLLNOTY328; Rothiemay Station cutting, E end S93553; COLLNOTY328; * Dunite. 'Original entry: Dunite'
S93753; COLLNOMY1375; SW bank of Burn of Isauld 330m SE of Bridge of Isauld S93753; COLLNOMY1375; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E8719; COLLNO350; The Wych, Malverns E8719; COLLNO350; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E8727; COLLNO360; NE side of Ragged Stone Hill, Malvern E8727; COLLNO360; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E8728; COLLNO361; NE side of Ragged Stone Hill, Malvern E8728; COLLNO361; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E8739; COLLNO397; North Hill, Malvern E8739; COLLNO397; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E8704; COLLNO334; Great Malverns E8704; COLLNO334; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E8705; COLLNO335; Great Malverns E8705; COLLNO335; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E8706; COLLNO336; Road below NE of The Wych, Malverns E8706; COLLNO336; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E8708; COLLNO338; Midsummer Hill, Malverns E8708; COLLNO338; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E8709; COLLNO339; Midsummer Hill, Malverns E8709; COLLNO339; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E8711; COLLNO341; W of N Malverns E8711; COLLNO341; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S92649; COLLNOZQ789; SCOTLAND. Glen Roy (63) S92649; COLLNOZQ789; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S92651; COLLNOZQ791; SCOTLAND. Glen Roy (63) S92651; COLLNOZQ791; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S80089; COLLNORY213; Allt a' Chaorainn S80089; COLLNORY213; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S94138; COLLNOFY1188; E bank of R. Findhorn 420m WNW of Drumbain S94138; COLLNOFY1188; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S93683; COLLNOET454; Drain 350m E 30deg S of Wester Ochiltree S93683; COLLNOET454; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S77400; COLLNOMY537; 1300m NNW of summit of Benaquhallie S77400; COLLNOMY537; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S77482; COLLNOMY623; Footie Wood 350m NNW of Tillyneckle farmhouse S77482; COLLNOMY623; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Hornblende Diorite'
S77483; COLLNOMY624; 200m N of Leyton S77483; COLLNOMY624; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S77486; COLLNOMY627; 300m WSW of Hindrum S77486; COLLNOMY627; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S77487; COLLNOMY628; 200m NW of Hindrum S77487; COLLNOMY628; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E8714; COLLNO344; E top of Raggedstone Hill, Malverns E8714; COLLNO344; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E8716; COLLNO346; SW top of Raggedstone Hill, Malverns E8716; COLLNO346; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E8718; COLLNO349; The Wych, Malverns E8718; COLLNO349; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E8674; COLLNO301; Raggd Stone Hill, Malverns E8674; COLLNO301; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E8675; COLLNO302; Raggd Stone Hill, Malverns E8675; COLLNO302; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E8676; COLLNO303; Raggd Stone Hill, Malverns E8676; COLLNO303; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E8677; COLLNO304; Raggd Stone Hill, Malverns E8677; COLLNO304; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E8701; COLLNO330; NE of Wych, Malverns E8701; COLLNO330; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E8702; COLLNO331; Primrose Hill, Malverns E8702; COLLNO331; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S94221; COLLNOJX21; SCOTLAND. Rothes (85) S94221; COLLNOJX21; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Hornblende Diorite'
E8651; COLLNO272; Worcester Beacon E8651; COLLNO272; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E8656; COLLNO278; Quarry at Wych, Malverns E8656; COLLNO278; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E8660; COLLNO286; 1/8th ml S of Wynds Point, Malvern E8660; COLLNO286; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E8661; COLLNO287; 1/8th ml S of Wych, Malvern E8661; COLLNO287; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E8663; COLLNO289; Midsummer Hill, Malvern Hills E8663; COLLNO289; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E8665; COLLNO291; S end of Key's End Hills E8665; COLLNO291; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S94201; COLLNOFY1251; A9 road cut below Creag an Tum Bhig S94201; COLLNOFY1251; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S94202; COLLNOFY1252; A9 road cut below Creag an Tum Bhig S94202; COLLNOFY1252; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S94205; COLLNOFY1255; NW slope of Creag an Tum Bhig S94205; COLLNOFY1255; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S77467; COLLNOMY607; Forestry Commisssion quarry 450m ENE of Newtonhill S77467; COLLNOMY607; * Dunite. 'Original entry: Dunite'
S94219; COLLNOJX19; SCOTLAND. Rothes (85) S94219; COLLNOJX19; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S94220; COLLNOJX20; SCOTLAND. Rothes (85) S94220; COLLNOJX20; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Hornblende Diorite'
S93956; COLLNOSY293; Drumbeesie S93956; COLLNOSY293; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S77507; COLLNOMY648; 550m due N of Tillching S77507; COLLNOMY648; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Biotite Hornblendite'
S77499; COLLNOMY640; 150m NE of Townhead S77499; COLLNOMY640; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S77506; COLLNOMY647; By roadside 250m ENE of Oldtown S77506; COLLNOMY647; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Hornblende Diorite'
S93662; COLLNOET433; SW of Carsie Hill, 120m E of Cauldhame S93662; COLLNOET433; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S93126; COLLNOJX5; SCOTLAND. Reay (115) S93126; COLLNOJX5; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S93127; COLLNOJX7; Small isolated outcrop S93127; COLLNOJX7; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S77459; COLLNOMY599; Old quarry 200m W of Sunside S77459; COLLNOMY599; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S77461; COLLNOMY601; Disused quarry beside Earlsfield Cottages, 200m ESE of Kennethmont Church S77461; COLLNOMY601; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S80579; COLLNORY282; SCOTLAND. Glen Roy (63) S80579; COLLNORY282; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S80109; COLLNORY233; SCOTLAND. Glen Roy (63) S80109; COLLNORY233; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S80277; COLLNOCX2069; 370m N of Doup's Burn S80277; COLLNOCX2069; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Quartz Dolerite'
S80594; COLLNORY314; SCOTLAND. Glen Roy (63) S80594; COLLNORY314; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Hornblende Diorite'
S77424; COLLNOMY564; Old quarry on hill 130m SSW of Newbigging S77424; COLLNOMY564; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E62909; COLLNOFJ1137; Drygill Beck E62909; COLLNOFJ1137; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S77399; COLLNOMY536; 1300m NNW of summit of Benaquhallie S77399; COLLNOMY536; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S80007; COLLNORY131; Allt Cam stream S80007; COLLNORY131; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S80259; COLLNOCX2051; N side of gully NW corner of Winter Corrie S80259; COLLNOCX2051; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S80260; COLLNOCX2052; Crags 950m SW of Braedownie S80260; COLLNOCX2052; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S80274; COLLNOCX2066; 40m NE of fence SW end of Corrie Kilbo S80274; COLLNOCX2066; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Quartz Dolerite'
S80055; COLLNORY179; SCOTLAND. Glen Roy (63) S80055; COLLNORY179; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S80033; COLLNORY157; SCOTLAND. Rannoch (54) S80033; COLLNORY157; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Leucodiorite'
S78407; COLLNOZD851; 30m 136eg from Carmacoup Farm, Carmacoup Burn S78407; COLLNOZD851; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S78408; COLLNOZD852; 150m 238eg from Carmacoup Farm, Carmacoup Burn S78408; COLLNOZD852; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S78410; COLLNOZD854; 200m 323deg from Monksfoot Farm, Monks Water S78410; COLLNOZD854; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S78412; COLLNOZD856; 810m 315deg from Monksfoot Farm, Monks Water S78412; COLLNOZD856; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S78403; COLLNOZD847; 210m 304deg from Carmacoup, Douglas Water S78403; COLLNOZD847; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E62707; COLLNOJNC323; Dosthill Qry. 100 m W of St. Paul Church E62707; COLLNOJNC323; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S80028; COLLNORY152; SCOTLAND. Glen Roy (63) S80028; COLLNORY152; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S80017; COLLNORY141; Meall Cos S80017; COLLNORY141; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E312 Nr. Summit of Rhobell Fawr E312 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E315 Rhobell, S of the long slate patch E315 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E62162; COLLNOJNC10; Judkins Qry. 300 m 130 deg of Caldercote Hill E62162; COLLNOJNC10; * Diorite.
E14458; COLLNORB1198; Helygog Qry. Brithdir E14458; COLLNORB1198; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S73273; COLLNOAX875; Tributary of Old Burn, Tweedsmuir S73273; COLLNOAX875; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E61952; COLLNOMH1553; SW of Mynydd Pencoed E61952; COLLNOMH1553; * Dacite.
E61956; COLLNOMH1557; W of Craig Ysgiog E61956; COLLNOMH1557; * Dacite.
E62034; COLLNOGW72; 735 m 285 deg from Bryn Brith; 5.4 Km NE of Fairbourne Stn. E62034; COLLNOGW72; * Dacite.
E321 S of Moelcors y Garnedd E321 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E8563; COLLNO24; 1 mile E. of Johnston, Haverfordwest. E8563; COLLNO24; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E4145; COLLNO170; 30.5. Complex, Coomb, Llangyrog. E4145; COLLNO170; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E4129; COLLNO154; 21. Complex, Coomb, Llangyrog. E4129; COLLNO154; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E4133; COLLNO158; 16. Complex, Coomb, Llangyrog. E4133; COLLNO158; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E7788; COLLNO305; 24. Greatmire Valley, Marloes Bay. E7788; COLLNO305; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E7195; COLLNO17; Bulford Quarry, Steynton. E7195; COLLNO17; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E7070; COLLNO194; W18. Skomer Island. E7070; COLLNO194; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite'
E7762; COLLNO319; 38. East side of Martin's Haven, Marloes. E7762; COLLNO319; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E7117; COLLNO241; W91. Skomer Island. E7117; COLLNO241; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite'
E7118; COLLNO242; W92. Skomer Island. E7118; COLLNO242; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite'
E5891; COLLNO340; Dinas Head, North side. E5891; COLLNO340; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E21009; COLLNOB1; Golconda Mine, 2 ml WNW of Wirksworth; 60 fathom Level E21009; COLLNOB1; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
E15345; COLLNOHD341; Beside old quarry at top of hill, Kiberick. E15345; COLLNOHD341; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E6405; COLLNO347; Gulland Isles. E6405; COLLNO347; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E7736; COLLNO293; 7. Small Rocks. E7736; COLLNO293; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite'
S73684; COLLNOHX302A; Water of Nochty S73684; COLLNOHX302A; * Diorite.
S73685; COLLNOHX303A; Water of Nochty S73685; COLLNOHX303A; * Diorite.
S73686; COLLNOHX305A; Water of Nochty S73686; COLLNOHX305A; * Diorite.
S73687; COLLNOHX313A; Glen Buchat, Allt nan Cabar S73687; COLLNOHX313A; * Diorite.
E1511 S of Cwim y Glo, Llyn Padarn E1511 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Ophitic Dolerite'
S73579; COLLNOHX304; Glen Nochty, Strathdon, Grampian S73579; COLLNOHX304; * Diorite.
S73580; COLLNOHX307; Glen Nochty, Strathdon, Grampian S73580; COLLNOHX307; * Diorite.
S73581; COLLNOHX325; Ernan Water, Strathdon, Grampian S73581; COLLNOHX325; * Diorite.
S73688; COLLNOHX315A; Glen Buchat, Allt nan Cabar S73688; COLLNOHX315A; * Diorite.
S73689; COLLNOHX318A; Glen Buchat, Allt nan Cabar S73689; COLLNOHX318A; * Diorite.
S73690; COLLNOHX323A; Glen Ernan, Ernan Water S73690; COLLNOHX323A; * Diorite.
S73691; COLLNOHX324A; Glen Ernan, Ernan Water S73691; COLLNOHX324A; * Diorite.
S73692; COLLNOHX326A; Glen Ernan, Ernan Water S73692; COLLNOHX326A; * Diorite.
E500 Pont y Cromleck, Llanberis E500 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E9830; NEG1086M; 450 ft. SE. of "92" Pentraeth. E9830; NEG1086M; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E41561; COLLNOCF120; IMAU BH, D71-17, 200 Yds N of Parley Hey Station E41561; COLLNOCF120; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
E14964; COLLNO1275; Intake Qry. Middleton By Worksworth E14964; COLLNO1275; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
S73762; COLLNONX1440; Beside St.Leonard's Park racecourse, Hawick S73762; COLLNONX1440; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S76724; COLLNOYW1599; Creag Corrag S76724; COLLNOYW1599; * Diorite.
S74199; COLLNOGX933; 300m WNW of Allargue Arms S74199; COLLNOGX933; * Diorite.
S73833; COLLNOZN1682; Foul Mire S73833; COLLNOZN1682; * Diorite.
S73834; COLLNOZN1683; Allt Sowan Hill S73834; COLLNOZN1683; * Diorite.
S73835; COLLNOZN1684; Allt Sowan Hill S73835; COLLNOZN1684; * Diorite.
E23401 Rolleston No. 2 BH. E23401 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite'
S76728; COLLNOYW1605; Allt na Glas Bheinne S76728; COLLNOYW1605; * Diorite.
S76730; COLLNOYW1607; Allt na Glas Bheinne S76730; COLLNOYW1607; * Diorite.
S76716; COLLNOYW1588; S of Glas Bheinn S76716; COLLNOYW1588; * Diorite.
S76718; COLLNOYW1591; Allt na Glas Bheinne S76718; COLLNOYW1591; * Diorite.
S73837; COLLNOZN1686; SW of Allt Sowan Hill S73837; COLLNOZN1686; * Diorite.
S73839; COLLNOZN1689; SW of Allt Sowan Burn S73839; COLLNOZN1689; * Diorite.
S73870; COLLNOHY0086; Water of Nochty S73870; COLLNOHY0086; * Dolostone.
S76776; COLLNOZN1913; SW of Creag an Eunan S76776; COLLNOZN1913; * Diorite.
S76764; COLLNOZN1898; SW of Creag an Sgor S76764; COLLNOZN1898; * Diorite.
E43841; COLLNOBD712; IMAU, Heath Cote Qry. 2 km W of Hartington Village E43841; COLLNOBD712; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
S74157; COLLNOCX1243; c.130m NE of 4th lowest grouse butt S74157; COLLNOCX1243; * Diorite.
S74231; COLLNOGX965; 350m SSE of Delachuper, Upper Donside S74231; COLLNOGX965; * Diorite.
S74215; COLLNOGX949; Northern part of Milltown Burn S74215; COLLNOGX949; * Diorite.
S77132; COLLNOBRS159; Camrie Fell (new track), c.4km NNE of Glenluce S77132; COLLNOBRS159; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S74310; COLLNOGX876; 370m N of Letteraitten S74310; COLLNOGX876; * Diorite.
S74311; COLLNOGX877; 380m at 013 degrees from Letteraitten S74311; COLLNOGX877; * Diorite.
S74313; COLLNOGX879; 370m at 032 degrees from Letteraitten S74313; COLLNOGX879; * Diorite.
S74494; COLLNONX1708C; Ernan Water, due S of shiel S74494; COLLNONX1708C; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S74505; COLLNONX1719; E bank, Ernan Water, just above shiel S74505; COLLNONX1719; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E41545; COLLNOCF104; IMAU BH, D71-17, 200 Yds N of Parley Hey Station E41545; COLLNOCF104; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
E41537; COLLNOCF96; IMAU BH, D71-17, 200 Yds N of Parley Hey Station E41537; COLLNOCF96; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
E41527; COLLNOCF86; IMAU BH, D71-17, 200 Yds N of Parley Hey Station E41527; COLLNOCF86; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
S74495; COLLNONX1709; By Burn of Derarach S74495; COLLNONX1709; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S74497; COLLNONX1711; By Burn of Derarach S74497; COLLNONX1711; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S74504; COLLNONX1718; By Burn of Derarach S74504; COLLNONX1718; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S74484; COLLNONX1700; Little Fleuchat, Glen Ernan S74484; COLLNONX1700; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S74485; COLLNONX1701; Meikle Fleuchat, Glen Ernan S74485; COLLNONX1701; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S74492; COLLNONX1708A; Ernan Water, due S of shiel S74492; COLLNONX1708A; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S74493; COLLNONX1708B; Ernan Water, due S of shiel S74493; COLLNONX1708B; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S74263; COLLNOGY332; S of Cairn Head S74263; COLLNOGY332; * Diorite.
