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Geological notes and local details for 1:10,000 sheets: SP38SW (Coventry North). Part of 1:63,360 Sheet 169 (Coventry). British Geological Survey Technical Report WA/89/25
R A Old
British Geological Survey Onshore Geology Series Technical Report WA/89/25
Bibliographic reference Old, R.A., 1989Geological notes and local details for 1:10,000 sheets: SP38SW (Coventry North). British Geological Survey Technical Report
© Crown Copyright 1989 Keyworth, Nottingham, British Geological Survey, 1989
Geographical Index UK, Central England, Warwickshire
Subject Index Geology, Quaternary, Triassic, Upper Carboniferous, Cambrian
Production of this report was partly funded by the Department of the Environment, but the views expressed in it are not necessarily those of the Department.
The geology of Sheet SP38SW (Coventry North) is described with emphasis on significant exposed sections and borehole logs.
The Cambrian and older Carboniferous formations are known only from boreholes, shaft sections and underground mine workings. The top of the Keele Formation, the lower formations of the Enville Group and the basal part of the Bromsgrove Sandstone all crop out in this area, but are generally poorly exposed.
The lithologies of the extensive glacial and post-glacial deposits are described.
Important coal reserves underlie the area; other mineral and groundwater resources are described and a full schedule of boreholes is appended.
This report describes the geology of 1:10 000 Sheet SP38SW (Coventry North) (Figure 1), which lies within 1:50 000 geological sheet 169 (Coventry). The area was first geologically surveyed on the one-inch scale by H H Howell and was included in Old Series One-Inch Sheets 53 and 63SW published in 1855. An explanatory memoir for the Warwickshire Coalfield was published soon after (Howell, 1859). The primary six-inch survey was made by C H Cunnington and T Eastwood in 1913–14, and some local details are given by Eastwood and others (1923). An account of the Warwickshire Coalfield, again with some local details, is given by Mitchell (1942). The whole are was surveyed at 1:10 000 in 1986–88 by R A Old.
The mapping and production of this report were completed under a contract jointly funded by the Department of the Environment, and the British Geological Survey. Palaeontological contributions to this report are by Drs N J Riley and A W A Rushton.
Copies of this report and uncoloured dyeline copies of the 1:10 000 map may be purchased from the British Geological Survey, Keyworth.
Similar reports covering adjoining 1:10 000 sheets are:
SP 28 SE Allesley (Rees, 1989)
SP 37 NW Coventry Central (Old, 1988)
SP 38 NW Bedworth West (Bridge, 1989)
SP 38 SE Coventry North-East (Bridge, 1988)
An account of the whole area of the contract is given by Old and others (1989).
Geological sequence
The Quaternary deposits, Bromsgrove Sandstone, Coventry Sandstone and the upper part of the Keele Formation are represented at outcrop. The remaining parts of the sequence are known only from boreholes.
Period | Deposits | |
Quaternary | ||
Alluvium | Glacial Deposits | |
Boulder Clay (Till) | ||
Sand and Gravel – Glacial Deposits | ||
Glaciolacustrine Clay | ||
Period / Stage | Group | Formation |
Triassic | Sherwood Sandstone Group | Bromsgrove Sandstone Formation |
Carboniferous | ||
Westphalian D & ?Stephanian | Enville Group | Coventry Sandstone Formation |
Keele Formation | ||
Halesowen Formation | ||
Westphalian C | Etruria Marl Formation | |
Aegiranum Marine Band | ||
Westphalian A & B | Productive Coal Measures | |
Cambrian | ||
Tremadoc | Merevale Shales | |
Merioneth | Monks Park Shales |
Cambrian rocks have been penetrated beneath Coal Measures in seven British Coal boreholes, but specimens were preserved from only three of these and the logs of the remainder are of poor quality. The junction between the Monks Park Shales and the overlying Merevale Shales is drawn tenatively NE–SW from just to the south of the Hollyfast Borehole [3302 8369] to Keresley (Old and others, 1987 p.4).
The Monks Park Shales recorded in the Hollyfast and Hazel Grove [SP 3015 8375] boreholes, are dark grey fissile mudstones with minor pale grey siltstone bands and laminae. At Hollyfast these yielded an acrotretid brachiopod and ‘Prooneotodus’.
The Merevale Shales recorded, from the Birch Tree Farm Borehole [SP 3102 8288], consist of medium grey-green fissile mudstone, with numerous burrows and trails, and yield a few tiny sponge spicules.
Post-Cambrian sills
The Hazel Grove and Hollyfast boreholes both encountered sills (0.5 m and 1.2 m thick respectively) cutting the Cambrian. Neither sill has been examined in thin section, but they are probably altered lamprophyres similar to those known at outcrop near Nuneaton (Taylor and Rushton, 1971). The sill at Hazel Grove exhibits 'saw-tooth' contacts with the Cambrian mudstone, implying that the latter was lithified before intrusion occurred. In detail, however, the same contacts show slight lobate protrusions of igneous rock into mudstone, suggesting that lithification was incomplete, and that the sill is of late-Cambrian age.
The mudstone adjacent to the sills is baked, and patches and veins of pyrites have developed.
Upper Carboniferous (Westphalian)
The Westphalian beds rest directly on Cambrian strata; below the upper part of the Keele Formation they do not come to crop in the area, but are known only from boreholes (Figures 2 to 4). The sequence consists mainly of mudstones, siltstones and seatearths. The Productive Coal Measures and the Halesowen Formation are grey-coloured and coal-bearing; the intervening Etruria Marl Formation is variegated grey, green and red brown. The Keele Formation and the Coventry Sandstone consist almost entirely of red measures, predominantly argillaceous in the former and arenaceous in the latter. The only well identified Westphalian subdivision is that between Westphalian B and C marked by the Aegiranum Marine Band, some 10–50 m below the Etruria Marl. Brief accounts of the Keresley 1A and Whitmore Park boreholes are given by Gibson (1915), and of the Coventry Colliery shafts by Eastwood (1920).
Productive Coal Measures
The Productive Coal Measures include all the Westphalian below the Etruria Marl. Because the Vanderbeckei Marine Band is not developed in this area the position of the Westphalian A/B boundary is uncertain. In those areas of the Warwickshire Coalfield where the marine band has been proved, it lies just above the Seven Feet coal (Cope and Jones, 1970).
The beds below the Thick Coal are typically 45 to 50 m thick, but increase locally to 80 m around Hazel Grove (Figure 2). They consist of grey mudstone, siltstone, seatearth, impersistent sandstone and numerous, mainly thin, coal seams. Near the base of the sequence a group of three coal seams occurs, known collectively as the Bench. At Hazel Grove the Bench consists of an upper leaf of 1.16 m and a lower leaf of 1.44 m separated by 2.44 m of mudstone and seatearth. Elsewhere the leaves are much thinner.
A 0.6 m seam 25 m above the Bench at Hollyfast, and a 0.4 m seam 21 m above the Bench in the Coventry Colliery South Exploration Drift [SP 3250 8382], are tenatively correlated with the Double.
The Seven Feet varies in thickness from 0.5 to 1.0 m, and is usually 5 to 8 m below the Thick Coal. In the Hollyfast and Hazel Grove boreholes the interval increases to about 30 m, and mudstones close above the Seven Feet contain non-marine bivalves.
The Thick Coal is the only seam of economic importance in the area (see Economic Geology). It is an amalgamation of seven seams, each of which is named separately in other parts of the Warwickshire Coalfield where there are intervals of other rocks between the seams (Cope and Jones, 1970; Old and others 1987). In ascending order the constituent seams are: Smithy, High Main, Nine Feet, Ell, Ryder, Bare, Two Yard and Thin Rider, although Fulton (1987) excludes the Smithy.
All the above seams are probably present in the area, but they are not clearly identified in the older records, and the more recent records are confidential. The Thick Coal is generally 5 to 6 m thick except at Hazel Grove where the seams below the Two Yard are absent, due to a combination of faulting and lateral passage into mudstone and siltstone. A few small washouts are shown on the Two Yard working plans of Coventry Colliery.
The Productive Coal Measures above the Thick Coal are from 58 to 100 m thick, the variations being mainly due to the diachronous base of the Etruria Marl. The beds are predominantly grey mudstone, seatearth and siltstone, and thin impersistent coals, of which only the Half Yard and Four Feet are named. There is appreciably more sandstone than in the beds below (Figure 2).
Mitchell (1942, p.22) records Carbontcola cf. aquilina in the roof of the Two Yard at Coventry Colliery, and British Coal borehole logs indicate sporadic non-marine bivalves, notably in the roof of the Thick Coal and above the Four Feet or its probable horizon. A marine band is also recorded by British Coal in the Brownshill Green Farm [SP 3069 8263] and Rookery Farm [SP 3106 8161] boreholes, 24 m and 15 m above the Thick Coal respectively, but no specimens were collected. The Aegiranum Marine Band is widespread, although it was not recorded at Rookery Farm, and is apparently replaced by a wash-out in the Coventry No. 2 Shaft. The only faunas collected were from the Birch Tree Farm Borehole and await identification. On the basis of British Coal logs Fulton (1988) considers that the faunal facies of the Aegiranum Marine Band is "fully marine, Productoid’. Vernon (1912, p 619) records Sphenophyllum mysiophyllum 19 m above the Thick Coal in the Keresley 1A Borehole.
Etruria Marl Formation
The Etruria Marl is between 33 and 76 m in thickness. There is a gradual passage upwards from grey Productive Coal Measures to multicoloured Etruria Marl, and the boundary is diachronous (Figure 2). The top of the Formation is usually marked by a massive sandstone at the base of the Halesowen Formation, but locally in the north (Figure 2) that sandstone is absent, and there is a gradual passage upwards from grey and brown mudstone to grey mudstone.
The Etruria Marl consists of mudstone and seatearth, either grey, or variegated in shades of red, brown, purple and, green-grey. Up to half the Formation consists of sandstones, which are generally coarse and gritty, pale grey, micaceous and false-bedded. They may include mudstone clast breccias, or 'espleys', containing ironstone pebbles and clasts of green and red mudstone, some of which may have been derived from Cambrian rocks. The 0.5 m coal near the base of the Formation in the Birch Tree Farm Borehole is exceptional.
Halesowen Formation
Complete Halesowen Formation successions have been recovered at four localities (Figure 3). The base of the Formation has also been cored in the other coal exploration boreholes (Figure 2).
The base of the Formation is normally taken at the base of a thick, massive sandstone overlying variegated mudstone of the Etruria Marl. Locally, where this sandstone is absent (Figure 2), the junction is gradational. The top of the Formation is known with much less precision. Of the four sections shown in Figure 3 only that at Birch Tree Farm has been reliably recorded. The predominantly pale grey Halesowen mudstones give way upwards, over about 25 m, to interbedded grey, chocolate brown and multicoloured mudstones, and finally to predominantly chocolate brown mudstones at the base of the Keele Formation. The Halesowen sandstones are generally coarse-grained and micaceous, while those in the Keele Formation are red-brown and non-micaceous. At Birch Tree Farm the top of the Halesowen Formation is placed above the highest sandstone of ‘Halesowen’ type. Another indication of the top of the Formation, useful in uncored boreholes, is a distinctive high gamma ray value recorded throughout the area and beyond. In the Birch Tree Farm Borehole the gamma peak occurs 48 m below the base of the Keele Formation, and it is assumed to be in the same position in the uncored boreholes. As defined above, the Formation varies in thickness from 110 to 165 m.
The sandstones, dominant in the lower part of the Formation, are pale-grey, coarse-grained and micaceous. Individual units commonly exhibit erosive bases, a calcareous cement or calcareous nodules, and coaly plant debris. Intraclast mudstone breccias are also common, and the ‘conglomerates’ of some of the older logs may be similar breccias.
The remaining beds are mainly grey or grey-green mudstones with lesser amounts of seatearth and siltstone. Red or multicoloured mudstones occur sporadically, and increase in abundance towards the top of the Formation. There are a few thin coal seams of which the lowest, in the Keresley 1A Borehole and Coventry Shafts, may be the Milton, a seam which is developed widely in the area to the south (Old and others, 1987). Vernon (1912, pp 619–620) records Asterotheca (Pecopteris) miltoni and Sphenophyllum emarginatum at 509 m in the Whitmore Park Borehole.
Keele Formation
The upper part of the Keele Formation comes to crop in the north-east of the area, and the complete sequence is known from borehole and shaft sections. The Formation consists of 155 to 220 m of alternating red-brown mudstone and sandstone, and is generally more argillaceous than the formations above and below. As described earlier, the junction with the Halesowen Formation is gradational, and in uncored boreholes cannot be positioned accurately. In the Birch Tree Farm Borehole the mudstones in the basal 50 m are chocolate-brown, while those above are red-brown. The top of the Formation is placed beneath the thick basal sandstone of the Coventry Sandstone. Besly (1988) reviewed the palaeontological evidence for the age of the Keele Formation, and concluded that it ranges from late Westphalian D to late Stephanian or possibly early Autunian.
The cores of the Birch Tree Farm Borehole reveal that the whole Formation is noticeably more calcareous than those above and below. Calcareous nodules, probably of pedogenic origin, are common and many of the sandstones have a calcareous cement. Mudstone beds commonly show desiccation cracks and green reduction spots. The sandstones are typically cross bedded, and some include intraclast mudstone breccias and conglomerates.
There are very few exposures in the area of outcrop. The much-publicised brickworks at Longford [SP 349 842] is now entirely back-filled. The following section is given by Eastwood and others (1923, p 81).
Thickness (ft) | Thickness(m) | |
Marly sand, obscure in parts | 10 | 3.1 |
Sandstone, red-brown, medium grained, very honey-combed; flaggy near the top | 6 | 1.8 |
Marl, dull red, with lenticular bands of grey-green sandstone | 10 | 3.1 |
Sandstone, red and green, calcareous, divided by marl-bands; varying from fine to coarse | 3 | 0.9 |
Marl, dull red, with a 6-inch (0.15 m) band of green or 'fish-eyed' marl in middle | 6 | 1.8 |
Sandstone, fine grained, hard and calcareous. | 1.5 | 0.5 |
Marl, hard, red, with bands of sandy, marl and hard calcareous sandstone | 4 | 1.2 |
Sandstone, hard, red and green, calcareous | 4 | 1.2 |
Marl, red-brown, with 'fish-eyes' | 5 | 1.5 |
Sandstone, hard, fine grained, calcareous; somewhat micaceous in parts | 1.5 | 0.5 |
Limestone, dark blue dipping S.W. at 100 forming floor of quarry | 2 | 0.6 |
Marl, red, with lumps of limy matter | — | — |
The limestone bed, which lies about 50 m below the top of the Formation, was named the ‘Whitacre–Longford Limestone’ (Eastwood and others, 1923 p 88), and specimens collected in 1914 yielded Spirorbis sp., Carbonita fabultna, C. pungens and Anthracopupa sp. (BGS collections). Vernon (1912, pp 612, 620) collected Asterotheca (Pecopteris) arborescens, A (P) miltoni and Acttheca (P) polymorpha about 3 m above the limestone, and Dix (1935) obtained A. cf. hemitelotdes, Odontopteris cf. schlotheimt, 0. sp., Cordattes cf. lingulatus and Calamites sp.
Eastwood (1920) considered the 0.3 m of ‘grey sandstone’ recorded in the Coventry Colliery No. 1 Shaft, 50 m below the top of the Formation, probably represents the Whitacre–Longford Limestone.
