Vocabularies — details


Dictionary table giving simple categorisation of BGS-held Coastal and Marine Data Sheets by their paper form and content (information). Includes SHEET_ORDER, which is the order of preference for the retrieval (display) of the Data Sheets for a given location.

No. Column name Data type Notes
1 CODE Varchar(15) Primary key
2 DESCRIPTION Varchar(250)  
3 TRANSLATION Varchar(50)  
6 SHEET_ORDER Numeric(22)  
7 STATUS Char(1)  

Sample data (rows 1 to 19 of 19)

BGS1  BGS/IGS Sample station data, this can be old form (1-page) or other sample descriptions that are NOT the 3-page version. Includes information in note form.  BGS/IGS Sample station data (not 3-page).  12-JUL-06  20-NOV-06 
BGS3_A  BGS Sample station data - Summary Sheet. Page one of a three page set.  BGS Sample station data   12-JUL-06  20-NOV-06 
BGS3_B  BGS Sample station data - Description sheet. Page two of a three page set.  BGS Sample station data - Description sheet   12-JUL-06  20-NOV-06 
BGS3_C  BGS Sample station data - Geology sheet. Page three of a three page set.  BGS Sample station data - Geology sheet.  12-JUL-06  20-NOV-06 
MAP  Sketch map of location, or similar (not large size survey map, these should be in the map collection?).This can be BGS or non-BGS.  MAP - sketch map of location, or similar.  12-JUL-06  14-SEP-07  12 
NBGS_COMM  Non BGS commercial information copied from reports, not covered by other Sheet Type Categories.  Non BGS commercial information copied from reports  12-JUL-06  20-NOV-06  16 
NBGS_STAT  non-BGS Sample station data. Normally on distinct non-BGS data entry sheet, but may have been entered onto a BGS (IGS) sheet - this can be difficult to spot, see CLIENT field in Samples DB Table for help with identification..  non-BGS Sample station data.  12-JUL-06  20-NOV-06 
PAL  Palaeontology, Palynology, Fossil, Bio-Stratigraphy & other 'Biological' information.This can be BGS or non-BGS.  Palaeontology, Palynology, Fossil & similar info.  12-JUL-06  14-SEP-07  10 
PHOT  Any photo on its own. NOTE - This category is primarily to cover photos held at Keyworth that are mixed in with the data sheets. Main photo collections will be dealt with separately.  Photo on its own.  12-JUL-06  20-NOV-06  14 
PSA_GRAPH  Particle Size Analysis (PSA) summation percentage graph. Any sheet that is primarily a graph/chart, if it is half-PSA data & half-PSA Graph, it should be recorded as sheet type=PSA, with "Has PSA Graph" in QUALITY_ORIGINAL_COMMENTS . BGS or non BGS  PSA summation percentage graph.  12-JUL-06  14-SEP-07 
MIN  Mineral Analyses Sheets. This can be BGS or non-BGS.  Mineral Analyses Sheets.  12-JUL-06  14-SEP-07  11 
Not Applicable  Not Applicable  04-AUG-06  20-NOV-06  19 
HYDROP  Borehole - textual lithological description and other measurements such as "depth to airlift jets". The type of equipment used is HYDROP. This is non-BGS.  HYDROP boring - Non-BGS borehole log data  13-JUL-06  14-SEP-07  13 
Not Available - Applicable but try as we might,we can't find a value.  Not Available  04-AUG-06  20-NOV-06  20 
Not Entered - We haven't assigned a value yet  Not Entered  04-AUG-06  20-NOV-06  18 
BH_DESC  Borehole - lithological description and depths only. Written descriptions of Borehole (Shaft, Bore, Core Log, etc) that do not have a significant graphic on them.This can be BGS or non-BGS.  Borehole - lithological description only.  25-AUG-06  14-SEP-07 
BH_LOG  Borehole Log - graphic log. Graphic representation of a Borehole (Shaft, Bore, Core Log, etc), including hand-drawn logs.This can be BGS or non-BGS.  Borehole Log - graphic log.  25-AUG-06  14-SEP-07 
PSA  Particle Size Analysis (PSA) and carbonate analysis data sheets. If a sheet is half-PSA data & half-PSA Graph, it should be recorded as sheet type = PSA, with the comment "Has PSA Graph" in QUALITY_ORIGINAL_COMMENTS field. BGS or non BGS  PSA and carbonate analysis data sheet.  25-AUG-06  14-SEP-07 
SST_INDEX  BGS Sample Station Index sheet summarising data sheets held (Normally by DGSQ/NUM).  BGS Sample Station Index sheet.  25-OCT-06  20-NOV-06  15