E41533; COLLNOCF92; IMAU BH, D71-17, 200 Yds N of Parley Hey Station E41533; COLLNOCF92; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
E41525; COLLNOCF84; IMAU BH, D71-17, 200 Yds N of Parley Hey Station E41525; COLLNOCF84; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
E41526; COLLNOCF85; IMAU BH, D71-17, 200 Yds N of Parley Hey Station E41526; COLLNOCF85; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
S76870; COLLNORY113; River Roy S76870; COLLNORY113; * Diorite.
S76872; COLLNORY117; Meall Doire S76872; COLLNORY117; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S74593; COLLNOGX1014; Duiveoir Burn, 650m at 124 degrees from junction with Allt Veannaich S74593; COLLNOGX1014; * Diorite.
S77204; COLLNOHX1579; Kindie Burn, Glenkindie S77204; COLLNOHX1579; * Diorite.
S76920; COLLNORY89; SCOTLAND. Glen Roy (63) S76920; COLLNORY89; * Diorite.
S76928; COLLNORY104; Spean River S76928; COLLNORY104; * Diorite.
S76908; COLLNORY59; Coire Chomharsain S76908; COLLNORY59; * Diorite.
S76909; COLLNORY61; Coire Ardair S76909; COLLNORY61; * Diorite.
S76912; COLLNORY68; Allt na h-Uamba stream S76912; COLLNORY68; * Diorite.
S77237; COLLNOZN1940; W of Blackhillock S77237; COLLNOZN1940; * Diorite.
S77232; S77232/A; COLLNOZN1933; NE spur of Ben Newe S77232; S77232/A; COLLNOZN1933; * Diorite.
S77232A; COLLNOZN1934; NE spur of Ben Newe S77232A; COLLNOZN1934; * Diorite.
S77233; S77233/A; COLLNOZN1935; NE spur of Ben Newe S77233; S77233/A; COLLNOZN1935; * Diorite.
S77233A; COLLNOZN1936; Craigie Shiels S77233A; COLLNOZN1936; * Diorite.
S77234; COLLNOZN1937; Craigie Shiels S77234; COLLNOZN1937; * Diorite.
S77235; COLLNOZN1938; NE of Beltimb S77235; COLLNOZN1938; * Diorite.
S77236; COLLNOZN1939; NE of Belnaglack S77236; COLLNOZN1939; * Diorite.
S76917; COLLNORY81; Corrour Forest S76917; COLLNORY81; * Diorite.
S74204; COLLNOGX936; 420m NW of Allargue Hotel S74204; COLLNOGX936; * Diorite.
E41553; COLLNOCF112; IMAU BH, D71-17, 200 Yds N of Parley Hey Station E41553; COLLNOCF112; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
S76918; COLLNORY84; SCOTLAND. Glen Roy (63) S76918; COLLNORY84; * Diorite.
S76896; COLLNORY33; Lochan Coire Choille-rais S76896; COLLNORY33; * Diorite.
S76897; COLLNORY43; Craig Beg area S76897; COLLNORY43; * Diorite.
S76898; COLLNORY44; A86 S76898; COLLNORY44; * Diorite.
S76900; COLLNORY47; SCOTLAND. Glen Roy (63) S76900; COLLNORY47; * Diorite.
S76906; COLLNORY56; Allt a'Choire Chomharsain S76906; COLLNORY56; * Diorite.
E41524; COLLNOCF83; IMAU BH, D71-17, 200 Yds N of Parley Hey Station E41524; COLLNOCF83; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
E41547; COLLNOCF106; IMAU BH, D71-17, 200 Yds N of Parley Hey Station E41547; COLLNOCF106; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
E41548; COLLNOCF107; IMAU BH, D71-17, 200 Yds N of Parley Hey Station E41548; COLLNOCF107; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
S77227; COLLNOZN1928; Summit of Ben Newe S77227; COLLNOZN1928; * Diorite.
S77230; COLLNOZN1931; W of Glenbuchat Castle S77230; COLLNOZN1931; * Diorite.
S77219; COLLNOZN1920; Quarry, SW of Hill of Greenstile S77219; COLLNOZN1920; * Diorite.
S75801; COLLNOCX1677; Centre of inlet, c400m ENE of Bruce's Haven S75801; COLLNOCX1677; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E4214; COLLNOHDC86; Westcott Qrys, Bridford, 9 ml WSW of Exeter E4214; COLLNOHDC86; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Porphyritic Diabase'
S75655; COLLNOWX789; Markie Water, 250m SE of road bridge S75655; COLLNOWX789; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S75656; COLLNOWX790; Markie Water, 550m WNW of Bridge of Haugh S75656; COLLNOWX790; * Diorite.
S75658; COLLNOWX792; Markie Water, 320m WNW of Bridge of Haugh S75658; COLLNOWX792; * Diorite.
S75659; COLLNOWX793; Markie Water, 270m W of Bridge of Haugh S75659; COLLNOWX793; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S76377; COLLNOLY131; 750m E of Braenaloin S76377; COLLNOLY131; * Diorite.
E28914; COLLNOUG6532; UG6532; Old Heazille Farm E28914; COLLNOUG6532; UG6532; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Ophitic Dolerite'
E29277 Deep excavation for building nr centre of Exeter E29277 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
E28918; COLLNOUG6538I; Dunsmoor Qry E28918; COLLNOUG6538I; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Ophitic Dolerite'
S75810; COLLNOCX1699; 470m SW of Aldie S75810; COLLNOCX1699; * Diorite.
S75812; COLLNOCX1702; 450m SSE of Aldie S75812; COLLNOCX1702; * Diorite.
S75813; COLLNOCX1708; Centre of Young's Haven, Blackhills, Longhaven S75813; COLLNOCX1708; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S75819; COLLNOCX1721; 250m E of Aldie S75819; COLLNOCX1721; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S75677; COLLNOWX811; River Deveron, at Bridge of Parkhaugh S75677; COLLNOWX811; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S75673; COLLNOWX807; River Deveron, 150m ESE of Edinglassie Mains S75673; COLLNOWX807; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S75849; COLLNOWX903; Allt a'Chlaiginn, Glen Fiddich S75849; COLLNOWX903; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S75851; COLLNOWX905; Allt a'Chlaiginn, Glen Fiddich S75851; COLLNOWX905; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S75808; COLLNOCX1697; 400m SSW of Aldie S75808; COLLNOCX1697; * Diorite.
S75809; COLLNOCX1698; 400m SSW of Aldie S75809; COLLNOCX1698; * Diorite.
S83354; COLLNOYW1881; Carn Brunachain S83354; COLLNOYW1881; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S83362; COLLNOYW1890; Coire na Reinich S83362; COLLNOYW1890; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S83363; COLLNOYW1891; Coire na Reinich S83363; COLLNOYW1891; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S83364; COLLNOYW1892; Coire na Reinich S83364; COLLNOYW1892; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S83337; COLLNOYW1855; Allt Poll-Gormack S83337; COLLNOYW1855; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Appinite'
S29527; COLLNORB1374; SCOTLAND. Airdrie (31) S29527; COLLNORB1374; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Quartz Dolerite'
E881 Grimsby E881 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E883 Grimsby E883 * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E4221; COLLNOHDC102; NEG1581M; NEG182M; Moel-y-Guest Qrys. Nr. Portmadoc E4221; COLLNOHDC102; NEG1581M; NEG182M; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Ophitic Diabase'
ED4699 SCOTLAND. Edinburgh (32) ED4699 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Quartz Dolerite'
ED4703 SCOTLAND. Edinburgh (32) ED4703 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
ED4704 SCOTLAND. Edinburgh (32) ED4704 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
ED4705 SCOTLAND. Edinburgh (32) ED4705 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
ED4706 SCOTLAND. Perth (48) ED4706 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
ED4708 SCOTLAND. Perth (48) ED4708 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
ED4686 SCOTLAND. Airdrie (31) ED4686 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Quartz Dolerite'
ED4687 SCOTLAND. Airdrie (31) ED4687 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Quartz Dolerite'
ED4650 SCOTLAND. Edinburgh (32) ED4650 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Quartz Dolerite'
ED4652 SCOTLAND. Edinburgh (32) ED4652 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Quartz Dolerite'
ED524 SCOTLAND. Ayr (14) ED524 Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
ED502 SCOTLAND. Airdrie (31) ED502 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite'
ED505 SCOTLAND. Hamilton (23) ED505 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
ED506 SCOTLAND. Hamilton (23) ED506 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
ED507 SCOTLAND. Hamilton (23) ED507 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
COLLNOB74; ED168; SCOTLAND. Kelso (25) COLLNOB74; ED168; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
COLLNOB75; ED169; SCOTLAND. Kelso (25) COLLNOB75; ED169; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
COLLNOB76; ED170; SCOTLAND. Kelso (25) COLLNOB76; ED170; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
COLLNOB53; ED147; SCOTLAND. Kelso (25) COLLNOB53; ED147; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
COLLNOB54; ED148; SCOTLAND. Kelso (25) COLLNOB54; ED148; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
COLLNOA78; ED2112; COLLNOA78; ED2112; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
COLLNOA47; ED2081; SCOTLAND. Kinross (40) COLLNOA47; ED2081; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
COLLNOR50; ED223; SCOTLAND. Kelso (25) COLLNOR50; ED223; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Ophitic Dolerite'
COLLNOB60; ED154; SCOTLAND. Kelso (25) COLLNOB60; ED154; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
COLLNOR5; ED178; SCOTLAND. Kelso (25) COLLNOR5; ED178; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
COLLNOB42; ED136; SCOTLAND. Kelso (25) COLLNOB42; ED136; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite'
COLLNOR7; ED180; SCOTLAND. Kelso (25) COLLNOR7; ED180; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Ophitic Dolerite'
COLLNOR8; ED181; SCOTLAND. Kelso (25) COLLNOR8; ED181; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
COLLNOR9; ED182; SCOTLAND. Kelso (25) COLLNOR9; ED182; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S75075; COLLNOCX1580; Disused quarry on W side of Gallowhill Wood, Monnymusk S75075; COLLNOCX1580; * Diorite.
S75077; COLLNOCX1582; Block at base of field wall, Blairdaff (?in situ) S75077; COLLNOCX1582; * Diorite.
S75444; COLLNOHX1035; SCOTLAND. Inverurie (76) S75444; COLLNOHX1035; * Diorite.
S75445; COLLNOHX1036; SCOTLAND. Inverurie (76) S75445; COLLNOHX1036; * Diorite.
S75446; COLLNOHX1037; SCOTLAND. Inverurie (76) S75446; COLLNOHX1037; * Diorite.
S75447; COLLNOHX1039; SCOTLAND. Inverurie (76) S75447; COLLNOHX1039; * Diorite.
S75448; COLLNOHX1041; SCOTLAND. Inverurie (76) S75448; COLLNOHX1041; * Diorite.
S74818; COLLNOMY291; Corrennie Quarry, N end of W face S74818; COLLNOMY291; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S74819; COLLNOMY292; Corrennie Quarry, S end of E face S74819; COLLNOMY292; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E59421; COLLNORJM370; Taly Fan Intrusion; near Conwy, 93.5 m above lower contact E59421; COLLNORJM370; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E59420; COLLNORJM366I; Taly Fan Intrusion; near Conwy, 67.5 m above lower contact E59420; COLLNORJM366I; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E59423; COLLNORJM401; Taly Fan Intrusion; near Conwy, 45 m above lower contact E59423; COLLNORJM401; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E59419; COLLNORJM363B; Taly Fan Intrusion; near Conwy, 30 m above lower contact E59419; COLLNORJM363B; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E59418; COLLNORJM360C; Taly Fan Intrusion; near Conwy, 19 m above lower contact E59418; COLLNORJM360C; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E59426; COLLNORJM346; Taly Fan Intrusion; near Conwy, 1.6m above lower contact E59426; COLLNORJM346; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E59422; COLLNORJM372; Taly Fan Intrusion; near Conwy, c 2.5 m Below top contact E59422; COLLNORJM372; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E59425; COLLNORJM403; Taly Fan Intrusion; near Conwy, 2.5-3.0 m Below top contact E59425; COLLNORJM403; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E59424; COLLNORJM402; Taly Fan Intrusion; near Conwy, 5-10 m Below top contact E59424; COLLNORJM402; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E60386; COLLNORJM345; Taly Fan Intrusion; near Conwy, 1.24m above lower contact E60386; COLLNORJM345; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E60387; COLLNORJM341; Taly Fan Intrusion; near Conwy, 0.7m above lower contact E60387; COLLNORJM341; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E60388; COLLNORJM339B; Taly Fan Intrusion; near Conwy, 0.5m above lower contact E60388; COLLNORJM339B; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S75519; COLLNOZD826; Borthwick Quarry, loose block at top of face S75519; COLLNOZD826; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S75513; COLLNOZD820; Cockburn Quarry, 1120m to 48 degrees from Cockburn Farm S75513; COLLNOZD820; * Diorite.
S75514; COLLNOZD821; Cockburn Quarry, 1120m to 48 degrees from Cockburn Farm S75514; COLLNOZD821; * Diorite.
S75515; COLLNOZD822; Cockburn Quarry, 1110m to 47 degrees from Cockburn Farm S75515; COLLNOZD822; * Diorite.
S75516; COLLNOZD823; Cockburn Quarry, 1110m to 47 degrees from Cockburn Farm S75516; COLLNOZD823; * Diorite.
S75517; COLLNOZD824; Cockburn Quarry, 1090m to 47 degrees from Cockburn Farm S75517; COLLNOZD824; * Diorite.
RC355/1; M6450/27; Gil-Gil RC355/1; M6450/27; Diatomite. 'Original entry: Diatomite'
RC355/2; M6450/41; Gil-Gil RC355/2; M6450/41; Diatomite. 'Original entry: Diatomite'
RC355/3; M6450/41; Gil-Gil RC355/3; M6450/41; Diatomite. 'Original entry: Diatomite'
RC355/4; M6450/41; Gil-Gil RC355/4; M6450/41; Diatomite. 'Original entry: Diatomite'
RC355/5; M6450/41; Gil-Gil RC355/5; M6450/41; Diatomite. 'Original entry: Diatomite'
S76111; COLLNOMY458; Old quarry beside mausoleum, 650m SW of Skene House S76111; COLLNOMY458; * Diorite.
S76103; COLLNOMY449; Disused quarry, N end of N face, 250m NW of Gask S76103; COLLNOMY449; * Diorite.
S76104; COLLNOMY450; Disused quarry, N end of N face, 250m NW of Gask S76104; COLLNOMY450; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S76107; S76107/A; COLLNOMY453; Disused quarry, S end of S face, 150m NW of Gask S76107; S76107/A; COLLNOMY453; * Diorite.
E60383; COLLNORJM356A; Taly Fan Intrusion; near Conwy, 8.0 m above lower contact E60383; COLLNORJM356A; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E60384; COLLNORJM351; Taly Fan Intrusion; near Conwy, 4.1 m above lower contact E60384; COLLNORJM351; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E60385; COLLNORJM347; Taly Fan Intrusion; near Conwy, 2.0 m above lower contact E60385; COLLNORJM347; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E60381; COLLNORJM365; Taly Fan Intrusion; near Conwy, 39.5 m above lower contact E60381; COLLNORJM365; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E60382; COLLNORJM360; Taly Fan Intrusion; near Conwy, 15.0 m above lower contact E60382; COLLNORJM360; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E60378; COLLNORJM374; Taly Fan Intrusion; near Conwy, 0-20 cm below top contact E60378; COLLNORJM374; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Quartz-Gabbro;.