Another limestone occurs 14 m below the top of the Formation in the Whitmore Park Borehole (Gibson, 1915), and close below the Coventry Sandstone in the Courtaulds' Little Heath Wells (e.g. No. 3; Figure 4). It was incorrectly correlated by Gibson (1915) with a limestone in the Keresley 1A Borehole,
Enville Group
Coventry Sandstone Formation
Almost the whole area is underlain by the outcrop of the Coventry Sandstone Formation, all of which is represented apart from the top 15 m. The Formation consists of about 520 m of red-brown sandstones with interbedded mudstones, some of which combine to form thick units (Figure 4). There are a few conglomerates and pebbly sandstones, notably in the Corley Member and towards the base of the Formation. The junction with the Keele Formation is taken where thickly bedded sandstone gives way downwards to mudstones and thin sandstones.
Beds below the Corley Member
Comparative sections of these beds are shown in Figure 4. The sandstone units within this sequence are imperstent , as is well illustrated by the outcrops north of Rowley's Green [SP 24 84]. Conglomerate lenses, which crop out here about 80 m above the base of the Formation, probably represent point bar deposits. Similar conglomerates occur somewhat lower in the sequence in the Whitmore Park Borehole and Coventry No. 1 Shaft (Figure 4). The conglomeratic beds were included in the ‘Sandstone and conglomerates of Arley and Exhall’ by Eastwood (1923, p.77) but he also (p.82) termed these beds the ‘Arley and Exhall Conglomerates’ and placed them, incorrectly, at the base of the Corley (Enville) Group (1923, plate VIII). Shotton (1927) followed the latter terminology and stratigraphy. However, because of their impersistence, it is doubtful whether the conglomerates have any value for stratigraphical correlation.
Conglomerate boulders in fields around Barratt's Farm [SP 340 844] contain well rounded pebbles up to 3 cm in diameter, mainly of fine-grained, brown quartzose sandstone, orange chert and grey Carboniferous Limestone. Shotton (1927) concludes that the sandstones are derived from Silurian outcrops and gives (p.612) a pebble count for a conglomerate ‘about a mile and a half south-south-east of Exhall’ ?[SP 345 822] as follows: limestone 46%, chert 36% and quartz and quartzite making up most of the remainder. The ‘quarry near Exhall’ which yielded Calamites and Lepidodendron (Ramsey, 1855), Sternbergta (Phillips, 1871, pp.95–6), and gymnosperm seeds (Old and others, 1987;originally identified as ‘Strophalosta’, Howell, 1859, p.32), cannot becertainly located. The Old Series one-inch field slips have "fossils" marked at Ash Green [SP 335 839] and at Neal's Green [SP 337 844], but both localities are now built over.
Sections at Websters, Hemming and Sons Ltd Brickworks [SP 342 806], which expose beds about 200 m above the base of the Formation, show rapid variations between mudstone and sandstone. In the following composite section [SP 3419 8072] to [SP 3416 8058] all the beds are red-brown unless otherwise stated:
Thickness (m) | |
Mudstone, siltstone and sandstone | 5.0 |
Sandstone | 0.3 |
Mudstone | 0.2 |
Sandstone, medium grained, massive, non-calcareous; thins rapidly to W but only gradually to S; load casts at base; strong parting lineation trends 16° | 0 to 0.4 |
Sandstone, siltstone and mudstone in beds up to 1 m thick; planar cross-bedding dips E and W; many green laminae | 4.0 to 8.0 |
Sandstone, calcareous, planar and S-dipping cross-bedding; cross laminae in some beds steepen upwards to near-vertical | 3.8 |
Sandstone, siltstone and mudstone with S-dipping cross-laminae | 2.5 |
Sandstone, calcareous, coarser and better cemented than those above; planar bedding with a few | |
S-dipping foresets; abundant mudstone clasts up to 1 cm (seen) | 1.6 |
Obscured by talus or below water | c. 8.0 |
The active workings in 1988 [SP 343 805] exposed beds corresponding to those above the 3.8 m sandstone in the section just detailed. Here, however, there is a preponderance of mudstone in the sequence, and the sandstone beds are generally less than 1 m thick. Individual sandstones are very variable in thickness, with the greatest variation displayed in east–west faces, suggesting that currents were perpendicular in direction. Load casts occur abundantly below and within many of the sandstones, and some sandstones show parting lineations or in-fill mud cracks.
Besly (1988, p.213) figures a section of this pit, and concludes that the beds represent ‘an alluvial sequence in which most of the discharge was concentrated in large flood events’.
Vernon (1912), and Eastwood and others (1923) both recorded Walchia here. This identification was corrected by Florin (quoted in Wagner 1983) to Lebachia piniformis, and he also identified L. frondosa var.zeilleri and Ernestiodendron filiciforme here.
The pit was notified as an SSSI in 1986, but unfortunately planning permission had already been granted for restoration. ‘Coventry City Council, as local planning authority, decided that the pressing local need for sports pitches and public open space outweighed the national importance of the SSSI and have decided to completely infill the pit’ (Nature Conservancy Council, 1988 p.33).
The remaining part of this sequence, up to the base of the Corley Member, is mainly obscurred by drift or buildings and it has been left largely undivided.
Vernon (1912) recorded Calamites sp. at a depth of 120 ft (36.6 m) in the Whitmore Park Borehole.
Corley Member
The Corley Member consists of about 85 m of coarse, characteristically pebbly sandstone, and minor mudstone and conglomerate. These beds were termed ‘Corley Conglomerates and Sandstones’ by Eastwood and others (1923), but unfortunately they also used the term ‘Corley Conglomerate’ which has been perpetuated by later writers (e.g. Shotton, 1929; Old and others, 1987). Because the proportion of conglomerate in these beds is always small the latter ascription is inappropriate, and they are here named the Corley Member.
The Corley Member can be traced right across the area between Burrow Hill [SP 305 849] and Sandy Lane [SP 332 802]. Its component sandstones form strong features particularly in the north, and in the agricultural areas soils derived from these beds are seen to be very pebbly.
In a lane at Burrow Hill [SP 3062 8499] 2 m of very weathered conglomerate are exposed. The pebbles are mainly rounded, up to 10 cm in diameter, and comprised of a variety of sandstones, quartzites and chert. Shotton (1927 p.673; localities 25 to 30) gives the following pebble count for this area: Valentian (Silurian) sandstone 73%, Quartzite 7%, Vein quartz 2%, others 4%. Limestone is notable by its absence.
Conglomerate can be traced for 450 m along the ridge south-south-east from Burrow Hill. The same bed crops out in fields 200 m to the south-west on the opposite limb of a shallow syncline.
Flaggy, red-brown, cross-bedded sandstone, with rare pebbles, is exposed to 3 m in a quarry at Bennett's Road [SP 3187 8280].
A well at Brownshill Green Pumping Station [SP 3063 8270], starting near the top of the Corley Member, penetrated sandstone with thin mudstones to 65.5 m, including 10 m of conglomeratic sandstone at 46.0 m.
Sections near Radford Road, described by Eastwood and others (1923, p.86), are now limited to exposures on the north side of the railway cutting for 150 m south-west of Sandy Lane [SP 3311 8020]. Here up to 5 m of cross-bedded, coarse sandstone is channelled for at least 3 m by the sandstone above. The upper sandstone has a 15 cm pebbly basal lag, containing ironstone and mudstone clasts up to 3 cm in diameter. Cross-bedding in the lower unit has dips towards 236° and 10°, while in the upper unit it dips towards 6°.
Beds above the Corley Member
These beds, which consist mainly of sandstone with a few persistent mudstones, form well-developed dip and scarp features between Allesley Park [SP 302 802] and the Jaguar Works [SP 302 820]. A quarry at Church Farm [SP 3036 8125] exposes the following section of red-brown beds:
Bed name | Thickness (m) |
Sandstone, flaggy | 1.0 |
Sandstone, planar bedded, flaggy | 0.5 |
Siltstone, laminated | 0.22 |
Sandstone, planar bedded | 0.46 |
Siltstone, laminated | 0.08 |
Sandstone, planar bedded with weakly ripple-marked top | 0.22 |
Siltstone, with easterly dipping cross-lamination | 0.1 |
Sandstone with westerly dipping cross-bedding | 0 to 0.12 |
Siltstone, | 0 to 0.05 |
Sandstone, massive, with a few muddy bedding planes (seen) | 3.0 |
Weathered, flaggy, cross-bedded sandstone, dipping south at 4° is exposed in 3 m high banks along Staircase Lane [SP 3018 8115].
Small exposures in Allesley, at Butcher's Lane [SP 3002 8082] and Birmingham Road [SP 3013 8061], are of pebbly sandstone and channel lag conglomerate. These are the ‘Allesley Conglomerates’ of Eastwood and others (1923) and later writers, but they appear to be a local development with little value for stratigraphical correlation. Shotton (1927, p.613) gives the following pebble counts for these localities respectively: Valentian sandstone 26%, 20%; Quartzite 0%, 19%; Vein quartz 1%, 0%; Chert 12%, 10%; Limestone 50%, 39%; others 10%, 12%, as well as many marl pellets.
The Birmingham Road locality is notable for the occurrence of large, prostrate trunks of silicified wood (Buckland, 1836; Eastwood and others, 1923). These are referred to as Dadoxylon by Vernon (1912) and Cordattes brandlingt by Eastwood and others (1923).
Bromsgrove Sandstone Formation
About 5 m of Bromsgrove Sandstone occur in a small outcrop, which unconformably overlies the Coventry Sandstone in the extreme southeast of the area. Small exposures of pale buff sandstone and red mudstone occur in the railway cutting south of Mercer Avenue [SP 3499 8060].
Pre-Westphalian structures
Viewed in their regional setting (Old and others, 1987 fig. 2) the Cambrian rocks lie on the north-west limb of a broad NE-SW syncline, which has been identified by plotting the faunal zones proved in boreholes. Dip azimuths from dip-meter logs of the Brownshill Green and Staircase Lane boreholes (5 to 15° at S20°W and 5 to 100 at S10°E respectively) are consistent with this structure. No other dip-meter logs have been examined; but dips measured on borehole cores fall within the range 50 to 20°. Folding in the Cambrian rocks presumably dates from the Caledonian orogeny.
Post-Caledonian - Pre-Triassic structures
The structures within the Carboniferous rocks are shown in Figure 5. The beds lie on the eastern limb of the Warwickshire Coalfield syncline (Mitchell, 1942) and dip gently to the south-west or south. Faults and minor folds trend mainly NNW-SSE or N-S, with minor NE-SW faults. In detail the structures at the level of the Two Yard differ from those at the surface. The Keresley Reverse Fault, with a maximum easterly downthrow. of 27 m, has been proved in mine workings and by seismic surveys. No displacement was detected at the surface, but gentle folding occurs parallel to the northern part of the fault, and surface faults with a parallel trend occur to the southeast. The gentle folds proved in the Two Yard near Coventry Colliery do not appear at the surface.
The structures in the Two Yard which are not apparent at the surface may have originated during intra-Westphalian movements which led regionally to an unconformity at the base of the Halesowen Formation (Old and others, 1987). Those which post-date the Enville Group are probably contemporaneous with the pre-Triassic movements which led to the major unconformity at the base of the Bromsgrove Sandstone.
Post-Triassic structures
Because the Bromsgrove Sandstone is very poorly exposed its structure is unknown. Regionally, however, it dips very gently south-east (Bridge 1988).
The NW-SE fault at Coundon is known to have a post-Triassic throw in the area to the south (Old, 1988).
The older Quaternary deposits are the product of the Wolstonian glacial stage, although they do not occur in a readily identifiable stratigraphic sequence of characteristic lithologies like that found in the type-Wolstonian area to the south-east (Shotton, 1953). The glacial drift was deposited on a bedrock surface rising to the west, and without major rockhead depressions (Figure 6).
Boulder Clay (Till)
Boulder clay forms the bulk of the glacial deposits, and occurs as extensive remnants of what was probably a continuous drift plateau (Figure 6). In the agricultural areas the boulder clay gives rise to heavy clay soils with abundant "Bunter" quartzite pebbles, and scattered blocks of angular quartzite probably derived from outcrop of the Cambrian Hartshill Quartzite 10 km to the north-north-east.
At Coventry Colliery excavations for new coal plant [SP 3203 8443] revealed:
Thickness (m) | |
Till; red-brown, sandy clay becoming grey-brown with depth; erratics are mainly Bunter pebbles with some Upper Carboniferous red sandstone, chalk and coal; red-brown calcareous concretions 2 to 3 cm across; grey with white calcareous patches and joint surfaces in basal 5 cm | 1.5 |
Silt and silty sand; red-brown, weakly bedded; a few green reduction spots | 0.07 |
Till; red-brown, highly calcareous clay with chalk pebbles and calcareous concretions, together with Upper Carboniferous sandstone, angular quartzite and Bunter pebbles | 0.6 |
Sand, red-brown, silty and pebbly | 0.2 |
Till; red-brown sandy clay with Bunter pebbles; slightly calcareous | (seen) 0.3 |
The lowest 2 m of the excavation was unsafe to enter, but appeared to be in till resting on sandstone as the base |
Excavations for lagoons at Coventry Colliery [SP 3232 8420] did not encounter any chalky till but showed:
Thickness (m) | |
Till; red-brown clay, with Bunter pebbles and Upper Carboniferous sandstone | 1.2 |
Sand, red-brown, pebbly and silty; undulating contacts | 0.15 |
Till; red-brown very silty clay packed with Bunter pebbles, Upper Carboniferous sandstone, Cambrian black mudstone and a little coal; a few small calcareous concretions (seen) | 2.5 |
At the Dunlop Factory [3260 8232] excavations proved: | |
Till; red-brown sandy clay, with Bunter pebbles and a few small angular blocks of quartzite; undulating base | 1.8 |
Sand, brown, micaceous, in part cross-laminated; some layers rich in coal dust and with a few small coal pebbles; undulating base | 0.5 |
Till; red-brown clay, with abundant Bunter pebbles and blocks of Upper Carboniferous sandstone up to 0.5 m across, together with a few pieces of micaceous sandstone and quartzite (seen) | 1.0 |
Sand and Gravel
No clear relationship between the sand and gravel bodies and boulder clay could be established, but it is probable that the sand beds described above thicken sufficiently in places to be mapped.
In a sand pit south of Exhall Grange School [SP 3350 8390] Eastwood recorded (MS field map):
‘8 ft (2.4 m) sand varying from almost white to red-brown, the latter cemented into sand-rock. Occasional lenticles of pale clay; lenticles and pockets of gravel, usually fine; in parts entirely of small flints, in others small Bunters. Nuneaton (Cambrian) rocks rare. Top part clayey in pockets with larger pods’.
Sand and gravel crops out along the eastern margin of the area at Little Heath [SP 348 825], and boreholes along Foleshill Road have proved thicknesses of up to 5 m.
The county series 6-inch sheet Warwickshire 21NE shows what appear to be shallow pits at ‘Webster's Sidings’; in Narrow Lane (now Kingfield Road), which crosses these pits [SP 3353 8088], Eastwood (MS field map) recorded 4 ft (1.2 m) of sand and gravel with rounded Bunter quartzite and vein-quartz pebbles, and angular clasts of Hartshill Quartzite, diorite and Stockingford Shale.
Glaciolacustrine Clay
A small outcrop of glaciolacustrine clay underlies playing fields at Wheelright Lane [SP 3350 8382]. Soft, red-brown, laminated clay was augered here.
