Vocabularies — details


Dictionary table which is part of version 3 of the BGS Rock Classification Scheme. This table contains codes for the types of hierarchy within the RCS.

No. Column name Data type Notes
1 CODE Varchar(4) Primary key
2 DESCRIPTION Varchar(500)  
3 STATUS Char(1)  
4 TRANSLATION Varchar(80)  
5 USER_ENTERED Varchar(10)  
7 USER_UPDATED Varchar(10)  
9 TRANSFER Char(1)  

Sample data (rows 1 to 6 of 6)

CPST  Composite code - These represent mixtures of rock or sediment types. Composite codes usually have more than one parent, one for each component. The parent codes should not themselves be composite codes. Composite codes are created for pragmatic reasons, usually to identify the lithology of a mapped polygon on the digital geological map.  Composite Code  KAH  08-APR-08  TMCM  14-MAR-19 
MAIN  Main Hierarchy (RCS) - The BGS Rock Classification Scheme, as outlined in British Geological Survey Research Reports RR/99/06 (RCS Vol. 1: Classification of igneous rocks), RR/99/02 (RCS Vol. 2: Classification of metamorphic rocks), RR/99/03 (RCS Vol. 3: Classification of sediments and sedimentary rocks), and RR/99/04 (RCS Vol. 4: Classification of artificial ground and natural superficial deposits).  Main Hierarchy (RCS)  TMOS  13-DEC-96  TMCM  14-MAR-19   
NVI  Non-validated Input - This indicates an entry that may not be valid, or whose position in the hierarchy has not been verified.  Non-Validated Input  AWEL  31-JUL-02  TMCM  14-MAR-19   
SBS  Sea Bed Sediment after Folk (SBS) - This is the sediment classification used on BGS offshore sea bed sediment maps. It is based on the triangular diagram of Folk (1954) and variations of it. The scheme applies to the continental shelf below Mean Low Water Mark. Folk 1954 Journal of Geology Vol. 62 pp 344-359; British Geological Survey Research Report RR/99/04.  Sea Bed Sediment after Folk (SBS)  TMCM  11-DEC-09  TMCM  14-MAR-19 
TAS  Total Alkalis versus Silica (TAS) - This scheme may be used to classify normal fine-grained igneous rocks if their mineral mode cannot be determined due either to the presence of glass or to the fine-grained nature of the rock. British Geological Survey Research Report RR/99/06.  Total Alkalis versus Silica (TAS)  TMOS  09-DEC-96  TMCM  14-MAR-19   
UDCS  Unlithified Deposits Coding Scheme (UDCS) - This was developed as a way of coding unlithified deposits (also commonly referred to as superficial deposits, unconsolidated deposits, or engineering soils) that is consistent with civil engineering industry usage (BS5930).  Unlithified Deposits Coding Scheme (UDCS)  AWEL  09-JAN-02  TMCM  14-MAR-19