E60379; COLLNORJM371; Taly Fan Intrusion; near Conwy, 9.4 m above lower contact E60379; COLLNORJM371; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
RC356/1; M6450/77; Fur Island,Limfiord RC356/1; M6450/77; Diatomite. 'Original entry: Diatomite'
RC357/1 Lompoc,California RC357/1 Diatomite. 'Original entry: Diatomite'
RC358/1; M6450/77; RC358/1; M6450/77; Diatomite. 'Original entry: Diatomite'
RC359/1 RC359/1 Diatomite. 'Original entry: Diatomite'
S76097; COLLNOMY443; Old quarry, 350m ESE of Wantonwells S76097; COLLNOMY443; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S76089; COLLNOMY435; 550m W of Old Wester Echt S76089; COLLNOMY435; * Diorite.
S76090; COLLNOMY436; 550m W of Old Wester Echt S76090; COLLNOMY436; * Diorite.
E60380; COLLNORJM366A; Taly Fan Intrusion; near Conwy, 53 m above lower contact E60380; COLLNORJM366A; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S74661; COLLNOMY82; Knockings Wood, on col between main summit and northern hillock S74661; COLLNOMY82; * Diorite.
S74666; COLLNOMY89; Raemoir gravel pit, 350m NW of Raemoir Hotel S74666; COLLNOMY89; * Diorite.
S74654; COLLNOMY74; Ord Fundlie, 600m NW of Newton Farmhouse S74654; COLLNOMY74; * Diorite.
S74684; COLLNOMY122; Berry Hill, 425m ENE of Burnside S74684; COLLNOMY122; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S74786; COLLNOMY259; Forestry road, 900m N of West Learney S74786; COLLNOMY259; * Diorite.
S74787; COLLNOMY260; Forestry road, 900m N of West Learney S74787; COLLNOMY260; * Diorite.
S74788; COLLNOMY261; Forestry road, 300m NE of summit of Garnet Hill S74788; COLLNOMY261; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S74777; COLLNOMY248; Railway cutting, beside NE corner of A980 bridge S74777; COLLNOMY248; * Diorite.
S74780; COLLNOMY253; S side of small road, 250m SE of Craigmyle Mills S74780; COLLNOMY253; * Diorite.
S74781; COLLNOMY254; Summit of hill, 400m NNW of Mains of Craigmyle S74781; COLLNOMY254; * Diorite.
S74782; COLLNOMY255; Sundayswells Quarry,from spoil tip S74782; COLLNOMY255; * Diorite.
S74784; COLLNOMY257; 550m NNE of West Learney Farmhouse S74784; COLLNOMY257; * Diorite.
S74772; COLLNOMY243; 50m E of Blacklinn Burn, 350m SSE of Haugh-head Farm S74772; COLLNOMY243; * Diorite.
S74773; COLLNOMY244; S slope of Craigour Hill, 270m E of railway bridge S74773; COLLNOMY244; * Diorite.
S74774; COLLNOMY245; Railway cutting, 30m W of A980 bridge S74774; COLLNOMY245; * Diorite.
S76126; COLLNOMY490; Disused quarry, S face, S end, 150m NW of Gask S76126; COLLNOMY490; * Diorite.
E27811; COLLNOKY492; Central part of the Tump, Kingsweston, 300 yds NW of kingsweston House (School), 1300 yds NE of Shirehampton church E27811; COLLNOKY492; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
S99464; COLLNOFY1505; Abhaing Cro Chlacn S99464; COLLNOFY1505; * 1996 Diorite.
S99466; COLLNOFY1507; Abhaing Cro Chlacn S99466; COLLNOFY1507; * 1996 Diorite.
E71535; COLLNOTG689; Cliff exposure at Combe Point. 3 Km SSE of Dartmouth E71535; COLLNOTG689; * 0 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71536; COLLNOTG690; Exposure W of path. 500 m SSE at 121 deg from Little Dartmouth E71536; COLLNOTG690; * 0 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71537; COLLNOTG691; Cliff exposure. 450 m at 124 deg from Stoke Flemming Church E71537; COLLNOTG691; * 0 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71538; COLLNOTG692; Field Brash. 40 m N of Combe Cross E71538; COLLNOTG692; * 0 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71539*; COLLNOTG693; Field Brash. 280 m at 105 deg from River Bridge E71539*; COLLNOTG693; * 0 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71542; COLLNOTG696; Field Brash. 220 m at 333 deg from Pound House Farm E71542; COLLNOTG696; * 0 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71529; COLLNOTG683; Cliff exposure at Combe Point. 3 Km SSE of Dartmouth E71529; COLLNOTG683; * 0 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71530; COLLNOTG684; Cliff exposure at Combe Point. 3 Km SSE of Dartmouth E71530; COLLNOTG684; * 0 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71531; COLLNOTG685; Cliff exposure at Combe Point. 3 Km SSE of Dartmouth E71531; COLLNOTG685; * 0 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71532; COLLNOTG686; Cliff exposure at Combe Point. 3 Km SSE of Dartmouth E71532; COLLNOTG686; * 0 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71533; COLLNOTG687; Cliff exposure at Combe Point. 3 Km SSE of Dartmouth E71533; COLLNOTG687; * 0 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71528; COLLNOTG682; Cliff exposure at Combe Point. 3 Km SSE of Dartmouth E71528; COLLNOTG682; * 0 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71534; COLLNOTG688; Cliff exposure at Combe Point. 3 Km SSE of Dartmouth E71534; COLLNOTG688; * 0 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71543; COLLNOTG697; Exposure, 500 m at 025 deg from Southwood Farm E71543; COLLNOTG697; * 0 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71544; COLLNOTG698; Trackside Exposure, 525 m at 090 deg from West Combe Farm E71544; COLLNOTG698; * 0 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71545; COLLNOTG699; Exposure, 675 m at 025 deg from Southwood Farm E71545; COLLNOTG699; * 0 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71497; COLLNODMA26; Castle Rock E71497; COLLNODMA26; * 0 Dacite.
E13263 Spitalfields Market E13263 * 0 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S99467; COLLNOFY1508; Abhaing Cro Chlacn S99467; COLLNOFY1508; * 1996 Diorite.
E23250; COLLNOGM237; Manor Park Gravel Pits. King's Bromley E23250; COLLNOGM237; * 0 Diorite. 'Original entry: Erratics'
E27993; COLLNOBK5001; GSM. Ashton Park Borehole, 900 yds. S20W of Clifton Bridge Station and 1200 yds. E27N of All Saints Church, Long Ashton E27993; COLLNOBK5001; * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
E71125; COLLNOJNC800; North Easter Wall of Bardon Qry. E71125; COLLNOJNC800; * 1996 Dacite. 'Original entry: Dacite, Andesite'
E71127; COLLNOJNC802; North Easter Wall of Bardon Qry. E71127; COLLNOJNC802; * 1996 Dacite. 'Original entry: Dacitic Breccia'
E71461; COLLNOSLN53; SL123. Outcrop. Little Cove E71461; COLLNOSLN53; * 1997 Dacite.
E71485; COLLNOSLN163; SL321. Outcrop. Glencoyne Head E71485; COLLNOSLN163; * 1997 Dacite.
E71486; COLLNOSLN165; SL232. Outcrop. Scot Crag E71486; COLLNOSLN165; * 1997 Dacite.
E71190; COLLNOGW681; Oxford Crag. Adj. Home Farm, Potterdale E71190; COLLNOGW681; * 1996 Dacite.
E71191; COLLNOGW682; Deepdale Common. SW of Wall End E71191; COLLNOGW682; * 1996 Dacite.
E71459; COLLNOGW744; Little Cove. W Side E71459; COLLNOGW744; * 0 Dacite.
E71447; COLLNOGW732; Little Hart Crag E71447; COLLNOGW732; * 0 Dacite.
E71448; COLLNOGW733; High Hartsop Dodd (Bell Knott) E71448; COLLNOGW733; * 0 Dacite.
E71449; COLLNOGW734; Deepdale (Adj. Latterhaw Crag) E71449; COLLNOGW734; * 0 Dacite.
E71451; COLLNOGW736; Deepdale (Adj. Latterhaw Crag) E71451; COLLNOGW736; * 0 Dacite.
E71490; COLLNOSLN172; SL329. Outcrop. Glenridding Dodd E71490; COLLNOSLN172; * 1997 Dacite.
E30265; COLLNOGP85; c.150 y W of Waterloo Lodge, Great Okenden (or Oxenden) E30265; COLLNOGP85; * 0 Diamicton; Gravel;.
E32618; COLLNOGP98; Loddington Long Pit western face of pit E32618; COLLNOGP98; * 0 Diamicton; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Gravel;.
E71229; COLLNOZN2104; SE of Bowness Knott. Lake Ennerdale E71229; COLLNOZN2104; * 0 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Granite;.
E71230; COLLNOZN2105; SE of Bowness Knott. Lake Ennerdale E71230; COLLNOZN2105; * 0 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71231; COLLNOZN2106; SE of Bowness Knott. Lake Ennerdale E71231; COLLNOZN2106; * 0 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Granite;.
E71608; COLLNODMA65; Castle Rock E71608; COLLNODMA65; * 0 Dacite.
E71592; COLLNOGW779; Seat Scandal E71592; COLLNOGW779; * 0 Dacite; Rhyolite;.
E71496; COLLNODMA25; Castle Rock E71496; COLLNODMA25; * 0 Dacitic-Rock.
E21201; COLLNOPS18; 200 y WNW of Holborn Farm E21201; COLLNOPS18; * 0 Diamicton; Quartzite;. 'Original entry: Quartz Rock'
E21202; COLLNOPS19; 700 y ENE of Henington (or Hemington) House E21202; COLLNOPS19; * 0 Diamicton; Sandstone (Undifferentiated);. 'Original entry: Sandstone'
RC997/5 Dolomite rock. Khabozera, Kola Peninsula, U.S.S.R. RC997/5 0 Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
E9054 Hollybush Qry. Nr. Ladbury E9054 * 0 Diorite.
E19358; E19358/A; Hollybush Qry. Nr. Ladbury E19358; E19358/A; * 0 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E18295 Hollybush Qry. Nr. Ladbury E18295 * 0 Diorite.
E71549; COLLNOLV317; 450 m NE of Nare Head E71549; COLLNOLV317; * 0 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E8679 Swinyard Qry. S End of Swinyard Hill E8679 * 0 Diorite.
E8680 Swinyard Qry. S End of Swinyard Hill E8680 * 0 Diorite.
E8682 Swinyard Qry. S End of Swinyard Hill E8682 * 0 Diorite.
E8652 Swinyard Qry. S End of Swinyard Hill E8652 * 0 Diorite.
E8653 Swinyard Qry. S End of Swinyard Hill E8653 * 0 Diorite.
E8654 Swinyard Qry. S End of Swinyard Hill E8654 * 0 Diorite.
E8658 Swinyard Qry. S End of Swinyard Hill E8658 * 0 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E8734 Swinyard Qry. S End of Swinyard Hill E8734 * 0 Diorite.
E8735 Swinyard Qry. S End of Swinyard Hill E8735 * 0 Diorite.
E8736 Swinyard Qry. S End of Swinyard Hill E8736 * 0 Diorite.
E8737 Swinyard Qry. S End of Swinyard Hill E8737 * 0 Diorite.
E72032; COLLNODR1100/A; Barasford Quarry E72032; COLLNODR1100/A; 0 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E72033; COLLNODR1100/B; Barasford Quarry E72033; COLLNODR1100/B; 0 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S79923; COLLNOTY222; Shore, 600m SW of Whyntie Head S79923; COLLNOTY222; * 1988 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Gabbro;. 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E71735; COLLNODMA97; S.E. Haweswater, Naddle Forest. E71735; COLLNODMA97; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71740; COLLNODMA102; S.E. Haweswater, Naddle Forest. E71740; COLLNODMA102; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71734; COLLNODMA96; S.E. Haweswater, Kit Crag. E71734; COLLNODMA96; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S79734; MRPROGKLM1024; Boreland Glen area, small outcrop S79734; MRPROGKLM1024; *; *; 1988 Diorite.
E37711; E37711/A; E37711/B; E37711/C; UNKNEQ1149a; trench 850 yards N of Grove Hall, near Knottingley. (Qtr sheet given as SK92SE, but this is clearly incorrect - not on sheet 78) E37711; E37711/A; E37711/B; E37711/C; UNKNEQ1149a; *; *; 0 Dolostone.
S99334; COLLNOZD918; Loose block on hill top 740m 59deg from spot height on Jack's Law S99334; COLLNOZD918; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E32759 Kellingley Colliery No.1 Shaft, 359 feet depth, 6 in sheet 235SE E32759 * 0 Dolostone.
E33368; COLLNOKH424; quarry at Newthorpe, SE43SE E33368; COLLNOKH424; * 0 Dolostone.
E33369; COLLNOKH425; quarry at Newthorpe, SE43SE E33369; COLLNOKH425; * 0 Dolostone.
E71823; COLLNOYNG2; Outcrop south of Pilmoor Plantation. E71823; COLLNOYNG2; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71824; COLLNOYNG3; Dump in old adit, south of Sandybraes. E71824; COLLNOYNG3; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71825; COLLNOYNG4; Dump in old adit, south of Sandybraes. E71825; COLLNOYNG4; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71822; COLLNOYNG1; Old quarry south of Bolam. E71822; COLLNOYNG1; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71826; COLLNOYNG5; East White Hill Quarry, Kilkwhelpinston. E71826; COLLNOYNG5; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71827; COLLNOYNG6; Outcrop of dyke (south margin of dyke). E71827; COLLNOYNG6; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71620 Path side exposure, Bishops Walk, Torquay. E71620 * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71619; COLLNOTG740; Path side exposure, Bishops Walk, Torquay. E71619; COLLNOTG740; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71966; COLLNOIY1015; Near bottom of Measand Beck E71966; COLLNOIY1015; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E71968; COLLNOIY1017; Base of Lad Crags E71968; COLLNOIY1017; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E71958; COLLNOIY1007; NW side of Little Birkhouse Hill E71958; COLLNOIY1007; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E71952; COLLNOIY1001; Nr. Low Drybarrows E71952; COLLNOIY1001; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E71796; COLLNODMA157; S.E. of Haweswater, Naddle Beck. E71796; COLLNODMA157; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71799; COLLNODMA160; S.E. of Haweswater, south of Woof Crag. E71799; COLLNODMA160; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71789; COLLNODMA150; Swindale, south of Harper Hills. E71789; COLLNODMA150; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S99704; COLLNOFY1576; Creagan Mor S99704; COLLNOFY1576; * 1997 Diorite.
S99705; COLLNOFY1577; Creagan Mor S99705; COLLNOFY1577; * 1997 Diorite.
E71979; COLLNOIY1028; Above Ash Crag E71979; COLLNOIY1028; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E70895; COLLNOCT1688; North of White Hole. E70895; COLLNOCT1688; * 0 Dacite.
E70888; COLLNOCT1681; Track S.W. of Cowsty Knotts. E70888; COLLNOCT1681; * 0 Dacite.
E70889; COLLNOCT1682; North of Goat House Scar. E70889; COLLNOCT1682; * 0 Dacite.
E70893; COLLNOCT1686; Birk Rigg. E70893; COLLNOCT1686; * 0 Dacite.
E70883; COLLNOCT1676; N.W. side of Garburn Pass. E70883; COLLNOCT1676; * 0 Dacite.
E71788; COLLNODMA149; Swindale, south of Harper Hills. E71788; COLLNODMA149; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71777; COLLNODMA138; S.E. of Haweswater, Naddle Beck. E71777; COLLNODMA138; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71778; COLLNODMA139; S.E. of Haweswater, Naddle Beck. E71778; COLLNODMA139; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E31737; COLLNOGR24; from trench carrying new water main from Yorkshire Derwent to Sheffield at point 2 miles ESE of Knottingley on side of Cobcroft Lane, 250NE, SE52SW E31737; COLLNOGR24; * 0 Dolostone.