Laminated clay, silt and sand was augered in a few localities within the boulder clay outcrop between Edgewick Park [SP 346 815] and Paradise [SP 368 808], but it was not possible to delineate any outcrops.
Alluvial flood plains, rarely over 100 m wide, border the main streams. An upper layer of red-brown sandy loam about 1 m thick is underlain by gravelly alluvium. Boreholes along the River Sowe north of Barratt's Farm [SP 342 846] proved alluvium up to 3.2 m thick. In the built-up areas the outcrops of alluvium are taken mainly from the earlier six-inch survey.
Made Ground
Made ground has been mapped only where it forms topographic features with clearly defined boundaries. In addition, much of the industrialised south-east quadrant of the area is heavily disturbed to a depth of several metres, and covered with a mixture of building rubble and fill.
The made ground at Coventry Colliery [SP 320 839] and west of Wheelright Lane [SP 330 839] is mainly colliery spoil; at Longford [SP 347 834] it may include ash from the former gas works; elsewhere it is probably a mixture of ash, building rubble and locally excavated bed-rock and drift.
Economic geology
Brick clay
Bricks were formerly made from Keele Formation beds dug at Foleshill Brickworks (see p.12). A short-lived pit in the Keele Formation at Wilson's Lane [SP 349 847], shown to have been up to 9 m deep on undated plans in the Warwickshire County Council archive, was probably worked for brick clay. Both pits are now completely restored.
Beds from the lower part of the Coventry Sandstone are still exploited at Websters, Hemming and Sons Ltd. Midland Brickworks, Stoney Stanton Road (see p.15).Mudstone in the Coventry Sandstone above the Corley Member was formerly worked in a shallow pit west of Barker's Butts Lane [SP 322 801].
Building stone
Sandstone from the Coventry Sandstone was formerly worked, probably for building stone, at Church Farm, Allesley (see p.18).
The only coal seam of economic importance, the Thick Coal, is currently mined at Coventry Colliery, and workings from the former Exhall and Newdigate collieries occur east of Neal's Green [SP 335 849] and north of Woodshires Green [SP 345 845]. Seam nomenclature published by the National Coal Board (1985) shows that the current workings lie mainly within the area of Prime Thick Coal, while the older workings lay mainly within the area of Splitting Thick Coal. Some analytical data and seam sections for the Bench, Seven Feet and Two Yard seams are published (National Coal Board, 1957).
Sand and gravel
Glacial sand and gravel has been worked on a small scale west of Wheelright Lane and at Webster's Sidings. There are no economic. resources within the area.
Water supply
Wells currently in use are shown in (Table 1); actual abstraction rates for industrial wells are confidential.
(Table 3) Water abstraction data for major licenced wells in 1984. (Source: Severn-Trent Water Authority, 1986). CS = Coventry Sandstone, KF = Keele Formation, Ml/d = megalitres per day (1 Ml/d = 9164 gallons per hour).
BGS No. | Site | GRID REF (All SP38SW) | Licenced Abstraction Ml/d (Actual Abstraction Ml/d) | Depth (m) | Formation |
(SP38SW/3) | Brit. Coal,Coventry | [SP 3214 8444] | 1.89 | 74 | CS |
(SP38SW/5) | Watery Lane | [SP 324 835] | 2.17 (2.13) | 236 | CS |
(SP38SW/101) | Dunlop Ltd | [SP 3304 8213] | 1.45 | 166 | CS |
(SP38SW/109) | Brownshill Green | [SP 3063 8270] | 3.04 (1.64) | 91 | CS |
(SP38SW/120) | British Celanese | [SP 3488 8261] | 3.45(including SP38SE) | 159 | CS,KF |
(SP38SW/123) | British Celanese | [SP 3476 8259] | 149 | CS,KF | |
(SP38SW/130) | Jaguar Cars | [SP 3327 8085] | 1.11 | 188 | CS |
(SP38SW/133) | Courtaulds No. 2 | [SP 3380 8076] | 214 | CS | |
(SP38SW/134) | Courtaulds No .3 | [SP 3365 8083] | 5.35 | 294 | CS,KF |
(SP38SW/137) | Courtaulds No. 8 | [SP 3408 8079] | 243 | CS,KF | |
(SP38SW/138) | Courtaulds No. 7 | [SP 3424 8032] | 244 | CS,KF | |
(SP38SW/141) | Coventry Co-op | [SP 3492 8022] | 0.07 | 221 | CS,KF |
Further information about wells, past and present, including water analyses is given by Anon (1950), Butler (1944), Eastwood and others (1923), Lyon (1949) and Richardson (1928).
ANON. 1950. Coventry Corporation Water Undertaking. Journal of the Institute of Water Engineers, Vol.4, 335–347.
BESLY, B M. 1988. Palaeogeographic implications of late Westphalian to early Permian red-beds, Central England. 200–221 in Sedimentation in a synorogenic basin complex. B M Besly and G Kelling (eds.). (Glasgow and London: Blackie.)
BRIDGE, D Mc C. 1988. Geological notes and local details for 1:10 000 sheets: SP38SE (Coventry North-East). (Keyworth: British Geological Survey.) ,
BRIDGE, D McC. 1989. Geological notes and local details for 1:10 000 sheets:SP38SW (Bedworth West). British Geological Survey Technical Report WA/89/24.
BUCKLAND, W. 1836. On the occurence of silicified trunks of large trees in the new red sandstone formation or Poikilitic series, at Allesley, near Coventry. Proceedings of the Geological Society, Vol. 2, 439–440.
BUTLER, A. J. 1946: Water supply from underground sources of the Birmingham Gloucester district, part III. Geological Survey Wartime Pamphlet. No. 32.
COPE, K G and JONES, A R L. 1970. The Warwickshire Thick Coal and its mining environment. Compte Rendu 6e Congres International de Stratigraphie et de Geologie du Carbonifiere, Sheffield, 1967, 585–598.
DIX, E. 1935. Note on the flora of the highest 'Coal Measures' of Warwickshire. Geological Magazine. Vol. 72, 555–557.
EASTWOOD, T. 1920. Coventry Colliery. Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey for 1919, Appendix III, 62–64.
EASTWOOD, T, GIBSON, W, CANTRILL, T C and WHITEHEAD, J H. 1923. The geology of the country around Coventry. Memoir of the Geological Survey of Great Britain.
FULTON, I M.,1987. Genesis of the Warwickshire Thick Coal: a group of long-residence histosols. 201–218 in Coal and Coal Bearing Strata: Recent Advances. A C Scott (editor). Geological Society Special Publication No.32.
FULTON, I and WILLIAMS, H. 1988. Palaeogeographical change and controls on Namurian and Westphalian A/B sedimentation at the southern margin of the Pennine Basin, Central England. 178–199 in Sedimentation in a synorogenic basin complex. B M Besly and G Kelling (editors). (London and Glasgow: Blackie.)
GIBSON, W. 1915. Warwickshire Coalfield. 19–23 in Summary of Progress of the Geological Survey of Great Britain for 1914.
HOWELL, H H. 1859. The geology of the Warwickshire Coalfield and the Permian rocks and Trias of the surrounding district. Memoir of the Geological Survey of Great Britain.
LYON, A L. 1949. The hydrogeology of the Coventry district. Journal of the Institute of Water Engineers. Vol.3, 209–260.
MITCHELL, G M. 1942. The geology of the Warwickshire Coalfield. Geological Survey Wartime Pamphlet, No.25.
NATIONAL COAL BOARD. 1957. Warwickshire Coalfield Seam maps. National Coal Board Scientific Department, Coal Survey.
NATIONAL COAL BOARD. 1985. The South Warwickshire Prospect : A consultation paper. : South Midlands Area.
NATURE CONSERVANCY COUNCIL. 1988. Earth science conservation. No.25.
OLD, R A. 1988. Geological notes and local details for 1:10 000 sheets: SP37NW (Coventry Central). (Keyworth: British Geological Survey).
OLD, R A, SUMBLER, M G and AMBROSE K. 1987. Geology of the country around Warwick. Memoir of the British Geological Survey, Sheet 184. (England and Wales).
OLD, R A, BRIDGE, D Mc C and REES, J G. 1989. Geology of the Coventry area. British Geological Survey Technical Report, WA/89/29.
PHILLIPS, J. 1871. Geology of Oxford and the valley of the Thames. (Oxford: Clarendon Press).
RAMSEY, A C. 1855. On the occurrence of fragments and boulders in the Permian Breccia of Shropshire, etc. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, Vol, 11, 197–198.
REES, J G. 1989. Geological notes and local details for 1:10 000 sheets: SP28SE (Allesley). British Geological Survey Technical Report, WA/89/23.
RICHARDSON, L. 1928. The wells and springs of Warwickshire. Memoir of the Geological Survey of Great Britain.
SHOTTON, F W. 1927. The conglomerates of the Enville Series of the Warwickshire Coalfield. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, Vol.83, 604–621.
SHOTTON, F W. 1929. The geology of the country around Kenilworth, Warwickshire. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, Vol.85, 167–222.
SHOTTON, F.W.. 1953. The Pleistocene deposits of the area between Coventry, Rugby and Leamington, and their bearing on the topographic development of the Midlands. Philosophical Transdctions of the Royal Society, London. Series B. Vol.237, 209–260.
SEVERN-TRENT WATER AUTHORITY. 1986. Groundwater resources and management of the Permo Carboniferous aquifer. Severn-Trent Water Authority, Groundwater Report, No.11.
TAYLOR, K and RUSHTON, A W A. 1971. The pre-Westphalian geology of the Warwickshire Coalfield. Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Great Britain, No.35.
VERNON, R D. 1912. On the geology and palaeontology of the Warwickshire Coalfield. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, Vol.68, 587–638,
WAGNER, R H. 1983. A Lower Rotliegend flora from Ayrshire. Scottish Journal of Geology, Vol.19, 135–155.
Appendix. Schedule of boreholes for SP38SW
(SP38SW/1) | COOKSEY NO.1 KERESLEY WARKS | [SP 3150 8473] | 587.73 | 1903 |
(SP38SW/2) | COOKSEY NO.1A KERESLEY WARKS | [SP 3158 8474] | 662.56 | 1906 |
(SP38SW/3) | COVENTRY COLLIERY KERESLEY NO.1 | [SP 3214 8445] | 662.03 | 1912 |
(SP38SW/4) | WATERY LANE W.B. KERESLEY WARKS | [SP 3244 8350] | 109.73 | 1900 |
(SP38SW/5) | WATERY LANE W.B. KERESLEY WARKS | [SP 3246 8350] | 235.91 | 1933 |
(SP38SW/6) | NUMBER NOT USED | |||
(SP38SW/7) | NUMBER NOT USED | |||
(SP38SW/8) | NUMBER NOT USED | |||
(SP38SW/9) | NUMBER NOT USED | |||
(SP38SW/10) | NUMBER NOT USED | |||
(SP38SW/11) | NUMBER NOT USED | |||
(SP38SW/12) | WHITMORE PARK BH WARKS | [SP 3285 8126] | 790.02 | 1914 |
(SP38SW/13) | HOLLYFAST BH WARKS | [SP 3004 8368] | 875.39 | 1949 |
(SP38SW/14) | EDEN STREET BH1 | [SP 3492 8122] | 8.08 | 1949 |
(SP38SW/15) | HOLBROOKS LANE BH57 | [SP 3362 8225] | 3.66 | 1949 |
(SP38SW/16) | LOCKHURST LANE BH56 | [SP 3380 8160] | 5.12 | 1949 |
(SP38SW/17) | MARION ROAD BH55 | [SP 3359 8131] | 3.05 | 1949 |
(SP38SW/18) | LOCKHURST LANE BH54 | [SP 3390 8094] | 7.32 | 1949 |
(SP38SW/19) | FOLESHILL ROAD BH53 | [SP 3362 8225] | 3.96 | 1949 |
(SP38SW/20) | EAGLE ST FOLESHILL ROAD BH52 | [SP 3362 8019] | 4.57 | 1949 |
(SP38SW/21) | EAGLE ST FOLESHILL ROAD BH51 | [SP 3371 8014] | 3.05 | 1949 |
(SP38SW/22) | BROWNSHILL GREEN BH74 | [SP 3047 8284] | 2.13 | 1949 |
(SP38SW/23) | BROWNSHILL GREEN BH75 | [SP 3031 8271] | 2.44 | 1949 |
(SP38SW/24) | BROWNSHILL GREEN BH73 | [SP 3083 8246] | 3.35 | 1949 |
(SP38SW/25) | BROWNSHILL GREEN BH72 | [SP 3100 8210] | 2.13 | 1949 |
(SP38SW/26) | BROWNSHILL GREEN BH71 | [SP 3087 8171] | 1.75 | 1949 |
(SP38SW/27) | BROWNSHILL GREEN BH70 | [SP 3075 8160] | 2.28 | 1949 |
(SP38SW/28) | BROWNSHILL GREEN BH69 | [SP 3075 8100] | 2.13 | 1949 |
(SP38SW/29) | COVENTRY CORP SEWERAGE BH B28 | [SP 3488 8339] | 7.32 | 1963 |
(SP38SW/30) | COVENTRY CORP SEWERAGE BH B29 | [SP 3481 8356] | 7.92 | 1963 |
(SP38SW/31) | COVENTRY CORP SEWERAGE BH B30 | [SP 3472 8371] | 18.29 | 1963 |
(SP38SW/32) | COVENTRY CORP SEWERAGE BH B31 | [SP 3462 8382] | 5.49 | 1963 |
(SP38SW/33) | COVENTRY CORP SEWERAGE BH B32 | [SP 3450 8388] | 5.49 | 1963 |
(SP38SW/34) | COVENTRY CORP SEWERAGE BH B33 | [SP 3440 8391] | 5.49 | 1963 |
(SP38SW/35) | COVENTRY CORP SEWERAGE BH K1 | [SP 3459 8327] | 13.72 | 1963 |
(SP38SW/36) | COVENTRY CORP SEWERAGE BH K2 | [SP 3425 8323] | 9.14 | 1963 |
(SP38SW/37) | COVENTRY CORP SEWERAGE BH K4 | [SP 3385 8312] | 7.92 | 1963 |
(SP38SW/38) | COVENTRY CORP SEWERAGE BH K12 | [SP 3312 8305] | 7.62 | 1963 |
(SP38SW/39) | BEDWORTH BY-PASS 3 | [SP 3483 8467] | 1.83 | 1964 |
(SP38SW/40) | COVENTRY COLLIERY NO.4 | [SP 32936 84875] | 57.91 | 1965 |
