Vocabularies — view dictionary terms

Dictionary table of project (e.g. DGSM, SIGMA etc.) workflow Action Resource Groups (title and status) Logical grouping of resources to aid in completion of a `Workflow Action` (DIC_WF_SECTION).

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81 VFD_MOD  Verify field data to corporate standards and add to corporate databases  VFD_MOD  REQ_ACTION  28-MAR-07   
82 CPI_MOD  Complete specialist processing and interpretation of field samples and data  CPI_MOD  REQ_ACTION  28-MAR-07   
83 CGD_MOD  Compile GeoSpatial Database version 0.1 using SIGMA toolkit  CGD_MOD  REQ_ACTION  28-MAR-07   
84 UL_MOD  Update Lexicon and Borehole Geology databases  UL_MOD  REQ_ACTION  28-MAR-07   
85 CCD_MOD  Check and correct digitisation errors to produce GSD v0.2  CCD_MOD  REQ_ACTION  28-MAR-07   
86 PDR_MOD  Prepare digital report for each survey sheet  PDR_MOD  REQ_ACTION  28-MAR-07   
87 GSD_MOD  Check GSD tiles for project-wide consistency  GSD_MOD  REQ_ACTION  28-MAR-07   
88 PHR_MOD  Prepare high resolution digital geospatial model  PHR_MOD  REQ_ACTION  28-MAR-07   
89 GSS_OUT  Generate sale-specification DigMap 10k data from GSD master dataset  GSS_OUT  REQ_ACTION  28-MAR-07   
90 PM_OUT  Prepare marginalia for print-on-demand 1:10k geological maps  PM_OUT  REQ_ACTION  28-MAR-07   
91 CA_OUT  Check and amend print-on-demand 1:10k geological maps  CA_OUT  REQ_ACTION  28-MAR-07   
92 AP_OUT  Approve print-on-deman 1:10k maps and add laminated copies to archive  AP_OUT  REQ_ACTION  28-MAR-07   
93 PG_OUT  Prepare generalised data for digmap 50k  PG_OUT  REQ_ACTION  28-MAR-07   
94 PM50_OUT  Prepare marginalia for printed 1:50k map  PM50_OUT  REQ_ACTION  28-MAR-07   
95 P_OUT  Prepare 1:50k printed map  P_OUT  REQ_ACTION  28-MAR-07   
96 PSD_OUT  Prepare sheet description  PSD_OUT  REQ_ACTION  28-MAR-07   
97 PSE_OUT  Prepare sheet explanation  PSE_OUT  REQ_ACTION  28-MAR-07   

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