The BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units — Result Details
Great Britain Superficial Deposits Supergroup
Computer Code: | GBG | Preferred Map Code: | GBG |
Status Code: | Full | ||
Age range: | Paleogene Period (G) — Quaternary Period (Q) | ||
Lithological Description: | The Great Britain Superficial Deposits Supergroup is established for all natural superficial deposits including till (diamicton), sand, gravel, silt, clay and peat. Seven groups are defined: Crag Group: marine deposits, Pliocene - Pleistocene; Dunwich Group: mainly fluvial deposits of the ancestral Thames and Bytham rivers, early to mid-Pleistocene; Residual Deposits Group: including the Clay-with-flints, Paleocene - Pleistocene; British Coastal Deposits Group: coastal and marine deposits, Pliocene - Holocene, excluding formations of the Crag Group; Britannia Catchments Group: fluvial, organic and mass movement deposits, mid-Pleistocene - Holocene; Albion Glacigenic Group: glacigenic deposits, mid-Pleistocene (pre-Ipswichian); Caledonia Glacigenic Group: glacigenic deposits, Late Pleistocene (Devensian). Exceptionally, a formation may stand outside a group. A wide range of landforms from those associated with glacigenic processes to fluvial and marine terraces and planated surfaces. Palaeogene-Neogene (Tertiary) to Quaternary. | ||
Definition of Lower Boundary: | Generally sharp, unconformable contact with variably weathered bedrock of Neogene (Tertiary) age and older. | ||
Definition of Upper Boundary: | The ground surface. | ||
Thickness: | Up to 200 m in onshore Britain. | ||
Geographical Limits: | Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) and the Isle of Man together with adjacent offshore areas. | ||
Parent Unit: | Not Applicable (-) | ||
Previous Name(s): | Great Britain Glacigenic Supergroup [Obsolete Name and Code: Use GBG]
Drift deposits [Obsolete Name and Code: Use GBG] (-3416) |
Alternative Name(s): | none recorded or not applicable | ||
Stratotypes: | |||
Type Area | Great Britain and the Isle of Man. See type areas and sections of component units at group, subgroup, formation, member and bed levels. | ||
Reference(s): | |||
McMillan, A A, Hamblin, R J O, and Merritt, J W. 2011. A lithostratigraphical framework for onshore Quaternary and Neogene (Tertiary) superficial deposits of Great Britain and the Isle of Man. British Geological Survey Research Report, RR/10/03. 343pp. | |||
McMillan, A A. 2005. A provisional Quaternary and Neogene lithostratigraphical framework for Great Britain. (Netherlands: Journal of Geosciences), 84-2, 87-107. | |||
McMillan, A A, Hamblin, R J O, and Merritt, J W. 2005. An overview of the lithostratigraphical framework for the Quarternary and Neogene deposits of Great Britain (onshore). British Geological Survey Research Report RR/04/04. | |||
1:50K maps on which the lithostratigraphical unit is found, and map code used: | |||
none recorded or not applicable |