The BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units — Result Details

West Lothian Oil-Shale Formation

Computer Code: WLO Preferred Map Code: WLO
Status Code: Full
Age range: Asbian Substage (CR) — Brigantian Substage (CX)
Lithological Description: Pale sandstones, interbedded with grey siltstones and mudstones, seams of oil-shale and of coal with beds of seatrock, ostracod-rich limestone/dolomite and sideritic ironstone.
Definition of Lower Boundary: Base of the Humbie Marine Band (= lowest of the Macgregor Marine Bands).
Definition of Upper Boundary: Base of the Hurlet Limestone.
Thickness: 1120m
Geographical Limits: Lothians, Fife, eastern Strathclyde.
Parent Unit: Strathclyde Group (SYG)
Previous Name(s): Queensferry Beds [Obsolete Name And Code: Part Of WLO] (QB)
Upper Oil-Shale Group and part of Lower Oil-Shale Group [Obsolete Name and Code: Use WLO] (-3136)
Alternative Name(s): none recorded or not applicable
Type Area  Composite section based on numerous boreholes in the West Lothian Oil-Shale field. 
Reference Section  Coastal section from South Queensferry to Blackness. 
Reference Section  Stream section, Water of Leith, near Redhall. (Chisholm and Brand, 1994, p.100: Redhall Marine Band). 
Chisholm, J I, MacAdam, A D, and Brand, P J. 1989. Lithostratigraphical classification of Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous rocks in the Lothians. British Geological Survey Technical Report WA/89/26. 
Chisholm, J I, and Brand, P J. 1994. Revision of the late Dinantian sequence in Edinburgh and West Lothian. Scottish Journal of Geology, Vol. 30, 97-104. 
1:50K maps on which the lithostratigraphical unit is found, and map code used:
S031 S024 S032