The BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units — Result Details

Kenilworth Sandstone Formation

Computer Code: KHS Preferred Map Code: KhS
Status Code: Full
Age range: Cisuralian Epoch (PLC) — Cisuralian Epoch (PLC)
Lithological Description: Sandstone, red-brown with subordinate thin beds of red mudstone; towards the base, conglomerate is locally present (Gibbet Hill Conglomerate), and lenses of breccia occur toward the top of the formation. Pebbles in the conglomerate comprise mostly 'Valentian' sandstone/quartzite and red Carboniferous chert; other quartzites, vein quartz, Carboniferous limestones and Precambrian tuffs occur in minor amounts (Shotton, 1929). Breccia clasts comprise mudstone, siltstone and ironstone with sparse quartzite, limestone and red chert (Old et al., 1987).
Definition of Lower Boundary: The base is marked by the incoming of thick sandstones above the argillaceous Tile Hill Mudstone Formation. These beds form a strong north-facing scarp from Hurst Farm [SP 28 74] through Gibbet Hill [SP 30 75] to Stoneleigh [SP 33 72].
Definition of Upper Boundary: The top is taken at the base of thick red mudstone of the overlying Ashow Formation.
Thickness: c. 100m
Geographical Limits: Kenilworth area, southern part of the Warwickshire Coalfield.
Parent Unit: Warwickshire Group (WAWK)
Previous Name(s): Gibbet (Conglomerate) Hill Group [Obsolete Name and Code: Use KHS] (-3496)
Kenilworth Breccia Group [Obsolete Name And Code: See KHS] (KBR)
Alternative Name(s): none recorded or not applicable
Type Area  Kenilworth area, from Hurst Farm through Gibbet Hill to Stoneleigh. 
Reference Section  Weston Colony Borehole, SP 36 NE/5, (Old et al., 1987); proven upper 20m. of formation. 
Reference Section  Castle Quarry, Kenilworth (Shotton, 1929, p.117); sandstones and breccias in upper part of formation. 
Reference Section  Gibbet Hill; 'Middle Quarry', type locality for the Gibbet Hill Conglomerate, described by Shotton (1929, p. 174); see also Old et al. (1987, p. 16). 
Reference Section  Sandy Lane Borehole, (SP 36 NW/82); base at 317.6m; top at 253.8m. 
Reference Section  Love Lane Quarry (Shotton, 1929, p.127); breccias in upper part of formation. 
Old, R A, Bridge, D M and Rees, J G, 1990. Geology of the Coventry area. British Geological Survey Technical Report, WA/89/29 
Bridge, D M, Carney, J N, Lawley, R S, and Rushton, A W A. 1998. Geology of the country around Coventry and Nuneaton. Memoir of the British Geological Survey, Sheet 169 (England and Wales). 
Shotton, F W, 1929. The geology of the country around Kenilworth (Warwickshire). Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, Vol.28, 167 - 222. 
Old, R A, Sumbler, M G and Ambrose, K, 1987. Geology of the country around Warwick. Memoir of the British Geological Survey, Sheet 184 (England and Wales). 
Powell, J H, Chisholm, JI, Bridge, D M, Rees, J G, Glover, B W and Besly, B M. 2000. Stratigraphical framework for Westphalian to Early Permian red-bed successions of the Pennine Basin. British Geological Survey Technical Report WA/99/10. 
1:50K maps on which the lithostratigraphical unit is found, and map code used: