The BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units — Result Details

Barren Measures Group [Obsolete: use WAWK]

Computer Code: BME Preferred Map Code: BME
Status Code: Full
Age range: Westphalian Stage (CW) — Stephanian Stage (CS)
Lithological Description: [Obsolete: use WAWK] Sandstones, siltstones and mudstones, predominantly reddish, brownish or purplish grey coloured but with some grey strata; coal seams not common. BARREN MEASURES: this term is reintroduced to include red-bed formations and relatively coal-poor grey formations overlying Productive Coal Measures in the Midlands. It comprises the Etruria, Newcastle, Keele, Halesowen, Enville and Coventry Sandstone units and the Ardwick units. The earliest definition of similar terms (Barren [Coal] Measures) was by Vernon (1912, p.593) in the Warwickshire Coalfield, as comprising the Nuneaton Clays (Etruria Formation), Haunchwood Sandstones (Newcastle Formation) and Keele Beds (Keele Formation). He excluded overlying red beds with conglomerates that are now included.
Definition of Lower Boundary: Base of lowest red-bed formation above grey Coal Measures; or of late Carboniferous age if Coal Measures absent.
Definition of Upper Boundary: Base of unconformable Permian or younger strata.
Thickness: Up to 1,192 metres in the Potteries Syncline.
Geographical Limits: English Midlands; North Wales.
Parent Unit: none recorded or not applicable
Previous Name(s): Barren Measures [Obsolete Name and Code: Use BME] (-2624)
Red Barren Coal Measures [Obsolete Name and Code: Use BME] (-2625)
Coal Measures, Upper (E and W) [Obsolete Name and Code: Use BME] (-4477)
Alternative Name(s): none recorded or not applicable
Type Area  Potteries Syncline, numerous borehole and shaft sections, some surface sections. 
Reference Section  Wolstanton Colliery No 3 Shaft, SJ84NE/29, at 1142 ft 7 in depth, at the base of the Etruria Formation. 
Powell, J H, Chisholm, JI, Bridge, D M, Rees, J G, Glover, B W and Besly, B M. 2000. Stratigraphical framework for Westphalian to Early Permian red-bed successions of the Pennine Basin. British Geological Survey Technical Report WA/99/10. 
Vernon, R D, 1912. On the Geology and Palaeontology of the Warwickshire Coalfield. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, Vol.68, p.507-683. 
1:50K maps on which the lithostratigraphical unit is found, and map code used: