The BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units — Result Details

Gamrie Bay Sandstone Formation

Computer Code: GMSA Preferred Map Code: GMSA
Status Code: Full
Age range: Early Devonian Epoch (DL) — Early Devonian Epoch (DL)
Lithological Description: Sandstone and siltstone (ripple cross laminated).
Definition of Lower Boundary: Incoming of first ripple cross-laminated fine-grained micaceous sandstone above the Counter Head Siltstone Formation.
Definition of Upper Boundary: Base of red pebbly sandstones of the Pennan Sandstone.
Thickness: 45m
Geographical Limits: Gardenstown - New Aberdour on southern Moray Firth coast.
Parent Unit: Crovie Sandstone Group (CRO)
Previous Name(s): West Harbour Formation [Obsolete Name and Code: Use GMSA] (-1567)
Bed 3 (Upper Part) of Crovie Group [Obsolete Name and Code: Use GMSA] (-4067)
Alternative Name(s): none recorded or not applicable
Type Section  Shore section in front of Gardenstown Seatown just west of harbour. 
Turner, P and Archer, R. 1975. Magnetisation history of Lower Old Red Sandstones from the Gamrie Outlier, Scotland, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol.27, Castle Hill Sandstone, p.242. 
Mykura, W. 1991. Old Red Sandstone. 297-346 in Geology of Scotland (3rd edition, revised). Craig, G Y (editor). Geological Society of London. 
Read, H H, 1923. Geology of the country around Banff, Huntly and Turriff, Lower Banffshire and north-west Aberdeenshire. Memoir of the Geological Survey, Scotland Sheets 86 and 96 (Scotland). 
Trewin, N H, 1987. Locality 7, p.118-120, Old Red Sandstone and Dalradian of Gamrie Bay; localities 6,7 and 10, fig.1, p.132, The Lower Old Red Sandstone of New Aberdour in excursion guide to the geology of the Aberdeen area, Trewin, N H, Kneller, B C and Gillen, C (editors). (Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press). 
Archer, R. 1978. The Old Red Sandstone outliers of Gamrie and Rhynie, Aberdeenshire. PhD thesis (University of Newcastle upon Tyne). Crovie Siltstone Formation on p. 17, West Harbour Formation on p. 35, New Harbour Siltstone Formation on p. 81 and Counter Head equivalent section on p. 85. 
1:50K maps on which the lithostratigraphical unit is found, and map code used: