BGS Publications Viewer – publications from 1835 to present
This resource provides access to a range of free to view publications produced by the survey, and by other bodies whose responsibility was later taken over by the survey (for example the Imperial Institute/Imperial Mineral Resources Bureau).
Access is provided to formal BGS print publications, to the recent Research Reports/Open Reports series, and a first tranche of c. 9000 of the older Technical Reports. They are arranged into the traditional categories shown below.
Links are provided to the BGS Online Shop for purchase of print versions. Other links are to PDF downloads where available. Many publications published post 2000 can also be found in the NERC Open Research Archive. NORA has a more advanced search capability and may be more helpful when searching for these more recent publications.
Scanning of publications is a work in progress, and further reports will be made available as they are completed. This includes an update of OR reports and new series such as the publicly available Commissioned Reports and Internal Reports. Please contact us if you require a publication which is not yet available.
A large number of technical reports issued between c. 1950 and 2000 have been released as PDF downloads.
Given the large number of files involved, we have not been able to fully quality check all reports.
If a report has a against it, it has been checked.
PDFs without a star have not been checked and may contain errors. If you spot any errors, please let us know.
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