Computer Code: |
QC |
Preferred Map Code: |
notEntered |
Status Code: |
Full |
Age range: |
Famennian Age (DA)
— Famennian Age (DA) |
Lithological Description: |
[Obsolete: use HUNT] Red-brown medium- to coarse-grained pebbly sandstones and quartz pebble conglomerates with some mudstone interbeds. |
Definition of Lower Boundary: |
At base of lowest quartz pebble conglomerate at sharp (disconformable/unconformable) junction with underlying red-brown sandstones of the Brownstones Formation. |
Definition of Upper Boundary: |
At top of highest quartz pebble conglomerate bed where it is overlain by pale yellow and green sandstones of the overlying Tintern Sandstone Formation. |
Thickness: |
Up to 30 m. |
Geographical Limits: |
Extensive outcrops around the Forest of Dean syncline and in the Thornbury district near Bristol. |
Parent Unit: |
none recorded or not applicable
Previous Name(s): |
none recorded or not applicable
Alternative Name(s): |
none recorded or not applicable
Stratotypes: |
Type Section |
Road cutting, Huntsham Hill [SO 562 167]. Eastwood, 1935; Trotter, 1942. |
Reference Section |
Road cutting, Euroclydon [SO 644 187]. Welch and Trotter, 1961; Allen, 1971. |
Reference(s): |
Welch, F B A and Trotter, F M. 1961. Geology of the country around Monmouth and Chepstow. Explanation of one-inch geological sheets 233 and 250. Memoir of the Geological Survey of Great Britain. |
Trotter, F M, 1942. Geology of the Forest of Dean and Iron-ore Field. Memoir of the Geological Survey of Great Britain. |
Eatwood, T. 1935. Cumbrian District and Forest of Dean. 59 in Summary of Progress for 1934. Geological Survey of Great Britain (England and Wales). |
Allen, J R L. 1971. The sedimentation of the Old Red Sandstone in the Forest of Dean. 9-19 in Geological excursions in South Wales and the Forest of Dean. Bassett, D A, and Bassett, M G (editors). Geologists' Association South Wales Group. Cardiff. |
1:50K maps on which the lithostratigraphical unit is found, and map code used: |
none recorded or not applicable |