E22618; COLLNORG89; BH at St John's No.2 pit, 450 yards S of Heath Hall, Wakefield, 348NE E22618; COLLNORG89; * 0 Dolostone.
S99676; COLLNOFY1546; Creagan na h-Eighich S99676; COLLNOFY1546; * 1997 Diorite.
E71771; COLLNODMA131; S.E. of Haweswater, south of Wood Crag. E71771; COLLNODMA131; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71772; COLLNODMA132; S.E. of Haweswater, Road beneath Walla Crag. E71772; COLLNODMA132; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71776; COLLNODMA137; S.E. of Haweswater, Naddle Beck. E71776; COLLNODMA137; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71770; COLLNODMA130; S.E. of Haweswater, Naddle Forest. E71770; COLLNODMA130; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
S80185; COLLNOGY589; NE of Bargaly S80185; COLLNOGY589; * 1988 Diorite; Granite;. 'Original entry: Granite'
S80186; COLLNOGY590; NE of Bargaly S80186; COLLNOGY590; * 1988 Diorite; Granite;. 'Original entry: Granite'
S80187; COLLNOGY591; E of Bargaly S80187; COLLNOGY591; * 1988 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S99313; COLLNOETS431; Rashy Grain 50m SSE of junction with Glenlarie Burn S99313; COLLNOETS431; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S99304; COLLNOETS421; Old quarry 500m SW of Avisyard S99304; COLLNOETS421; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S99303; COLLNOETS420; 900m N 12deg E of Cronberry S99303; COLLNOETS420; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E71693; COLLNOCT1795; Rainsborrow Cove, Kentmere. CT 1795. E71693; COLLNOCT1795; * 1997 Dacite.
S99360; COLLNOZD978; 1330m 310deg from Sornfallow, summit of Howgate Hill S99360; COLLNOZD978; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S99351; COLLNOZD969; Old quarry 910m 115deg from Midton S99351; COLLNOZD969; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E71747; COLLNODMA109; S.E. Haweswater, High Forest. E71747; COLLNODMA109; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E72010; COLLNOIY1062; Ash Crag E72010; COLLNOIY1062; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E72011; COLLNOIY1063; Near High House E72011; COLLNOIY1063; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S99212; COLLNOIY981; Dun Mor summit area S99212; COLLNOIY981; * 1996 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
S99213; COLLNOIY982; Creag Bhaclanach S99213; COLLNOIY982; * 1996 Diorite; Granite;. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E72007; COLLNOIY1059; 300m W of High Drybarrows E72007; COLLNOIY1059; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E72008; COLLNOIY1060; Top of Willdale Beck E72008; COLLNOIY1060; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E71711; COLLNODMA172D; Haweswater, Quarry beneath Walla Crag. E71711; COLLNODMA172D; * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Microgranite;.
E8132 Hollybush Qry. Nr. Ladbury E8132 * 0 Diorite.
E8692 Swinyard Qry. S End of Swinyard Hill E8692 * 0 Diorite.
E8695 Swinyard Qry. S End of Swinyard Hill E8695 * 0 Diorite.
E8683 Swinyard Qry. S End of Swinyard Hill E8683 * 0 Diorite.
E8685 Swinyard Qry. S End of Swinyard Hill E8685 * 0 Diorite.
E71828 Outcrop of dyke (centre of dyke). E71828 * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E21240; COLLNOEP25; 1200 y 148deg from Clapton Church, 400 y 90deg from Field Barn Lodge E21240; COLLNOEP25; * 0 Diamicton; Porphyry;. 'Original entry: Breccia'
E21242; COLLNOEP27; side of bridle road 1000 y 302deg from South Lodge, Barnwell E21242; COLLNOEP27; * 0 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Gravel;. 'Original entry: Quartz-Dolerite'
E8686 Swinyard Qry. S End of Swinyard Hill E8686 * 0 Diorite.
E8687 Swinyard Qry. S End of Swinyard Hill E8687 * 0 Diorite.
E8688 Swinyard Qry. S End of Swinyard Hill E8688 * 0 Diorite.
E8678 Swinyard Qry. S End of Swinyard Hill E8678 * 0 Diorite.
E71851 Bicester BH c.427.02m, datum +88.7 m (KBE); BDZ0036 E71851 * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71852 Bicester BH c.427m, datum +88.7m (KBE); BDZ0036 E71852 * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71853 Bicester BH 427.48m, datum +88.7m (KBE); BDZ0043 E71853 * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E71854 Bicester BH 427.71m, datum +88.7m (KBE); BDZ0045 E71854 * 1997 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E72140; COLLNOIY1095; BB45. White Knott E72140; COLLNOIY1095; * 1998 Dacite.
E72141; COLLNOIY1096; BB102. White Knotts, Swarth Fell E72141; COLLNOIY1096; * 1998 Dacite.
E72134; COLLNOIY1089; BB37. Arthur's Pike E72134; COLLNOIY1089; * 1998 Dacite.
E72127; COLLNOIY1082; BB41. North of Kidsty Pike E72127; COLLNOIY1082; * 1998 Dacite.
E72118; COLLNOIY1073; BB82. Loadpot Hole E72118; COLLNOIY1073; 1998 Dacite.
E1888 Buck Hill Charwood. E1888 Diorite.
E2774 Breiden. E2774 * Dolostone.
E2787 Grace Deiu, Charnwood. E2787 * Dolostone.
E18760 Breedon Cloud. E18760 * Dolostone.
E18954 Breedon Cloud Quarry. E18954 * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Pebbly Limestone'
E18955 Breedon Cloud Quarry. E18955 * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Pebbly Limestone'
E18956 Breedon Cloud Quarry. E18956 * Dolostone; Sandstone (Undifferentiated);. 'Original entry: Pebbly Limestone'
E18957 Breedon Cloud Quarry. E18957 * Dolostone; Metadolostone;.
E20975 Long Clawson No.1 (core No.2) 5 & a half miles north of Melton Mowbray. Below Long Clawson & Hose. E20975 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Metadolostone; Sandstone (Undifferentiated);.
E72101; COLLNOYNG8; Force Garth Quarry, High Force Middleton-in-Teesdale E72101; COLLNOYNG8; * 1998 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Quartz Dolerite'
E72102; COLLNOYNG9; Force Garth Quarry, High Force Middleton-in-Teesdale E72102; COLLNOYNG9; * 1998 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Quartz Dolerite'
E19163 Breedon Quarry, Breedon-on-the-Hill. E19163 Dolostone.
E12263 Boss, near Brazilwood, Charnwood. E12263 * Diorite.
E14970 Breedon Quarry, Breedon-On-the-Hill. E14970 Dolostone.
E17507 Charnwood Granite Quarries, Shepshed. E17507 Diorite.
E24912 Breedon Quarry. E24912 Dolostone.
E20973 Long Clawson No.1 (core No.2) 5 & a half miles north of Melton Mowbray. Below Long Clawson & Hose. E20973 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Metadolostone; Sandstone (Undifferentiated);.
E22608; COLLNORG79; BH at Shilling Hill, 1 mile S of Ferrybridge, 335SW. Depth 522 ft. E22608; COLLNORG79; * 0 Dolostone.
E19122; COLLNORRL454; Castle Hill Quarry, Womersley E19122; COLLNORRL454; * 0 Dolostone.
E20831; COLLNORB1751; Sutton Quarry, Campsall E20831; COLLNORB1751; * 0 Dolostone; Metadolostone;.
E19106; COLLNORRL144; Little Smeaton Quarry, Little Smeaton E19106; COLLNORRL144; * 0 Dolostone.
E16147; COLLNOMX173; Monk Trystane Church, 220SW E16147; COLLNOMX173; * 0 Dolostone.
E16092; COLLNOM57118; quarry at Wrang Brook Junction, 264NW E16092; COLLNOM57118; * 0 Dolostone.
E16093; COLLNOM58119; Kirk Smeaton Quarry, 250SW E16093; COLLNOM58119; * 0 Dolostone.
E22288 Breedon & Cloud Hill Quarry, Breedon-on-the-Hill. E22288 Dolostone.
E19165 Charnwood Quarry, Shepshed. E19165 Diorite.
E16095; COLLNOM60121; Glass Houghton Limestone Works, 234SE E16095; COLLNOM60121; * 0 Dolostone.
E16096; COLLNOM61122; Wheldon Wood Lime Works, 234NE E16096; COLLNOM61122; * 0 Dolostone.
E16097; COLLNOM62123; Beckfield Quarry, Fairburn, 234NE E16097; COLLNOM62123; * 0 Dolostone.
E16087; COLLNOM56113; Park Moor Quarry. 264SW E16087; COLLNOM56113; * 0 Dolostone.
E71070; COLLNOJNC789A; Bardon Quarry, 3km west of Copt Oak. E71070; COLLNOJNC789A; * 1996 Dacitic-Rock. 'Original entry: Dacite'
E70923; COLLNOIY915; BB138. 900m S.E. of High Tove. E70923; COLLNOIY915; * 1996 Dacitic-Rock.
E20980 Long Clawson No.1 (core No.2) 5 & a half miles north of Melton Mowbray. Below Long Clawson & Hose. E20980 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Metadolostone; Sandstone (Undifferentiated);.
E20981 Long Clawson No.1 (core No.2) 5 & a half miles north of Melton Mowbray. Below Long Clawson & Hose. E20981 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Metadolostone; Sandstone (Undifferentiated);.
E20982 Long Clawson No.1 (core No.2) 5 & a half miles north of Melton Mowbray. Below Long Clawson & Hose. E20982 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Metadolostone;.
E20983 Long Clawson No.1 (core No.2) 5 & a half miles north of Melton Mowbray. Below Long Clawson & Hose. E20983 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Limestone; Metadolostone; Sandstone (Undifferentiated);.
E20977 Long Clawson No.1 (core No.2) 5 & a half miles north of Melton Mowbray. Below Long Clawson & Hose. E20977 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Metadolostone; Sandstone (Undifferentiated);.
E20978 Long Clawson No.1 (core No.2) 5 & a half miles north of Melton Mowbray. Below Long Clawson & Hose. E20978 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Metadolostone;.
E20976 Long Clawson No.1 (core No.2) 5 & a half miles north of Melton Mowbray. Below Long Clawson & Hose. E20976 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Metadolostone; Sandstone (Undifferentiated);.
E49748 Harby Hill (NCB) BH. Depth 762.5m to 762.63m. E49748 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
N1547; COLLNOFY1624; Carr Feith nah Sac N1547; COLLNOFY1624; * 1998 Diorite. 'Original entry: Leucodiorite'
E72117; COLLNOIY1072; BB76. Heltondale Beck E72117; COLLNOIY1072; * 1998 Dacite.
N1584; COLLNOFY1666; Tarf Water N1584; COLLNOFY1666; * 1998 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
N1585; COLLNOFY1667; Tarf Water N1585; COLLNOFY1667; * 1998 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E47606 NCB Kirby Lane BH depth 413m. E47606 * Diorite; Quartzite;. 'Original entry: Diorite'
N1430; COLLNOPY521; Park Quarry N1430; COLLNOPY521; * 1998 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E46806 Broughton Lodge BH depth 550.42m. E46806 Dolomite-Mudstone; Siderite-Mudstone;. 'Original entry: Tuff.'
N1137; COLLNORYF136; Allt Ruighe nan Coireachan N1137; COLLNORYF136; *; *; 1998 Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite Rock'
N1158; COLLNORYF157; Burn, N of Tombuie Cottage N1158; COLLNORYF157; *; *; 1998 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Quartz Dolerite'
N1563; COLLNOFY1641; Allt Diridh N1563; COLLNOFY1641; * 1998 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
N1150; COLLNORYF149; A9 road, Wade's Stone N1150; COLLNORYF149; *; *; 1998 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
N1151; COLLNORYF150; A9 road, Edendon N1151; COLLNORYF150; *; *; 1998 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
N1152; COLLNORYF151; Ruidhe nan Sgaorach, S shore of Loch Errochty N1152; COLLNORYF151; *; *; 1998 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
N1146; COLLNORYF145; Allt an t-Seapail N1146; COLLNORYF145; *; *; 1998 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E20971 Long Clawson No.1 (core No.2) 5 & a half miles north of Melton Mowbray. Below Long Clawson & Hose. E20971 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Limestone; Metadolostone;.
N1558; COLLNOFY1636; NE slope Beinn a' Chait N1558; COLLNOFY1636; * 1998 Diorite. 'Original entry: Leucodiorite'
E30771; MR26057; Colston Bassett north No.1 at 2101' - 2104'. E30771; MR26057; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Chloritised Dolerite.'
E20984 Long Clawson No.1 (core No.2) 5 & a half miles north of Melton Mowbray. Below Long Clawson & Hose. E20984 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Limestone; Metadolostone;.
E20985 Long Clawson No.1 (core No.2) 5 & a half miles north of Melton Mowbray. Below Long Clawson & Hose. E20985 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Metadolostone; Sandstone (Undifferentiated);.
E20986 Long Clawson No.1 (core No.2) 5 & a half miles north of Melton Mowbray. Below Long Clawson & Hose. E20986 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Limestone; Metadolostone;.
N1201; COLLNOSMS310; Minor hill S of Clais Bheag N1201; COLLNOSMS310; * 1998 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E72252; COLLNOCT1826; Ullstone Gill, Kentmere. Sample No. 1826. E72252; COLLNOCT1826; * 1998 Dacite; Tuff;.
E72253; COLLNOCT1827; Ullstone Gill, Kentmere. Sample No. 1827. E72253; COLLNOCT1827; * 1998 Dacite; Rhyolite;.
E72245; COLLNOCT1819; Ollstone Gill, Kentmere. Sample No. CT 1819. E72245; COLLNOCT1819; * 1998 Dacite; Lapilli-Tuff;.
E63210; COLLNOKB210; Dolgarrog, W of Al works E63210; COLLNOKB210; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63211; COLLNOKB211; Pen y Gadair E63211; COLLNOKB211; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63213; COLLNOKB213; E of Tal y Fan E63213; COLLNOKB213; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63208; COLLNOKB208; Dolgarrog, W of Al works E63208; COLLNOKB208; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63209; COLLNOKB209; Dolgarrog, W of Al works E63209; COLLNOKB209; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E72400; COLLNOCT1132; Hawk Bridge E72400; COLLNOCT1132; * 1986 Dacite; Tuff;. 'Original entry: Dacitic Tuff'
E2782; MR608; Quarry name: not recorded: at Narborough, Charnwood Forest (New Qy.) E2782; MR608; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Quartz-Diorite'
E63267; COLLNOKB267; Nant Mor/Croesor E63267; COLLNOKB267; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite Composite'
E63054; COLLNOKB54; Pathside from Ogwen Bank E63054; COLLNOKB54; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63051; COLLNOKB51; SW shore, Llyn Padarn E63051; COLLNOKB51; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E19369 Abdonclee Quarry, Ditton Priors, Bridgnorth. E19369 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine-Dolerite.'
E2781 Huncote. E2781 * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite.'
E2775 Cowpasture Boring near Bosworth at 509'. E2775 * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite.'
E63296; COLLNOKB296; Nant Mor/Croesor E63296; COLLNOKB296; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite Composite'
E63286; COLLNOKB286; Tal y Fan E63286; COLLNOKB286; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63287; COLLNOKB287; Tal y Fan E63287; COLLNOKB287; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63288; COLLNOKB288; Nant Mor/Croesor E63288; COLLNOKB288; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite Composite'
E63289; COLLNOKB289; Nant Mor/Croesor E63289; COLLNOKB289; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite Composite'
E63612; COLLNOKB612; Craig Llyn Llagi E63612; COLLNOKB612; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63613; COLLNOKB613; Craig Llyn Llagi E63613; COLLNOKB613; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63284; COLLNOKB284; Tal y Fan E63284; COLLNOKB284; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63285; COLLNOKB285; Tal y Fan E63285; COLLNOKB285; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63277; COLLNOKB277; Nant Mor/Croesor E63277; COLLNOKB277; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63278; COLLNOKB278; Nant Mor/Croesor E63278; COLLNOKB278; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E20546 Desford Colliery, Merrylees No.1 Drift, 507 yards from entrance. E20546 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite.'
