Publication record details

Title Geology of the country around Llanilar and Rhayader : memoir for 1:50000 geological sheets 178 and 179 (England & Wales)
Ref no DF178+179
Author Davies. J.R.; Fletcher. C.J.N.; Waters. R.A.; Wilson. D.; Woodhall. D.G.; Zalasiewicz. J.A.; Barron. H.F.; Molyneux. S.G.; Rushton. A.W.A.; Tunnicliff. S.P.; Merriman. R.J.; Roberts. B.Hirons. S.R.; Carruthers. R.M.; Colman. T.B.; Evans. J.A.; Spiro. B.; Swainbank. I.G.; Shepherd. T.J.; Edmunds. W.M.; O'Connor. E.A.; British Geological Survey.
Year of publication 1997
Publisher The Stationery Office [for British Geological Survey]
Place of publication London
Series Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, England and Wales (Sheet - New Series)
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