Publication record details

Title Assessing the potential for reopening a building stone quarry : King's Quarry, Thornhill, Dumfriesshire
Ref no OR/10/040
Author Hyslop, Ewan K.; Tracey, Emily A.; Albornoz-Parra, Luis J.
Year of publication 2010
Abstract The British Geological Survey (BGS) has been commissioned by the Scottish Stone Liaison Group to investigate the potential for reopening a number of former building stone sites from around Scotland under the project '—Scottish Building Stone Resources'. As part of this study, BGS was asked to undertake a general examination of the building stone resources at the King's Quarry, near Carronbridge, Thornhill in Dumfriesshire. The quarry lies within the Buccleuch Estates and is known to have had a long history of operation, having been active around the mid 19th and early 20th centuries, although likely to have produced stone since the 17th century. Today the quarry is periodically worked by the Buccleuch Group, on a small scale mostly for repairs and restoration of existing estate building in the district.
Publisher British Geological Survey
Place of publication Nottingham, UK
Series Open Reports
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