Vocabularies — view dictionary terms

Dictionary table that holds the code (e.g. IBSDSS) and description (e.g. interbedded sandstones and siltstones with mudstone lenses in the sandstone) of the composite. Part of version 3 of the BGS Rock Classification Scheme.

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1 ABAN  Andesite and basaltic andesite  Andesite and basaltic andesite  DJLO  03-FEB-04  TMCM  24-AUG-18   
2 ABFP  Feldspar-phyric andesite and feldspar-phyric basalt  Feldspar-phyric andesite and feldspar-phyric basalt  TMCM  11-JAN-12  TMCM  24-AUG-18 
3 ADOS  Argillaceous rock, dolostone and sandstone  Argillaceous rock, dolostone and sandstone  DJLO  03-FEB-04  TMCM  24-AUG-18   
4 AFUF  Foliated appinitic felsic rocks and foliated appinitic ultramafic rocks  Foliated appinitic felsic rocks and foliated appinitic ultramafic rocks  DJLO  15-MAY-06  TMCM  24-AUG-18 
5 AGPI  Analcime-gabbro and picrite  Analcime-gabbro and picrite  DJLO  08-JUN-06  TMCM  24-AUG-18 
6 AGTB  Trachytic agglomerate and basaltic agglomerate  Trachytic agglomerate and basaltic agglomerate  DJLO  15-MAY-06  TMCM  24-AUG-18 
7 AGTT  Agglomerate and tuffite  Agglomerate and tuffite  DJLO  03-FEB-04  TMCM  24-AUG-18   
8 AHMG  Amphibolite, hornblende-schist and metagabbro  Amphibolite, hornblende-schist and metagabbro  DJLO  15-MAY-06  TMCM  24-AUG-18 
9 AHPS  Amphibolite, hornblende schist, pelite and semipelite  Amphibolite, hornblende schist, pelite and semipelite  DJLO  15-MAY-06  TMCM  24-AUG-18 
10 ALCH  Argillaceous limestone with chert  Argillaceous limestone with chert  TMCM  17-AUG-09  TMCM  24-AUG-18 
11 ALRL  Andesite lava and rhyolite lava  Andesite lava and rhyolite lava  TMCM  18-JUN-12  TMCM  24-AUG-18 
12 AMHO  Amphibolite and hornblendite  Amphibolite and hornblendite  DJLO  15-MAY-06  TMCM  24-AUG-18 
13 AMHS  Amphibolite and hornblende schist  Amphibolite and hornblende schist  DJLO  29-NOV-04  TMCM  24-AUG-18 
14 AMMO  Amphibolite and mafic orthogneiss  Amphibolite and mafic orthogneiss  DJLO  15-MAY-06  TMCM  24-AUG-18 
15 AMPG  Amphibolite and pyroxene granofels  Amphibolite and pyroxene granofels  DJLO  15-MAY-06  TMCM  24-AUG-18 
16 AMTA  Andesitic tuff, mafic tuff and agglomerate  Andesitic tuff, mafic tuff and agglomerate  DJLO  15-MAY-06  TMCM  24-AUG-18 
17 ANBAI  Andesite and basaltic andesite [composite lava/intrusion]  Andesite and basaltic andesite [composite lava/intrusion]  TMCM  22-MAR-13  TMCM  24-AUG-18 
18 ANBF  Basaltic andesite and felsite  Basaltic andesite and felsite  DJLO  15-MAY-06  TMCM  24-AUG-18 
19 ANBR  Basaltic andesite and rhyolite  Basaltic andesite and rhyolite  DJLO  15-MAY-06  TMCM  24-AUG-18 
20 ANDB  Andesite and basalt  Andesite and basalt  DJLO  15-MAY-06  TMCM  24-AUG-18 

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