E20590 Desford Colliery, Merrylees No.1 Drift, 507 yards from entrance. E20590 * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Chlorite-Dolomite.'
E20591 Desford Colliery, Merrylees No.1 Drift, 560 yards from Drift Mouth. E20591 * Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite.'
E63487; COLLNOKB487; Tal y Fan E63487; COLLNOKB487; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63488; COLLNOKB488; Tal y Fan E63488; COLLNOKB488; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63489; COLLNOKB489; Tal y Fan E63489; COLLNOKB489; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E34908 Bardon Hill Station BH (O.D. +535.87ft). E34908 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite.'
E63479; COLLNOKB479; Beddgelert forest E63479; COLLNOKB479; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63482; COLLNOKB482; Rhyd Ddu E63482; COLLNOKB482; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63484; COLLNOKB484; Rhyd Ddu E63484; COLLNOKB484; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63473; COLLNOKB473; Moel lefn-Moel yr ogof E63473; COLLNOKB473; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63477; COLLNOKB477; Beddgelert forest E63477; COLLNOKB477; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63478; COLLNOKB478; Beddgelert forest E63478; COLLNOKB478; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63462; COLLNOKB462; Bwlch Ehediad E63462; COLLNOKB462; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63463; COLLNOKB463; Ceunant Ty'n y ddol E63463; COLLNOKB463; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite Composite'
E4419 Desford Boring at 472-498ft. E4419 * Dolostone.
E5165 Haughton Hill, Whitwick. E5165 * Dacite; Tuff;. 'Original entry: Dacite.'
E4340 Desford Boring. E4340 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E4415 Desford Boring at 500-507ft. E4415 * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite.'
E4272 Whitwick Colliery (new shaft) 650 yards N.E. of Coalville Station. E4272 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Ophitic Olivine Dolerite.'
E15472 Main Quarry Hill, Groby. E15472 Dacite. 'Original entry: Dacite.'
E15473 Maix Quarry Hill near Groby. E15473 Dolostone; Granite;.
E38978 In old canal tunnel beneath docks area of Dudley. Between Oxford Street and Albert Street 1130 yards, 235 degrees from Dudley Castle Keep. E38978 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E33596 Kateshill No.1 BH (for Dudley Corporation) depth 169' 9" at junction of Cromwell sandstone and Peel sandstone. E33596 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63610; COLLNOKB610; Llyn yr Adar E63610; COLLNOKB610; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63611; COLLNOKB611; Llyn yr Adar E63611; COLLNOKB611; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E2718 Bardon Great Quarry. E2718 * Diorite; Tuff;. 'Original entry: Diorite.'
E63386; COLLNOKB386; Tal y Fan E63386; COLLNOKB386; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63387; COLLNOKB387; Tal y Fan E63387; COLLNOKB387; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63388A; COLLNOKB388/A; Tal y Fan E63388A; COLLNOKB388/A; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63388B; COLLNOKB388/B; Tal y Fan E63388B; COLLNOKB388/B; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63372; COLLNOKB372; Croesor E63372; COLLNOKB372; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63373; COLLNOKB373; Croesor E63373; COLLNOKB373; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite Composite'
E63047; COLLNOKB47; SW shore of Llyn Anafon E63047; COLLNOKB47; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
S99984; MRPROGKLM1109; Glen Devon area S99984; MRPROGKLM1109; *; *; 1988 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E63037; COLLNOKB37; Clogwyn Mawr E63037; COLLNOKB37; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63035; COLLNOKB35; S bank, Nant Llyn y Foel E63035; COLLNOKB35; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63036; COLLNOKB36; Nant Llyn y Foel E63036; COLLNOKB36; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63508; COLLNOKB508; Dinas Mot, Llanberis E63508; COLLNOKB508; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63502; COLLNOKB502; Rhyd Ddu-Llechog E63502; COLLNOKB502; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite Composite'
E63503; COLLNOKB503; Rhyd Ddu-Llechog E63503; COLLNOKB503; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite Composite'
E63496; E63496/A; E63496/B; E63496/C; COLLNOKB496; Rhyd Ddu-Llechog E63496; E63496/A; E63496/B; E63496/C; COLLNOKB496; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63498; COLLNOKB498; Rhyd Ddu-Llechog E63498; COLLNOKB498; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite Composite'
E63336; COLLNOKB336; Bwlch y rhydd E63336; COLLNOKB336; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63337; COLLNOKB337; Bwlch y rhydd E63337; COLLNOKB337; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite Composite'
E63339; COLLNOKB339; Bwlch y rhydd E63339; COLLNOKB339; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite Composite'
E63340; COLLNOKB340; LLyn Croesor E63340; COLLNOKB340; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite Composite'
E63329; COLLNOKB329; Pen y gadair E63329; COLLNOKB329; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63330; COLLNOKB330; Pen y gadair E63330; COLLNOKB330; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E64287; COLLNOKB1287; Crimea Pass E64287; COLLNOKB1287; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63499; COLLNOKB499; Rhyd Ddu-Llechog E63499; COLLNOKB499; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite Composite'
E63500; COLLNOKB500; Rhyd Ddu-Llechog E63500; COLLNOKB500; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63495; COLLNOKB495; Rhyd Ddu-Llechog E63495; COLLNOKB495; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E3022 Boring N.W. of Bardon Hill. E3022 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E3211 Ellistown Colliery. E3211 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
E3256 Coalville Boring at 255ft. E3256 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite.'
E63332; COLLNOKB332; Bwlch y bathel, Croesor E63332; COLLNOKB332; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63333; COLLNOKB333; Bwlch y bathel, Croesor E63333; COLLNOKB333; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63323; COLLNOKB323; Nant Mor/Croesor E63323; COLLNOKB323; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63324; COLLNOKB324; Nant Mor/Croesor E63324; COLLNOKB324; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63325; COLLNOKB325; Nant Mor/Croesor E63325; COLLNOKB325; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63326; COLLNOKB326; Waen Bryn Gwerith E63326; COLLNOKB326; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63327; COLLNOKB327; Waen Bryn Gwerith E63327; COLLNOKB327; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63328; COLLNOKB328; Pen y gadair E63328; COLLNOKB328; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63317; COLLNOKB317; Llyn Cwm Corseog E63317; COLLNOKB317; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite Composite'
E63318; COLLNOKB318; Cwm Croesor E63318; COLLNOKB318; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63320; COLLNOKB320; Cwmorthin E63320; COLLNOKB320; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite Composite'
E63367; COLLNOKB367; Cnicht E63367; COLLNOKB367; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite Composite'
E47893 East end of Birchmill spinney (seashore). E47893 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite.'
E18414 Enderby Quarry, near Enderby by Village. E18414 Diorite. 'Original entry: Granophyric Diorite.'
E52741 Twycross BH, depth 504.15m E52741 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Metadiorite;. 'Original entry: Microdiorite.'
E64013; COLLNOKB1013; Moel Hebog E64013; COLLNOKB1013; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E64011; COLLNOKB1011; Moel Hebog E64011; COLLNOKB1011; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E64012; COLLNOKB1012; Moel Hebog E64012; COLLNOKB1012; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E13894 Lilleshall Quarry, 150 yards N.W. of Church. E13894 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Altered Dolerite.'
E13895 Lilleshall Quarry, 150 yards N.W. of church. E13895 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Altered Dolerite.'
E64216; COLLNOKB1216; Croesor E64216; COLLNOKB1216; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite Composite'
E1886 Longcliffe. E1886 Diorite. 'Original entry: Augite Diorite.'
E1891 Hammerclift. E1891 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite.'
E1893 Bowdon Castle. E1893 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite.'
E12969 Lilleshall Quarry. E12969 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Altered Dolerite.'
E63674; COLLNOKB674; Tremadoc, NW of Llyn Cwmbach E63674; COLLNOKB674; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63321; COLLNOKB321; Cwmorthin E63321; COLLNOKB321; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite Composite'
E63322; COLLNOKB322; Nant Mor/Croesor E63322; COLLNOKB322; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63311; COLLNOKB311; Llyn Cwm Corseog E63311; COLLNOKB311; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63312; COLLNOKB312; Llyn Cwm Corseog E63312; COLLNOKB312; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63316; COLLNOKB316; Llyn Cwm Corseog E63316; COLLNOKB316; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite Composite'
E63303; COLLNOKB303; Tal y Fan E63303; COLLNOKB303; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63304; COLLNOKB304; Tal y Fan E63304; COLLNOKB304; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63306; COLLNOKB306; Tal y Fan E63306; COLLNOKB306; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63308; COLLNOKB308; Nant Mor/Croesor E63308; COLLNOKB308; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63298; COLLNOKB298; Nant Mor/Croesor E63298; COLLNOKB298; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63300; COLLNOKB300; Nant Mor/Croesor E63300; COLLNOKB300; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite Composite'
E63301; COLLNOKB301; Tal y Fan E63301; COLLNOKB301; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63302; COLLNOKB302; Tal y Fan E63302; COLLNOKB302; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63032; COLLNOKB32; S bank, Nant Llyn y Foel E63032; COLLNOKB32; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63033; COLLNOKB33; S bank, Nant Llyn y Foel E63033; COLLNOKB33; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63034; COLLNOKB34; S bank, Nant Llyn y Foel E63034; COLLNOKB34; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63031; COLLNOKB31; S bank, Nant Llyn y Foel E63031; COLLNOKB31; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E9654 Doseley Quarry, Doseley half a mile S.E. of Horsehay Station. E9654 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite.'
E63292; COLLNOKB292; Nant Mor/Croesor E63292; COLLNOKB292; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63293; COLLNOKB293; Nant Mor/Croesor E63293; COLLNOKB293; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite Composite'
E63294; COLLNOKB294; Nant Mor/Croesor E63294; COLLNOKB294; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite Composite'
E63295; COLLNOKB295; Nant Mor/Croesor E63295; COLLNOKB295; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E47884 Cadeby Gravel Pit north side of road - red boulder clay. E47884 Diamicton. 'Original entry: Boulder Clay.'
E64395; COLLNOTL26; Creigiau Gleision, Cowlyd E64395; COLLNOTL26; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E48073 NCB Green Lane BH about 65m depth. E48073 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite.'
E48074 NCB Green Lane BH about 65m. E48074 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite.'
E72440; COLLNOJNC837; NE face of Whitwick Quarry E72440; COLLNOJNC837; 1999 Dacite; Rhyodacite;. 'Original entry: Dacite'
E72441; COLLNOJNC839; Morley Quarry Borehole at 832 metres; SK41NE/33 E72441; COLLNOJNC839; 1999 Dacite. 'Original entry: Dacite'
E12596 Dean Colliery Heathtown, Wolverhampton. E12596 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Ophitic Olivine Dolerite.'
E12595 Dean Colliery Heathtown, Wolverhampton. E12595 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite.'
E20761 Trial Water Bore, Battle Flat, Bardon, near Coalville. E20761 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Tuff;. 'Original entry: Andesitic Tuff.'
E72438; COLLNOJNC835; Old Cliffe Hill Quarry E72438; COLLNOJNC835; 1999 Diorite; Spessartite;. 'Original entry: Granophyric Diorite'
E64425; COLLNOTL56; Pen gilfach E64425; COLLNOTL56; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E64426; COLLNOTL57; Mur Moch, NW of Llanberis E64426; COLLNOTL57; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63096; COLLNOKB96; Clogwyn yr Bryr E63096; COLLNOKB96; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63097; COLLNOKB97; Cefn tal Llyn Eigiau E63097; COLLNOKB97; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63094; COLLNOKB94; Clogwyn yr Bryr E63094; COLLNOKB94; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63095; COLLNOKB95; Clogwyn yr Bryr E63095; COLLNOKB95; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63091; COLLNOKB91; Glogwyn yr Bryr E63091; COLLNOKB91; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63092; COLLNOKB92; Clogwyn yr Bryr E63092; COLLNOKB92; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63093; COLLNOKB93; Clogwyn yr Bryr E63093; COLLNOKB93; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E11151 Dosthill, two and a half miles south of Tamworth. E11151 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Proterobases.'
E11152 Dosthill, two and a half miles south of Tamworth. E11152 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Proterobases.'
E72600 Wyre Forest Clay Colliery BH. 85m AOD. E72600 * 2000 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E11231 Pebbles in green slate conglomerate. Whately Brick Pit. E11231 * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite.'
E63817; COLLNOKB817; Lliwedd E63817; COLLNOKB817; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63818; COLLNOKB818; Lliwedd E63818; COLLNOKB818; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63161; COLLNOKB161; Hafna E63161; COLLNOKB161; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E64427; COLLNOTL58; Mur Moch, NW of Llanberis E64427; COLLNOTL58; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E64428; COLLNOTL59; SE end of Llyn Peris E64428; COLLNOTL59; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
N2533; COLLNOAX2535; BH 87, M74 road, Abington N2533; COLLNOAX2535; * 2000 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E12469 Quarry (disused), Highams Hill, Rowley Regis. E12469 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Basalt'
E63855; COLLNOKB855; Lliwedd E63855; COLLNOKB855; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63001; COLLNOKB1; Mur-moch, Bryn Bras Castle E63001; COLLNOKB1; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63428; COLLNOKB428; Fishguard E63428; COLLNOKB428; Dacite. 'Original entry: Dacite'
E63420; COLLNOKB420; Builth E63420; COLLNOKB420; Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E63421; COLLNOKB421; Builth E63421; COLLNOKB421; Dacite. 'Original entry: Dacite'
E63422; COLLNOKB422; Builth E63422; COLLNOKB422; Dacite. 'Original entry: Dacite'
E32867 Green Rock Pit at Ladywood (near Essington) 6 miles N.E. of Wolverhampton. E32867 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Teschentic Dolerite.'
E30268 On east bank of canal N.E. of County Bridge Farm Bentley Estate. (Darlastan Borough engineers Dept.) at Bentley Estate. Bottom of sill at 76' 4". E30268 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolomitized, Kaolinised Chilled Dolerite.'
E64452; COLLNOTL83; Cefn Ysgolion Duon E64452; COLLNOTL83; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E64450; COLLNOTL81; Cefn Ysgolion Duon E64450; COLLNOTL81; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E64451; COLLNOTL82; Cefn Ysgolion Duon E64451; COLLNOTL82; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E64446; COLLNOTL77; E slope of Foel Grach E64446; COLLNOTL77; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E33594 Kateshill No.1 BH (for Dudley Corporation) depth 169' 9" at junction of Cromwell sandstone and Peel sandstone. E33594 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E33595 Kateshill No.1 BH (for Dudley Corporation) depth 169' 9" at junction of Cromwell sandstone and Peel sandstone. E33595 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E30266 On east bank of canal N.E. of County Bridge Farm Bentley Estate. Darlaston. No.1 BH (Darlastan) Borough Engineers Dept.) at Bentley Estate. Top of sill at 71'. E30266 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolomitised, Kaolinised Chilled Dolerite.'
E63148; COLLNOKB148; Pen y craig gron E63148; COLLNOKB148; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63149; COLLNOKB149; Pen y craig gron E63149; COLLNOKB149; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63150; COLLNOKB150; Near Pen y craig gron E63150; COLLNOKB150; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63143; COLLNOKB143; Waen Bryn Gwenith E63143; COLLNOKB143; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63145; COLLNOKB145; Llanrhychwyn, Pen y Ffridd E63145; COLLNOKB145; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63146; COLLNOKB146; Llanrhychwyn, Pen y Ffridd E63146; COLLNOKB146; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63147; COLLNOKB147; Llanrhychwyn, Pen y Ffridd E63147; COLLNOKB147; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63136; COLLNOKB136; Cwm Eigiau, Cedryn E63136; COLLNOKB136; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63137; COLLNOKB137; Cwm Eigiau, Cedryn E63137; COLLNOKB137; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63138; COLLNOKB138; Cwm Eigiau, Cedryn E63138; COLLNOKB138; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E72463; COLLNOIY1114; Barton Fell area E72463; COLLNOIY1114; * 1999 Dacite. 'Original entry: Dacite'
E9640 Obtained from Ashmore Colliery Workings, Holly Bank. E9640 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite.'
