Vocabularies — view dictionary terms

DIC_KEYPHRASE (6014 rows)
This dictionary is the central table of the BGS geoscience thesaurus. It contains approximately 6000 descriptor terms for concepts in the geoscience and related subjects. Some entries have scope notes to further explain the term. The original source of the data was the Australian Mineral Foundation's thesaurus of geoscience; some terms have been added or updated to suit BGS needs and the content will continue to be updated as required. Related tables hold the synonyms to descriptor terms, hierarchical relationships, conceptual (?see also?) relationships and lapsed (deprecated) term replacements.

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81 781  Chemical precipitation    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
82 782  Chemical processes    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
83 783  Chemical properties    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
84 784  Chemical reactors    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
85 785  Chemical sedimentation    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
86 786  Chemical stabilization    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
87 787  Chemical weathering    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
88 788  Chemicals    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
89 789  Chemistry    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
90 790  Chemographic analysis    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
91 791  Chemography    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
92 792  Chemostratigraphy    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
93 793  Cheniers    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
94 794  Cherry picker    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
95 795  Chert    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
96 796  Chiastolite    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
97 797  Chiastolite schist    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
98 798  Chilled margin    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
99 799  Chiroptera    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
100 800  Chitinozoa    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       

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