(SP38SW/41) | M6 TO COVENTRY N-S BOUNDARY BH42 | [SP 3443 8499] | 6.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/42) | M6 TO COVENTRY N-S BOUNDARY BH43 | [SP 3433 8492] | 7.50 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/43) | M6 TO COVENTRY N-S BOUNDARY BH44 | [SP 3437 8491] | 3.60 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/44) | M6 TO COVENTRY N-S BOUNDARY BH45 | [SP 3429 8476] | 4.50 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/45) | M6 TO COVENTRY N-S BOUNDARY BH46 | [SP 3424 8463] | 7.50 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/46) | M6 TO COVENTRY N-S BOUNDARY BH47 | [SP 3424 8458] | 12.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/47) | M6 TO COVENTRY N-S BOUNDARY BH48 | [SP 3423 8456] | 6.70 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/48) | M6 TO COVENTRY N-S BOUNDARY BH49 | [SP 3426 8453] | 3.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/49) | M6 TO COVENTRY N-S BOUNDARY BH50 | [SP 3422 8442] | 3.50 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/50) | M6 TO COVENTRY N-S BOUNDARY BH51 | [SP 3423 8471] | 6.30 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/51 A | M6 TO COVENTRY N-S BOUNDARY BH52 | [SP 3421 8461] | 2.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/51 B | M6 TO COVENTRY N-S BOUNDARY BH52A | [SP 3421 8461] | 6.20 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/52) | M6 TO COVENTRY N-S BOUNDARY BH53 | [SP 3420 8458] | 12.10 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/53) | M6 TO COVENTRY N-S BOUNDARY BH54 | [SP 3420 8450] | 3.50 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/54) | M6 TO COVENTRY N-S BOUNDARY BH55 | [SP 3416 8440] | 3.50 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/55) | M6 TO COVENTRY N-S BOUNDARY BH56 | [SP 3419 8436] | 4.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/56) | M6 TO COVENTRY N-S BOUNDARY BH57 | [SP 3411 8422] | 7.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/57) | M6 TO COVENTRY N-S BOUNDARY BH58 | [SP 3407 8405] | 4.60 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/58) | M6 TO COVENTRY N-S BOUNDARY BH58A | [SP 3408 8393] | 5.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/59) | M6 TO COVENTRY N-S BOUNDARY BH59 | [SP 3408 8380] | 6.70 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/60) | COVENTRY N-S ROAD FOLESHILL-BY-PASS BH1A | [SP 3408 8376] | 4.70 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/61) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH1 | [SP 3409 8374] | 7.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/62) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH2 | [SP 3414 8362] | 6.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/63) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH3 | [SP 3411 8360] | 8.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/64) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH4 | [SP 3415 8359] | 8.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/65) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH5 | [SP 3412 8358] | 8.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/66) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH6 | [SP 3417 8355] | 10.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/67) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH7 | [SP 3414 8353] | 11.10 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/68) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH8 | [SP 3418 8352] | 10.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/69) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH9 | [SP 3420 8364] | 12.10 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/70) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH10 | [SP 3420 8346] | 5.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/71) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH11 | [SP 3420 8340] | 5.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/72) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH12 | [SP 3426 8335] | 5.80 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/73) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH13 | [SP 3430 8330] | 4.30 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/74) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH14 | [SP 3425 8327] | 6.50 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/75) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH15 | [SP 3433 8324] | 5.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/76) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH16 | [SP 3430 8320] | 6.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/77) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH17 | [SP 3430 8310] | 11.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/78) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH19 | [SP 3426 8303] | 11.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/79) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH2OA | [SP 3428 8299] | 10.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/80) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH21 | [SP 3425 8286] | 6.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/81) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH22 | [SP 3418 8277] | 14.50 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/82) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH23 | [SP 3415 8274] | 12.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/83) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH25 | [SP 3419 8274] | 13.10 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/84) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH26 | [SP 3418 8270] | 14.90 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/85) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH27 | [SP 3414 8269] | 12.20 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/86) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH28 | [SP 3425 8256] | 7.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/87) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH29 | [SP 3426 8245] | 5.50 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/88) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH30 | [SP 3416 8243] | 7.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/89) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH31 | [SP 3411 8247] | 12.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/90) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH31A | [SP 3411 8258] | 5.30 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/91) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH34 | [SP 3405 8247] | 13.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/92) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH37 | [SP 3395 8246] | 10.80 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/93) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH38 | [SP 3389 8230] | 9.20 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/94) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH39 | [SP 3380 8217] | 5.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/95) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH40 | [SP 3414 8350] | 9.80 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/96) | FOLESHILL-HOLBROOKS BY-PASS BH41 | [SP 3411 8352] | 10.90 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/97) c | STAIRCASE LANE BH | [SP 30359 81294] | 294.74 | 1975 |
(SP38SW/98) | M/WAY LINK-CATTHORPE-COLESHILL BH1166 | [SP 3481 8493] | 12.19 | 1975 |
(SP38SW/99) | M/WAY LINK-CATTHORPE-COLESHILL BH1167 | [SP 3493 8484] | 12.19 | 1975 |
(SP38SW/100) c | BROWNSHILL GREEN BH | [SP 30694 82157] | 929.78 | 1975 |
(SP38SW/101) | DUNLOP RIM & WHEEL CO COVENTRY | [SP 3304 8213] | 163.98 | 1953 |
(SP38SW/102) | EAGLE STREET COVENTRY ES3X | [SP 3380 8004] | 8.80 | 1976 |
(SP38SW/104) | EAGLE STREET COVENTRY ES4 | [SP 3392 8007] | 6.00 | 1976 |
(SP38SW/104) | EAGLE STREET COVENTRY ES5 | [SP 3408 8024] | 4.90 | 1976 |
(SP38SW/105) | BROWNSHILL GREEN FARM | [SP 3052 8226] | 28.80 | 1919 |
(SP38SW/106) | BROWNSHILL GREEN FARM | [SP 3051 8262] | 19.10 | 1919 |
(SP38SW/107) | BROWNSHILL GREEN FARM | [SP 3047 8262] | 20.16 | 1919 |
(SP38SW/108) | BROWNSHILL GREEN FARM | [SP 3044 8265] | 19.30 | 1919 |
(SP38SW/109) | BROWNSHILL GREEN FARM | [SP 3063 8270] | 65.53 | 1929 |
(SP38SW/110) | HILLSIDE FARM BROWNSHILL GREEN | [SP 3053 8284] | 6.25 | 1919 |
(SP38SW/111) | HILLSIDE FARM BROWNSHILL GREEN | [SP 3051 8288] | 3.28 | 1919 |
(SP38SW/112) | GOLDER GREEN FARM KERSLEY | [SP 3139 8296] | 60.96 | 1896 |
(SP38SW/113) | BENNETTS ROAD KERSLEY | [SP 3189 8269] | 16.25 | 1919 |
(SP38SW/114) | BENNETTS ROAD KERSLEY | [SP 3190 8258] | 10.13 | 1919 |
(SP38SW/115) | OLD BELL INN BENNETTS ROAD KERSLEY | [SP 3192 8248] | 9.83 | 1919 |
(SP38SW/116) | OLD POST OFFICE BENNETTS ROAD KERSLEY | [SP 3193 8236] | 9.60 | 1919 |
(SP38SW/117) | OLD POST OFFICE BENNETTS ROAD KERSLEY | [SP 3190 8237] | 6.70 | 1919 |
(SP38SW/118) | OLD POST OFFICE BENNETTS ROAD KERSLEY | [SP 3183 8239] | 3.20 | 1919 |
(SP38SW/119) | OLD POST OFFICE BENNETTS ROAD KERSLEY | [SP 3187 8232] | 6.86 | 1919 |
(SP38SW/120) | DUNLOP FACTORY FOLESHILL COVENTRY | [SP 3321 8218] | 152.70 | 1939 |
(SP38SW/121) | FOLESHILL WORKS | [SP 3450 8302] | 99.06 | 1918 |
(SP38SW/122) | COURTAULDS LTD LITTLE HEATH | [SP 3488 8261] | 120.40 | 1925 |
(SP38SW/123) | COURTAULDS LTD LITTLE HEATH | [SP 3476 8259] | 138.68 | 1927 |
(SP38SW/124) | COURTAULDS LTD LITTLE HEATH | [SP 3489 8230] | 140.51 | 1929 |
(SP38SW/125) | COURTAULDS LTD LITTLE HEATH | [SP 3390 8180] | 140.51 | 1929 |
(SP38SW/126) | LOCKHURST LANE COVENTRY | [SP 3392 8147] | 18.29 | 1919 |
(SP38SW/127) | A HERBERT LTD FOLESHILL | [SP 3465 8165] | 46.48 | 1900 |
(SP38SW/128) | MOAT HOUSE KERESLEY | [SP 3216 8235] | 76.81 | 1888 |
(SP38SW/129) | ROSELYN AVE COUNDON | [SP 3127 8092] | 45.95 | 1894 |
(SP38SW/130) | DAIMLER MOTORS LTD GREAT HEATH COVENTRY | [SP 3327 8085] | 188.21 | 1938 |
(SP38SW/131) | PARK STREET COVENTRY | [SP 3394 8134] | 12.80 | 1938 |
(SP38SW/132) | COURTAULDS FOLESHILL ROAD | [SP 3382 8075] | 91.44 | 1938 |
(SP38SW/133) | COURTAULDS FOLESHILL ROAD NO.2 | [SP 3380 8076] | 213.97 | 1908 |
(SP38SW/134) | COURTAULDS FOLESHILL ROAD NO.3 | [SP 3365 8083] | 321.56 | 1912 |
(SP38SW/135) | COURTAULDS FOLESHILL ROAD NO.5 | [SP 3373 8098] | 175.56 | 1914 |
(SP38SW/136) | COURTAULDS FOLESHILL ROAD NO.4 | [SP 3388 8094] | 161.85 | 1915 |
(SP38SW/137) | COURTAULDS FOLESHILL ROAD NO.8 | [SP 3408 8079] | 243.53 | 1935 |
(SP38SW/138) | COURTAULDS FOLESHILL ROAD NO.6 | [SP 3386 8049] | 238.35 | 1925 |
(SP38SW/139) | COURTAULDS FOLESHILL ROAD NO.7 | [SP 3424 8032] | 244.14 | 1933 |
(SP38SW/140) | STONEY STANTON ROAD COVENTRY | [SP 3448 8074] | 244.14 | 1933 |
(SP38SW/141) | CO-OP LAUNDRIES SWAN LANE COVENTRY | [SP 3492 8022] | 221.59 | 1935 |
(SP38SW/142) | CO-OP DAIRY SWAN LANE COVENTRY | [SP 3491 8017] | 106.68 | 1913 |
(SP38SW/143) | CO-OP DAIRY SWAN LANE COVENTRY NO.2 | [SP 3489 8015] | 178.92 | 1967 |
(SP38SW/144) | ORDNANCE WORKS ORDNANCE ROAD COVENTRY | [SP 3465 8012] | 190.19 | 1916 |
(SP38SW/145) | COVENTRY TRAM DEPOT | [SP 3429 8017] | 113.38 | 1907 |
(SP38SW/146) | LONDON LAUNDRY STONEY STANTON RD | [SP 3418 8001] | 36.27 | 1907 |
(SP38SW/147) | LONDON LAUNDRY STONEY STANTON RD | [SP 3416 8010] | 114.91 | 1923 |
(SP38SW/148) | LONDON LAUNDRY STONEY STANTON RD | [SP 3417 8010] | 99.21 | 1935 |
(SP38SW/149) | NUMBER NOT USED | |||
(SP38SW/150) | COTTAGE OPP LEIGHTON FARM CORLEY | [SP 3182 8418] | 6.55 | 1919 |
(SP38SW/151) | WELL IN SHED AT GOTTAGES KERSELEY | [SP 3063 8399] | 10.67 | 1919 |
(SP38SW/152) | YEW TREE COTTAGE KERSELEY GREEN | [SP 3182 8401] | 11.58 | 1919 |
(SP38SW/153) | WELL IN FIELD NR.HARE&HOUNDS KERESLEY | [SP 3187 8383] | 4.42 | 1919 |
(SP38SW/154) | COVENTRY CORP. FOLESHILL | [SP 3452 8365] | 28.96 | 1919 |
(SP38SW/155) | COVENTRY CORP. FOLESHILL | [SP 3450 8327] | 28.96 | 1919 |
(SP38SW/156) | BALFOUR TOWER PURIFIERS COVENTRY 2BHS | [SP 3465 8318] | * | 1928 |
(SP38SW/157) | NORTHFIELD FARM COUNDON | [SP 3015 8143] | 22.94 | 1919 |
(SP38SW/158) | BROWNS LANE BROWNSHILL FARM | [SP 3052 8275] | 18.89 | 1919 |
(SP38SW/159) | HILL ROAD COVENTRY | [SP 3042 8288] | 10.67 | 1919 |
(SP38SW/160) | HOLLYFAST FARM CORLEY | [SP 3014 8366] | 29.87 | 1919 |
(SP38SW/161) c | BIRCH TREE FARM N.C.B.COVENTRY | [SP 43101 28288] | 862.67 | 1980 |
(SP38SW/162) c | HAZEL GROVE N.C.B COVENTRY | [SP 30151 83749] | 871.95 | 1980 |
(SP38SW/163) | INDUSTRIAL EXT.NEWPORT RD 2BHS | [SP 338 823] | * | 1985 |
(SP38SW/164) | COVENTRY COLLIERY NO.1 PIT BOLTON ROAD | [SP 3213 8444] | 35.66 | 1985 |
(SP38SW/165) c | HOMEFIRE N.C.B.COVENTRY | [SP 32295 83873] | 250.79 | 1980 |
(SP38SW/166) | HEALTH CTR HOLBROOKS A-F | [SP 3337 8305] | * | 1981 |
(SP38SW/167) | LIVINGSTONE ROAD BATHS NO.1 | [SP 3400 8132] | 1.52 | 1959 |
(SP38SW/168) | LIVINGSTONE ROAD BATHS NO.2 | [SP 3401 8140] | 1.07 | 1959 |
(SP38SW/169 A | WEIGHTS& MEASURES OFFICE NO.1 COVENTRY | [SP 3398 8127] | 1.52 | 1967 |
(SP38SW/169 B | WEIGHTS& MEASURES OFFICE NO.2 COVENTRY | [SP 3399 8127] | 1.52 | 1967 |
