Vocabularies — view dictionary terms

DIC_KEYPHRASE (6014 rows)
This dictionary is the central table of the BGS geoscience thesaurus. It contains approximately 6000 descriptor terms for concepts in the geoscience and related subjects. Some entries have scope notes to further explain the term. The original source of the data was the Australian Mineral Foundation's thesaurus of geoscience; some terms have been added or updated to suit BGS needs and the content will continue to be updated as required. Related tables hold the synonyms to descriptor terms, hierarchical relationships, conceptual (?see also?) relationships and lapsed (deprecated) term replacements.

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121 744  Cements    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
122 745  Centrifugal process (uranium)    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
123 746  Centrifugal separation    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
124 747  Centrifugal separators    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
125 748  Centrifuges    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
126 749  Cephalopoda    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
127 750  Ceramic clay    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
128 751  Ceramics    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
129 764  Chalcostibite    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
130 765  Chalk    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
131 766  Charcoal    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
132 767  Charnockite    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
133 768  Charts    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
134 769  Chattermark    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
135 770  Chemical analysis    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
136 771  Chemical composition    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
137 772  Chemical decontamination    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
138 773  Chemical engineering    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
139 774  Chemical equilibrium    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
140 775  Chemical extraction    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       

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