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Category Title Sheet
Offshore regional reportsGeology of the Faroe-Shetland Basin and adjacent areas, British Geological Survey report
Offshore regional reportsGeology of the Rockall Basin and adjacent areas
Offshore regional reportsThe geology of the northern North Sea1
Offshore regional reportsThe geology of the Hebrides and West Shetland shelves, and adjacent deep-water areas2
Offshore regional reportsThe geology of the Moray Firth3
Offshore regional reportsGeology of the Malin-Hebrides sea area4
Offshore regional reportsThe geology of the central North Sea5
Offshore regional reportsThe geology of the Irish Sea6
Offshore regional reportsThe geology of the southern North Sea7
Offshore regional reportsThe geology of Cardigan Bay and the Bristol Channel8
Offshore regional reportsThe geology of the western English Channel and its western approaches9
Offshore regional reportsThe geology of the English Channel10