(SP38SW/170) | HOLBROOK LANE/EVERDON ROAD NO.1 | [SP 3340 8260] | 7.50 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/171) | HOLBROOK LANE/EVERDON ROAD NO.2 | [SP 3337 8260] | 6.70 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/172) | COPTHORNE ROAD COVENTRY NO.1A | [SP 3179 8173] | 7.70 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/173) | COPTHORNE ROAD COVENTRY NO.2A | [SP 3180 8176] | 6.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/174) | COPTHORNE ROAD COVENTRY NO.3A | [SP 3177 8178] | 4.50 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/175) | COPTHORNE ROAD COVENTRY NO.4A | [SP 3177 8180] | 3.20 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/176) | COPTHORNE ROAD COVENTRY NO.5A | [SP 3175 8181] | 5.70 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/177) | COPTHORNE ROAD COVENTRY NO.6A | [SP 3181 8181] | 0.90 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/178) | COPTHORNE ROAD COVENTRY NO.7A. | [SP 3184 8180] | 5.90 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/179) | COPTHORNE ROAD COVENTRY NO.8A | [SP 3183 8184] | 4.10 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/180) | COPTHORNE ROAD COVENTRY NO.9A | [SP 3184 8185] | 4.40 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/181) | COPTHORNE ROAD COVENTRY NO.10A | [SP 3181 8186] | 5.70 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/182) | COPTHORNE ROAD COVENTRY NO.11A | [SP 3190 8186] | 4.90 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/183) | COPTHORNE ROAD COVENTRY NO.12A | [SP 3188 8189] | 4.90 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/184) | COPTHORNE ROAD COVENTRY NO.1 | [SP 3179 8183] | 2.29 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/185) | COPTHORNE ROAD COVENTRY NO.2 | [SP 3176 8186] | 1.98 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/186) | BEAKE AVENUE NO.1 | [SP 3258 8205] | 6.70 | 1961 |
(SP38SW/187) | BEAKE AVENUE NO.2 | [SP 3256 8209] | 5.49 | 1961 |
(SP38SW/188) | BEAKE AVENUE NO.3 | [SP 3258 8213] | 5.49 | 1961 |
(SP38SW/189) | BEAKE AVENUE NO.4 | [SP 3256 8216] | 5.49 | 1961 |
(SP38SW/190) | BEAKE AVENUE NO.5 | [SP 3258 8220] | 5.49 | 1961 |
(SP38SW/191) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.1 | [SP 3462 8240] | 9.50 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/192) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.2 | [SP 3457 8291] | 7.60 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/193) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.3 | [SP 3443 8297] | 1.50 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/194) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.4 | [SP 3439 8299] | 6.70 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/195) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.6 | [SP 3442 8300] | 2.40 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/196) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.7 | [SP 3454 8297] | 5.10 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/197) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.8 | [SP 3459 8296] | 4.80 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/198) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.9A&B | [SP 3465 8294] | * | 1984 |
(SP38SW/199) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.10 | [SP 3468 8292] | 6.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/200) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.11 | [SP 3471 8297] | 10.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/201) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.12 | [SP 3467 8298] | 9.80 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/202) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.13 | [SP 3461 8302] | 8.10 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/203) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.14 | [SP 3456 8301] | 4.10 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/204) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.15 | [SP 3440 8303] | 3.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/205) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.16 | [SP 3435 8305] | 6.40 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/206) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.17 | [SP 3437 8309] | 2.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/207) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.18 | [SP 3442 8307] | 1.80 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/208) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.19 | [SP 3440 8314] | 3.20 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/209) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.20 A&B | [SP 3444 8314] | * | 1984 |
(SP38SW/210) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.21 | [SP 3450 8313] | 2.10 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/211) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.22 | [SP 3455 8311] | 5.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/212) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.23 B&D | [SP 3466 8303] | * | 1984 |
(SP38SW/213) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.24 | [SP 3470 8304] | 6.30 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/214) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.25&25A | [SP 3473 8302] | * | 1984 |
(SP38SW/215) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.26A | [SP 3466 8315] | 9.20 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/216) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.27 | [SP 3460 8315] | 7.70 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/217) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.28 A,B&C | [SP 3455 8317] | * | 1984 |
(SP38SW/218) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.29 | [SP 3450 8319] | 9.70 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/219) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.30 | [SP 3446 8321] | 5.20 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/220) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.31 | [SP 3442 8323] | 7.40 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/221) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.35 B&C | [SP 3457 8324] | * | 1984 |
(SP38SW/222) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.36A | [SP 3462 8321] | 9.50 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/223) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.37 | [SP 3466 8318] | 9.10 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/224) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.32&32A | [SP 3445 8325] | * | 1984 |
(SP38SW/225) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.33 | [SP 3449 8323] | 9.10 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/226) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.34 A&B | [SP 3453 8322] | * | 1984 |
(SP38SW/227) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.38 | [SP 3462 8325] | 10.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/228) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.39 | [SP 3457 8324] | 10.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/229) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.40&40A | [SP 3452 8327] | * | 1984 |
(SP38SW/230) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.41 | [SP 3445 8330] | 10.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/231) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.48&48A | [SP 3450 8338] | * | 1984 |
(SP38SW/232) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.49 | [SP 3454 8332] | 9.70 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/233) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.50 | [SP 3455 8335] | 9.90 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/234) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.51 | [SP 3449 8334] | 10.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/235) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.62 A&B | [SP 3454 8343] | * | 1984 |
(SP38SW/236) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.63A | [SP 3458 8341] | 10.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/237) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.64 | [SP 3453 8346] | 6.30 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/238) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.71 | [SP 3459 8353] | 6.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/239) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.72 | [SP 3461 8357] | 5.90 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/240) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.42 | [SP 3434 8333] | 5.50 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/241) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.43 | [SP 3432 8329] | 6.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/242) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.44 | [SP 3427 8331] | 6.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/243) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.45&45B | [SP 3430 8323] | * | 1984 |
(SP38SW/244) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.46 | [SP 3426 8340] | 8.50 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/245) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.47 | [SP 3430 8337] | 6.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/246) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.52 | [SP 3438 8338] | 7.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/247) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.53 | [SP 3433 8340] | 6.50 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/248) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.54 | [SP 3428 8344] | 6.50 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/249) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.55 | [SP 3424 8346] | 6.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/250) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.56 | [SP 3420 8349] | 6.50 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/251) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.57 | [SP 3419 8351] | 4.40 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/252) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.58 | [SP 3426 8352] | 7.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/253) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.59 | [SP 3429 8348] | 4.50 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/254) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.60 | [SP 3435 8346] | 5.50 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/255) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.65 | [SP 3429 8355] | 4.90 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/256) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.66 | [SP 3425 8358] | 5.10 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/257) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.67 | [SP 3421 8360] | 4.80 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/258) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.68 | [SP 3424 8362] | 3.60 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/259) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.69 | [SP 3428 8361] | 4.50 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/260) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.70 | [SP 3434 8359] | 5.20 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/261) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.74 | [SP 3425 8365] | 4.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/262) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.1 MIDLAND GROUTING | [SP 3476 8292] | 100.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/263) | FOLESHILL GASWORKS NO.2 MIDLAND GROUTING | [SP 3470 8304] | 110.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/264) | STONEY STANTON ROAD FLATS NOS.1–5,1A-4A | [SP 3448 8103] | * | 1965 |
(SP38SW/265) | CHURCH OF THE HOLY FAMILY HOLBROOKS NO.1 | [SP 3269 8316] | 3.58 | 1965 |
(SP38SW/266) | CHURCH OF THE HOLY FAMILY HOLBROOKS NO.2 | [SP 3268 8316] | 3.15 | 1965 |
(SP38SW/267) | CHURCH OF THE HOLY FAMILY HOLBROOKS NO.3 | [SP 3269 8317] | 6.25 | 1965 |
(SP38SW/268) | CHURCH OF THE HOLY FAMILY HOLBROOKS NO.4 | [SP 3269 8319] | 3.66 | 1965 |
(SP38SW/269) | EDEN STREET FLATS NO.1 | [SP 3493 8122] | 8.08 | 1960 |
(SP38SW/270) | EDEN STREET FLATS NO.2 | [SP 3490 8121] | 7.62 | 1960 |
(SP38SW/271) | BEAKE AVENUE/FOSTER ROAD NOS.1–4 | [SP 3264 8117] | * | 1962 |
