Publication record details

Title Bulletin of the Imperial Institute, volume 42, part 2
Ref no RD42_2
Year of publication 1944
Abstract Contents: Chromite deposits of the Eastern Townships, Quebec. Mineral resources of Tanganyika Territory. Columbite-tantalite in British Guiana. Australia's mineral industry in the present war (1939-1945). Peat industry in Quebec. Fluorspar deposits and production in Newfoundland. Geological work in Swaziland (1943). Boring for water in Uganda. The graphite deposits of Ceylon. Developments in the Canadian magnesium industry Geological Survey work in Canada Geological work in Tanganyika (1940-1943). Geological surveying in Northern Rhodesia. Ilmenorutile from Sierra Leone. The international mercury situation. Fluorspar in South and South-West Africa.
Publisher HMSO [for Imperial Institute]
Place of publication London
Series Bulletin of the Imperial Institute
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