The BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units — Result Details

Gannochy Conglomerate Formation

Computer Code: GYF Preferred Map Code: GHY
Status Code: Full
Age range: Early Devonian Epoch (DL) — Early Devonian Epoch (DL)
Lithological Description: Red conglomerates, with sandstones and rare mudstones. The conglomerates are interpreted to be principally all of 'Highland' provenance.
Definition of Lower Boundary: The base of the lowest conglomerate above Loup's Bridge, resting on poorly sorted muddy sandstone of the Cromlix Mudstone Formation [NO 5947 7165].
Definition of Upper Boundary: The top of the clast-supported orthoconglomerate beds immediately downstream of Loup's Bridge [NO 5948 7164], which are overlain by the Teith Sandstone Formation.
Thickness: 250 m thick.
Geographical Limits: The Edzell area, where it is laterally equivalent in part to the Teith Sandstone Formation and the Strathfinella Hill Conglomerate Member.
Parent Unit: Strathmore Group (SEG)
Previous Name(s): Gannochy Formation [Obsolete Name and Code: Use EDS, GYF, STHC, THF] (-4633)
Alternative Name(s): Strathfinella Hill Conglomerate
Type Section  Stream section in the River North Esk. 
Geology of the Fettercairn area, 1:10000 sheets NO67NW, NO67NE, NO67SW, NO67SE and NO68SE (south of the Highland Boundary Fault) : part of 1:50000 sheets 66E (Banchory), 66W (Aboyne), 57W (Forfar) and 57E (Montrose): British Geological Survey, Onshore Geology Series, Technical report WA/95/91  
Armstrong, M, and Paterson, I B. 1970. The Lower Old Red Sandstone of the Strathmore Region. Report of the Institute of Geological Sciences No. 70/12 
Browne, M A E, Smith, R A, and Aitken, A M. 2002. Stratigraphical framework for the Devonian (Old Red Sandstone) rocks of Scotland south of a line from Fort William to Aberdeen. British Geological Survey Research Report RR/01/04. 67 pp. 
1:50K maps on which the lithostratigraphical unit is found, and map code used:
S066 S066 S057