(SP38SW/272) | BEAKE AVENUE/FOSTER ROAD NO.5 | [SP 3263 8120] | 1.83 | 1962 |
(SP38SW/273) | BRISCOE ROAD SCHOOL NO.1 | [SP 3352 8365] | 1.22 | 1962 |
(SP38SW/274) | BRISCOE ROAD SCHOOL NO.2 | [SP 3356 8363] | 1.22 | 1962 |
(SP38SW/275) | BRISCOE ROAD SCHOOL NO.3 | [SP 3358 8361] | 1.22 | 1962 |
(SP38SW/276) | BRISCOE ROAD SCHOOL NO.4 | [SP 3362 8360] | 1.22 | 1962 |
(SP38SW/277) | BRISCOE ROAD SCHOOL NO.5 | [SP 3355 8360] | 1.22 | 1962 |
(SP38SW/278) | BRISCOE ROAD SCHOOL NO.6 | [SP 3351 8359] | 1.22 | 1962 |
(SP38SW/279) | BRISCOE ROAD SCHOOL NO.7 | [SP 3354 8357] | 1.22 | 1962 |
(SP38SW/280) | BRISCOE ROAD SCHOOL NO.8 | [SP 3358 8356] | 1.22 | 1962 |
(SP38SW/281) | BRISCOE ROAD SCHOOL NO.9 | [SP 3360 8356] | 1.22 | 1962 |
(SP38SW/282) | BROAD HEATH SCHOOL NOS.1&2 | [SP 3446 8119] | * | 1960 |
(SP38SW/283) | HOLLYFAST ROAD COUNDON COURT SCHOOL NO.1 | [SP 3125 8127] | 1.66 | 1969 |
(SP38SW/284) | HOLLYFAST ROAD COUNDON COURT SCHOOL NO.2 | [SP 3130 8128] | 1.66 | 1969 |
(SP38SW/285) | HOLLYFAST ROAD COUNDON COURT SCHOOL NO.3 | [SP 3126 8124] | 1.52 | 1969 |
(SP38SW/286) | HOLLYFAST ROAD COUNDON COURT SCHOOL NO.4 | [SP 3131 8124] | 1.52 | 1969 |
(SP38SW/287) | HOLLYFAST ROAD COUNDON COURT NO.1 | [SP 3113 8144] | 2.44 | 1969 |
(SP38SW/288) | HOLLYFAST ROAD COUNDON COURT NO.2 | [SP 3116 8144] | 2.44 | 1969 |
(SP38SW/289) | HOLLYFAST ROAD COUNDON COURT NO.3 | [SP 3120 8142] | 2.44 | 1969 |
(SP38SW/290) | HOLLYFAST ROAD COUNDON COURT NO.4 | [SP 3111 8140] | 2.44 | 1969 |
(SP38SW/291) | HOLLYFAST ROAD COUNDON COURT NO.5 | [SP 3111 8137] | 2.44 | 1969 |
(SP38SW/292) | HOLLYFAST ROAD COUNDON COURT NO.6 | [SP 3114 8137] | 2.44 | 1969 |
(SP38SW/293) | HOLLYFAST ROAD COUNDON COURT NO.7 | [SP 3114 8140] | 2.44 | 1969 |
(SP38SW/294) | HOLLYFAST ROAD COUNDON COURT NO.8 | [SP 3120 8147] | 1.50 | 1972 |
(SP38SW/295) | HOLLYFAST ROAD COUNDON COURT NO.9 | [SP 3119 8145] | 1.50 | 1972 |
(SP38SW/296) | COUNDON COURT NO.10 | [SP 3114 8132] | 2.00 | 1972 |
(SP38SW/297) | COUNDON COURT NO.11 | [SP 3117 8130] | 2.10 | 1972 |
(SP38SW/298) | COUNDON COURT NO.12 | [SP 3113 8129] | 1.60 | 1972 |
(SP38SW/299) | COUNDON COURT NO.13 | [SP 3116 8127] | 2.10 | 1972 |
(SP38SW/300) | COUNDON COURT NO.14 | [SP 3112 8126] | 1.60 | 1972 |
(SP38SW/301) | COUNDON COURT NO.15 | [SP 3104 8118] | 2.70 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/302) | COUNDON COURT NO.16 | [SP 3106 8112] | 2.60 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/303) | COUNDON COURT NO.17 | [SP 3106 8105] | 3.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/304) | COUNDON COURT NO.18 | [SP 3107 8104] | 5.50 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/305) | COUNDON COURT NO.19 | [SP 3108 8102] | 2.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/306) | COUNDON COURT NOS.20,24,25,28–30 | [SP 3107 8098] | * | 1973 |
(SP38SW/307) | COUNDON COURT NOS.21 | [SP 3110 8095] | 3.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/308) | COUNDON COURT NOS.22,23,26,27&31 | [SP 3104 8102] | * | 1973 |
(SP38SW/309) | EDEN STREET HOUSING NO.1 | [SP 3485 8127] | 2.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/310) | EDEN STREET HOUSING NO.2 | [SP 3487 8129] | 2.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/311) | EDEN STREET HOUSING NO.3 | [SP 3488 3130] | 2.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/312) | EDEN STREET HOUSING NO.4 | [SP 3488 8127] | 2.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/313) | EDEN STREET HOUSING NO.5 | [SP 3487 8125] | 2.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/314) | EDEN STREET HOUSING NO.6 | [SP 3489 8126] | 2.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/315) | EDEN STREET HOUSING NO.7 | [SP 3490 8127] | 2.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/316) | EDEN STREET HOUSING NO.8 | [SP 3484 8122] | 2.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/317) | EDEN STREET HOUSING NO.9 | [SP 3488 8122] | 2.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/318) | EDEN STREET HOUSING NO.10 | [SP 3490 8124] | 3.50 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/319) | EDEN STREET HOUSING NO.11 | [SP 3492 8126] | 2.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/320) | FOLESHILL FAMILY CENTRE NO.1 | [SP 3434 8155] | 3.00 | 1981 |
(SP38SW/321) | FOLESHILL FAMILY CENTRE NO.2 | [SP 3433 8153] | 3.00 | 1981 |
(SP38SW/322) | FOLESHILL FAMILY CENTRE NO.3 | [SP 3432 8157] | 3.00 | 1981 |
(SP38SW/323) | FOLESHILL FAMILY CENTRE NO.4 | [SP 3431 8154] | 3.00 | 1981 |
(SP38SW/324) | FOLESHILL FAMILY CENTRE NO.5 | [SP 3429 8157] | 3.00 | 1981 |
(SP38SW/325) | FOLESHILL FAMILY CENTRE NO.6 | [SP 3429 8155] | 3.00 | 1981 |
(SP38SW/326) | FOLESHILL ROAD EDGWICK SCHOOL NO.1 | [SP 3442 8168] | 1.68 | 1967 |
(SP38SW/327) | FOLESHILL ROAD EDGWICK SCHOOL NO.2 | [SP 3438 8168] | 1.52 | 1967 |
(SP38SW/328) | FOLESHILL ROAD EDGWICK SCHOOL NO.3 | [SP 3432 8168] | 1.68 | 1967 |
(SP38SW/329) | FOLESHILL ROAD EDGWICK SCHOOL NO.4 | [SP 3439 8166] | 1.52 | 1967 |
(SP38SW/330) | FOLESHILL ROAD EDGWICK SCHOOL NO.5 | [SP 3437 8166] | 1.52 | 1967 |
(SP38SW/331) | FOLESHILL ROAD EDGWICK SCHOOL NO.6 | [SP 3440 8164] | 1.07 | 1967 |
(SP38SW/332) | FOLESHILL ROAD HOUSING NOS.1–5 | [SP 3440 8198] | * | 1963 |
(SP38SW/333) | FOLESHILL YOUTH CENTRE NO.1 | [SP 3437 8198] | 1.90 | 1960 |
(SP38SW/334) | FOLESHILL YOUTH CENTRE NO.2 | [SP 3438 8196] | 1.68 | 1960 |
(SP38SW/335) | FOLESHILL YOUTH CENTRE NO.3 | [SP 3439 8195] | 1.37 | 1960 |
(SP38SW/336) | FOLESHILL ROAD C.E.DEPOT NO.3 | [SP 3345 8001] | 2.36 | 1957 |
(SP38SW/337) | FOLESHILL ROAD C.E.DEPOT NO.5 | [SP 3341 8005] | 1.52 | 1957 |
(SP38SW/338) | FOSTER ROAD HILL FARM SCHOOL NO.1 | [SP 3250 8120] | 1.52 | ---‑ |
(SP38SW/339) | FOSTER ROAD HILL FARM SCHOOL NO.2 | [SP 3254 8120] | 1.52 | 1957 |
(SP38SW/340) | FOSTER ROAD HILL FARM SCHOOL NO.3 | [SP 3256 8120] | 1.17 | 1957 |
(SP38SW/341) | FOSTER ROAD HILL FARM SCHOOL NO.4 | [SP 3260 8120] | 1.52 | 1957 |
(SP38SW/342) | FOSTER ROAD HILL FARM SCHOOL NO.5 | [SP 3251 8117] | 1.52 | 1957 |
(SP38SW/343) | FOSTER ROAD HILL FARM SCHOOL NO.6 | [SP 3257 8116] | 1.22 | 1957 |
(SP38SW/344) | FOSTER ROAD HILL FARM SCHOOL NO.7 | [SP 3255 8116] | 1.52 | 1957 |
(SP38SW/345) | FOSTER ROAD HILL FARM SCHOOL NO.9 | [SP 3260 8116] | 1.22 | 1957 |
(SP38SW/346) | FOSTER ROAD O.P. BUNGALOWS NO.1 | [SP 3236 8116] | 1.52 | 1966 |
(SP38SW/347) | FOSTER ROAD O.P. BUNGALOWS NO.2 | [SP 328 8116] | 1.52 | 1966 |
(SP38SW/348) | FOSTER ROAD O.P. BUNGALOWS NO.3 | [SP 3238 8112] | 1.52 | 1966 |
(SP38SW/349) | FOSTER ROAD O.P. BUNGALOWS NO.4 | [SP 3238 8109] | 1.52 | 1966 |
(SP38SW/350) | JOHN GULSON INFANTS SCHOOL NO.3 | [SP 3392 8018] | 1.68 | 1966 |
(SP38SW/351) | JOHN GULSON INFANTS SCHOOL NO.8 | [SP 3394 8014] | 1.75 | 1966 |
(SP38SW/352) | JOHN GULSON INFANTS SCHOOL NOS.2&5 | [SP 3391 8014] | * | 1976 |
(SP38SW/353) | JOHN GULSON INFANTS SCHOOL NOS.1,4,6&7 | [SP 3390 8010] | * | 1977 |
(SP38SW/354) | WHITMORE PARK PRIMARY SCHOOL | [SP 3230 8236] | 1.68 | 1955 |
(SP38SW/355) | HALFORD LANE SHELTERED FLATS NO.1A | [SP 3224 8268] | 1.60 | 1977 |
(SP38SW/356) | HALFORD LANE SHELTERED FLATS NO.2A | [SP 3223 8265] | 1.60 | 1977 |
(SP38SW/357) | HALFORD LANE SHELTERED FLATS NO.3A | [SP 3223 8261] | 2.80 | 1977 |
(SP38SW/358) | COTTAGE FARM ROAD SHELTERED FLATS NO.1 | [SP 3221 8257] | 2.80 | 1977 |
(SP38SW/359) | COTTAGE FARM ROAD SHELTERED FLATS NO.2 | [SP 3220 8242] | 2.80 | 1977 |
(SP38SW/360) | COTTAGE FARM ROAD SHELTERED FLATS NO.3 | [SP 3202 8245] | 2.80 | 1977 |
(SP38SW/361) | COTTAGE FARM ROAD SHELTERED FLATS NO.4 | [SP 3201 8257] | 2.70 | 1977 |
(SP38SW/362) | COTTAGE FARM ROAD SHELTERED FLATS NO.5 | [SP 3219 8253] | 2.90 | 1977 |
(SP38SW/363) | COTTAGE FARM ROAD SHELTERED FLATS NO.6 | [SP 3221 8250] | 3.20 | 1977 |
(SP38SW/364) | COTTAGE FARM ROAD SHELTERED FLATS NO.7 | [SP 3221 8248] | 3.00 | 1977 |
(SP38SW/365) | COTTAGE FARM ROAD SHELTERED FLATS NO.8 | [SP 3216 8244] | 3.00 | 1977 |
(SP38SW/366) | COTTAGE FARM ROAD SHELTERED FLATS NO.9 | [SP 3212 8243] | 3.00 | 1977 |
(SP38SW/367) | COTTAGE FARM ROAD SHELTERED FLATS NO.10 | [SP 3208 8245] | 3.00 | 1977 |
(SP38SW/368) | HALFORD LANE NO.1 | [SP 3214 8273] | 1.37 | 1970 |
(SP38SW/369) | HALFORD LANE NO.2 | [SP 3220 8272] | 1.52 | 1970 |
(SP38SW/370) | HALFORD LANE NO.3 | [SP 3226 8270] | 1.22 | 1970 |
(SP38SW/371) | HALFORD LANE NO.4 | [SP 3213 8268] | 1.22 | 1970 |
(SP38SW/372) | HALFORD LANE NO.5 | [SP 3218 8266] | 1.52 | 1970 |
(SP38SW/373) | HALFORD LANE NO.6 | [SP 3224 8264] | 1.22 | 1970 |
(SP38SW/374) | HALFORD LANE NO.7 | [SP 3213 8264] | 1.22 | 1970 |
(SP38SW/375) | HALFORD LANE NO.8 | [SP 3218 8262] | 1.22 | 1970 |
(SP38SW/376) | HALFORD LANE NO.9 | [SP 3212 8258] | 1.22 | 1970 |
(SP38SW/377) | HALFORD LANE NO.10 | [SP 3219 8258] | 1.52 | 1970 |
(SP38SW/378) | HALFORD LANE NO.11 | [SP 3226 8258] | 1.07 | 1970 |
(SP38SW/379) | HOLLOWAY FIELDS NO.1 | [SP 3205 8090] | 1.30 | 1971 |
(SP38SW/380) | HOLLOWAY FIELDS NO.2 | [SP 3206 8092] | 1.30 | 1971 |
(SP38SW/381) | HOLLOWAY FIELDS NO.3 | [SP 3204 8093] | 1.20 | 1971 |
(SP38SW/382) | HOLLOWAY FIELDS NO.4 | [SP 3201 8095] | 1.40 | 1971 |
(SP38SW/383) | HOLLOWAY FIELDS NO.5 | [SP 3203 8096] | 1.40 | 1971 |
(SP38SW/384) | HOLLOWAY FIELDS NO.6 | [SP 3207 8094] | 1.00 | 1971 |
(SP38SW/385) | HOLLOWAY FIELDS NO.7 | [SP 3207 8097] | 1.20 | 1971 |
(SP38SW/386) | HOLBROOK LANE PRIMARY SCHOOL NO.1 | [SP 3380 8210] | 1.52 | 1968 |
(SP38SW/387) | HOLBROOK LANE PRIMARY SCHOOL NO.2 | [SP 3382 8213] | 1.52 | 1968 |
(SP38SW/388) | HOLBROOK LANE PRIMARY SCHOOL NO.3 | [SP 3384 8210] | 1.52 | 1968 |
(SP38SW/389) | HOLBROOK LANE HEALTH CENTRE NO.1–6 | [SP 3337 8305] | * | 1981 |
(SP38SW/390) | HOLMSDALE RD BROAD HEATH SCHOOL NOS.1&2 | [SP 3441 8122] | * | 1964 |
(SP38SW/391) | KINGSBURY RD SPECIAL SCHOOL NO1 | [SP 3086 8081] | 2.90 | 1972 |
(SP38SW/392) | KINGSBURY RD SPECIAL SCHOOL NO2 | [SP 3089 8082] | 2.80 | 1972 |
(SP38SW/393) | KINGSBURY RD SPECIAL SCHOOL NO3 | [SP 3086 8086] | 2.50 | 1972 |
(SP38SW/394) | JUBILEE CRESCENT MULTI-PURPOSE BLDG NO.1 | [SP 3281 8156] | 1.45 | 1963 |
(SP38SW/395) | JUBILEE CRESCENT MULTI-PURPOSE BLDG NO.2 | [SP 3283 8156] | 1.52 | 1963 |
(SP38SW/396) | JUBILEE CRESCENT MULTI-PURPOSE BLDG NO.3 | [SP 3286 8156] | 1.52 | 1963 |
(SP38SW/397) | JUBILEE CRESCENT MULTI-PURPOSE BLDG NO.4 | [SP 3282 8160] | 1.52 | 1963 |
(SP38SW/398) | BEAKE AVENUE/LINKS ROAD NOS.1&2 | [SP 3265 8156] | * | 1964 |
(SP38SW/399) | LOCKHURST LANE SULPHIDED PLANT NO.1 | [SP 3384 8116] | 2.44 | 1964 |
(SP38SW/400) | LOCKHURST LANE SULPHIDED PLANT NO.2 | [SP 3390 8114] | ---- | 1964 |
(SP38SW/401) | LYTHALLS LANE PROPOSED PRIM SCHOOL NO.1 | [SP 3412 8259] | 2.90 | 1980 |
(SP38SW/402) | LYTHALLS LANE PROPOSED PRIM SCHOOL NO.2 | [SP 3412 8252] | 2.60 | 1980 |
(SP38SW/403) | LYTHALLS LANE PROPOSED PRIM SCHOOL NO.3 | [SP 3416 8243] | 2.50 | 1980 |
(SP38SW/404) | LYTHALLS LANE PROPOSED PRIM SCHOOL NO.4 | [SP 3419 8237] | 3.00 | 1980 |
(SP38SW/405) | LYTHALLS LANE PROPOSED PRIM SCHOOL NO.5 | [SP 3420 8231] | 2.30 | 1980 |
(SP38SW/406) | LYTHALLS LANE PROPOSED PRIM SCHOOL NO.6 | [SP 3426 8229] | 2.90 | 1980 |
(SP38SW/407) | LYTHALLS LANE PROPOSED PRIM SCHOOL NO.7 | [SP 3431 8231] | 2.70 | 1980 |
(SP38SW/408) | CANCELLED | |||
(SP38SW/409) | LYTHALLS LANE PROPOSED PRIM SCHOOL NO.9 | [SP 3430 8240] | 2.80 | 1980 |
(SP38SW/410) | LYTHALLS LANE PROPOSED PRIM SCHOOL NO.10 | [SP 3429 8246] | 3.00 | 1980 |
(SP38SW/411) | LYTHALLS LANE PROPOSED PRIM SCHOOL NO.11 | [SP 3424 8239] | 3.10 | 1980 |
(SP38SW/412) | LYTHALLS LANE PROPOSED PRIM SCHOOL NO.12 | [SP 3424 8248] | 2.80 | 1980 |
(SP38SW/413) | LYTHALLS LANE PROPOSED PRIM SCHOOL NO.13 | [SP 3422 8251] | 2.70 | 1980 |
(SP38SW/414) | LYTHALLS LANE PROPOSED PRIM SCHOOL NO.14 | [SP 3420 8250] | 2.80 | 1986 |
(SP38SW/415) | LYTHALLS LANE PROPOSED PRIM SCHOOL NO.15 | [SP 3427 8248] | 2.70 | 1986 |
(SP38SW/416. | LYTHALLS LANE PROPOSED PRIM SCHOOL NO.16 | [SP 3419 8247] | 2.80 | 1986 |
(SP38SW/417) | LYTHALLS LANE PROPOSED PRIM SCHOOL NO.17 | [SP 3421 8244] | 2.90 | 1986 |
(SP38SW/418) | LYTHALLS LANE PROPOSED PRIM SCHOOL NO.18 | [SP 3423 8246] | 3.00 | 1986 |
(SP38SW/419) | LYTHALLS LANE PROPOSED PRIM SCHOOL NO.19 | [SP 3426 8245] | 3.00 | 1986 |
(SP38SW/420) | OLD CHURCH ROAD GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL NO1 | [SP 3491 8200] | 1.90 | 1975 |
(SP38SW/421) | OLD CHURCH ROAD GOOD SHEPHERD SCHOOL NO2 | [SP 3492 8199] | 2.20 | 1975 |
(SP38SW/423) | PARKGATE PRIMARY SCHOOL | [SP 3303 8315] | 1.78 | 1955 |