E9639 Obtained from Ashmore Colliery Workings, Holly Bank. E9639 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite.'
E9636 Obtained from Ashmore Colliery Workings, Holly Bank. E9636 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite.'
E9638 Obtained from Ashmore Colliery Workings, Holly Bank. E9638 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite.'
E63672; COLLNOKB672; Tremadoc E63672; COLLNOKB672; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63139; COLLNOKB139; Cwm Eigiau, Cedryn E63139; COLLNOKB139; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63130; COLLNOKB130; Cwm Cowlyd, Siglen E63130; COLLNOKB130; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63131; COLLNOKB131; Cwm Cowlyd, Siglen E63131; COLLNOKB131; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63132; COLLNOKB132; Cwm Eigiau, Cedryn E63132; COLLNOKB132; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63133; COLLNOKB133; Cwm Eigiau, Cedryn E63133; COLLNOKB133; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63461; COLLNOKB461; Bwlch Ehediad E63461; COLLNOKB461; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
N2525; COLLNOMG88; Glen Dubh N2525; COLLNOMG88; * 1999 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E30267 On east bank of canal N.E. of County Bridge Farm Bentley Estate. Darlastan. No.1 BH (Darlastan Borough Engineers Dept.) at Bentley Estate. Centre of sill at 73' 6". E30267 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolomitised, Kaolinised Dolerite.'
E64444; COLLNOTL75; E slope of Foel Grach E64444; COLLNOTL75; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E64445; COLLNOTL76; E slope of Foel Grach E64445; COLLNOTL76; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E64322; COLLNOKB1322; WALES. Snowdon (119) E64322; COLLNOKB1322; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E64345; COLLNOKB1345; Opposite Ty Obry Farm E64345; COLLNOKB1345; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E64321; COLLNOKB1321; Ynys Hir E64321; COLLNOKB1321; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E64316; COLLNOKB1316; Tremadoc E64316; COLLNOKB1316; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E64317; COLLNOKB1317; Moel y Gest E64317; COLLNOKB1317; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E64318; COLLNOKB1318; Moel y Gest E64318; COLLNOKB1318; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E64311; COLLNOKB1311; Craig Isach E64311; COLLNOKB1311; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E64312; COLLNOKB1312; Cil Drygwr E64312; COLLNOKB1312; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E64313; COLLNOKB1313; Lesail E64313; COLLNOKB1313; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63134; COLLNOKB134; Cwm Eigiau, Cedryn E63134; COLLNOKB134; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63135; COLLNOKB135; Cwm Eigiau, Cedryn E63135; COLLNOKB135; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63183; COLLNOKB183; Cae Coch E63183; COLLNOKB183; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63184; COLLNOKB184; Cae Coch, quarry S of mine E63184; COLLNOKB184; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63185; COLLNOKB185; Cae Coch, road nr Rhibo E63185; COLLNOKB185; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63350; COLLNOKB350; Ceseiliau Moelwyn E63350; COLLNOKB350; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite Composite'
E63343; COLLNOKB343; Cnicht E63343; COLLNOKB343; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite Composite'
E63345; COLLNOKB345; Cnicht E63345; COLLNOKB345; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite Composite'
E17218 Raggits Quarry, 100 yards N.W. of summit of Keele Hill, Kinlet. E17218 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Analcite Dolerite'
E11229 Whately Pit, in Etruria marls. E11229 * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite.'
E11230 Pebbles in green slate conglomerate. Whately Brick Pit. E11230 * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite.'
E11163 Dosthill, two and a half miles south of Tamworth. E11163 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Proterobases.'
E11164 Nearly one mile south of Dosthill. E11164 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Proterobases.'
E63447; COLLNOKB447; Yr Arddu, Cefn y cerrig E63447; COLLNOKB447; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
N2516; COLLNOMG79; Glen Kendrum N2516; COLLNOMG79; * 1999 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E11165 Close to Dosthill. E11165 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Proterobases.'
E11166 Close to Dosthill. E11166 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Proterobases.'
E11153 Dosthill, two and a half miles south of Tamworth. E11153 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Proterobases.'
E11149 Dosthill, two and a half miles south of Tamworth. E11149 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Proterobases.'
E11148 Dosthill, two and a half miles south of Tamworth. E11148 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Proterobases.'
E11150 Dosthill, two and a half miles south of Tamworth. E11150 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Proterobases.'
E72918 Upper Seatallan unit. E72918 * 1988 Dacite. 'Original entry: Porphyritic Dacite'
E72919 Upper Seatallan unit. E72919 * 1988 Dacite. 'Original entry: Seatallan Dacite'
E72920 Upper Seatallan unit. E72920 * 1988 Dacite. 'Original entry: Seatallan Dacite'
E72921 Upper Seatallan unit. E72921 * 1988 Dacite. 'Original entry: Porphyritic Dacite'
E72922 Upper Seatallan unit. E72922 * 1988 Dacite. 'Original entry: Dacite'
E64347; COLLNOKB1347; WALES. Snowdon (119) E64347; COLLNOKB1347; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E64348; COLLNOKB1348; Garreg Goch E64348; COLLNOKB1348; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E64308; COLLNOKB1308; Pont Ifon E64308; COLLNOKB1308; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E72955 Seatallan. E72955 * 1988 Dacite. 'Original entry: Seatallan Dacite'
E72968 Dorehead. E72968 * 1988 Dacite. 'Original entry: Dacite/Ignimbrite'
E63423; COLLNOKB423; Builth E63423; COLLNOKB423; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63409; COLLNOKB409; Arans E63409; COLLNOKB409; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E63411; COLLNOKB411; Arans E63411; COLLNOKB411; Dacite. 'Original entry: Dacite'
E63406; COLLNOKB406; Rhobell E63406; COLLNOKB406; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E9631; E9631/A; Park Hill Quarry, Walsall. E9631; E9631/A; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Olivine Dolerite.'
E9632 Quarry, near pumping station, Walsall. E9632 * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Ophitic Olivine Dolerite.'
COLLNORYF218; MC5820; Water pipe trench on E side of Clemiston Road North, Edinburgh COLLNORYF218; MC5820; * 2000 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Gabbro;. 'Original entry: Gabbro'
COLLNORYF216; MC5818; Water pipe trench on E side of Clemiston Road North, Edinburgh COLLNORYF216; MC5818; * 2000 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro); Gabbro;. 'Original entry: Gabbro'
N201; MRPROGKLM1102; Glen Devon area N201; MRPROGKLM1102; *; *; 1988 Dacite. 'Original entry: Dacite'
E72836; COLLNOMG183; Seatallan. E72836; COLLNOMG183; *; *; Dacite. 'Original entry: Seatallan Dacite'
E72837; COLLNOMG185; Seatallan. E72837; COLLNOMG185; *; *; Dacite. 'Original entry: Seatallan Dacite'
MR36354 North Sea oil boreholes miscellaneous - BH 71/52 MR36354 Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
E72835; COLLNOMG182; Seatallan. E72835; COLLNOMG182; *; *; Dacite. 'Original entry: Seatallan Dacite'
MR14306 Wanton Hall Quarries,Wanton Hall Quarries, Uluealou, MR14306 1933 Diorite. 'Original entry: Barie Hornblende-Rich Diorite (Raumell)'
MR15968 Small Quarry one-eigth of a mile south of Acharra - 3/4 mile S.S.W. of Duror Inn, Argyllshire, MR15968 Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomitic Marble'
MR11714 Lezinkie Quarry, Madron, Cornwall, MR11714 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR16046 Balmedie Quarry,Balmedie Quarry, Aberdeenshire, MR16046 Diorite. 'Original entry: Roadmetal - Epidiorite'
MR14478; COLLNO763; Quarry near Bulford, Steynton, Pembrokeshire, MR14478; COLLNO763; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite - Pre-Cambrian'
MR16122 Hendre Quarry, south, of Glyn Ceiriog, Denbighshire, MR16122 Diorite. 'Original entry: Dolerite - Ordovician'
MR12277 Holyhead Island Quarry by road from Porth Dafarch, north side of road, one and a third miles S.W. of Holyhead Church, Anglesey, MR12277 * Diorite. 'Original entry: Dolerite (Intrusuion Into Mona Complex)'
MR15667 Embleton Quarry,Embleton (Close) Quarry seven-eigths of a mile E.N.E. of Embleton Station, Cumberland, MR15667 Dioritic-Rock. 'Original entry: Quartz Diorite Intrusion In Skiddaw Slates'
MR12850 Wizen Hill Quarry,0.25 miles east of Boot and shoe Inn, MR12850 1931 Dolostone. 'Original entry: Magnesian Limestone - Upper Part Of Lower Magnesian Limestone'
MR12852 quarry N.N.E. of Monk Fryston Lodge, Yorkshire, MR12852 1931 Dolostone. 'Original entry: Upper Permian Limestone - Near Top Of Upper Magnesian Limestone'
MR13146 Whitewells Quarry,300 yards N.N.E. of Whitewells Farm, Bramham Park, Tadcaster, MR13146 Dolostone. 'Original entry: Yellow Magnesian Limestone Resting Unconformably On Millstone Grit'
MR12594 Comley Quarry,Little Caradoc, 15 chains S.W. of Comley Quarry, Shropshire, MR12594 1892 Diorite. 'Original entry: Dolerite Or Gabbro, ?Intrusive With Patces Of Epidote Rock'
MR13629 Raveling Quarry,Raveling Quarry, east of Dalmahoy Hill, Midlothian, MR13629 Diorite. 'Original entry: Dolerite - Dalmahoy Type. Sill ?Permo-Carboniferous'
MR13643 Old Quarry 500 yards W.N.W. of Kinkell Farm, N.W. of Kirkintilloch, Stirlingshire, MR13643 Diorite. 'Original entry: Dolerite - Barkhead Type - Dyke Permo-Carboniferous'
MR15905 Diorite-Quarry,Diorite-Quarry at Bouuyton, Insch, Aberdeenshire, MR15905 Diorite. 'Original entry: Olivine - Diorite'
MR16585; COLLNOM1386; LABNO788; Quarry west of crofts on Tom-a-Chrochadair, Kilchoan, Ardnamurchan, MR16585; COLLNOM1386; LABNO788; Diorite. 'Original entry: Quartz-Dolerite. Talaidh Type. Cone-Sheet, Outer Set Of Centre 2 - Terlaiy (Anal'
MR16614 Quarry at bridge over small stream Allt-nam-Calaman, at roadside, Gleann-anot-Suidhe, 2 miles 550 yards and 24 degrees of Brodick Church, Arran, MR16614 Diorite. 'Original entry: Quartz-Diorite - Fine-Grained Hybrid Rock -Tertiary'
MR16615 Quarry at burn side of String Road half a mile west of summit, 3 and a half miles W of Brodick, Arran, MR16615 Diorite. 'Original entry: Quartz-Diorite - Hybrid Rock - Tertiary'
MR14179 Gregory Quarries (Lindley Quarry),Mansfield, MR14179 Dolostone. 'Original entry: White Mansfield Stone (Dressed) - Lower Magnesian Limestone - Permian'
MR14188 Grimshill Stone Quarries,Grimshill Stone Quarries, Shropshire, MR14188 1935 Diorite. 'Original entry: Porphyritic Dolerite. Grimshill Dyke'
MR12887 quarry on N.N.E. side of Monk Fryston Lodge, MR12887 1934 Dolostone. 'Original entry: Fine-Grained Limestone - Upper Magnesian Limestone - Permian'
MR15371 Perch Hill Quarry,Griff, Nuneaton, MR15371 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite (Birds Eye)'
MR15372 Griffirth's Quarry,Griff Hollow, Nuneaton, MR15372 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR16965; COLLNODc6; Pitroddie Quarry,Pitroddie Quarry, Kilspindie, Perth, MR16965; COLLNODc6; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Quartz-Dolerite - Undecomposed'
MR16966; COLLNODc7; Pitroddie Quarry,Pitroddie Quarry, Kilspindie, Perth, MR16966; COLLNODc7; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Quartz-Dolerite - Weathered'
MR16969 Pitroddie Quarry,Pitroddie Quarry, Kilspindle, Perthshire, MR16969 Diorite. 'Original entry: Spheroidal Weathering Of Dolerite'
MR17434 Pitroddie Quarry,Pitroddie Quarry, Kilspindie, Perth, MR17434 Diorite. 'Original entry: Dolerite (Unweathered)'
MR17435 Pitroddie Quarry,Pitroddie Quarry, Kilspindie, Perth, MR17435 Diorite. 'Original entry: Dolerite (Weathered)'
MR17436 Pitroddie Quarry,Pitroddie Quarry, Kilspindie, Perth, MR17436 Diorite. 'Original entry: Spheroidal Weathering Of Dolerite'
MR18033; COLLNORG48; Old limestone quarry, Oldcotes, (S of stream) Notts. - not in gazetteer, MR18033; COLLNORG48; * 1946 Dolostone. 'Original entry: Upper Magnesian Limestone With Grey Marl'
MR18034; COLLNORG49; old limestone quarry, Oldcoates, (N of stream) Notts. - not in gazetteer, MR18034; COLLNORG49; * 1946 Dolostone. 'Original entry: Upper Magnesian Limestone With Grey Marl And Fossil Cast'
MR13066; COLLNO8; Quarry in Southern Vent, Grange Mill, MR13066; COLLNO8; 1934 Diorite. 'Original entry: Dolerite (Basalt), Dyke (Largest) In (Qjgs) Vol. 63 P.62) Agglomerate Of Souther'
MR10809; COLLNOT3619; Blackburn Leekstone,Blackburn Leekstone Quarry, 0.5 miles south of Blackburn, and 2 miles south of Bathgate, Linlithgow, MR10809; COLLNOT3619; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Analcite - Olivine -Dolerite'
MR10810; COLLNO3621; Blackburn Leekstone,Blackburn Leekstone Quarry, 0.5 miles south of Blackburn, and 2 miles south of Bathgate, Linlithgow, MR10810; COLLNO3621; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Analcite - Olivine - Dolerite'
MR10812; COLLNOT3618; Blackstone Leekstone,Blackburn Leekstone Quarry, 0.5 miles south of Blackburn, and 2 miles south of Bathgate, Lintith, MR10812; COLLNOT3618; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Analcite - Olivine - Dolerite'
MR10907; COLLNOT2513; Loch Awe Quarries,Loch Awe Quarries, south of point where stream from west Allt Mhoille, Argyllshire, MR10907; COLLNOT2513; * Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR12883 Whitewells Quarry, south of Bramham Park, one-eigth of Whitewell Farm, MR12883 1934 Dolostone. 'Original entry: Oolitic Limestone At Base Of Magnesian Limestone - Permian'
MR10241 Croft Granite Quarry,Croft, 5.5 ml ENE of Hinckley, MR10241 1933 Diorite. 'Original entry: Contaminated Rock With ?Analcite In Vesicles'
MR10242 Croft Granite Quarry,Croft, 5.5 ml ENE of Hinckley, MR10242 1933 Diorite. 'Original entry: Analcite And Calcite In Vein'
MR10243 Croft Granite Quarry,Croft, 5.5 ml ENE of Hinckley, MR10243 1933 Diorite. 'Original entry: Laumontite "Eye" In Nodule'
MR10244 Croft Granite Quarry,Croft, 5.5 ml ENE of Hinckley, MR10244 1933 Diorite. 'Original entry: Laumontite In Radial Aggregate'
E26063; MR19678; Madoc Quarry,Madoc Quarry, Tfestinioq, Merioneth, E26063; MR19678; Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite?'
