The BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units — Result Details

Stockingford Shale Group

Computer Code: SSH Preferred Map Code: SSh
Status Code: Full
Age range: Comley Series (EC) — Tremadoc Series (O1)
Lithological Description: Pale to medium grey or dark grey to black micaceous mudstone, locally calcareous and pyritic, with silty or organic laminae and bands. Burrowed and bioturbated intervals. Some intercalated grey quartzose sandstone beds.
Definition of Lower Boundary: Sharp contact of mudstone on massive grey, glauconitic sandstone of the Woodlands Member (Hartshill Sandstone Formation). Some sediment mixing and flame structures at junction.
Definition of Upper Boundary: Hard, grey, commonly fractured mudstone overlain with unconformity by beds that may comprise: Devonian sandstone or conglomerate, Carboniferous mudstone, sandstone and Triassic breccia or mudstone.
Thickness: 775m in type area (maximum aggregate of partial type sections).
Geographical Limits: Extends from Bedworth, northwestwards to just northeast of Woodlands Farm (SP 3688 8633 - 2849 9870).
Parent Unit: Not Applicable (-)
Previous Name(s): Stockingford Shales [Obsolete Name and Code: Use SSH] (-4900)
Alternative Name(s): none recorded or not applicable
Reference Section  Merevale No.2 Borehole (SP39NW/6)701ft 0ins-846ft 6ins. 
Reference Section  Merevale No.1 Borehole (SP29NE/16) 105ft 0ins-714ft 0ins. 
Type Area  Area extending from Hartshill northwestward to Atherstone. 
Reference Section  Merevale No.3 Borehole (SP39NW/7) 10ft 0ins-819ft 0ins 
Lapworth, C, 1882. On the discovery of Cambrian rocks in the neighbourhood of Birmingham. Geological Magazine, (2), Vol.9, p.563-565. 
Baldock, J W. 1991. Geology of the Hartshill and Stockingford districts, Nuneaton. British Geological Survey Technical Report, WA/91/60. 
1:50K maps on which the lithostratigraphical unit is found, and map code used:
E169 E141