Vocabularies — view dictionary terms

DIC_KEYPHRASE (6014 rows)
This dictionary is the central table of the BGS geoscience thesaurus. It contains approximately 6000 descriptor terms for concepts in the geoscience and related subjects. Some entries have scope notes to further explain the term. The original source of the data was the Australian Mineral Foundation's thesaurus of geoscience; some terms have been added or updated to suit BGS needs and the content will continue to be updated as required. Related tables hold the synonyms to descriptor terms, hierarchical relationships, conceptual (?see also?) relationships and lapsed (deprecated) term replacements.

Go to the start - rows 1 to 20 of 6014 Go to the previous page - rows 5935 to 5954 of 6014 Displaying rows 5955 to 5974 of 6014 Go to the next page - rows 5975 to 5994 of 6014 Go to the end - rows 5995 to 6014 of 6014

5955 957  Colour photography    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
5956 958  Columbite    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
5957 959  Column flotation    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
5958 960  Column leaching    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
5959 961  Columnar jointing    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
5960 962  Combustion    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
5961 963  Combustion chambers    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
5962 964  Combustion control    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
5963 965  Combustion efficiency    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
5964 966  Combustion products    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
5965 967  Comets    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
5966 968  Commerce    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
5967 969  Comminution    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
5968 970  Comminution equipment    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
5969 971  Commissioning    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
5970 972  Commodity agreements    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
5971 973  Commodity economics    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
5972 974  Common carriers    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
5973 975  Communications    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
5974 976  Community development    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       

Go to the start - rows 1 to 20 of 6014 Go to the previous page - rows 5935 to 5954 of 6014 Displaying rows 5955 to 5974 of 6014 Go to the next page - rows 5975 to 5994 of 6014 Go to the end - rows 5995 to 6014 of 6014