BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for West Shetland and South Shetland ? (126)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section S15327 Flett,J.S. * Not entered 'Original entry: Ashy Sandstone'
Bressay Neck, on Noss Sound
thin section S27483 Knox,J. * Not entered Not entered
Shore, 410 yds N 38 deg E of Gungstie, Noss
thin section S27540 Flett,J.S. * Not entered Not entered
thin section S27541 Flett,J.S. * Not entered Not entered
thin section S27542 Flett,J.S. * Not entered Not entered
thin section S27787 Knox,J. * Not entered Not entered
250 yds W of brough in Loch of Brindister
thin section S27788 Knox,J. * Not entered Not entered
250 yds SE of Toogs
thin section S27789 Knox,J. * Not entered Not entered
500 yds W 5 deg N of Okraquoy
thin section S27790 Knox,J. * Not entered Not entered
350 yds E 10 deg N of Point of Muckle Ayre
thin section S27791 Knox,J. * Not entered Not entered
Roadside 1600 yds N 5 deg E of Bridge of Fitch
thin section S27792 Knox,J. * Not entered Not entered
S end of Holm 230 yds E 17 deg N of N Voxter
thin section S27793 Knox,J. * Not entered Not entered
Roadside 200 yds N 5 deg E of Gott
thin section S56229, COLLNOYC2318, Mykura,W. * Not entered 'Original entry: Calcareous Sandstone'
Bressay, Rules Ness, 530 yds SSE of N end of Fugla Skerry
thin section S53651, COLLNOYW565, May,F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Microaugen Gneiss'
10 yds E of outflow of Loch of Garth
thin section S54218, COLLNOYC1858, Mykura,W. * Not entered 'Original entry: Sandstone'
Cliff base, NW shore of Geo of Uin, 530 yds ESE of Braefield
thin section S54219, COLLNOYC1860, Mykura,W. * Not entered 'Original entry: ?Granite, Pebble From Conglomerate'
Mouth of Burn of Rait, 470 yds ESE of Braefield
thin section S54220, COLLNOYC1863, Mykura,W. * Not entered 'Original entry: Sandstone'
E shore, 1450 yds NE of Braefield
thin section S54221, COLLNOYC1878, Mykura,W. * Not entered 'Original entry: Sandstone'
NW coast of Troni Geo, 700 yds SSE of Hoswick
thin section S54804, COLLNOYW721, May,F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Ultrabasic Rock'
450 yds W 14 deg S of Head of Seli Geo
thin section S55038, COLLNOYW665, May,F. * Not entered 'Original entry: Epidiorite'
Crag, 560 yds due W of S tip of Njugals Water

Showing 121 - 140 of 694