The BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units — Result Details

Boscombe Sand Formation

Computer Code: BOSS Preferred Map Code: notEntered
Status Code: Full
Age range: Lutetian Age (GL) — Lutetian Age (GL)
Lithological Description: Fine- to medium-grained sand, partly cross-bedded, with lenticular units of rounded flint pebble- and cobble-gravel. Clayey carbonaceous sands toward the top.
Definition of Lower Boundary: Formation overlies a marine transgressive surface developed on the Branksome Sand. The basal contact is a generally planar erosion surface at the change from interbedded sands and clays (Branksome Sand Formation) up into fine-grained sands of the formation.
Definition of Upper Boundary: Fine grained sands of the formation are overlain by marine glauconitic clays of the Barton Clay Formation as a combined erosion surface and transgressive surface which can be traced across the Hampshire Basin.
Thickness: 14m (Isle of Wight) up to 27m in its type area.
Geographical Limits: Restricted to the western part of the Hampshire Basin, documented mainly in the Bournemouth-Christchurch coastal area and the western end of the Isle of Wight (Alum Bay), overlying the Branksome Sand Formation.
Parent Unit: Bracklesham Group (BRB)
Previous Name(s): none recorded or not applicable
Alternative Name(s): none recorded or not applicable
Type Section  Cliffs between Boscombe Pier and Hengistbury Head, Bournemouth where between 20 and 27m of fine- to medium-grained well-sorted in planar, cross-bedded and bidirectional cross-bedded units. Bristow et al. (1991). 
Reference Section  Northern end of Alum Bay, Isle of Wight. 
Reference Section  Christchurch Borehole SZ29SW12. Boscombe Sand divided into two units based on characteristic gamma-ray logs. A lower 9m thick coarsening upward unit overlain by an upper 10.3m thick clay-rich unit. 
Hopson, P M, and Farrant A R. 2014. Geology of the Isle of Wight - a brief explanation of the Isle of Wight Special Geological Map Sheet. Sheet Explanation of the British Geological Survey. Parts of 1:50 0000 Sheets 330 (Lymington), 331 (Portsmouth), 344 (Chale) and 345 (Ventnor) (England and Wales) 
Edwards, R A, and Freshney, E C. 1987. Lithostratigraphical classification of the Hampshire Basin Palaeogene Deposits (Reading Formation to Headon Formation) Tertiary Research, Vol. 8, 43-73. 
Hooker, J J. 1986. Mammals from the Bartonian (middle/late Eocene) of the Hampshire Basin, southern England. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Vol. 39, 191-478. 
Todd, J. 1990. The stratigraphy and correlation of the Selsey Formation and Barton Clay Formation (Middle Eocene) of Studley Wood, Hampshire. Tertiary Research, Vol. 12, 37-50. 
Bristow, C R, Freshney, E C, and Penn, I E. 1991. Geology of the country around Bournemouth. Memoir for 1:50 000 geological sheet 329 (England and Wales). HMSO, London. 
1:50K maps on which the lithostratigraphical unit is found, and map code used: