Vocabularies — view dictionary terms

DIC_KEYPHRASE (6014 rows)
This dictionary is the central table of the BGS geoscience thesaurus. It contains approximately 6000 descriptor terms for concepts in the geoscience and related subjects. Some entries have scope notes to further explain the term. The original source of the data was the Australian Mineral Foundation's thesaurus of geoscience; some terms have been added or updated to suit BGS needs and the content will continue to be updated as required. Related tables hold the synonyms to descriptor terms, hierarchical relationships, conceptual (?see also?) relationships and lapsed (deprecated) term replacements.

Go to the start - rows 1 to 20 of 6014 Go to the previous page - rows 821 to 840 of 6014 Displaying rows 841 to 860 of 6014 Go to the next page - rows 861 to 880 of 6014 Go to the end - rows 5995 to 6014 of 6014

841 2491  History of geology  History and development of the subject of geology  ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
842 63  Aerial EM surveys    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
843 64  Aerial geochemical exploration    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
844 65  Aerial geophysical surveys    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
845 66  Aerial gravity surveys    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
846 67  Aerial magnetic maps    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
847 68  Aerial magnetic surveys    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
848 69  Aerial mapping    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
849 70  Aerial photographs    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
850 71  Aerial photography    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
851 72  Aerial radioactivity surveys    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
852 73  Aerial ropeways    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
853 74  Aerial surveys    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
854 75  Aerobic processes    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
855 76  Aerodynamics    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
856 77  Aerosols    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
857 78  Afmag surveys    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
858 API gravity    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
859 AVO methods    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       
860 Abandoned mines    ACTIVE  AMF  12-OCT-01       

Go to the start - rows 1 to 20 of 6014 Go to the previous page - rows 821 to 840 of 6014 Displaying rows 841 to 860 of 6014 Go to the next page - rows 861 to 880 of 6014 Go to the end - rows 5995 to 6014 of 6014