Geological Survey of England and Wales 1:63,360/1:50,000 geological map series, New Series

The 'Special sheets' can be found at the end of the listing.

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Sheet number Sheet title Published year View record
Special sheet  Isle of Man. 1966  Full entry
83  Vanadium in stream sediment - [text] 1991  Full entry
84  Yttrium in stream sediment 1991  Full entry
85  Yttrium in stream sediment - [text] 1991  Full entry
86  Zinc in stream sediment 1991  Full entry
87  Zinc in stream sediment - [text] 1991  Full entry
88  Zirconium in stream sediment 1991  Full entry
89  Zirconium in stream sediment - [text] 1991  Full entry
90  References 1991  Full entry
91  References. [continued] 1991  Full entry
92  References. [continued] 1991  Full entry
Special sheet  London, [special map in four sheets]. 1903  Full entry
Special sheet  Geological map of the London District. New Series: Sheet 270; Parts of sheets: 255, 256, 257, 269 & 271. 1927  Full entry
Special sheet  London and its environs. 1873  Full entry
Special sheet  Solway West. 2005  Full entry
93  References. [continued] 1991  Full entry
94  References. [continued] 1991  Full entry
95  References. [continued] 1991  Full entry
96  [Blank page] [This page contains no information] 1991  Full entry
  [Blank page] [This page contains no information] 1991  Full entry
  [Blank page] [This page contains no information] 1991  Full entry
  Geological map of the East Grampians and adjacent areas 1:250,000 Solid geology 1991  Full entry
  [Rear cover, inside] [This page contains no information] 1991  Full entry
  [Rear cover] 1991  Full entry
  Regional geochemistry of the Lake District and adjacent areas [Cover, front] 1992  Full entry
Special sheet  Nottingham. 1910  Full entry
Special sheet  Uist and Barra (South). 1981  Full entry
Special sheet  Uist and Barra (North). 1981  Full entry
  [Front cover, rear] [This page contains no information] 1992  Full entry
  [Blank page] [This page contains no information] 1992  Full entry
  [Blank page] [This page contains no information] 1992  Full entry
Regional geochemistry of the Lake District and adjacent areas [Title page] 1992  Full entry
ii  [Title page, rear] 1992  Full entry
ii  Preface 1992  Full entry
iv  View of Yewbarrow. [Photograph] 1992  Full entry
Foreward 1992  Full entry
vi  Project staff 1992  Full entry
vii  Contents 1992  Full entry
Special sheet  Oxford District. 1908  Full entry
viii  [Blank page] [This page contains no information] 1992  Full entry
Introduction. Sample collection. Chemical analysis 1992  Full entry
[Introduction, continued]. Figure 1. Topography and relief, showing localities mentioned in the text. Other localities are shown on Figure 3, and selected mineralised sites on Figure 5 1992  Full entry
[Introduction, continued].Error control 1992  Full entry
[Introduction, continued]. Data and image processing. Statistical analysis 1992  Full entry
[Introduction, continued].Results of analyses of certified reference materials compared with recommended values Table 5 1992  Full entry
[Introduction, continued].Data interpretation 1992  Full entry
Geology. Ordovician and Silurian. Skiddaw and Ingleton Groups (Ordovician). Eycott Volcanic Group (Ordovician). Latterbarrow Formation (Ordovician 1992  Full entry
[Geology, continued]. Whinneybank Formation (Ordovician). Borrowdale Volcanic Group (Ordovician) 1992  Full entry
[Geology, continued]. Borrowdale Volcanic Group (Ordovician) 1992  Full entry
10  [Geology, continued]. Windermere Group (Ordovician to Silurian). Devonian. Mell Fell Conglomerate. Carboniferous. Basement Beds 1992  Full entry
11  [Geology, continued]. Cockermouth Lavas and basic intrusions of Carboniferous age Dinantian. Namurian. Westphalian 1992  Full entry
12  [Geology, continued]. Permo-Triassic. Basal breccias (brockram), Penrith Sandstone, Magnesian Limestone, St Bees and Eden shales, and evaporites. Sherwood Sandstone_Group. Mercia Mudstone Group. Jurassic. Intrusive igneous rocks. Major basic intrusions (Ordovician and Devonian) 1992  Full entry
13  [Geology, continued]. Acid intrusions (Ordovician and Devonian) 1992  Full entry
14  [Geology, continued]. Minor intrusion suites (Ordovician and Devonian). Basic intrusions (late Carboniferous). Basic intrusions (Tertiary). Metamorphism. Structure. Deformation of Lower Palaeozoic rocks 1992  Full entry
15  [Geology, continued]. Deformation of Upper Palaeozoic and Mesozoic rocks 1992  Full entry
16  [Geology, continued]. Selected mineralisation localities. 1992  Full entry
17  [Geology, continued]. Superficial deposits and geomorphology. Mineralisation 1992  Full entry
18  [Geology, continued]. Vein mineralisation associated with the Lake District batholith 1992  Full entry
19  [Geology, continued]. Vein mineralisation associated with the Lake District batholith Hematite deposits of west and south Cumbria 1992  Full entry
20  [Geology, continued]. Mineralisation in the Northern Pennine Orefield 1992  Full entry
21  [Geology, continued]. Basin margin mineralisation. Mineralisation associated with the Gilcrux-Stublick line. Mineralisation of the Craven area 1992  Full entry
22  Acidity in stream water 1992  Full entry
23  Conductivity in stream water 1992  Full entry
24  Bicarbonate in stream water 1992  Full entry
25  Fluoride in stream water 1992  Full entry
26  Antimony in stream sediment 1992  Full entry
27  Antimony in stream sediment - [text] 1992  Full entry
28  Arsenic in stream sediment 1992  Full entry
29  Arsenic in stream sediment - [text] 1992  Full entry
30  Barium in stream sediment 1992  Full entry
31  Barium in stream sediment - [text] 1992  Full entry
32  Beryllium in stream sediment 1992  Full entry
33  Beryllium in stream sediment - [text] 1992  Full entry
34  Bismuth in stream sediment 1992  Full entry
35  Bismuth in stream sediment - [text] 1992  Full entry
36  Boron in stream sediment 1992  Full entry
37  Boron in stream sediment - [text] 1992  Full entry
38  Cadmium in stream sediment 1992  Full entry
39  Cadmium in stream sediment - [text] 1992  Full entry
40  Calcium in stream sediment 1992  Full entry
41  Calcium in stream sediment - [text] 1992  Full entry
42  Chromium in stream sediment 1992  Full entry
43  Chromium in stream sediment - [text] 1992  Full entry
44  Cobalt in stream sediment 1992  Full entry
45  Cobalt in stream sediment - [text] 1992  Full entry
46  Copper in stream sediment 1992  Full entry
47  Copper in stream sediment - [text] 1992  Full entry
48  Gallium in stream sediment 1992  Full entry
49  Gallium in stream sediment - [text] 1992  Full entry
50  Iron in stream sediment 1992  Full entry
51  Iron in stream sediment - [text] 1992  Full entry
52  Lanthanum in stream sediment 1992  Full entry
53  Lanthanum in stream sediment - [text] 1992  Full entry
54  Lead in stream sediment 1992  Full entry
55  Lead in stream sediment - [text] 1992  Full entry
56  Lithium in stream sediment 1992  Full entry
57  Lithium in stream sediment - [text] 1992  Full entry
58  Magnesium in stream sediment 1992  Full entry
59  Magnesium in stream sediment - [text] 1992  Full entry
60  Manganese in stream sediment 1992  Full entry