The BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units — Result Details

Shinnel Formation

Computer Code: SHIN Preferred Map Code: SHIN
Status Code: Full
Age range: Caradoc Series (O4) — Ashgill Series (OA)
Lithological Description: Wacke sandstone and siltstone turbidite succession.
Definition of Lower Boundary: Conformably overlies Moffat Shale Group (Lower Hartfell Shale).
Definition of Upper Boundary: Faulted (against Silurian rocks by the Kingledoors Fault).
Thickness: c.2000m
Geographical Limits: Southern Uplands of Scotland.
Parent Unit: Scaur Group (SCAU)
Previous Name(s): Boreland Formation [Obsolete Name And Code: Use SHIN] (BORL)
Stobo Slates [Obsolete Name And Code: Use SHIN] (STSL)
Lowther Shales [Obsolete Name And Code: Use SHIN] (LOWS)
Alternative Name(s): none recorded or not applicable
Type Section  Scaur Water 
Floyd, J D. 1982. Stratigraphy of a flysch succession: The Ordovician of West Nithsdale, South West Scotland. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Earth Sciences, Vol. 73 (1), 1-9. 
Floyd, J D. 1996. Lithostratigraphy of the Ordovician rocks in the Southern Uplands: Crawford Group, Moffat Shale Group, Leadhills Supergroup. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, Vol. 86, 153-165. 
1:50K maps on which the lithostratigraphical unit is found, and map code used:
S001 S003 S004 S008 S008 S009 S004 S015 S024 S015