(SP38SW/424) | PARKGATE SCHOOL EXTENSION NOS.1–4 | [SP 3296 8307] | * | 1969 |
(SP38SW/425) | BLACKWATCH CHRISTOPHER CASH SCHOOL 1–6 | [SP 3347 8134] | * | 1982 |
(SP38SW/426) | SIDNEY STRINGER S.C.S. NO.1 | [SP 3344 8143] | 1.50 | 1972 |
(SP38SW/427) | SIDNEY STRINGER S.C.S. NO.2 | [SP 3349 8141] | 2.20 | 1972 |
(SP38SW/428) | SIDNEY STRINGER S.C.S. NO.3 | [SP 3346 8140] | 2.00 | 1972 |
(SP38SW/429) | SIDNEY STRINGER S.C.S. NO.4 | [SP 3342 8130] | 2.80 | 1974 |
(SP38SW/430) | SIDNEY STRINGER S.C.S. NO.5 | [SP 3354 8137] | 3.10 | 1974 |
(SP38SW/431) | SIDNEY STRINGER S.C.S. NO.6 | [SP 3354 8133] | 2.40 | 1974 |
(SP38SW/432) | SIDNEY STRINGER S.C.S. NO.7 | [SP 3352 8132] | 2.60 | 1974 |
(SP38SW/433) | BRUCE ROAD/LINKS ROAD NO.1 | [SP 3247 8162] | 1.37 | 1970 |
(SP38SW/434) | BRUCE ROAD/LINKS ROAD NO.2 | [SP 3248 8162] | 1.52 | 1970 |
(SP38SW/435) | RADFORD COMMON NOS.1–3&16–18 | [SP 3248 8083] | * | 1968 |
(SP38SW/436) | RADFORD COMMON NO.5 | [SP 3244 8087] | 1.98 | 1968 |
(SP38SW/437) | RADFORD COMMON NO.28 | [SP 3252 8084] | 2.59 | 1968 |
(SP38SW/438) | RADFORD COMMON NOS.6–10,12&13 | [SP 3243 8089] | * | 1968 |
(SP38SW/439) | RADFORD COMMON NOS.11,24&25 | [SP 3248 8089] | * | 1968 |
(SP38SW/440) | RADFORD COMMON NOS.26&32 | [SP 3251 8089] | * | 1968 |
(SP38SW/441) | RADFORD COMMON NOS.27&29–31 | [SP 3253 8086] | * | 1968 |
(SP38SW/442) | NUNTS LANE PRESIDENT KENNEDY COMP.NO.1 | [SP 3268 8360] | 2.06 | 1964 |
(SP38SW/443) | NUNTS LANE PRESIDENT KENNEDY COMP.N0.2 | [SP 3263 8360] | 1.45 | 1964 |
(SP38SW/444) | NUNTS LANE PRESIDENT KENNEDY COMP.N0.3 | [SP 3259 8360] | 1.83 | 1964 |
(SP38SW/445) | NUNTS LANE PRESIDENT KENNEDY COMP.N0.4 | [SP 3270 8364] | 1.75 | 1964 |
(SP38SW/446) | NUNTS LANE PRESIDENT KENNEDY COMP.N0.5 | [SP 3266 8364] | 1.52 | 1964 |
(SP38SW/447) | NUNTS LANE PRESIDENT KENNEDY COMP.N0.6 | [SP 3262 8364] | 1.52 | 1964 |
(SP38SW/448) | NUNTS LANE PRESIDENT KENNEDY COMP.N0.7 | [SP 3256 8364] | 1.68 | 1964 |
(SP38SW/449) | NUNTS LANE PRESIDENT KENNEDY COMP.N0.8 | [SP 3270 8369] | 1.60 | 1964 |
(SP38SW/450) | NUNTS LANE PRESIDENT KENNEDY COMP.N0.9 | [SP 3266 8369] | 1.68 | 1964 |
(SP38SW/451) | NUNTS LANE PRESIDENT KENNEDY COMP.N0.10 | [SP 3262 8369] | 2.44 | 1964 |
(SP38SW/452) | NUNTS LANE PRESIDENT KENNEDY COMP.NO.11 | [SP 3256 8369] | 1.83 | 1964 |
(SP38SW/453) | NUNTS LANE PRESIDENT KENNEDY COMP.N0.12 | [SP 3252 8369] | ---- | 1964 |
(SP38SW/454) | NUNTS LANE PRESIDENT KENNEDY COMP.N0.13 | [SP 3268 8373] | 1.83 | 1964 |
(SP38SW/455) | NUNTS LANE PRESIDENT KENNEDY COMP.N0.14 | [SP 3263 8373] | 1.98 | 1964 |
(SP38SW/456) | NUNTS LANE PRESIDENT KENNEDY COMP.N0.15 | [SP 3358 8373] | 1.98 | 1964 |
(SP38SW/457) | NUNTS LANE PRESIDENT KENNEDY COMP.N0.16 | [SP 3254 8373] | 1.60 | 1964 |
(SP38SW/458) | NUNTS LANE PRESIDENT KENNEDY COMP.N0.17 | [SP 3257 8377] | 1.68 | 1964 |
(SP38SW/459) | NUNTS LANE PRESIDENT KENNEDY COMP.N0.18 | [SP 3264 8377] | 1.98 | 1964 |
(SP38SW/460) | NUNTS LANE PRESIDENT KENNEDY COMP.NO.19 | [SP 3270 8377] | 2.13 | 1964 |
(SP38SW/461) | SANDPITS LANE CARDINAL NEWMAN SCHOOL NO1 | [SP 3135 8290] | 3.00 | 1975 |
(SP38SW/462) | SANDPITS LANE CARDINAL NEWMAN SCHOOL NO2 | [SP 3146 8275] | 3.00 | 1975 |
(SP38SW/463) | SANDPITS LANE CARDINAL NEWMAN SCHOOL NO3 | [SP 3156 8262] | 3.00 | 1975 |
(SP38SW/464) | SANDPITS LANE CARDINAL NEWMAN SCHOOL N04 | [SP 3152 8275] | 3.00 | 1975 |
(SP38SW/465) | SANDPITS LANE CARDINAL NEWMAN SCHOOL N05 | [SP 3150 8290] | 3.00 | 1975 |
(SP38SW/466) | SCOTS LANE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT NO.1 | [SP 3190 8119] | 1.52 | 1970 |
(SP38SW/467) | SCOTS LANE THISTLEY FIELD WEST NO.2 | [SP 3199 8113] | 1.52 | 1970 |
(SP38SW/468) | SCOTS LANE THISTLEY FIELD EAST NO.3 | [SP 3207 8108] | 1.52 | 1970 |
(SP38SW/469) | SCOTS LANE HOLLOWAY FIELD NO.4 | [SP 3213 8106] | 1.52 | 1970 |
(SP38SW/470) | SCOTS LANE THISTLEY FIELD WEST NO.5 | [SP 3192 8112] | 1.22 | 1970 |
(SP38SW/472) |
[SP 3211 8102] |
1.22 |
1970 |
(SP38SW/473) | SCOTS LANE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT NO.8 | [SP 3188 8108] | 1.52 | 1970 |
(SP38SW/474) | SCOTS LANE THISTLEY FIELD WEST NO.9 | [SP 3194 8107] | 1.52 | 1970 |
(SP38SW/475) | SCOTS LANE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT NO.10 | [SP 3188 8108] | 1.52 | 1970 |
(SP38SW/476) | SCOTS LANE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT NO.12 | [SP 3187 8104] | 1.52 | 1970 |
(SP38SW/477) | SCOTS LANE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT NO.13 | [SP 3195 8103] | 1.52 | 1970 |
(SP38SW/478) | SCOTS LANE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT NO.14 | [SP 3191 8101] | 1.52 | 1970 |
(SP38SW/479) | SCOTS LANE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT NO.20 | [SP 3216 8101] | 1.52 | 1970 |
(SP38SW/480) | SCOTS LANE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT NO.21 | [SP 3219 8105] | 1.52 | 1970 |
(SP38SW/481) | SOWE VALLEY SEWER | [SP 3486 8353] | 2.74 | 1970 |
(SP38SW/482) | WILSONS LANE NO.1 | [SP 3472 8423] | 2.50 | 1975 |
(SP38SW/483) | WILSONS LANE NO.2 | [SP 3476 8420] | 3.00 | 1975 |
(SP38SW/484) | WILSONS LANE NO.3 | [SP 3483 8426] | 2.90 | 1975 |
(SP38SW/485) | WILSONS LANE NO.4 | [SP 3490 8432] | 2.00 | 1975 |
(SP38SW/486) | WILSONS LANE NO.5 | [SP 3489 8438] | 2.80 | 1975 |
(SP38SW/487) | WILSONS LANE NO.6 | [SP 3481 8443] | 2.80 | 1975 |
(SP38SW/488) | WILSONS LANE NO.7 | [SP 3475 8432] | 2.30 | 1975 |
(SP38SW/489) | SYDNALL ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE NO.1 | [SP 3487 8408] | 2.44 | 1968 |
(SP38SW/490) | SYDNALL ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE NO.2 | [SP 3487 8403] | 1.98 | 1968 |
(SP38SW/491) | SYDNALL ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE NO.3 | [SP 3488 8407] | 2.29 | 1968 |
(SP38SW/492) | SYDNALL ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE NO.4 | [SP 3493 8407] | 1.52 | 1968 |
(SP38SW/493) | SYDNALL ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE NO.5 | [SP 3495 8407] | 2.29 | 1968 |
(SP38SW/494) | SYDNALL ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE NO.6,7&9A | [SP 3498 8407] | * | 1968 |
(SP38SW/495) | SYDNALL ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE NO.1A | [SP 3494 8423] | 2.59 | 1968 |
(SP38SW/496) | SYDNALL ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE NO.2A | [SP 3498 8420] | 2.13 | 1968 |
(SP38SW/497) | SYDNALL ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE NO.4A | [SP 3491 8420] | 3.05 | 1967 |
(SP38SW/498) | SYDNALL ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE NO.5A | [SP 3497 8415] | 2.29 | 1967 |
(SP38SW/499) | SYDNALL ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE NO.6A | [SP 3493 8410] | 1.98 | 1967 |
(SP38SW/500) | SYDNALL ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE NO.7A | [SP 3487 8413] | 2.29 | 1967 |
(SP38SW/501) | SYDNALL ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE NO.8A | [SP 3491 8411] | 2.74 | 1967 |
(SP38SW/502) | SYDNALL ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE NO.10A | [SP 3483 8409] | 1.98 | 1967 |
(SP38SW/503) | SYDNALL ROAD INDUSTRIAL ESTATE NO.11A | [SP 3487 8405] | 2.67 | 1967 |
(SP38SW/504) | SYDNALL ROAD INDUSTRIAL EST NOS.12A&13A | [SP 3483 8405] | * | 1967 |
(SP38SW/505) | SYDNALL ROAD INDUSTRIAL EST NOS.14A | [SP 3494 8400] | 1.52 | 1967 |
(SP38SW/506) | STONEY STANTON ROAD POLICE STATION NO.1 | [SP 3442 8104] | 1.83 | 1965 |
(SP38SW/507) | STONEY STANTON ROAD POLICE STATION NO.2 | [SP 3446 8103] | 1.83 | 1965 |
(SP38SW/508) | STONEY STANTON ROAD POLICE STATION NO.3 | [SP 3446 8100] | 1.83 | 1965 |
(SP38SW/509) | STONEY STANTON ROAD POLICE STATION NO.4 | [SP 3445 8096] | 1.90 | 1965 |
(SP38SW/510) | STONEY STANTON ROAD POLICE STATION NO.5 | [SP 3447 8096] | 1.83 | 1965 |
(SP38SW/511) | STONEY STANTON ROAD POLICE STATION NO.6 | [SP 3447 8098] | 1.83 | 1965 |
(SP38SW/512) | STONEY STANTON ROAD POLICE STATION NO.7 | [SP 3448 8100] | 1.83 | 1965 |
(SP38SW/513) | STONEY STANTON ROAD POLICE STATION NO.8 | [SP 3451 8095] | 2.21 | 1965 |
(SP38SW/514) | STONEY STANTON RD TRANSPORT DEPOT NO.1A | [SP 3428 8016] | 2.74 | 1963 |
(SP38SW/515) | STONEY STANTON RD TRANSPORT DEPOT NO.2A | [SP 3426 8022] | 3.20 | 1963 |
(SP38SW/516) | STONEY STANTON RD TRANSPORT DEPOT NO.3A | [SP 3423 8023] | 2.29 | 1963 |
(SP38SW/517) | STONEY STANTON RD TRANSPORT DEPOT NO.4A | [SP 3432 8018] | 3.50 | 1963 |
(SP38SW/518) | STONEY STANTON RD TRANSPORT DEPOT NO.5A | [SP 3429 8024] | 3.20 | 1963 |
(SP38SW/519) | STONEY STANTON RD TRANSPORT DEPOT NO.6A | [SP 3426 8027] | 3.05 | 1963 |
(SP38SW/520) | PARKVILLE HIGHWAY/GLENTWORTH AVEUE | [SP 3256 8283] | 8.50 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/521) | HALFORD LANE COVENTRY | [SP 3228 8285] | 7.10 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/522) | HALFORD LANE/GREENS ROAD COVENTRY | [SP 3225 8210] | 6.10 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/523) | BENNETTS ROAD SOUTH/KERESLEY BROOK RD | [SP 3196 8287] | 5.50 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/524) | SANDPITS LANE COVENTRY | [SP 3185 8286] | 7.10 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/525) | LAVENDER AVENUE/EVENLODE CRESCENT | [SP 3166 8006] | 7.10 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/526) | MAX ROAD/REDESDALE AVENUE COVENTRY | [SP 3190 8014] | 5.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/527) | BARKERS BUTTS LANE COVENTRY | [SP 3217 8010] | 5.40 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/528) | SPORTSFIELD AT TOP OF EMBANKMENT NO.1 | [SP 3412 8246] | 9.60 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/529) | SPORTSFIELD AT TOP OF EMBANKMENT NO.2 | [SP 3416 8234] | 8.60 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/530) | HALF WAY UP SOUTH EMBANKMENT NO.3 | [SP 3419 8225] | 4.10 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/531) | NORTH EMBANKMENT NOS.4,4A,5&6 | [SP 3422 8225] | * | 1984 |
(SP38SW/532) | TOP OF NORTH EMBANKMENT NO.7 | [SP 3426 8223] | 10.10 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/533) | TOP OF NORTH EMBANKMENT NO.8 | [SP 3430 8220] | 10.10 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/534) | RAILWAY LEVEL (CUTTING) COVENTRY | [SP 3439 8215] | 2.10 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/535) | OUTSIDE NO.867 FOLESHILL ROAD NO.10 | [SP 3449 8212] | 8.10 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/536) | ADJACENT NO.2 BERESFORD AVENUE NO.11 | [SP 3447 8208] | 8.20 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/537) | ADJACENT NO.624 FOLESHILL RD NO.12 | [SP 3449 8208] | 8.60 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/538) | ADJACENT NO.626 FOLESHILL RD NO.13 | [SP 3451 8211] | 8.20 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/539) | RAILWAY LEVEL COVENTRY NO.14 | [SP 3460 8203] | 8.30 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/540) | CANAL BRIDGE NW PARAPET COVENTRY NO.15 | [SP 3472 8194] | 13.50 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/541) | CANAL BRIDGE NE PARAPET COVENTRY NO.16 | [SP 3474 8193] | 11.50 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/542) | CANAL BRIDGE SW PARAPET COVENTRY NO.17 | [SP 3471 8192] | 13.50 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/543) | CANAL BRIDGE SE PARAPET COVENTRY NO.18 | [SP 3474 8190] | 12.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/544) | RAILWAY LEVEL COVENTRY NO.19 | [SP 3480 8185] | 13.50 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/545) | RAILWAY LEVEL COVENTRY NO.20 | [SP 3486 8177] | 13.60 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/546) | RAILWAY LEVEL COVENTRY NO.21 | [SP 3493 8168] | 14.20 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/547) | RAILWAY LEVEL COVENTRY NO.22 | [SP 3498 8160] | 13.60 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/548) | RAILWAY LEVEL (CUTTING) COVENTRY NO.29 | [SP 3499 8061] | 4.10 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/549) | NORTHERN CANAL BRIDGE NOS.30–33 | [SP 3494 8061] | * | 1984 |
(SP38SW/550) | SOUTHERN CANAL BRIDGE NOS.34–37 | [SP 3491 8051] | * | 1984 |
