The BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units — Result Details

Lickle Tuff Formation

Computer Code: LICK Preferred Map Code: Lick
Status Code: Full
Age range: Caradoc Series (O4) — Caradoc Series (O4)
Lithological Description: Massive unit of rhyolitic and dacitic welded tuff and lapilli-tuff with subordinate intercalated volcaniclastic sandstone; intruded by andesite and basaltic andesite sills.
Definition of Lower Boundary: Base of pyroclastic rocks of dacitic or rhyolitic composition that unconformably overlie the Duddon Hall Tuff (andesitic tuff), Dunnerdale Sandstone (volcaniclastic sandstone) or the Wallowbarrow Tuff (andesitic lapilli tuff) formations.
Definition of Upper Boundary: Defined by base of overlying formations including Caw (volcaniclastic breccia and sandstone), Lag Bank (dacitic lapilli tuff) and Low Water (dacitic tuff) formations.
Thickness: 200 - 500m
Geographical Limits: Ulpha Basin and Coniston Fells, Lickle Valley (SD 2493 to 2190) to Wallowbarrow Heald (SD 210 970) and Turner Hall (SD 230 960); Buck Pike (SD 260 970) to Knott Head (NY 300 020), Cumbria.
Parent Unit: Borrowdale Volcanic Group (BVG)
Previous Name(s): Lickle Formation [Obsolete Name and Code: Use LICK] (-2291)
Lickle Rhyolites [Obsolete Name and Code: Use STPI, LICK] (-1657)
Alternative Name(s): none recorded or not applicable
Type Area  Dunnerdale Fells to the south west of Caw. 
Reference Section  From Tarn Hill to Great Stickle. 
Reference Section  Between Yew Pike and Stickle Tarn. 
Millward, D, Johnson, E W, Beddoe-Stephens, B, Young, B, Kneller, B C, Lee, M K, Fortey, N J, Allen, P M, Branney, M J, Cooper, D C, Hirons, S, Kokelaar, B P, Marks, R J, McConnell, B J, Merritt, J W, Molyneux, S G, Petterson, M G, Roberts, B, Rundle, C C, Rushton, A W A, Scott, R W, Soper, N J, and Stone, P. 2000. Geology of the Ambleside district. Memoir of the British Geological Survey, England and Wales, Sheet 38. 
Mitchell, G H, 1956. (Undivided Lickle Rhyolites). The Borrowdale Volcanic Series of the Dunnerdale Fells, Lancashire. Liverpool and Manchester Geological Journal, Vol.1, p.428-449. 
1:50K maps on which the lithostratigraphical unit is found, and map code used:
E038 E048