The BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units — Result Details

Downton Castle Sandstone Formation

Computer Code: DCS Preferred Map Code: DCS
Status Code: Full
Age range: Pridoli Epoch (SO) — Pridoli Epoch (SO)
Lithological Description: Ludlow Bone Bed Member locally at base; Platyschisma Shale Member (to 2m) above; mainly yellow, fine-grained, micaceous, well-sorted cross-bedded sandstone (Sandstone Member), with siltstone and olive green mudstone.
Definition of Lower Boundary: Base of Ludlow Bone Bed Member (if present); sharp junction with underlying Upper Ludlow Shale (Upper Whitcliffe Formation).
Definition of Upper Boundary: Top of highest sandstone below red mudstones of the Ledbury (Raglan Mudstone) Formation or below the conformable base of the olive green mudstones and siltstones of the Temeside Shales Formation.
Thickness: About 15m in type area; 17m at Ludlow, 15-20m in South Staffordshire
Geographical Limits: Welsh Borderland.
Parent Unit: Milford Haven Subgroup (MIH)
Previous Name(s): Downton Castle Sandstone Group [Obsolete Name and Code: Use DCS] (-4596)
Alternative Name(s): none recorded or not applicable
Type Section  [Sandstone Member]. Old quarry in Tin-Mill Wood, south bank of River Teme near Bringewood Forge Bridge, Downton, Hereford and Worcester (Elles and Slater, 1906). 
Reference Section  [All members]. Northwest end of old quarry near Downton Castle Bridge, Downton, Hereford and Worcester (Elles and Slater, 1906). 
Reference Section  [Ball, 1951]: Disused quarry, Holloway Street, Upper Gornal, NW of Dudley. 
Reference Section  [Ludlow Bone Bed and Platyschisma Shale Members]. Cutting in car park adjacent to the Swan Inn, Munslow Aston, Corve Dale, Shropshire (Greig and others, 1968). 
Type Section  [Ludlow Bone Bed and Platyschisma Shale members]. Roadside section, south side of junction of Whitcliffe Road with main Ludlow to Leominster road, near Ludlow, Shropshire (Bassett and others, 1982). 
Ball, H W. 1951. The Silurian and Devonian rocks of Turners Hill and Gornal, South Staffordshire. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 62, 225-236. 
Bassett, M G, Lawson, J D, and White, D E. 1982. The Downton Series as the fourth series of the Silurian System. Lethaia, Vol. 15, 1-24. 
Elles, G L, and Slater, I L. 1906. The highest Silurian rocks of the Ludlow district. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, 61, 195-221. 
Barclay, W J, Davies, J R, Hillier, R D, and Waters, R A. 2015. Lithostratigraphy of the Old Red Sandstone successions of the Anglo-Welsh Basin. British Geological Survey Research Report, RR/14/02. 96pp. 
Cocks, L R M, Holland, C H, Rickards, R B, and Strachan, I. 1971. A correlation of Silurian rocks in the British Isles. Geological Society of London, Special Report No. 1. 
White, D E and Lawson, J D, 1989. The Pridoli Series in the Welsh Borderland and south central Wales. 131-141 in A global standard for the Silurian System. Holland, C H and Bassett, M G (editors) National Museum of Wales, Geological Series No. 9, Cardiff. 
1:50K maps on which the lithostratigraphical unit is found, and map code used:
E198 E216 E232 E168 E249 E234 E233 E199 E181 E250 E167