Environmental baseline monitoring in Lancashire – Real-time monitoring data


Air composition Groundwater quality Seismicity


BGS data overlay

Base map

Hydrogeology key
Rocks with essentially no groundwater
Aquifers with significant intergranular flow
Highly productive aquifer
Moderately productive aquifer
Low productivity aquifer
Aquifers in which flow is virtually all through fractures and other discontinuities
Highly productive aquifer
Moderately productive aquifer
Low productivity aquifer
Bedrock geology key
Triassic Rocks (undifferentiated) - Mudstone, Siltstone and Sandstone
Triassic Rocks (undifferentiated) - Sandstone and Conglomerate, Interbedded
Permian Rocks (undifferentiated) - Mudstone, Siltstone and Sandstone
Permian Rocks (undifferentiated) - Sandstone and Conglomerate, Interbedded
Pennine Lower Coal Measures Formation and South Wales Lower Coal Measures Formation (undifferentiated) - Mudstone, Siltstone, Sandstone, Coal, Ironstone and Ferricrete
Millstone Grit Group - Mudstone, Siltstone And Sandstone
Bowland High Group And Craven Group (undifferentiated) - Limestone
Bowland High Group And Craven Group (undifferentiated) - Mudstone, Siltstone and Sandstone
Dinantian Rocks (undifferentiated) - Limestone with Subordinate Sandstone and Argillaceous Rocks
Superficial geology key
Alluvium - Clay, Silt and Sand
Blown Sand - Sand and Gravel
Glacial Sand and Gravel - Sand and Gravel
Peat - Peat
Raised Marine Deposits - Sand and Gravel
River Terrace Deposits (undifferentiated) - Sand and Gravel
Till - Diamicton
Indicative radon map
Less than 1%
1 – 3%
3 – 5%
5 – 10%
10 – 30%
Greater than 30%
The indicative radon map shows radon Affected Areas on a 1km grid. The darker the colour the greater the chance of a higher level.
The chance is less than one home in a hundred in the white areas and greater than one in three in the darkest areas.

Further details

Find out more about Environmental baseline monitoring in Lancashire

Air composition

Real-time data from the CEDA Archive and Wolfson Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratory (WACL)

More information and data can be found from the CEDA Archive and WACL data portal.

Further details

Find out more about the Atmospheric composition in Lancashire

Groundwater quality

These data are provided live to the website. No quality assurance or data validation has been carried out and the data may include anomalies related to sensor maintenance, calibration or malfunction. Final validated datasets may be subject to change.

Download sensor data

The data are made available under the Non-commercial Government Licence, subject to the following acknowledgement accompanying the reproduced BGS materials: "Contains British Geological Survey materials ©NERC [year]".
You must contact BGS Enquiries if you wish to use this data commercially.

Downloads are available as yearly ZIP files each containing 1-12 months of CSV data for all the measurements from a sensor. The latest download will be updated weekly.

Further details

For further details please see Groundwater monitoring in Lancashire


The images show a day of seismic data for a single channel. Each horizontal line is 30 minutes long with the start time given on the left axis and each vertical line marking one minute. The times are in UTC (or GMT) and so are an hour behind local time in summer.

The colours are simply to make interpretation easier. Seismic activity is shown when a line goes from flat to moving up and down. This is most likely to be something local to the station - a passing tractor or large animal. Earthquakes are distinct because they cause activity on several stations at the same time.

Seismic Stations
Station CodeStation NameReal-time Seismograms *
* Click a date to view the Helicorder trace for the day

UK seismic network map

Further details

For further details please see our Seismic Monitoring pages.

Radon Data

Indicative radon map

The indicative radon map shows radon Affected Areas on a 1km grid. The darker the colour the greater the chance of a higher level.

The chance is less than one home in a hundred in the white areas and greater than one in three in the darkest areas.

Key to indicative radon map
Less than 1%
1 – 3%
3 – 5%
5 – 10%
10 – 30%
Greater than 30%

Further details

For further details please see Monitoring radon in air