BGS rock collections - Search results

Map sheet search for West Shetland and South Shetland ? (126)

Sample ids Donor Year Rock name
thin section S27791 Knox,J. * Not entered Not entered
Roadside 1600 yds N 5 deg E of Bridge of Fitch
thin section S27792 Knox,J. * Not entered Not entered
S end of Holm 230 yds E 17 deg N of N Voxter
thin section S27793 Knox,J. * Not entered Not entered
Roadside 200 yds N 5 deg E of Gott
thin section S56229, COLLNOYC2318, Mykura,W. * Not entered 'Original entry: Calcareous Sandstone'
Bressay, Rules Ness, 530 yds SSE of N end of Fugla Skerry
thin section S29577 Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
W side of bay, NW of North Havra
thin section S29578, S29578/A, Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
0.5 mile SW of Hamnavoe, W Burra
thin section S29580 Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
The Heugg, S end of W Burra
thin section S29581 Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
S end of W Burra, opposite Fugla Stack
thin section S29582 Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
W coast of South Havra
thin section S29583, S29583/A, Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
West Skerry
thin section S29584, S29584/A, S29584/B, Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
West Skerry
thin section S29586 Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
Coast 0.33 mile N of Papil, W Burra
thin section S29587 Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
Coast, NE side of The Haas
thin section S29588, S29588/A, Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
Pund Voe, 1 mile WSW of Scalloway
thin section S29589, S29589/A, Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
100 yd SE of road, W side of Dales Voe
thin section S29593 Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
W side of The Green Holm
thin section S29597 Wilson, George Victor * Not entered Not entered
West side of Hoy
thin section S29630 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
Coast 520 yds E 30 deg N of North Stany Hill, Lerwick
thin section S29631 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
Coast 520 yds E 30 deg N of North Stany Hill, Lerwick
thin section S29632 Phemister,J. * Not entered Not entered
"Burnt mound", Beosetter, Bressay

Showing 81 - 100 of 694