E28959; MR22055; Quarry,Bwlch Gwyn Qry. Gaerwen, E28959; MR22055; 1959 Diorite. 'Original entry: Epidorite Aggregate'
MR4769 Qy. at Penmaenmawr, MR4769 Diorite. 'Original entry: Enstatite-Diorite'
MR5225; I270; Carrickfergus Qy., N of Carrickfergus town, MR5225; I270; 1888 Diorite. 'Original entry: Dolerite Dyke In Keuper Marl'
MR5439 Oldbury Qy., Oldbury Reservoir, Nuneaton, MR5439 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite, Intrusive Into Stockingford Shale'
E8384; MR8042; Sarn Meilltyrn Qy, Sarn Meyllteyrn, Lleyn Peninsula, E8384; MR8042; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Albite-Diabase'
E8386; MR8043; Sarn Meilltyrn Qy, Sarn Meyllteyrn, Lleyn Peninsula, E8386; MR8043; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Albite-Diabase'
E8389; MR8044; Dennant,E side of Dennant Quarry, Aberdaron, Lleyn Peninsula, E8389; MR8044; Diorite. 'Original entry: Dolerite'
MR8044 Dennant,E side of Dennant Quarry, Aberdaron, Lleyn Peninsula, MR8044 Diorite. 'Original entry: Dolerite'
E8387; MR8047; Pendref Qy., Aberdaron, Lleyn Peninsula, E8387; MR8047; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Albite-Diabase'
E519a; MR850; Qy. at Yr Eifl, E519a; MR850; 1877 Diorite. 'Original entry: Enstatite-Diorite'
E1176; MR554; Midland Company's quarry,100 yards north of Midland Station, Nuneaton, E1176; MR554; * 1877 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E16276; MR8629; 200 yards SE of British Camp Reservoir, Little Malvern, E16276; MR8629; 1932 Diorite. 'Original entry: Dolerite Intrusion In Warren House Series'
MR9298 Moel-y-Gest,Portmadoc, MR9298 1932 Diorite. 'Original entry: Newer Intrusive Dolerite'
MR9299 Moel-y-Gest,Portmadoc, MR9299 1932 Diorite. 'Original entry: Newer Intrusive Dolerite'
E28984; MR22114; Quarry,E. B. Best's Qry. St. Andrews, Guernsey E28984; MR22114; 1959 Dioritic-Rock. 'Original entry: Sinodiorite'
MR22132 Old Qry. c. 1700 yd 48 deg from St.Andrews Church, Hope Bowdler MR22132 1959 Dacite. 'Original entry: Woodgate Batch Dacite'
E28897; MR22133; COLLNOHM86; Old Qry. c. 1700 yd 48 deg from St.Andrews Church, Hope Bowdler E28897; MR22133; COLLNOHM86; *; *; 1959 Dacite. 'Original entry: Woodgate Batch Dacite'
MR31785 Quarry,PYX Qry. Malvern, MR31785 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite Intruded By 1.5 " Microgranite Vein'
MR17153 Quarry 120 yards S.E. of Lambgarth Well and 740 yards E.N.E of Bramham Park, MR17153 Dolostone. 'Original entry: Pebbly Limestone In Lower Magnesian Limestone (Permian)'
E28875; MR21994; Griff Granite Qy,Nuneaton, E28875; MR21994; 1959 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Albitised Hornblende Dolerite Aggregate'
MR18536 Cae Coch Mine,Cae Coch pyrite mine above road 1.25 mile N of Trefriw, MR18536 1950 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Dolerite Impregnated With Pyrite'
MR9449 Llanelwedd,near Builth, W of Cadwgan above large machinery plant, MR9449 1932 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diabase-Porphyrite'
MR9450 Llanelwedd,near Builth, W of Cadwgan above large machinery plant, MR9450 1932 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diabase-Porphyrite'
E28955; MR22049; Helsbury Qry.,Mitchalstow,PET XLIII p337 E28955; MR22049; 1959 Diorite. 'Original entry: Epidorite Aggregate'
MR7871 by bridge over brook, Llwyn-Celyn, Combe, MR7871 1931 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR7093 at lawn tennis ground, Portrush, MR7093 Diorite. 'Original entry: Dolerite'
MR21080 Knaveston Quarry,Knaveston, 1 mile east of Brawdy, Pembrokeshire, MR21080 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite - Pre-Cambrian'
MR21086 Pen Beri Quarry,[Pen Berry](east end) near St. Davids, Pembrokeshire, MR21086 Diorite. 'Original entry: Dolerite - Ordovician'
MR7928 Hendre (British Granite Co's Ceiriog Unit),2 miles S of Glyn Ceiriog, MR7928 1931 Diorite. 'Original entry: Dolerite, Intrusive'
MR7929 Hendre (British Granite Co's Ceiriog Unit),2 miles S of Glyn Ceiriog, MR7929 1931 Diorite. 'Original entry: Dolerite, Intrusive'
MR7726 Bolton Hill,1 mile NE of Tiers Cross, MR7726 1931 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR7727 Bolton Hill,1 mile NE of Tiers Cross, MR7727 1931 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR7730 Bulford,0.5 mile E of Tiers Cross, MR7730 1931 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR21115 Hendre Quarry,Hendre Quarry, 2 miles south of Glyn Ceiriog, Denbigh, MR21115 Diorite. 'Original entry: Dolerite'
MR21116 Hendre Quarry,Hendre Quarry, 2 miles south of Glyn Ceiriog, Denbigh, MR21116 Diorite. 'Original entry: Dolerite'
MR21117 Hendre Quarry,Hendre Quarry, 2 miles south of Glyn Ceiriog, Denbigh, MR21117 Diorite. 'Original entry: Dolerite'
MR21118 Hendre Quarry,Hendre Quarry, 2 miles south of Glyn Ceiriog, Denbigh, MR21118 Diorite. 'Original entry: Dolerite'
MR21119 Hendre Quarry,Hendre Quarry, 2 miles south of Glyn Ceiriog, Denbigh, MR21119 Diorite. 'Original entry: Dolerite'
MR6241 Qy. on E side of Callow Hill, 1.25 miles SW of church, Pontesbury, MR6241 Diorite. 'Original entry: Dolerite'
MR7742 Knaveston,1 mile E of Brawdy, MR7742 1931 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR7757 Pem Berry,E end of quarry, near St Davids, MR7757 1931 Diorite. 'Original entry: Dolerite, Intrusion'
MR8173; F1527; Sommergraben, Kraubat, Steiermark,surface exposure,Austria MR8173; F1527; 1931 Dunite. 'Original entry: Dunite'
MR5426 Halsbr?cke, Freiberg, Saxony,surface exposure,Germany MR5426 2100 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR5427 Schwarzenberg, ?Kinmeckthal, Vosges,surface exposure,Germany MR5427 Dioritic-Rock. 'Original entry: Quartz Diorite'
MR5429 Banat,surface exposure,Hungary MR5429 Dioritic-Rock. 'Original entry: Quartz Diorite (Banatite)'
MR5436 Falkenstein, Fichtelgebirge, Bohemia,surface exposure,Czechoslovakia MR5436 Dioritic-Rock. 'Original entry: Quartz Diorite'
MR5438 Hodric,surface exposure,Hungary MR5438 Dioritic-Rock. 'Original entry: Quartz Augite Diorite'
MR5440 Cziclova, Banat,surface exposure,Hungary MR5440 Dioritic-Rock. 'Original entry: Quartz Diorite (Banatite)'
MR5441 Redwitz, Fichtelgebirge, Bohemia,surface exposure,Czechoslovakia MR5441 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR5443 Sartene, Corsica,surface exposure,Corsica MR5443 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite (Napoleonite)'
MR5444 Eup, Pyrennes,surface exposure,?France MR5444 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite (Ophite)'
MR5445 Schemnitz,surface exposure,Hungary MR5445 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR8443 Thierbach, Penig, Saxony,surface exposure,See Lehmann "S?chische Granulitgebirge" (Bonn 1884),Germany MR8443 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite Schist'
MR5446 Eisenbach,surface exposure,Hungary MR5446 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR8233 Hahnenbachthal, Nahe,surface exposure,Germany MR8233 1931 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR8234 Wolfshagen, Harz,surface exposure,Germany MR8234 1931 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR8236 Stammrod, Harzgerode, Harz,surface exposure,Germany MR8236 1931 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR8239 Schiefergraben, Blankenberg, Harz,surface exposure,Germany MR8239 1931 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR8240 Silbenberg, near Hof, Fichtelgebirge,surface exposure,Germany MR8240 1931 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR8242 Schwarzen Stamm, M?gdesptung, Harz,surface exposure,Germany MR8242 1931 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR8243 Praeceptor Klippe, Altenbruk, Harz,surface exposure,Germany MR8243 1931 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR8458 Mocsan,surface exposure,Hungary MR8458 Dacite. 'Original entry: Dacite'
MR8465 Schemnitz,surface exposure,Hungary MR8465 Dacite. 'Original entry: Dacite'
MR9042; F5025; Millbridge area, near place called Hole in the Wall, Ontario,surface exposure,See Int. Geol. Congress 1913 Guide Book, No 2, p.42,Canada MR9042; F5025; 1913 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR8244 Aardech, Nassau,surface exposure,Germany MR8244 1931 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR8262 Dillnen, Gebirge,surface exposure,?Hungary MR8262 1931 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR8264 Vallee du Lys, Pyrenees,surface exposure,?France MR8264 1931 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite-Porphyrite'
MR9077 Dun Mountain,surface exposure,Type locality,New Zealand MR9077 1932 Dunite. 'Original entry: Dunite'
MR5278 Sechshelden, Nassau,surface exposure,Germany MR5278 2000 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR5279 Berneck, Fichtelgebirge,surface exposure,Germany MR5279 2001 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR6614 Chuohle, Bohemia,surface exposure,Czechoslovakia MR6614 2178 Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
MR5480 Kis Sebes, Siebenburgen,surface exposure,?Austria MR5480 Dacite. 'Original entry: Dacite (Quartz Andesite)'
MR9673; F3417; Buschhorn, Neuenhaim,surface exposure,Trenzen, 1902. Neues Jahrb f. Min Bd.2 Anal. p 6,Germany MR9673; F3417; 1933 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Enstatite Dolerite'
MR9674; F3418; Sababurg, Reinhardswald,surface exposure,Rinne. Uber nord deutsche Basalte I. J de Kgl Preuss. geol. Landes Anstalt, 1892, Anal. p. 78.,Germany MR9674; F3418; 1933 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Enstatite Dolerite'
MR5296 Corundum Hill, Macon Co., North Carolina,surface exposure,USA MR5296 2016 Dunite. 'Original entry: Dunite'
MR5477 Tepla,surface exposure,Hungary MR5477 Dacite. 'Original entry: Dacite (Quartz Andesite)'
MR5227 Buchenau, Nassau,surface exposure,Germany MR5227 1959 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR5228 Wienrode, Harz,surface exposure,Germany MR5228 1960 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR5229 Pfaffenk?pfen, Herzogstein, Harz,surface exposure,Germany MR5229 1961 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR5230 Herstein, Birkenfeld, Nahe,surface exposure,Germany MR5230 1962 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR5233 Boguschowitz, Moravia,surface exposure,Entered as Austria in register,Czechoslovakia MR5233 1964 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase Var. Teschenite'
MR5234 Boguschowitz, Moravia,surface exposure,Entered as Austria in register,Czechoslovakia MR5234 1965 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase Var. Teschenite'
MR8616; F1768; Fabalra, N slopes of Foya,surface exposure,Portugal MR8616; F1768; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase Breccia Hornfels'
MR8617; F1769; Old Krafse, Friedhof, Monchique,surface exposure,Portugal MR8617; F1769; Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase Breccia Hornfels'
MR5235 Wartleite, Koditz, Fichtelgebirge,surface exposure,Germany MR5235 1966 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase Var. Leucophyre'
MR5236 Breitenbach, Hohwald, Vosges,surface exposure,Germany MR5236 1967 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase Var. Leucophyre'
MR5237 Mulat, Fassathal, Tirol,surface exposure,Austria MR5237 1968 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR5238 St Lary, Pyrenees,surface exposure,?France MR5238 1969 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Ophite (Diabase)'
MR5239; F284; 2m E of Coatsbridge, Co. Wicklow,surface exposure,Republic of Ireland MR5239; F284; 1970 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
E73866; COLLNOJNC882; Summit of Brazil Wood, Swithland Reservoir E73866; COLLNOJNC882; * Diorite.
MR3656 Upper Puntaiglas Glacier, at 2810 metres, S side of Todi Group, Grisons,surface exposure,polished,Switzerland MR3656 1886 Dolostone. 'Original entry: R?Thidolomite'
MR3685 Upper Puntaiglas Glacier, at 2810 metres, S side of Todi Group, Grisons,surface exposure,polished,Switzerland MR3685 1886 Dolostone. 'Original entry: R?Thidolomite'
MR8205 Champ St Veron, Lambecq, Brabant,surface exposure,Belgium MR8205 1931 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR8206 Quenast,surface exposure,Belgium MR8206 1931 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR8220 Neuntestein, Kvineckthal, Vosges,surface exposure,Germany MR8220 1931 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR5094 Sartene, in Corsica,surface exposure,Corsica MR5094 1888 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR5095 S. Lucia di Tallano, near Sartene, Corsica,surface exposure,Corsica MR5095 1889 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite.'