(SP38SW/551) | COUNDON WEDGE COVENTRY NO.1 | [SP 3039 8041] | 5.70 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/552) | COUNDON WEDGE COVENTRY NO.2 | [SP 3044 8068] | 6.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/553) | COUNDON WEDGE COVENTRY NO.3 | [SP 3066 8096] | 6.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/554) | COUNDON WEDGE COVENTRY NO.4 | [SP 3062 8122] | 6.50 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/555) | COUNDON WEDGE COVENTRY NO.6 | [SP 3033 8156] | 6.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/556) | COUNDON WEDGE COVENTRY NO.7 | [SP 3048 8169] | 6.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/557) | COUNDON WEDGE COVENTRY NO.9 | [SP 3061 8215] | 7.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/558) | COUNDON WEDGE COVENTRY NO.10 | [SP 3084 8245] | 4.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/559) | COUNDON WEDGE COVENTRY NO.11 | [SP 3062 8133] | 3.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/560) | COUNDON WEDGE COVENTRY NO.12 | [SP 3057. 8131] | 7.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/561) | COUNDON WEDGE COVENTRY NO.13 | [SP 3048 8196] | 4.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/562) c | S4267 COVENTRY NO.3 | [SP 3497 8076] | 5.00 | 1979 |
(SP38SW/563) c | S4267 COVENTRY NO.4 | [SP 3494 8066] | 5.00 | 1979 |
(SP38SW/564) c | S4267 COVENTRY NO.5 | [SP 3492 8060] | 5.50 | 1979 |
(SP38SW/565) | SHOPS & MAISONETTES AT EVERDON ROAD | [SP 3294 8264] | 1.22 | 1952 |
(SP38SW/566) | JAGUAR CARS BROWNS LANE WORKS NO.16 | [SP 3016 8145] | 4.30 | 1985 |
(SP38SW/567) | JAGUAR CARS BROWNS LANE WORKS NO.17 | [SP 3022 8156] | 4.60 | 1985 |
(SP38SW/568) | JAGUAR CARS BROWNS LANE WORKS NO.18 | [SP 3025 8162] | 6.00 | 1985 |
(SP38SW/569) | JAGUAR CARS BROWNS LANE WORKS NO.19 | [SP 3031 8173] | 3.10 | 1985 |
(SP38SW/570) | JAGUAR CARS BROWNS LANE WORKS NO.20 | [SP 3034 8182] | 4.70 | 1985 |
(SP38SW/571) | JAGUAR CARS BROWNS LANE WORKS NO.21 | [SP 3037 8291] | 6.00 | 1985 |
(SP38SW/572) | JAGUAR CARS BROWNS LANE WORKS NO.22 | [SP 3039 8200] | 5.10 | 1985 |
(SP38SW/573) | JAGUAR CARS BROWNS LANE WORKS NO.23 | [SP 3042 8210] | 5.00 | 1985 |
(SP38SW/574) | JAGUAR CARS BROWNS LANE WORKS NO.24 | [SP 3041 8217] | 5.00 | 1985 |
(SP38SW/575) | JAGUAR CARS BROWNS LANE WORKS NO.25 | [SP 3034 8225] | 3.60 | 1985 |
(SP38SW/576) | JAGUAR CARS BROWNS LANE WORKS NO.26 | [SP 3026 8225] | 4.20 | 1985 |
(SP38SW/577) | JAGUAR CARS BROWNS LANE WORKS NO.27 | [SP 3031 8211] | 5.40 | 1985 |
(SP38SW/578) | JAGUAR CARS BROWNS LANE WORKS NO.28 | [SP 3037 8205] | 5.30 | 1985 |
(SP38SW/579) | JAGUAR CARS BROWNS LANE WORKS NO.29 | [SP 3015 8216] | 4.10 | 1985 |
(SP38SW/580) | JAGUAR CARS BROWNS LANE WORKS NO.30 | [SP 3019 8221] | 4.20 | 1985 |
(SP38SW/581) | JAGUAR CARS BROWNS LANE WKS TRIAL PIT 21 | [SP 3032 8194] | 2.30 | 1985 |
(SP38SW/582) c | BROARDACRES BOREHOLE | [SP 3011 8415] | 830.00 | 1985 |
(SP38SW/583) c | ROOKERY FARM BOREHOLE | [SP 3106 8161] | 946.20 | 1985 |
(SP38SW/584) | COUNDON COURT 1 | [SP 3115 8145] | 20.30 | 1985 |
(SP38SW/585) | COUNDON COURT 2 | [SP 3108 8146] | 20.00 | 1985 |
(SP38SW/586) | COUNDON COURT 3 | [SP 3109 8136] | 20.30 | 1985 |
(SP38SW/587) | COUNDON COURT 4 | [SP 3116 8141] | 20.00 | 1985 |
(SP38SW/588) | JAGUAR FIRE STATION 1 | [SP 3017 8188] | 20.10 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/589) | JAGUAR SCRAP YARD 2 | [SP 3011 8210] | 20.50 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/590) | JAGUAR CAR PARK 3 | [SP 3025 8217] | 20.10 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/591) | EDGWICK PARK FOLESHILL 3BHS | [SP 3452 8196] | * | 1980 |
(SP38SW/592) c | JAGUAR OFFICE 1 | [SP 3002 8143] | 5.10 | 1974 |
(SP38SW/593) c | JAGUAR OFFICE 2 | [SP 3002 8146] | 4.50 | 1974 |
(SP38SW/594) | MOAT HOUSE DRIVE 6 | [SP 3491 8461] | 12.20 | 1974 |
(SP38SW/595) c | JAGUAR CARS S3180 10BHS | [SP 3040 8230] | * | 1974 |
(SP38SW/596) | ALLESLEY BY-PASS T | [SP 3010 8045] | 7.00 | 1964 |
(SP38SW/597) | ALLESLEY BY-PASS S | [SP 3012 8049] | 7.60 | 1964 |
(SP38SW/598) | OBAN ROAD RAILWAY 1 | [SP 3496 8427] | 22.00 | 1984 |
(SP38SW/599) | MAX ROAD COOUNDON CB2 | [SP 3190 8015] | 5.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/600) | BARKER BUTTS LANE COUNDON CBB1 | [SP 3217 8010] | 5.40 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/601) | BARKER BUTTS LANE COUNDON CBB2 | [SP 3192 8032] | 6.40 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/602) | BARKER BUTTS LANE COUNDON CBB3 | [SP 3177 8043] | 5.30 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/603) | HOLLYHEAD ROAD COUNDON CBB4 | [SP 3160 8070] | 5.10 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/604) | EVENLODE CRESCENT COUNDON CE2 | [SP 3164 8005] | 7.10 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/605) | EVENLODE CRESCENT COUNDON CE3 | [SP 3156 8021] | 4.90 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/606) | COURTLAND AVENUE COUNDON CE4 | [SP 3148 8040] | 6.30 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/607) | BARKER BUTTS LANE COUNDON CM3 | [SP 3228 8000] | 5.40 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/608) | MOSELEX AVENUE COUNDON CM4 | [SP 3240 8020] | 5.60 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/609) | POOLE ROAD COUNDON CM5 | [SP 3237 8046] | 5.30 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/610) | POOLE ROAD COUNDON CM6 | [SP 3216 8053] | 4.80 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/611) | GLENTWORTH AVENUE AREA GA1 | [SP 3267 8355] | 5.50 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/612) | GLENTWORTH AVENUE AREA GA2 | [SP 3263 8298] | 5.00 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/613) | GLENTWORTH AVENUE AREA GA3 | [SP 3247 8284] | 8.50 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/614) | GLENTWORTH AVENUE AREA GA4 | [SP 3227 8284] | 7.05 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/615) | GLENTWORTH AVENUE AREA GA5 | [SP 3225 8233] | 6.10 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/616) | GLENTWORTH AVENUE AREA GA6 | [SP 3195 8286] | 5.50 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/617) | GLENTWORTH AVENUE AREA GA7 | [SP 3185 8286] | 7.05 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/618) | FOLESHILL ROAD AREA Fl | [SP 3461 8240] | 4.50 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/619) | FOLESHILL ROAD AREA F2 | [SP 3467 8258] | 3.60 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/620) | FOLESHILL ROAD AREA F3 | [SP 3480 8288] | 7.70 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/621) | FOLESHILL ROAD AREA F4 | [SP 3482 8293] | 7.20 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/622) | FOLESHILL ROAD AREA F5 | [SP 3482 8295] | 7.20 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/623) | FOLESHILL ROAD AREA F6 | [SP 3486 8306] | 6.80 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/624) | FOLESHILL ROAD AREA F7 | [SP 3495 8321] | 4.60 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/625) | FOLESHILL ROAD AREA F8 | [SP 3475 8277] | 5.50 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/626) | FOLESHILL ROAD AREA F9 | [SP 3486 8269] | 3.60 | 1973 |
(SP38SW/627) | SANDY LANE COVENTRY 1 | [SP 3326 3510] | 1.30 | 1974 |
(SP38SW/628) | SANDY LANE COVENTRY 2 | [SP 3331 3514] | 5.50 | 1974 |
(SP38SW/629) | SANDY LANE COVENTRY 3 | [SP 3331 3511] | 3.50 | 1974 |
(SP38SW/630) | SANDY LANE COVENTRY 4 | [SP 3333 3509] | 4.00 | 1974 |
(SP38SW/631) | ROWLEYS GREEN LANE TRIAL PIT 1 | [SP 3451 8393] | 3.30 | 1976 |
(SP38SW/632) | ROWLEYS GREEN LANE TRIAL PIT 2 | [SP 3456 8394] | 2.90 | 1976 |
(SP38SW/633) | ROWLEYS GREEN LANE TRIAL PIT 3 | [SP 3461 8395] | 2.10 | 1976 |
(SP38SW/634) | ROWLEYS GREEN LANE TRIAL PIT 4 | [SP 3466 8397] | 3.20 | 1976 |
(SP38SW/635) | ROWLEYS GREEN LANE TRIAL PIT 5 | [SP 3463 8392] | 1.50 | 1976 |
(SP38SW/636) | ROWLEYS GREEN LANE TRIAL PIT 6 | [SP 3462 8392] | 2.30 | 1976 |
(SP38SW/637) | ROWLEYS GREEN LANE TRIAL PIT 7 | [SP 3466 8388] | 3.80 | 1976 |
(SP38SW/638) | ROWLEYS GREEN LANE TRIAL PIT 8 | [SP 3469 8393] | 2.20 | 1976 |
(SP38SW/639) | ROWLEYS GREEN LANE TRIAL PIT 9 | [SP 3459 8400] | 2.70 | 1976 |
(SP38SW/640) c | WILSONS LANE BEDWORTH 2 | [SP 3499 8449] | 4.95 | 1977 |
(SP38SW/641) c | WILSONS LANE BEDWORTH 3 | [SP 3497 8450] | 5.00 | 1977 |
(SP38SW/642) c | WILSONS LANE BEDWORTH 4 | [SP 3496 8451] | 5.15 | 1977 |
(SP38SW/643) c | WILSONS LANE BEDWORTH 5 | [SP 3496 8450] | 4.40 | 1977 |
(SP38SW/644) c | WILSONS LANE HOTEL BEDWORTH TRIAL PIT 1 | [SP 3487 8453] | 3.30 | 1972 |
(SP38SW/645) c | WILSONS LANE HOTEL BEDWORTH TRIAL PIT 2 | [SP 3487 8453] | 3.40 | 1972 |
(SP38SW/646) c | WILSONS LANE HOTEL BEDWORTH TRIAL PIT 3 | [SP 3487 8453] | 3.00 | 1972 |
(SP38SW/647) c | WILSONS LANE HOTEL BEDWORTH TRIAL PIT 4 | [SP 3487 8453] | 3.30 | 1972 |
(SP38SW/648) c | WILSONS LANE HOTEL BEDWORTH TRIAL PIT 5 | [SP 3487 8453] | 3.30 | 1972 |
(SP38SW/649) | KINGFIELD ROAD BLOCK 5 TRIAL PIT 1 | [SP 336 806] | 2.20 | 1972 |
(SP38SW/650) | KINGFIELD ROAD BLOCK 5 TRIAL PIT 2 | [SP 336 806] | 2.70 | 1972 |
(SP38SW/651) | KINGFIELD ROAD BLOCK 5 TRIAL PIT 3 | [SP 336 806] | 2.70 | 1972 |
(SP38SW/652) | KINGFIELD ROAD BLOCK 5 TRIAL PIT 4 | [SP 336 806] | 2.60 | 1972 |
(SP38SW/653) | KINGFIELD ROAD BLOCK 10 TRIAL PIT 1 | [SP 336 806] | 2.30 | 1972 |
(SP38SW/654) | KINGFIELD ROAD BLOCK 10 TRIAL PIT 2 | [SP 336 806] | 1.70 | 1972 |
(SP38SW/655) | KINGFIELD ROAD BLOCK 10 TRIAL PIT 3 | [SP 336 806] | 2.40 | 1972 |
(SP38SW/656) | KINGFIELD ROAD BLOCK 10 TRIAL PIT 4 | [SP 336 806] | 2.60 | 1972 |
(SP38SW/657) | COVENTRY COLLIERY NO.1 BH | [SP 3208 8432] | 20.73 | 1961 |
(SP38SW/658) | COVENTRY COLLIERY WINDING HO. BH NO.1 | [SP 322 844] | 11.28 | 1969 |
(SP38SW/659) | COVENTRY COLLIERY WINDING HO. BH NO.2 | [SP 322 844] | 11.43 | 1969 |
(SP38SW/660) | COVENTRY COLLIERY WINDING HO. BH NO.3 | [SP 322 844] | 10.67 | 1969 |
(SP38SW/661) | COVENTRY COLLIERY WINDING HO. BH NO.4 | [SP 322 844] | 10.06 | 1969 |
(SP38SW/662) | COVENTRY COLLIERY NO.2 BH | [SP 3213 8431] | 7.62 | 1961 |
(SP38SW/663) | COVENTRY COLLIERY NO.3 BH | [SP 3214 8432] | 20.42 | 1961 |
(SP38SW/664) | COVENTRY COLLIERY NO.4 BH | [SP 3212 8435] | 6.71 | 1961 |
(SP38SW/665) | COVENTRY COLLIERY NO.5 BH | [SP 3205 8440] | 10.06 | 1961 |
(SP38SW/666) | LAWRENCE SAUNDERS RD.BAPTIST CHURCH TP1 | [SP 3246 8025] | 3.20 | 1987 |
(SP38SW/667) | LAWRENCE SAUNDERS RD.BAPTIST CHURCH TP2 | [SP 3246 8025] | 3.20 | 1987 |
(SP38SW/668) | LAWRENCE SAUNDERS RD.BAPTIST CHURCH TP3 | [SP 3246 8025] | 1.55 | 1987 |
(SP38SW/669) | LAWRENCE SAUNDERS RD.BAPTIST CHURCH TP4 | [SP 3246 8025] | 3.10 | 1987 |
(SP38SW/670) | LAWRENCE SAUNDERS RD.BAPTIST CHURCH TP5 | [SP 3246 8025] | 1.90 | 1987 |
(SP38SW/671) | KERSLEY COL.CARBONISATION PLANT BH1 | [SP 3187 8449] | 6.10 | 1960 |
(SP38SW/672) | KERSLEY COL.CARBONISATION PLANT BH2 | [SP 3198 8436] | 6.10 | 1960 |
(SP38SW/673) | KERSLEY COL.CARBONISATION PLANT BH3 | [SP 3195 8433] | 6.10 | 1960 |
(SP38SW/674) | KERSLEY COL.CARBONISATION PLANT BH4 | [SP 3198 8430] | 7.77 | 1960 |
(SP38SW/675) | KERSLEY COL.CARBONISATION PLANT BH5 | [SP 3199 8125] | 4.80 | 1960 |
(SP38SW/676) | KERSLEY COL.CARBONISATION PLANT BH6 | [SP 3194 8428] | 6.17 | 1960 |
(SP38SW/677) | KERSLEY COL.CARBONISATION PLANT BH7 | [SP 3196 8423] | 6.10 | 1960 |
(SP38SW/678) | KERSLEY COL.CARBONISATION PLANT BH8 | [SP 3188 8428] | 6.10 | 1960 |
(SP38SW/679) | KERSLEY COL.CARBONISATION PLANT BH9 | [SP 3190 8425] | 6.10 | 1960 |
(SP38SW/680) | KERSLEY COL.CARBONISATION PLANT BH10 | [SP 3193 8420] | 6.10 | 1960 |
(SP38SW/681) | KERSLEY COL.CARBONISATION PLANT BH11 | [SP 3194 8446] | 6.11 | 1961 |
(SP38SW/682) | KERSLEY COL.CARBONISATION PLANT BH12 | [SP 3187 8439] | 5.56 | 1961 |
(SP38SW/683) | KERSLEY COL.CARBONISATION PLANT BH13 | [SP 3208 8418] | 5.54 | 1961 |
(SP38SW/684) | KERSLEY COL.CARBONISATION PLANT BH14 | [SP 3195 8412] | 5.94 | 1961 |
(SP38SW/685) | KERSLEY COL.CARBONISATION PLANT BH15 | [SP 3214 8406] | 5.69 | 1961 |
(SP38SW/686) | KERSLEY COL.CARBONISATION PLANT BH16 | [SP 3204 8430] | 12.19 | 1961 |
Detailed logs of non-confidential boreholes may be examined at the BGS National Geosciences Data Centre, Keyworth, by prior appointment, and on payment of the current fee. c Denotes confidential record, details of which may only be released by permission of the original source.
Figures and tables
(Figure 1) Area of this report relative to area of whole contract is shown with bold outline
(Figure 2) Comparative Westphalian successions in cored borehole
(Figure 3) Comparative Halesowen Formation successions
(Figure 4) Comparative borehole sections in Coventry Sandstone
(Figure 5) Structure of the Carboniferous Rocks
(Figure 6) Rockhead elevation at the base of the drift and thickness of drift
(Table 3) Water abstraction data for major licenced wells in 1984. (Source: Severn-Trent Water Authority, 1986). CS = Coventry Sandstone, KF = Keele Formation, Ml/d = megalitres per day (1 Ml/d = 9164 gallons per hour).