BGS rock collections - Search results

Country search for CAMBODIA

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
MR33961, COLLNOJB65, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 'Original entry: Washings From Rai'
Ba Heign, Pailin. GR 353 265. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
MR33962, COLLNOJB66, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 'Original entry: Washings From Rai'
C. Vet's Workings', N of Phnum O Tang 'Bar Heign', Pailin. GR 365 278. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
MR33963, COLLNOJB67, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 'Original entry: Washings From Rai'
C. Vet's Workings', N of Phnum O Tang 'Bar Heign', Pailin. GR 365 278. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
MR33964, COLLNOJB68, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Basalt. 'Original entry: Basalt'
C. Vet's Workings', N of Phnum O Tang 'Bar Heign', Pailin. GR 365 278. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
MR33965, COLLNOJB69, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 'Original entry: Rai'
Creek N of Phnum O Tang, Pailin. GR 362 271. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
MR33966, COLLNOJB70, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 'Original entry: Washings From Rai'
Creek N of Phnum O Tang, Pailin. GR 362 271. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
MR33967, COLLNOJB72, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 'Original entry: Clayey Earth'
Creek N of Phnum O Tang, Pailin. GR 362 271. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
thin section MR33968, F7841, COLLNOJB73, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Amphibolite. 'Original entry: Amphibolite Or Hornblende Diorite'
Creek N of Phnum O Tang, Pailin. GR 362 271. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
MR33969, COLLNOJB74, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Basalt. 'Original entry: Basalt'
Phnum O Tang. GR 363 264. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
thin section MR33970, F7842, COLLNOJB76, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Gabbro. 'Original entry: Gabbro'
Hill E of road Pailin-Battambang. GR 436 198. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
thin section MR33971, F7843, COLLNOJB77, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Gabbro. 'Original entry: Gabbro'
Hill E of road Pailin-Battambang. GR 436 198. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
MR33972, COLLNOJB78, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Chert. 'Original entry: Chert'
Side of hill E of Route 10, Pailin-Battambang. GR 438 200. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
thin section MR33898, F7824, COLLNOJB1, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Gneiss, Hornblende-Biotite. 'Original entry: Hornblende Granodiorite Gneiss'
Stoeng Pailin, GR 383 246, Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
thin section MR33899, F7825, COLLNOJB2, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Amphibolite. 'Original entry: Amphibolite'
Stoeng Pailin, GR 383 246, Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
thin section MR33900, F7826, COLLNOJB3, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Gabbro. 'Original entry: Gabbro'
Phnum Ta Ng�n - SW hillock, Pailin.GR 409 251 Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
MR33901, COLLNOJB4, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Amphibolite. 'Original entry: Amphibolite'
Phnum Ta Ng�n - SW hillock, Pailin.GR 409 251 Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
MR33902, COLLNOJB5, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Lithic-Wacke. 'Original entry: Greywacke'
Trail leading to Sonnex concession - W of 264m peak of Phnum Ta Ng�n, Pailin. GR 401 266. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemf
thin section MR33903, F7827, COLLNOJB6, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Granodiorite, Hornblende-Biotite. 'Original entry: Hornblende Granodiorite'
Stoeng Pailin, a few hundred metres downstream from confluence with O Ta Vav. GR 400 268. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gem
thin section MR33904, F8089, COLLNOJB7, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Amphibolite. 'Original entry: Amphibolite'
Toch O Chra River, Pailin. GR 373 234. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia
MR33905, COLLNOJB8, Berrange, Dr.J.P. * 1977 Quartzite. 'Original entry: Quartzite'
Toch O Chra River, Pailin. GR 369 229. Cambodia 1:50,000 Series L708 Pailin 5549iv,surface exposure,See Berrang� & Jobbins, IGS Overseas Div. Rep. No. 35. Geology & Gemmology of Pailin Gemfield.,Cambodia

Showing 81 - 100 of 118