MR453; I2321; St Johnston, Co. Donegal,surface exposure,Republic of Ireland MR453; I2321; Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR454 St Johnston, Co. Donegal,surface exposure,?slides I 947, 949 Irish Collection,Republic of Ireland MR454 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR455 Gobnascole, Co. Donegal,surface exposure,Republic of Ireland MR455 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR15322; F4259; Near North Croghan, Lake Bonaparte Quad, New York State, New York State,surface exposure,See Memoranda from A F Buddington in MR ledger p. 93,USA MR15322; F4259; 1936 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Mylonitised Quartz Syenite'
MR16331 near Oberneisen,surface exposure,?Germany MR16331 1937 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR8161; F1515; Amita Bay, Milford Sound, Dunedin,surface exposure,New Zealand MR8161; F1515; 1931 Dunite. 'Original entry: Dunite'
MR10121; F3623; Bevers,surface exposure,Albula-Err Nappe,Switzerland MR10121; F3623; 1933 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR10124; F3626; Pontresina,surface exposure,Bernina Nappe,Switzerland MR10124; F3626; 1933 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR12183; F5048; Campo a'Pesi, Elba,surface exposure,Italy - Elba MR12183; F5048; Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR12184; F5049; Pomonte, Elba,surface exposure,Italy - Elba MR12184; F5049; Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR18392; F5659; St George, New Brunswick,surface exposure,Canada MR18392; F5659; 1950 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR15334; F4271; E of Santa Clara, Santa Clara Quad., New York State,surface exposure,See Memoranda from A F Buddington in MR ledger p. 93,USA MR15334; F4271; 1936 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR15344; F4281; Oswegatchie Corners, Lake Bonaparte quadrangle, New York State,surface exposure,Dyke in Diana Complex. See Memoranda from A F Buddington in MR ledger p. 93,USA MR15344; F4281; 1936 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR16548; F4867; Khabozero, Kola Peninsula, Soviet Lapland,surface exposure,Russia MR16548; F4867; 1938 Dunite. 'Original entry: Dunite With Titanomagnetite And Knopite'
MR16929 Corsica, France,surface exposure,France - Corsica MR16929 1934 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR10044; F3535; Punteglas region, B?ndner Oberland,surface exposure,Aar Massif,Switzerland MR10044; F3535; 1933 Diorite, Hornblende. 'Original entry: Hornblende Diorite'
MR8112; F1297; Bernadov, Eisengeberg, Bohemia,surface exposure,Czechoslovakia MR8112; F1297; 1931 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR1466; I12; Close to road from Rathdrum to Kilboy Bridge, 4 miles SE of Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow,surface exposure,Republic of Ireland MR1466; I12; Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite, Tonalite'
MR1468; I13; Close to road from Rathdrum to Kilboy Bridge, 4.5 miles SE of Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow,surface exposure,Republic of Ireland MR1468; I13; Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR1480; I159; Blind Cove, Stradbally, Co. Waterford,surface exposure,Republic of Ireland MR1480; I159; Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR1481 50 yds SE of large quarry at Woodroad, 2 miles NW of Woodenbridge, Co. Wicklow,surface exposure,Republic of Ireland MR1481 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR1482; I36; 1.5 miles from Woodenbridge on road to Aughrim, Co. Wiklow,surface exposure,Republic of Ireland MR1482; I36; Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR18096 Andermatt St Gotthard region,surface exposure,Showing intense deformation from "root-zone" between Aar & Gotthard Massifs,Switzerland MR18096 1948 Dolomite-Sediment. 'Original entry: Dolomitic Conglomerate'
MR32797 Schelingen Quarry near Freiburg,Schelingen Quarry,Germany MR32797 1975 Dolomite-Carbonatite. 'Original entry: Dolomitic-Ankeritic Carbonatite'
MR22611 S slope of Ganiamore, Rosguill, Co. Donegal,surface exposure,Republic of Ireland MR22611 1960 Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
MR20599 Oriental Consolidated Mines, timber tramway, Yang Nyung Valley,surface exposure,North Korea MR20599 1956 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR22734 Roadside quarry (carriere mignale) c. 1km from Mont Dore, Auvergne,quarry,France MR22734 1960 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Mesocratic Trachyandesite (Doreite)'
MR20805; F3986; Poo Soo Moru,surface exposure,North Korea MR20805; F3986; 1956 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR20806; F3987; Poo Soo Moru,surface exposure,North Korea MR20806; F3987; 1956 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR20808 Poo Soo Moru,surface exposure,North Korea MR20808 1956 Dioritic-Rock. 'Original entry: Aplite In Diorite'
MR22013; F6252; Le Puy Gros, Puys de Dome, c. 20 miles SW of Clermont Ferrand,surface exposure,Map 166,France MR22013; F6252; 1959 Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
MR22014; F6253; Towards N of Puy Chopine, Puys de Dome, c. 20 miles SW of Clermont Ferrand,surface exposure,Map 166,France MR22014; F6253; 1959 Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
MR32071 Kangankunde Hill,surface exposure,See Garson, MC 1965. Carbonatite and agglomeritic vents in the Westernshire Vally (Kangan Kunde), Malawi. Geol. Surv. Mem. 3. Also Holt, 1965, Geol Surv Bull 20. Also Garson, 1965, Malawi Geol Surv Bull 15, MR32071 1961 Dolomite-Carbonatite. 'Original entry: Dolomite-Strontianite-Monazite Carbonatite'
MR32072 Kangankunde Hill,surface exposure,See Garson, MC 1965. Carbonatite and agglomeritic vents in the Westernshire Vally (Kangan Kunde), Malawi. Geol. Surv. Mem. 3. Also Holt, 1965, Geol Surv Bull 20. Also Garson, 1965, Malawi Geol Surv Bull 15, MR32072 1961 Dolomite-Carbonatite. 'Original entry: Dolomite-Bastnaesite Carbonatite'
MR32808 East of Offerenb?hl, Hegen area, near Singen, Baden-W?rttemb,surface exposure,Germany MR32808 1975 Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
MR32809 Howenh?fen, Hegan area, near Singen, Baden-W?rttemb,surface exposure,Germany MR32809 1975 Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
MR31728 Quarry by road (N683) 1km E of Mont Dore, Auvergne, France,quarry,France MR31728 1972 Diorite. 'Original entry: Dor?Ite'
MR33255 Sydney, on the Vaal River, near Kimberley,surface exposure,South Africa MR33255 1976 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR33256 Sydney, on the Vaal River, near Kimberley,surface exposure,South Africa MR33256 1976 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR1483 1.5 miles NW of Woodenbridge on road to Aughrim, nearly oppopsite footbridge, Co. Wiklow,surface exposure,Republic of Ireland MR1483 Diorite. 'Original entry: Schistose Epidiorite'
MR1484 On Aughrim road 1.5 miles NW of Woodenbridge, close to Ballitemple Bridge, Co. Wicklow,surface exposure,Republic of Ireland MR1484 Diorite. 'Original entry: Schistose Epidiorite'
MR33257 Sydney, on the Vaal River, near Kimberley,surface exposure,Permo-Carboniferous surface underlying Dwyka Tillite,South Africa MR33257 1976 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR21519; F6369; Jabal Mukhaibah, South Oman, Arabia,surface exposure,Oman MR21519; F6369; 1958 Dolomite-Oncolite. 'Original entry: Dolomite Stromatolite'
MR21520; F6370; Jabal Mukhaibah, South Oman, Arabia,surface exposure,Oman MR21520; F6370; 1958 Dolomite-Oncolite. 'Original entry: Dolomite Stromatolite'
MR11900 400 yds west of Tepla, Schemnitz,surface exposure,Hungary MR11900 Diorite. 'Original entry: Dioritic Porphyry'
MR11920 Nagy Banya,surface exposure,Hungary MR11920 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite Or Greenstone'
MR11921 Vale of Fernezeley, Nagy Banya,surface exposure,Hungary MR11921 Diorite. 'Original entry: Dioritic Porphyry With Calcareous Spar'
MR25723 Grube F?sseberg near Biersdorf, SE of Betzdorf, Rhineland, West Germany,surface exposure,Germany MR25723 1962 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR25908; F6699; RRS Discovery II, Station 4852, c. 60 miles W of Isles of Scilly,offshore sample,Location on 30th April 1962,UK MR25908; F6699; 1962 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR31777 Exposure in lane 20 yds S of Cross, Mont Royale, Montreal, Quebec Province,surface exposure,1ft veins in melagabbro,Canada MR31777 1972 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR22698; F6660; Mt Macedon Cross, Mount Macedon, Victoria,surface exposure,See Skeats & Summers, 1912. Bull Geol Surv Vic vol 24,Australia MR22698; F6660; 1960 Dacite. 'Original entry: Dacite'
MR35398 Ramp of exit 8 on I.89, E across from Hy 103, NW corner of Concord Sheet, New Hampshire.,surface exposure,Lyons & Livingston 1977, Bull. G.S.A. 88:1808-1812. Rb/Sr age 402+/-5my. Spaulding Stage.,USA MR35398 1981 Dioritic-Rock. 'Original entry: Quartz Diorite'
MR35421 0.6 ml E of Stop 7 N side of Route 55 0.3 ml S(or ?W) of interchange with Rt22 c.1ml S of Pawling, Dutchess County, New York State,surface exposure,Bence AE & McLelland JM 1976. Progressive Metamorphism in Dutchess COunty, NY. Field Trip B- MR35421 1981 Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolostone'
MR35422 Stop 7 on Rt. 55, c. 1 mile SSW from Pawling, Dutchess Co., New York.,surface exposure,Progressive Barrovian Metamorphism. Taconic Belt. Bence & McLelland, 1976. Field Trip B7, Field Guide Book, NYSGA, 48th Annual Meeting.,USA MR35422 1981 Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolostone'
MR26275 964ft depth in borehole, Omai Goldfield, Essequibo River, British Guiana,borehole,SG = 3.08,Guyana MR26275 1963 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR26276 988ft depth in borehole, Omai Goldfield, Essequibo River, British Guiana,borehole,SG = 3.01,Guyana MR26276 1963 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR26277 240ft depth in borehole, Omai Goldfield, Essequibo River, British Guiana,borehole,SG = 2.89,Guyana MR26277 1963 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR26278 303ft depth in borehole, Omai Goldfield, Essequibo River, British Guiana,borehole,SG = 2.86,Guyana MR26278 1963 Dioritic-Rock. 'Original entry: Quartz Diorite'
MR26279 361ft depth in borehole, Omai Goldfield, Essequibo River, British Guiana,borehole,SG = 3.01,Guyana MR26279 1963 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR26282 212ft depth in borehole, Omai Goldfield, Essequibo River, British Guiana,borehole,SG = 2.97,Guyana MR26282 1963 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR26283 315ft depth in borehole, Omai Goldfield, Essequibo River, British Guiana,borehole,SG = 3.04,Guyana MR26283 1963 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR20678 Between Ha Chang and Yak Tai Mok,surface exposure,North Korea MR20678 1956 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR20679 Between Ha Chang and Yak Tai Mok,surface exposure,North Korea MR20679 1956 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR20680 Between Ha Chang and Yak Tai Mok,surface exposure,North Korea MR20680 1956 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR20681 Between Ha Chang and Yak Tai Mok,surface exposure,North Korea MR20681 1956 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR20682 Between Ha Chang and Yak Tai Mok,surface exposure,North Korea MR20682 1956 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR26288 184ft depth in borehole, Omai Goldfield, Essequibo River, British Guiana,borehole,SG = 2.89,Guyana MR26288 1963 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR26292 217ft depth in borehole, Omai Goldfield, Essequibo River, British Guiana,borehole,SG = 2.91,Guyana MR26292 1963 Dioritic-Rock. 'Original entry: Quartz Diorite'
MR35435 Cut on N side of abandoned road joining Hy 152, 1.75 miles W of junction with Dinosaur Point Road, Pacheco Pass, California.,surface exposure,Franciscan Blueschist facies,USA MR35435 1981 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR35458 Roadcut on Kamuela-Kona road, 2.2 miles N of Popoo Gulch, W slope of Mauna Kea, Hawaii,surface exposure,USA - Hawaii MR35458 1981 Dolostone. 'Original entry: Ankaramite'
MR35459 7.4 miles ENE of Waimea, NW slope of Mauna Kea, Hawaii,surface exposure,USA - Hawaii MR35459 1981 Dolostone. 'Original entry: Ankaramite'
MR35485 New, southern branch of dirt road (Roosenekal-Lydenburg) 21km from Roosenekal junction at main Middleburg-Burgersfort highway, East Transvaal, Republic of South Africa.,surface exposure,South Africa MR35485 1981 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR35486 Northern branch of dirt road (Roosenekal-Lydenburg) 21km from Roosenekal junction at main Middleburg-Burgersfort highway, East Transvaal, Republic of South Africa.,surface exposure,South Africa MR35486 1981 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR35487 Southern branch of dirt road (Roosenekal-Lydenburg) 21km from Roosenekal junction at main Middleburg-Burgersfort highway, East Transvaal, Republic of South Africa.,surface exposure,South Africa MR35487 1981 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR35488 Groot Dwars River, 500m downstream from southern branch of Roosenekal-Lydenburg dirt road, East Transvaal, Republic of South Africa,surface exposure,South Africa MR35488 1981 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR34823 Just below summit of Mt Lassen (10453ft), Shasta County, California,surface exposure,USA MR34823 * 1979 Dacite. 'Original entry: Dacite'
MR35367 largest roadcut on W side of Alton Bay, Lake Winnipesaukee, 3.1 ml N of Alton Bay on Highway 11, New Hampshire,surface exposure,USA MR35367 1981 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR35371 Largest roadcut on W side of Alton Bay, Lake Winnipesaukee, 3.1 miles N of Alton Bay on Hy. 11, New Hampshire.,surface exposure,White Mountains age or later, southernmost.,USA MR35371 1981 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR35374 Roadcut, W side of Hy. 11, c. 1.2 miles S of Glendale, Gilford, New Hampshire.,surface exposure,USA MR35374 1981 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR35375 Roadcut, W side of Hy. 11, c. 1.2 miles S of Glendale, Gilford, New Hampshire.,surface exposure,brecciated,USA MR35375 1981 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR35507 At 3.8km 'milestone', on road between Blinkwater and Roosenekal, East Transvaal, Republic of South Africa,surface exposure,South Africa MR35507 1981 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR35509 Outcrop by 1.8km 'milestone' at bridge over Steelport River, road between Blinkwater and Roosenekal, East Transvaal, Republic of South Africa,surface exposure,South Africa MR35509 1981 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR35511 mine in Eastern Transvaal,Driekop Platinum Mine,South Africa MR35511 1981 Dunite. 'Original entry: Dunite'
MR14920; F4165; Bjirkoy (Bjerkoy) Island, 16km SW of Oslo,surface exposure,Norway MR14920; F4165; 1935 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR14933; F4176; Island of ?Toftehohnen, Oslo fjord and 14 km E of Holmestrand,surface exposure,Poor handwriting in ledger for locality,Norway MR14933; F4176; 1935 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR8135; F1320; Tassi, Tottijdrri, Tammenfors,surface exposure,Finland MR8135; F1320; 1931 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR8136; F1321; Teiskola, Teisko, Tammenfors,surface exposure,Finland MR8136; F1321; 1931 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR14949; F4191; Hardangerjokulen, near Finse,surface exposure,Norway MR14949; F4191; 1935 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite Cut By Telemark Granite'
MR19361 Porsangen, Finnmark,surface exposure,Norway MR19361 1953 Dolomite-Oncolite. 'Original entry: Dolomite, Stromatolitic'
MR19362 Porsangen, Finnmark,surface exposure,Norway MR19362 1953 Dolomite-Oolite. 'Original entry: Dolomite, Oolitic'
MR19368 Alta, Finnmark,surface exposure,Norway MR19368 1953 Dolostone. 'Original entry: Dolomite'
MR12333; F3016; From dyke at the laboratory of the Fen Mine, Fen Region,surface exposure,Norway MR12333; F3016; 1926 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR8333 Bommelv,surface exposure,Finland MR8333 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase Dyke'
MR8334 Bommelv,surface exposure,Finland MR8334 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase Dyke'
MR14897; F4143; At roadside, Tanum, 15km W of Oslo,surface exposure,Norway MR14897; F4143; 1935 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR14904; F4150; Saggrenda, 4.25 km SSW of Kongsberg,surface exposure,Norway MR14904; F4150; 1935 Dioritic-Rock. 'Original entry: Biotite-Diorite'
MR14905; F4151; Saggrenda, 4.25 km SSW of Kongsberg,surface exposure,Norway MR14905; F4151; 1935 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR14906; F4152; Grube area, 3km W of Kongsberg,surface exposure,Norway MR14906; F4152; 1935 Dioritic-Rock. 'Original entry: Quartz Biotite Diorite'
MR14907; F4153; Gottishulfe Grube, 3km W of Kongsberg,surface exposure,Norway MR14907; F4153; 1935 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase Or Gabbro'
MR5447 Brevig, Langesundfjord,surface exposure,Norway MR5447 Diorite. 'Original entry: Diorite'
MR7068; F659; Langx, Holmestrand,surface exposure,W C Brvgger's Type rock specimens,Norway MR7068; F659; 1890 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase'
MR7069; F660; Vaekerx,surface exposure,W C Brvgger's Type rock specimens,Norway MR7069; F660; 1890 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Mica-Diabase'
MR8188; F1542; Ilseingsvaag, near Ekersund,surface exposure,Norway MR8188; F1542; 1931 Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro). 'Original entry: Diabase, Dyke In Labradorite Rock'
F16326; COLLNOLX1080; Hope Place, Saladero, Lafonia F16326; COLLNOLX1080; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
F16327; COLLNOLX1081; Pony's Pass Quarry, East Falkland F16327; COLLNOLX1081; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
F16328; COLLNOLX1082; Burntside, East Falkland F16328; COLLNOLX1082; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
F16329; COLLNOLX1083; Teal Creek, north side, Lafonia F16329; COLLNOLX1083; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
F16330; COLLNOLX1084; Teal Creek, south side, Lafonia F16330; COLLNOLX1084; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
F16331; COLLNOLX1085; Teal Creek Pond, west side, Lafonia F16331; COLLNOLX1085; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
F16332; COLLNOLX1087; Peat Banks, Lafonia F16332; COLLNOLX1087; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).
F16325; COLLNOLX1079; Port Sussex, north side, East Falkland. F16325; COLLNOLX1079; * Dolerite (Synonymous With Microgabbro).

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